UID NAME YPS1009 aneuploid wt vs YPS1009 euploid wt AVG n=4 YPS1009 euploid ssd1 vs YPS1009 euploid wt AVG n=4 YPS1009 aneuploid ssd1 vs YPS1009 aneuploid wt AVG n=4 x WA1 aneuploid wt vs WA1 euploid wt AVG n=3 WA1 euploid ssd1 vs WA1 euploid wt AVG n=3 WA1 aneuploid ssd1 vs WA1 aneuploid wt AVG n=3 x W303_4n vs W303_2n AVG n=3 (Hose et al) W303 Disome8 vs W303 euploid AVG n=2 "W303 Disome8, 15 vs W303 euploid AVG n=2" "W303 Disome8, 10, 16 AVG n=2" x UID Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis I (A12683) batch RNA 1 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis I (A12683) batch RNA 2 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis I (A6863) batch RNA 1 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis I (A6863) batch RNA 2 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis II (A12685) batch RNA 1 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis II (A12685) batch RNA 2 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis II (A6865) batch RNA 1 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis II (A6865) batch RNA 2 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis IV (A12687) batch RNA 1 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis IV (A12687) batch RNA 2 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis V (A14479) batch RNA 1 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis VIII (A13628) batch RNA 1 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis VIII (A13628) batch RNA 2 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis VIII and XIV (A15615) batch RNA 1 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis VIII and XIV (A15615) batch RNA 2 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis IX (A13975) batch RNA 1 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis IX (A13975) batch RNA 2 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis X (A12689) batch RNA 1 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis X (A12689) batch RNA 2 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis X (A6869) batch RNA 1 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis X (A6869) batch RNA 2 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis XI (A13771) batch RNA 1 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis XI (A13771) batch RNA 2 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis XI and XV (A12691) batch RNA 1 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis XI and XV (A12691) batch RNA 2 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis XI and XVI (A12699) batch RNA 1 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis XI and XVI (A12699) batch RNA 2 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis XII (A12693) batch RNA 1 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis XII (A12693) batch RNA 2 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis XIII (A12695) batch RNA 1 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis XIII (A12695) batch RNA 2 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis XIV (A13979) batch RNA 1 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis XIV (A13979) batch RNA 2 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis XV (A12697) batch RNA 1 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis XV (A12697) batch RNA 2 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis XVI (A12700) batch RNA 1 Torres 2007 - Fig 1AB: Dis XVI (A12700) batch RNA 2 YAL017W YAL017W ... PSK1 protein amino acid phosphoryla protein serine/threonine kinase actcytoplasm | YAL018C -0.463656207 -0.099603092 0.455746035 x 0.009180744 0.469427824 0.404384918 x 0.64094 -0.204318585 0.276021394 0.445129222 x YAL017W 0.767055735 0.776085633 0.503956978 0.761083273 -0.041117985 0.092369377 0.044738006 -0.04044956 0.509881931 0.450951162 -0.292724882 -0.04515721 -0.108529883 0.317722623 0.297571327 -0.149448674 -0.135460865 -0.099952381 -0.113539406 -0.113008104 4.08E-05 0.200882153 -0.069102252 0.159628459 0.455041199 0.054563191 -0.065689008 -0.054478157 -0.261932849 0.190067103 0.644774848 0.352242339 0.248089055 0.161524939 0.619584753 0.838581462 0.152196189 YAL028W YAL028W ... FRT2 response to stress molecular function unknown endoplasmic reticulum | YAL029C -0.283970451 -0.275850825 1.098589296 x 0.094037336 1.141407615 1.630635454 x 2.539099 -0.283788956 0.038734276 0.566749721 x YAL028W 0.628077893 0.807107791 0.194979136 0.662105431 -0.220095827 -0.276608465 -0.004239836 -0.439427402 0.310904089 0.23197332 -0.241702724 0.055864948 -0.167507725 0.158744781 -0.041406515 0.001573484 -0.014438707 -0.348930223 -0.372517248 0.028014054 -0.108937009 -0.078095689 -0.198080094 0.200650617 0.416063357 -0.314414651 0.18533315 0.216544001 -0.030910691 -0.048910739 0.425797006 -0.126735503 -0.120888787 0.182547097 0.620606911 0.30960362 -0.156781653 YAL034C YAL034C ... FUN19 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YAL034W-A -0.756738009 -0.582534578 1.386925103 x -0.045668437 -0.527236703 0.350540457 x 1.158942667 0.002257693 0.637376561 0.353717146 x YAL034C 0.827055735 1.206085633 0.823956978 0.791083273 0.018882015 0.232369377 -0.025261994 0.26955044 0.489881931 0.780951162 0.017275118 -0.09515721 0.331470117 -0.162277377 -0.072428673 -0.239448674 -0.305460865 -0.049952381 -0.053539406 -0.303008104 -0.189959167 0.440882153 -0.089102252 0.099628459 0.195041199 -0.115436809 -0.125689008 0.245521843 0.258067151 0.220067103 0.664774848 0.162242339 -0.161910945 0.111524939 0.399584753 0.528581462 0.012196189 YAL053W YAL053W Ö FLC2 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Putative FAD transporter; required for uptake of FAD into endoplasmic reticulum; involved in cell wall maintenanceYAL054C 0.263866222 0.699762353 0.921716403 x 0.104559744 0.642763773 0.4174968 x 0.284668333 0.011408889 1.022609005 1.373450442 x YAL053W 0.934555735 1.103585633 1.071456978 1.058583273 0.086382015 0.189869377 0.122238006 0.22705044 0.307381931 0.458451162 0.354775118 0.13234279 0.058970117 0.025222623 -0.074928673 0.248051326 -0.047960865 0.137547619 0.203960594 0.214491896 0.077540833 0.688382153 0.068397748 0.437128459 0.722541199 0.282063191 0.431810992 0.703021843 0.705567151 -0.172432897 0.532274848 0.009742339 -0.344410945 0.559024939 0.487084753 0.656081462 0.489696189 YAL054C YAL054C ... ACS1 acetyl-CoA biosynthesis* acetate-CoA ligase activity mitochondrion* | YAL055W -1.472576268 -0.37432551 2.809965381 x -0.092734495 0.885791584 0.691606774 x 0.49847 0.223839629 2.038419674 1.017526879 x YAL054C 0.587055735 0.826085633 0.563956978 0.671083273 -0.421117985 -0.177630623 0.384738006 0.04955044 1.429881931 1.870951162 0.197275118 0.11484279 -0.168529883 0.017722623 0.337571327 -0.069448674 -0.015460865 -0.269952381 0.086460594 -0.053008104 -0.099959167 0.510882153 0.190897748 0.589628459 0.755041199 -0.085436809 -0.075689008 0.025521843 0.128067151 0.130067103 0.814774848 -0.257757661 0.048089055 0.471524939 0.349584753 0.148581462 -0.017803811 YAL060W "YAL060W ... BDH1 butanediol fermentation ""(R,R)-butanediol dehydrogenase acti""cytoplasm | YAL061W" 0.031643967 0.0164486 0.338847025 x -0.098072526 0.334786123 1.136216908 x 0.308501667 -0.113675986 -1.11177857 0.191849674 x YAL060W 0.854555735 0.793585633 0.501456978 0.638583273 -0.493617985 -0.730130623 -0.117761994 -0.21294956 0.567381931 0.458451162 0.574775118 0.02234279 -0.091029883 -0.164777377 -0.084928673 -0.131948674 -0.107960865 -0.352452381 -0.256039406 -0.735508104 -0.702459167 -0.081617847 -0.171602252 0.237128459 0.422541199 -0.307936809 -0.568189008 -0.116978157 -0.214432849 0.347567103 0.662274848 0.199742339 0.145589055 0.269024939 0.307084753 -0.173918538 -0.210303811 YAL061W "YAL061W Ö iESR cluster BDH2 biological process unknown ""oxidoreductase activity, acti | Putative medium-chain alcohol dehydrogenase with similarity to BDH1; transcription induced by constitutively active PDR1 and PDR3; BDH2 is an essential geneYAL062W" 0.087938528 -0.677915098 1.921203784 x 0.429252856 0.481225069 1.054366415 x 1.656127667 -0.384026749 1.620388462 0.883599254 x YAL061W 0.699555735 1.288585633 0.496456978 0.833583273 -0.238617985 -0.035130623 1.277238006 0.92205044 0.432381931 0.783451162 0.989775118 -0.52265721 -0.616029883 0.370222623 0.350071327 0.073051326 0.167039135 -0.427452381 -0.341039406 -0.050508104 -0.147459167 -0.186617847 -0.716602252 -1.597871541 -1.112458801 -0.792936809 -0.803189008 -0.091978157 0.030567151 0.162567103 1.007274848 0.434742339 0.510589055 -0.195975061 -0.127915247 0.631081462 0.404696189 YAL062W YAL062W ... GDH3 glutamate biosynthesis glutamate dehydrogenase activity nucleus* | YAL063C #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.263419636 0.821899308 1.630635456 x 1.342659667 -0.330663476 -0.017822906 0.581306738 x YAL062W 0.594555735 1.473585633 0.941456978 0.948583273 -0.013617985 0.379869377 1.552238006 0.67705044 2.577381931 2.838451162 0.484775118 0.80234279 0.388970117 0.965222623 1.155071327 0.778051326 0.582039135 -0.352452381 0.643960594 0.684491896 0.347540833 0.698382153 0.148397748 0.727128459 1.042541199 0.212063191 0.231810992 1.103021843 1.065567151 0.397567103 1.532274848 0.819742339 0.605589055 0.889024939 1.167084753 0.646081462 0.359696189 YAL063C YAL063C ... FLO9 flocculation (sensu Saccharomy mannose binding cell wall (sensu Fungi) | YAL063C-A -0.17295811 -0.543025409 0.228213559 x 0.058513448 2.728166596 4.009078879 x 0.878880333 0.153234723 0.350486223 0.591936298 x YAL063C 0.708077893 0.127107791 0.554979136 #VALUE! 0.029904173 0.243391535 #VALUE! 2.340572598 2.190904089 2.13197332 0.218297276 0.695864948 0.502492275 0.648744781 0.578593485 0.251573484 -0.034438707 0.521069777 0.477482752 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.781904311 -0.308080094 #VALUE! 0.076063357 0.155585349 0.15533315 0.776544001 1.119089309 0.011089261 0.715797006 0.733264497 0.039111213 0.612547097 0.480606911 0.41960362 0.083218347 YAL065C YAL065C ... YAL065C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YAL066W #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.650934794 3.207861433 3.987315471 x 0.3138265 1.03506893 #DIV/0! 1.242219109 x YAL065C #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YAR035W YAR035W ... YAT1 alcohol metabolism* carnitine O-acetyltransferase activmitochondrion | YAR042W -0.852921025 0.313945215 0.932687759 x 0.352148151 2.271399137 1.84811357 x 0.092066 0.176162448 0.627224155 0.725755352 x YAR035W 0.217055735 0.706085633 0.533956978 0.861083273 -0.431117985 -0.037630623 0.614738006 0.67955044 0.509881931 0.990951162 0.697275118 0.27484279 0.101470117 0.637722623 0.857571327 0.570551326 0.574539135 0.130047619 0.696460594 0.776991896 0.540040833 1.220882153 0.900897748 0.539628459 0.805041199 0.504563191 0.504310992 0.295521843 0.358067151 -0.359932897 0.374774848 0.392242339 0.608089055 0.371524939 0.459584753 0.168581462 0.192196189 YAR050W YAR050W ... FLO1 flocculation (sensu Saccharomy mannose binding cell wall (sensu Fungi) | YAR053W 0.130691916 -0.363200695 0.028408133 x -0.105832422 1.585794265 3.589452653 x 0.519064333 0.209665357 0.251067377 0.13577008 x YAR050W 0.277055735 0.486085633 0.173956978 0.251083273 -0.341117985 0.092369377 0.304738006 0.23955044 2.329881931 2.540951162 0.497275118 0.07484279 -0.148529883 0.857722623 0.897571327 0.160551326 0.064539135 -0.059952381 0.236460594 0.096991896 0.060040833 0.870882153 -0.039102252 0.189628459 0.255041199 0.084563191 0.164310992 0.655521843 0.818067151 -0.249932897 0.524774848 0.712242339 0.488089055 0.331524939 0.839584753 1.208581462 0.362196189 YBL004W YBL004W ... UTP20 35S primary transcript process snoRNA binding cytoplasm* | YBL005W 0.277581357 -0.288142271 -0.509261904 x -0.002317372 -0.317184022 -0.292721457 x -0.538535 0.100127891 -0.382329996 -0.287628734 x YBL004W -0.115444265 -0.056414367 0.411456978 0.148583273 0.906382015 0.919869377 0.422238006 0.41705044 -1.512618069 -1.081548838 -0.695224882 -0.21765721 0.058970117 -0.244777377 -0.164928673 -0.351948674 -0.227960865 -0.162452381 -0.136039406 -0.115508104 -0.112459167 -0.251617847 -0.101602252 -0.512871541 -0.737458801 -0.217936809 -0.388189008 -0.156978157 0.035567151 -0.402432897 -0.727725152 -0.100257661 -0.274410945 -0.280975061 -0.362915247 -0.323918538 -0.200303811 YBL015W YBL015W ... ACH1 acetate metabolism* acetyl-CoA hydrolase activity mitochondrion* | YBL016W -1.210584537 0.203318993 0.743853554 x 0.331983064 1.187760659 0.414437828 x -0.283342333 0.258428382 0.281211203 0.696624664 x YBL015W -0.097944265 0.171085633 -0.201043022 -0.083916727 0.823882015 0.787369377 1.359738006 1.39455044 0.264881931 0.635951162 -0.207724882 0.24984279 0.226470117 0.332722623 0.212571327 0.225551326 0.189539135 -0.144952381 0.181460594 -0.278008104 -0.414959167 0.925882153 0.225897748 0.094628459 0.560041199 -0.260436809 -0.450689008 -0.099478157 -0.166932849 0.265067103 1.209774848 0.507242339 0.123089055 0.436524939 1.014584753 0.373581462 -0.112803811 YBL032W YBL032W ... HEK2 telomerase-dependent telomere mRNA binding cytoplasm* | YBL033C -0.755014203 -0.521877005 -0.285964756 x -0.196884318 -0.209584278 -0.474955335 x -1.022543667 -0.344179882 -0.738932129 -0.446974357 x YBL032W -0.305444265 -0.146414367 -0.348543022 -0.161416727 0.586382015 0.549869377 0.362238006 0.27705044 -1.832618069 -1.101548838 -1.115224882 -0.18765721 -0.271029883 -0.364777377 -0.534928673 -0.251948674 -0.467960865 -0.262452381 -0.126039406 -0.505508104 -0.282459167 -0.001617847 -0.531602252 -1.152871541 -0.907458801 -0.597936809 -0.208189008 -0.836978157 -0.584432849 -0.692432897 -0.267725152 -0.070257661 -0.474410945 -0.630975061 -0.212915247 -0.023918538 -0.160303811 YBL039C YBL039C PAC cluster URA7 phospholipid biosynthesis* CTP synthase activity cytosol | YBL039W-B 0.369625788 -0.559169848 -0.565704835 x 0.070387423 -0.380064268 -0.239233865 x -0.995692333 0.05713217 -0.52301835 -0.618413999 x YBL039C 0.092055735 0.011085633 0.188956978 0.136083273 0.983882015 1.017369377 0.529738006 0.47455044 -1.395118069 -1.014048838 -0.717724882 -0.51015721 0.036470117 -0.157277377 -0.147428673 -0.314448674 -0.010460865 0.135047619 -0.008539406 -0.068008104 0.075040833 -0.574117847 0.125897748 0.224628459 -0.429958801 0.149563191 -0.030689008 -0.069478157 0.033067151 -0.154932897 -0.980225152 -0.382757661 -0.186910945 -0.143475061 -0.455415247 -0.686418538 -0.352803811 YBL048W "YBL048W Ö RRT1 | Identified in a screen for mutants with increased levels of rDNA transcription; dubious open reading frame unlikely to encode a protein, based on experimental and comparative sequence dataYBL049W" #N/A #N/A #N/A x -0.440852057 1.472350414 2.755312928 x 1.7175035 -0.511806392 4.11715109 3.686623964 x YBL048W -0.367944265 0.481085633 -0.161043022 -0.163916727 1.163882015 1.457369377 3.049738006 3.32455044 3.724881931 3.875951162 2.702275118 0.26984279 -0.533529883 2.182722623 2.742571327 0.955551326 0.989539135 -0.484952381 0.111460594 -0.038008104 -0.404959167 1.305882153 0.625897748 2.374628459 2.400041199 0.429563191 0.999310992 -0.229478157 0.053067151 0.945067103 2.069774848 1.997242339 2.153089055 1.416524939 1.464584753 1.203581462 0.097196189 YBL049W YBL049W iESR cluster MOH1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YBL050W #N/A #N/A #N/A x -0.824258498 1.769974606 3.959528328 x 2.563294667 0.111740039 2.268202328 2.891087446 x YBL049W 0.186728617 0.775758515 2.04362986 #VALUE! 1.408554897 1.942042259 4.254410888 3.369223322 3.789554813 3.900624044 3.576948 0.274515672 -0.368857002 3.207395505 3.607244209 1.580224208 1.734212017 -0.1502795 0.436133476 #VALUE! #VALUE! 2.390555035 #VALUE! 2.639301341 2.674714081 0.604236073 1.533983874 -0.314805276 0.157740033 1.309739985 2.32444773 3.041915221 2.957761937 1.661197821 1.739257635 1.468254344 0.371869071 YBL054W YBL054W Ö PAC cluster TOD6 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Protein involved in rRNA and ribosome biogenesis; binds polymerase A and C motif; subunit of the RPD3L histone deacetylase complex; similar to Dot6p; contains chromatin specific SANT domainYBL055C 0.31938303 -0.412642231 -0.750966067 x 0.106780125 0.077242529 0.107399667 x -0.268795667 0.012514804 -0.029042895 0.217212572 x YBL054W 0.139555735 0.008585633 0.066456978 -0.116416727 0.951382015 1.094869377 0.107238006 -0.03794956 -0.137618069 -0.246548838 -0.600224882 -0.55265721 0.413970117 -0.399777377 -0.289928673 -0.456948674 -0.182960865 0.242547619 0.118960594 -0.220508104 -0.007459167 -0.466617847 -0.046602252 0.112128459 -0.072458801 0.327063191 0.126810992 -0.001978157 -0.159432849 -0.057432897 -0.532725152 -0.445257661 -0.179410945 -0.035975061 -0.397915247 -0.308918538 -0.075303811 YBL064C YBL064C iESR cluster PRX1 regulation of cell redox homeo thioredoxin peroxidase activity mitochondrion | YBL065W -0.803641804 -0.355169835 1.063782984 x 1.006876757 1.30812493 1.321888397 x 1.914158 0.409307525 1.053155354 0.934643754 x YBL064C 0.037055735 -0.153914367 -0.386043022 -0.178916727 1.868882015 1.752369377 2.254738006 2.15955044 3.279881931 2.770951162 0.257275118 0.81484279 0.571470117 0.977722623 0.927571327 0.240551326 0.304539135 -0.029952381 -0.033539406 -0.093008104 -0.249959167 0.200882153 0.150897748 0.619628459 1.025041199 0.504563191 0.534310992 0.125521843 -0.081932849 1.820067103 2.014774848 0.172242339 0.428089055 0.491524939 0.349584753 0.878581462 0.702196189 YBL068W YBL068W PAC cluster PRS4 histidine biosynthesis* ribose-phosphate diphosphokinase accytoplasm | YBL069W -0.123633779 -0.315044086 -0.398303955 x -0.025689124 0.15412765 -0.053778301 x -0.795802667 -0.286627854 -0.699895482 -0.334213381 x YBL068W 0.137055735 0.136085633 0.173956978 0.151083273 1.048882015 1.092369377 0.864738006 0.87955044 -0.530118069 -0.489048838 -0.152724882 -0.37515721 0.241470117 -0.382277377 -0.302428673 -0.239448674 -0.055460865 -0.129952381 -0.183539406 -0.133008104 -0.049959167 -0.239117847 -0.129102252 -0.000371541 -0.154958801 -0.225436809 -0.565689008 0.275521843 0.208067151 -0.039932897 -0.245225152 -0.447757661 -0.441910945 0.001524939 -0.040415247 -0.571418538 -0.467803811 YBL069W YBL069W ... AST1 protein-membrane targeting molecular function unknown extrinsic to membrane | YBL070C -0.378837268 -0.984637668 -0.432710845 x -0.248887037 -0.062993401 -0.140842068 x -0.589039 -0.160646666 -0.888343385 -0.10953406 x YBL069W 0.464555735 0.323585633 -0.348543022 -0.291416727 1.056382015 0.849869377 0.112238006 2.20705044 -0.432618069 -0.471548838 -0.815224882 -0.35765721 0.498970117 -0.304777377 -0.464928673 -0.221948674 -0.137960865 -0.362452381 -0.416039406 -0.685508104 -0.542459167 0.008382153 -0.321602252 -0.502871541 -0.617458801 0.272063191 -0.848189008 -0.036978157 -0.084432849 0.317567103 0.102274848 -0.090257661 -0.164410945 0.009024939 -0.042915247 0.196081462 0.059696189 YBL075C YBL075C iESR cluster SSA3 response to stress* ATPase activity cytosol | YBL076C 0.101427972 -0.830127695 0.114114686 x -0.043756819 0.101557784 0.929496157 x 0.245917667 -0.028901 1.854129933 0.357524828 x YBL075C -0.182944265 0.136085633 -0.106043022 -0.118916727 0.698882015 1.042369377 1.394738006 1.31955044 2.159881931 2.080951162 -0.062724882 -0.17515721 -0.108529883 1.237722623 1.157571327 0.070551326 0.054539135 0.120047619 0.946460594 0.196991896 -0.019959167 0.170882153 -0.209102252 -0.200371541 -0.054958801 -0.265436809 0.214310992 -0.104478157 -0.011932849 -0.619932897 -0.275225152 0.582242339 0.508089055 -0.308475061 -0.090415247 0.578581462 -0.147803811 YBL078C YBL078C iESR cluster ATG8 protein-vacuolar targeting* microtubule binding autophagic vacuole* | YBL079W -0.850783473 -1.022479597 1.58909088 x 0.195372731 1.048038308 1.749911074 x 1.302774 -0.251390311 0.214891954 1.970747141 x YBL078C 0.249555735 0.188585633 0.046456978 0.133583273 1.661382015 1.614869377 2.307238006 2.81205044 3.272381931 2.383451162 1.409775118 0.62734279 0.223970117 1.380222623 1.380071327 0.903051326 0.787039135 0.152547619 0.158960594 0.449491896 0.202540833 0.293382153 0.353397748 2.042128459 1.947541199 1.177063191 1.406810992 1.128021843 0.720567151 1.352567103 1.437274848 0.514742339 0.820589055 1.234024939 1.042084753 0.821081462 0.674696189 YBR001C "YBR001C ... NTH2 response to stress* ""alpha,alpha-trehalase activity"" cytoplasm* | YBR002C" -0.618734157 -0.17320742 0.750672035 x -0.178595097 0.94286713 1.426500458 x 0.627448667 -0.287119743 -0.628639856 0.111927564 x YBR001C -0.145444265 0.023585633 -0.268543022 -0.221416727 1.176382015 1.159869377 1.052238006 1.24705044 0.607381931 0.748451162 0.314775118 0.38234279 0.268970117 0.705222623 0.405071327 0.308051326 0.202039135 -0.132452381 -0.096039406 -0.175508104 -0.352459167 0.588382153 0.188397748 0.277128459 0.602541199 0.092063191 0.231810992 -0.156978157 -0.354432849 0.107567103 0.512274848 0.629742339 0.465589055 0.239024939 0.317084753 0.236081462 -0.000303811 YBR006W YBR006W iESR cluster UGA2 response to oxidative stress* succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenascytoplasm | YBR007C -0.072479471 0.105389737 0.498146654 x 0.293863105 1.095235057 1.026258303 x 0.54034 0.189127022 0.876517918 1.150587718 x YBR006W -0.165444265 -0.216414367 -0.288543022 -0.141416727 0.966382015 0.799869377 1.112238006 1.10705044 0.557381931 0.878451162 -0.035224882 -0.27765721 -0.251029883 -1.244777377 -0.714928673 -0.441948674 -0.167960865 -0.842452381 -0.626039406 -0.545508104 -0.862459167 -0.071617847 -0.411602252 0.637128459 0.702541199 -0.037936809 0.061810992 0.663021843 0.555567151 0.477567103 0.462274848 -0.950257661 -0.974410945 0.339024939 0.537084753 0.346081462 0.319696189 YBR014C YBR014C Ö GRX7 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Cis-golgi localized monothiol glutaredoxin; more similar in activity to dithiol than other monothiol glutaredoxins; involved in the oxidative stress response; does not bind metal ions; functional overlap with GRX6YBR015C -0.572464748 -0.729837344 0.405856732 x 0.071701709 0.306703506 0.770408973 x 0.050907667 0.129393474 0.198436711 0.175664113 x YBR014C 0.137055735 -0.223914367 -0.116043022 -0.048916727 0.888882015 0.932369377 0.714738006 0.70955044 0.039881931 -0.199048838 0.197275118 0.22484279 0.181470117 0.437722623 0.397571327 0.220551326 0.204539135 0.380047619 0.326460594 0.446991896 0.380040833 -0.059117847 0.140897748 0.139628459 0.235041199 0.364563191 0.414310992 0.335521843 0.338067151 0.230067103 0.084774848 0.102242339 0.228089055 -0.008475061 -0.210415247 -0.131418538 0.342196189 YBR016W YBR016W ... YBR016W response to dessication molecular function unknown plasma membrane | YBR017C -0.925356288 -0.979735739 -0.315129476 x -0.141498018 -0.469337388 -0.271168712 x 0.947891 -0.382316105 -0.241998586 -0.181407851 x YBR016W -0.330444265 -0.251414367 0.116456978 -0.006416727 0.481382015 0.654869377 0.497238006 0.61205044 -0.927618069 -0.376548838 0.289775118 -0.08265721 0.043970117 0.000222623 0.060071327 -0.106948674 -0.052960865 -0.257452381 -0.261039406 -0.130508104 -0.157459167 0.353382153 -0.056602252 -0.687871541 -0.142458801 -0.442936809 -0.453189008 -0.791978157 -0.659432849 -0.307432897 -0.002725152 0.244742339 0.160589055 -0.255975061 0.102084753 -0.198918538 -0.395303811 YBR023C YBR023C ... CHS3 cytokinesis* chitin synthase activity cytoplasm* | YBR024W 0.180575306 0.525255913 0.709267967 x 0.164293471 0.642356434 0.745738907 x 0.090435333 -0.013983687 0.155152747 0.745084676 x YBR023C -0.110444265 0.008585633 -0.083543022 -0.116416727 0.911382015 1.114869377 0.187238006 0.26205044 0.432381931 0.553451162 -0.030224882 -0.06265721 -0.086029883 -0.119777377 -0.149928673 0.053051326 -0.212960865 0.072547619 0.158960594 0.069491896 0.052540833 0.503382153 -0.176602252 0.592128459 0.727541199 -0.072936809 -0.003189008 0.818021843 0.810567151 -0.477432897 0.257274848 -0.035257661 -0.229410945 0.424024939 0.432084753 0.161081462 0.114696189 YBR026C YBR026C iESR cluster ETR1 aerobic respiration* enoyl-[acyl-carrier protein] reductmitochondrion | YBR027C -0.440566996 -0.729807938 0.618430819 x -0.051535676 1.039502015 0.965156991 x -0.070606333 -0.129669554 -0.66001071 0.594785982 x YBR026C -0.050444265 -0.311414367 -0.373543022 -0.256416727 0.951382015 0.854869377 1.077238006 1.03205044 0.982381931 0.863451162 -0.480224882 0.06734279 -0.146029883 0.060222623 7.13E-05 -0.126948674 -0.142960865 -0.017452381 -0.071039406 -0.040508104 -0.117459167 -0.256617847 -0.436602252 -0.067871541 0.317541199 -0.202936809 -0.433189008 -0.151978157 -0.299432849 0.352567103 0.397274848 -0.005257661 0.160589055 0.184024939 0.242084753 -0.088918538 0.004696189 YBR030W YBR030W Ö PAC cluster RKM3 phospholipid metabolism molecular function unknown | Ribosomal lysine methyltransferase specific for monomethylation of Rpl42ap and Rpl42bp (lysine 40); nuclear SET domain containing proteinYBR031W 0.253001028 -0.463870519 -0.582731678 x -0.062359306 -0.384066075 -0.158950437 x -0.050557333 0.062073737 -0.753823134 -0.331718845 x YBR030W 0.184555735 -0.026414367 0.161456978 0.178583273 0.946382015 0.899869377 0.752238006 0.62705044 -0.872618069 -0.661548838 -0.265224882 -0.27765721 0.118970117 0.005222623 -0.244928673 0.028051326 0.072039135 0.227547619 -0.076039406 0.104491896 0.147540833 -0.241617847 -0.151602252 -0.342871541 -0.427458801 0.202063191 -0.078189008 0.353021843 0.255567151 -0.312432897 -0.737725152 -0.050257661 -0.084410945 -0.390975061 -0.402915247 -0.113918538 0.089696189 YBR033W YBR033W ... EDS1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YBR034C #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.492836407 2.362510466 1.946548432 x 1.587781667 0.275944694 0.207493487 2.361424446 x YBR033W 0.422055735 0.511085633 -0.141043022 -0.113916727 1.113882015 1.137369377 1.409738006 1.35455044 1.574881931 1.205951162 1.452275118 0.32984279 0.306470117 1.262722623 0.972571327 0.395551326 0.579539135 -0.694952381 -0.888539406 -0.728008104 -0.994959167 0.345882153 0.475897748 1.534628459 1.130041199 0.959563191 0.909310992 0.580521843 0.353067151 0.965067103 0.729774848 0.967242339 1.423089055 0.856524939 0.784584753 0.683581462 0.687196189 YBR045C YBR045C ... GIP1 spore wall assembly (sensu Fun protein phosphatase 1 binding prospore membrane* | YBR046C 0.440671677 0.252470008 1.384289384 x 0.708549755 1.326576036 1.272716687 x 0.523384 0.391781844 0.325756189 0.175440057 x YBR045C 0.588077893 0.367107791 0.514979136 0.902105431 1.159904173 1.053391535 3.905760164 2.630572598 0.410904089 -0.14802668 0.108297276 0.475864948 0.112492275 0.118744781 -0.551406515 0.401573484 0.555561293 0.221069777 -0.112517248 0.348014054 0.271062991 -0.658095689 -0.028080094 #VALUE! -0.193936643 0.495585349 0.79533315 0.856544001 0.789089309 0.471089261 -0.274202994 -0.796735503 -0.870888787 -0.317452903 -0.669393089 -0.12039638 0.153218347 YBR046C YBR046C ... ZTA1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YBR047W -0.753239588 -0.410647384 0.952515547 x -0.337818754 -0.354342435 0.929017796 x 1.080453333 0.019097418 -0.218549079 1.030867673 x YBR046C 0.002055735 -0.088914367 -0.471043022 -0.273916727 0.853882015 0.637369377 1.449738006 1.26455044 2.184881931 1.835951162 1.112275118 0.23984279 0.416470117 0.672722623 0.602571327 -0.454448674 -0.410460865 -0.154952381 -0.098539406 -0.318008104 -0.354959167 -0.084117847 -0.044102252 0.774628459 0.970041199 -0.000436809 0.009310992 0.750521843 0.293067151 -0.064932897 0.549774848 1.007242339 0.983089055 0.576524939 0.704584753 0.253581462 0.117196189 YBR049C YBR049C ... REB1 regulation of transcription fr RNA polymerase II transcription facnucleus | YBR050C -0.26701735 -0.703297548 -0.698499537 x -0.126919114 0.021481814 0.037443483 x -0.758797333 -0.304913952 -0.481991881 -0.152910186 x YBR049C 0.154555735 -0.036414367 -0.018543022 0.028583273 0.336382015 0.309869377 -0.137761994 -0.00294956 -0.432618069 -0.411548838 -0.315224882 -0.22765721 -0.011029883 -0.254777377 -0.514928673 -0.241948674 -0.177960865 -0.052452381 -0.166039406 -0.205508104 -0.142459167 -0.371617847 -0.361602252 -0.382871541 -0.317458801 0.202063191 -0.098189008 -0.496978157 -0.624432849 0.097567103 -0.247725152 -0.360257661 -0.184410945 -0.360975061 -0.252915247 0.126081462 0.069696189 YBR052C YBR052C Ö iESR cluster RFS1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Protein of unknown function; member of a flavodoxin-like fold protein family that includes Pst2p and Ycp4p; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the cytoplasm in a punctate patternYBR053C -0.950907956 -0.170260914 0.407005371 x 0.075665354 0.57469723 0.559168097 x 0.008745333 -0.174137923 -0.493355798 0.303228571 x YBR052C 0.392055735 0.041085633 -0.151043022 -0.003916727 1.433882015 1.217369377 1.239738006 1.20455044 1.004881931 0.735951162 -0.257724882 0.18984279 -0.063529883 0.222722623 0.042571327 0.345551326 0.149539135 -0.004952381 -0.048539406 -0.238008104 -0.284959167 -0.134117847 -0.164102252 0.014628459 0.270041199 0.149563191 -0.070689008 -0.639478157 -0.756932849 0.865067103 0.729774848 0.007242339 0.193089055 0.386524939 0.264584753 0.043581462 -0.012803811 YBR053C YBR053C iESR cluster YBR053C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YBR054W -0.567728347 -0.235916811 1.127024132 x 0.007967399 0.882183139 0.803055284 x 0.377784 -0.47707973 0.242670024 0.451738153 x YBR053C 0.122055735 0.041085633 -0.481043022 -0.223916727 1.373882015 1.227369377 1.349738006 1.15455044 0.804881931 0.815951162 0.132275118 0.36984279 0.236470117 -0.207277377 -0.257428673 0.085551326 0.009539135 0.105047619 0.191460594 -0.028008104 -0.274959167 -0.034117847 -0.354102252 -0.005371541 0.500041199 0.119563191 0.049310992 0.200521843 0.043067151 0.445067103 0.969774848 0.107242339 -0.066910945 0.706524939 0.854584753 0.783581462 0.557196189 YBR054W YBR054W ... YRO2 biological process unknown molecular function unknown mitochondrion* | YBR055C -2.821284968 -0.580819832 3.251685932 x -0.027911068 1.543557908 1.71106819 x 1.935727667 0.209810804 2.428710722 1.098897987 x YBR054W -0.375444265 0.053585633 -0.538543022 -0.521416727 0.926382015 1.439869377 2.232238006 2.23705044 -0.332618069 0.508451162 -2.625224882 0.62234279 0.048970117 -1.084777377 -0.844928673 -0.591948674 -0.587960865 0.427547619 0.843960594 -0.205508104 -0.132459167 -1.901617847 -2.361602252 -3.532871541 -2.017458801 0.642063191 -0.588189008 -1.646978157 -1.094432849 1.617567103 2.352274848 -1.680257661 -1.624410945 -0.470975061 -0.202915247 1.956081462 2.029696189 YBR056W YBR056W iESR cluster YBR056W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YBR056W-A -0.017858403 0.012133432 1.037993515 x 0.436793309 1.356150261 1.115510447 x 0.680088 -0.203793861 0.246360914 0.536728413 x YBR056W 0.192055735 -0.098914367 -0.331043022 -0.213916727 1.293882015 0.977369377 1.259738006 1.09455044 1.164881931 0.775951162 0.192275118 0.38984279 0.206470117 0.492722623 0.302571327 -0.014448674 -0.200460865 0.105047619 0.021460594 0.051991896 -0.144959167 -0.464117847 -0.184102252 0.334628459 0.550041199 0.199563191 0.379310992 0.200521843 -0.036932849 0.265067103 0.559774848 0.497242339 0.673089055 0.406524939 0.424584753 0.593581462 0.497196189 YBR061C YBR061C PAC cluster TRM7 protein biosynthesis* tRNA methyltransferase activity cytoplasm | YBR062C -0.006763791 -0.930729978 -0.567899622 x -0.081218711 -0.514052023 -0.314011737 x -0.632602667 -0.165978953 -1.341366488 -0.364215872 x YBR061C 0.122055735 0.111085633 -0.131043022 -0.053916727 1.033882015 1.087369377 0.529738006 0.47455044 -1.345118069 -0.844048838 -0.287724882 -0.39015721 0.216470117 -0.227277377 -0.297428673 -0.294448674 -0.320460865 -0.094952381 -0.198539406 -0.348008104 -0.114959167 -0.224117847 0.045897748 -0.235371541 -0.429958801 -0.150436809 -0.360689008 -0.369478157 -0.236932849 -0.134932897 -0.410225152 -0.282757661 -0.406910945 -0.163475061 -0.185415247 -0.356418538 -0.302803811 YBR071W YBR071W ... YBR071W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YBR072C-A -0.01760989 -0.170365762 0.900638848 x 0.246411155 1.16063025 0.840828323 x 0.450228 -0.32485674 0.555507188 0.801816874 x YBR071W -0.030444265 0.188585633 -0.083543022 0.143583273 0.911382015 0.884869377 1.377238006 1.42205044 1.592381931 1.333451162 0.639775118 0.00734279 -0.026029883 0.370222623 0.170071327 0.173051326 0.197039135 0.062547619 0.108960594 0.249491896 0.132540833 0.473382153 0.043397748 -0.217871541 0.327541199 0.127063191 0.296810992 0.618021843 0.620567151 -0.317432897 0.677274848 0.174742339 -0.109410945 0.054024939 0.352084753 0.911081462 0.504696189 YBR072W YBR072W iESR cluster HSP26 response to stress* unfolded protein binding cytoplasm* | YBR073W 0.666292622 -0.041276347 0.922496639 x 0.619537644 1.386696188 1.023914767 x 1.123216667 0.55040461 4.972362691 3.30743672 x YBR072W 0.332055735 1.241085633 0.018956978 0.646083273 2.123882015 2.487369377 5.359738006 4.95455044 4.044881931 4.175951162 2.372275118 0.29984279 -0.283529883 2.212722623 2.652571327 2.725551326 2.449539135 -0.524952381 -0.158539406 0.361991896 0.035040833 1.035882153 0.365897748 1.484628459 1.880041199 -0.620436809 0.179310992 -0.429478157 -0.796932849 -0.144932897 0.339774848 1.497242339 1.623089055 1.206524939 1.084584753 1.723581462 -0.182803811 YBR084W "YBR084W PAC cluster MIS1 nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleo formate-tetrahydrofolate ligase actmitochondrion | YBR085C-A" -0.033293701 -0.574397609 -0.628855143 x -0.145771173 -0.276464301 -0.182369962 x -1.046479333 -0.009695075 -0.377251737 -0.172903595 x YBR084W -0.237944265 -0.088914367 -0.031043022 -0.033916727 0.683882015 0.787369377 0.579738006 0.53455044 -1.235118069 -0.884048838 -0.447724882 -0.31015721 0.236470117 -0.007277377 -0.167428673 0.035551326 0.049539135 -0.254952381 -0.268539406 -0.278008104 -0.144959167 0.025882153 0.065897748 -0.385371541 -0.529958801 -0.000436809 -0.370689008 -0.199478157 -0.166932849 -0.214932897 -0.350225152 0.067242339 -0.126910945 -0.163475061 -0.075415247 -0.056418538 0.017196189 YBR085C-A YBR085C-A ... YBR085C-A biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YBR085W -0.649843025 0.05331585 1.80779778 x 0.407004945 1.346526164 1.361245102 x 0.709503667 0.542981916 1.677196767 1.801485413 x YBR085C-A -0.265444265 0.083585633 -0.148543022 -0.211416727 1.206382015 1.509869377 1.442238006 1.37705044 1.477381931 1.558451162 0.704775118 0.68234279 0.658970117 1.035222623 0.955071327 0.338051326 0.392039135 0.067547619 0.063960594 0.014491896 -0.072459167 0.448382153 0.298397748 0.817128459 1.132541199 0.552063191 0.971810992 0.073021843 -0.104432849 0.707567103 1.452274848 0.439742339 0.235589055 0.729024939 0.927084753 1.206081462 0.869696189 YBR093C YBR093C ... PHO5 phosphate metabolism* acid phosphatase activity cell wall (sensu Fungi)* | YBR094W -1.51502062 1.091098988 2.23501661 x 0.41201377 1.310973151 1.595247988 x -3.285016667 -0.132314432 -0.893456319 -1.035641377 x YBR093C -0.075444265 0.063585633 0.341456978 0.288583273 1.166382015 0.939869377 3.322238006 3.40705044 -0.132618069 -1.161548838 -0.715224882 -0.30765721 -0.001029883 -0.744777377 -0.494928673 -0.811948674 -1.007960865 -3.052452381 -3.506039406 -2.655508104 -2.952459167 -1.271617847 -1.671602252 -2.252871541 -2.597458801 -3.547936809 -3.638189008 0.843021843 0.615567151 -1.002432897 -0.937725152 -3.920257661 -4.034410945 -2.150975061 -2.612915247 -3.423918538 -3.590303811 YBR117C YBR117C ... TKL2 pentose-phosphate shunt transketolase activity cytoplasm* | YBR118W -0.321418929 -0.864754939 3.811504699 x 1.826169737 2.497737025 0.641182713 x 1.196584333 -0.074571834 3.732153891 1.61588775 x YBR117C 0.028077893 0.687107791 -0.085020864 #VALUE! 1.409904173 1.823391535 2.165760164 2.050572598 2.300904089 2.98197332 1.428297276 0.325864948 -0.077507725 0.618744781 0.668593485 1.061573484 0.875561293 -0.278930223 0.207482752 -0.131985946 #VALUE! 0.471904311 #VALUE! 0.400650617 0.786063357 0.035585349 0.32533315 0.596544001 1.029089309 0.661089261 1.535797006 0.763264497 0.269111213 0.372547097 0.910606911 1.29960362 1.113218347 YBR126C "YBR126C iESR cluster TPS1 response to stress* ""alpha,alpha-trehalose-phosphate syn""cytoplasm* | YBR127C" -0.969528906 -0.056315602 0.977969312 x -0.00774829 0.902045696 1.219943735 x 0.777509667 -0.180845314 0.236077064 0.546532808 x YBR126C -0.140444265 -0.081414367 -0.333543022 -0.126416727 1.021382015 0.794869377 1.437238006 1.44205044 1.112381931 1.153451162 -0.160224882 0.37734279 -0.056029883 0.390222623 0.130071327 0.413051326 0.067039135 -0.167452381 0.018960594 -0.110508104 -0.377459167 0.623382153 -0.196602252 -0.127871541 0.507541199 -0.322936809 -0.263189008 -0.291978157 -0.339432849 0.342567103 1.247274848 0.644742339 0.160589055 0.444024939 0.732084753 0.431081462 0.054696189 YBR132C YBR132C ... AGP2 response to osmotic stress* amino acid transporter activity* endoplasmic reticulum membrane* | YBR133C -0.607726623 0.549244095 0.936590431 x 0.662952904 1.070370848 0.951930134 x 1.673094 0.131436616 0.321572969 1.415256655 x YBR132C -0.520444265 -0.251414367 -0.123543022 0.323583273 0.521382015 0.454869377 0.437238006 0.03205044 1.332381931 1.723451162 0.689775118 0.35734279 -0.416029883 0.770222623 0.570071327 0.583051326 0.277039135 -0.377452381 -0.091039406 0.049491896 0.072540833 0.593382153 -0.486602252 0.352128459 0.957541199 -1.042936809 -0.493189008 -0.721978157 -0.929432849 0.122567103 1.257274848 0.854742339 0.580589055 0.594024939 0.932084753 0.061081462 -0.675303811 YBR137W YBR137W ... YBR137W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YBR138C -0.511912225 -0.268009171 0.679683905 x 0.142292561 0.481613047 0.676150311 x -0.398119667 -0.455693886 0.237187898 -0.299086576 x YBR137W -0.000444265 -0.141414367 -0.183543022 0.233583273 1.111382015 1.024869377 0.697238006 0.40205044 0.382381931 0.233451162 0.409775118 0.17734279 0.183970117 -0.009777377 -0.009928673 0.033051326 0.137039135 -0.057452381 -0.071039406 0.169491896 0.012540833 0.003382153 0.263397748 -0.107871541 -0.062458801 0.257063191 0.226810992 0.338021843 0.230567151 0.232567103 0.117274848 -0.355257661 0.040589055 -0.145975061 -0.107915247 0.081081462 0.054696189 YBR139W YBR139W iESR cluster YBR139W biological process unknown carboxypeptidase C activity vacuole (sensu Fungi) | YBR140C -1.140122762 0.51073693 1.054265985 x 0.233182972 0.985202185 0.937679079 x -0.092797667 -0.107296579 0.360137745 0.761902979 x YBR139W -0.082944265 0.016085633 -0.366043022 -0.208916727 1.068882015 0.882369377 1.344738006 1.40955044 0.389881931 0.690951162 0.387275118 0.30484279 -0.258529883 0.177722623 0.067571327 0.100551326 -0.225460865 0.080047619 0.146460594 -0.003008104 -0.139959167 0.350882153 -0.339102252 -0.070371541 0.455041199 -0.395436809 -0.125689008 -0.214478157 -0.281932849 0.360067103 1.214774848 0.292242339 0.028089055 0.301524939 0.539584753 0.708581462 0.392196189 YBR147W YBR147W Ö RTC2 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Protein of unknown function; identified in a screen for mutants with decreased levels of rDNA transcription; detected in highly purified mitochondria; null mutant suppresses cdc13-1; similar to a G-protein coupled receptor from S. pombeYBR148W -0.549697981 -0.016648132 1.457062309 x -1.844776722 -0.690130556 1.30910009 x 2.568590333 0.438755984 0.289662028 1.147148293 x YBR147W 0.368077893 1.007107791 0.074979136 0.792105431 0.579904173 0.943391535 1.745760164 1.700572598 2.570904089 2.46197332 3.868297276 0.425864948 0.332492275 0.998744781 1.778593485 0.571573484 0.545561293 0.041069777 0.007482752 -0.151985946 -0.158937009 0.851904311 1.051919906 0.850650617 0.566063357 0.165585349 0.18533315 1.606544001 1.849089309 1.341089261 2.315797006 1.913264497 1.719111213 0.612547097 0.860606911 0.61960362 0.543218347 YBR148W YBR148W ... YSW1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YBR149W 0.2125781 -0.29353833 0.732693935 x 0.031190443 0.713755522 1.456532515 x 2.131891333 0.674177997 0.497308169 -0.066684262 x YBR148W -0.192944265 -0.153914367 -0.186043022 0.011083273 0.818882015 0.922369377 1.104738006 0.95955044 0.639881931 -0.179048838 0.587275118 0.01484279 0.151470117 0.537722623 0.297571327 0.280551326 0.474539135 -0.159952381 -0.193539406 0.026991896 0.260040833 -0.919117847 0.230897748 #VALUE! -0.494958801 0.404563191 0.504310992 1.105521843 0.838067151 -0.009932897 -0.375225152 -0.357757661 0.208089055 -0.448475061 -1.040415247 -0.411418538 0.622196189 YBR149W YBR149W iESR cluster ARA1 carbohydrate metabolism aldo-keto reductase activity* cytosol | YBR150C -0.172721192 -0.285912228 0.288687315 x 0.061858711 0.549572164 1.005649485 x 0.606587333 -0.234476553 -0.130996522 1.105700936 x YBR149W 0.257055735 0.076085633 -0.276043022 -0.058916727 1.258882015 1.052369377 1.384738006 1.29955044 1.399881931 1.120951162 0.247275118 0.11484279 0.061470117 0.407722623 0.257571327 -0.009448674 -0.125460865 -0.079952381 -0.143539406 -0.183008104 -0.209959167 -0.069117847 -0.229102252 0.719628459 0.955041199 -0.035436809 0.214310992 -0.114478157 -0.351932849 0.740067103 0.874774848 0.632242339 0.478089055 0.961524939 0.869584753 0.448581462 0.092196189 YBR158W YBR158W ... AMN1 negative regulation of exit fr protein binding cytoplasm* | YBR159W 0.253177659 -0.655068664 -0.889235472 x 0.154532886 -0.465916359 -0.523142381 x -0.930975 -0.489391098 -0.930821611 -0.388148925 x YBR158W -0.077944265 0.091085633 -0.301043022 -0.253916727 0.643882015 0.547369377 -0.110261994 0.01455044 -1.365118069 -0.684048838 -0.867724882 -0.34015721 0.006470117 -1.007277377 -0.897428673 -0.354448674 -0.040460865 -0.194952381 -0.088539406 -0.388008104 -0.434959167 -0.574117847 -0.274102252 -0.655371541 -0.789958801 -0.590436809 -0.960689008 -0.719478157 -0.626932849 0.125067103 -0.120225152 -0.692757661 -0.626910945 -0.043475061 -0.085415247 -0.076418538 -0.232803811 YBR169C YBR169C iESR cluster SSE2 protein folding molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YBR170C -0.601566086 -0.513592399 2.484909128 x -0.021746855 0.78002957 1.337065618 x 1.299668667 0.161336859 1.199770801 1.516569908 x YBR169C -0.307944265 -0.108914367 -0.341043022 -0.373916727 0.813882015 0.627369377 1.469738006 1.23455044 2.134881931 1.695951162 -0.357724882 0.57984279 0.176470117 0.552722623 0.152571327 0.035551326 -0.130460865 -0.724952381 -0.518539406 -0.838008104 -1.044959167 0.055882153 -0.464102252 0.004628459 0.340041199 -0.250436809 -0.020689008 -0.289478157 -0.336932849 0.105067103 0.659774848 0.407242339 0.103089055 0.086524939 0.414584753 1.053581462 0.477196189 YBR182C YBR182C ... SMP1 positive regulation of transcr transcription factor activity* cytoplasm* | YBR182C-A 0.863851393 -0.204085523 1.173438718 x -0.019930551 0.021349015 0.223752646 x 1.257118 0.420132462 1.290395848 1.438961319 x YBR182C 0.049555735 0.168585633 0.016456978 -0.026416727 0.211382015 0.244869377 0.837238006 0.31205044 1.422381931 1.183451162 0.239775118 0.04734279 0.303970117 0.360222623 0.220071327 0.193051326 0.077039135 -0.117452381 -0.011039406 0.199491896 0.042540833 0.783382153 -0.166602252 0.502128459 0.647541199 0.177063191 0.286810992 0.898021843 0.900567151 -0.537432897 0.477274848 0.254742339 -0.089410945 0.314024939 0.352084753 0.391081462 0.384696189 YBR183W YBR183W iESR cluster YPC1 ceramide metabolism ceramidase activity endoplasmic reticulum | YBR184W -0.881927284 0.270058828 1.456452624 x -0.237841042 0.53940467 0.667420025 x 2.771102667 -0.33124567 -0.524103565 1.36965181 x YBR183W 0.319555735 0.178585633 -0.093543022 -0.086416727 1.051382015 0.884869377 1.837238006 1.79205044 2.002381931 2.143451162 0.429775118 0.41734279 -0.026029883 -0.749777377 -0.389928673 0.083051326 0.017039135 0.072547619 0.258960594 -0.240508104 -0.467459167 0.563382153 -0.136602252 1.212128459 1.487541199 0.767063191 0.386810992 0.728021843 0.730567151 0.482567103 1.697274848 -0.635257661 -0.799410945 1.514024939 1.682084753 1.091081462 0.894696189 YBR195C YBR195C ... MSI1 DNA repair* transcription regulator activity chromatin silencing complex* | YBR196C -0.353099667 -0.343725613 -0.64914833 x 0.199905157 0.086275718 -0.106284459 x -0.035243 -0.193011428 -0.454711089 -0.168424322 x YBR195C 0.114555735 0.053585633 -0.108543022 -0.091416727 0.906382015 0.899869377 0.822238006 0.72705044 -0.562618069 -0.091548838 -0.225224882 -0.38765721 0.218970117 0.095222623 -0.134928673 0.098051326 0.082039135 -0.232452381 -0.176039406 -0.455508104 -0.472459167 -0.111617847 -0.221602252 -0.412871541 -0.297458801 -0.167936809 -0.378189008 -0.526978157 -0.554432849 0.257567103 0.192274848 0.089742339 -0.044410945 -0.190975061 -0.082915247 -0.183918538 -0.230303811 YBR201W YBR201W ... DER1 ER-associated protein cataboli molecular function unknown endoplasmic reticulum membrane | YBR202W 0.123589603 -0.048504449 1.104589882 x 0.413115343 1.007327341 1.131445283 x 0.092096333 -0.074571833 0.849939824 0.363690416 x YBR201W -0.220444265 -0.441414367 -0.063543022 0.313583273 0.781382015 0.514869377 0.417238006 0.45205044 -0.127618069 -0.226548838 -0.030224882 0.49734279 0.433970117 0.250222623 0.430071327 0.063051326 0.017039135 0.262547619 0.158960594 0.669491896 0.382540833 0.643382153 0.583397748 0.662128459 0.467541199 0.457063191 0.566810992 0.878021843 0.770567151 0.592567103 0.227274848 -0.285257661 -0.109410945 -0.195975061 -0.127915247 -0.028918538 0.124696189 YBR202W "YBR202W Ö MCM7 DNA replication initiation* chromatin binding* cytoplasm* | Component of the hexameric MCM complex, which is important for priming origins of DNA replication in G1 and becomes an active ATP-dependent helicase that promotes DNA melting and elongation when activated by Cdc7p-Dbf4p in S-phaseYBR203W" -0.137307724 -0.565488922 -0.483342937 x -0.148747633 -0.258636324 -0.094297919 x -0.413022 -0.326208452 -1.098347857 -0.159689401 x YBR202W 0.052055735 0.201085633 -0.171043022 0.026083273 1.033882015 0.977369377 0.569738006 0.43455044 -0.405118069 -0.064048838 -0.477724882 -0.26015721 0.286470117 0.042722623 -0.217428673 0.185551326 -0.000460865 -0.054952381 -0.038539406 -0.258008104 -0.174959167 0.255882153 -0.084102252 -0.655371541 -0.429958801 -0.250436809 -0.450689008 -0.159478157 -0.106932849 -0.144932897 0.049774848 0.487242339 0.013089055 -0.103475061 0.184584753 0.103581462 -0.062803811 YBR203W YBR203W ... COS111 signal transduction molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YBR204C -0.722276605 -0.370899442 0.823059656 x -0.032266269 0.953880815 0.60537116 x 0.509790333 -0.104848436 0.192740854 1.105580318 x YBR203W -0.352944265 0.136085633 -0.406043022 -0.598916727 0.828882015 0.672369377 0.764738006 1.09955044 1.059881931 1.140951162 0.057275118 -0.08515721 -0.118529883 0.397722623 0.527571327 0.380551326 0.354539135 0.140047619 0.376460594 -0.033008104 0.110040833 0.840882153 0.340897748 1.249628459 0.805041199 -0.085436809 -0.235689008 0.685521843 0.348067151 0.610067103 0.734774848 0.582242339 0.498089055 1.131524939 1.149584753 0.198581462 0.072196189 YBR204C YBR204C iESR cluster YBR204C biological process unknown serine hydrolase activity lipid particle | YBR205W -0.673076793 -0.312464167 0.767682758 x 0.19398352 0.89763337 0.952544732 x 0.297827 -0.304806224 -0.736342446 0.518945639 x YBR204C 0.124555735 -0.216414367 -0.178543022 -0.001416727 1.126382015 0.849869377 1.192238006 1.16705044 0.267381931 0.048451162 -0.115224882 0.03234279 -0.141029883 0.255222623 0.065071327 0.078051326 0.082039135 -0.062452381 -0.196039406 -0.045508104 -0.052459167 -0.521617847 -0.361602252 0.217128459 0.102541199 -0.177936809 -0.188189008 -0.016978157 -0.224432849 0.127567103 0.082274848 -0.110257661 0.265589055 0.099024939 0.217084753 -0.143918538 -0.040303811 YBR214W YBR214W ... SDS24 endocytosis* molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YBR215W -1.034928686 0.522883775 2.734922085 x 0.762357144 2.189455038 2.16858023 x 1.314631667 -0.489740207 0.668641078 1.256304841 x YBR214W -0.197944265 0.031085633 0.048956978 -0.093916727 1.233882015 1.017369377 2.079738006 1.77455044 1.444881931 1.735951162 0.332275118 0.47984279 -0.293529883 0.672722623 0.522571327 0.525551326 0.179539135 -0.624952381 -0.178539406 -0.038008104 -0.244959167 1.335882153 -0.104102252 0.724628459 1.450041199 -0.010436809 0.429310992 0.110521843 0.173067151 0.295067103 1.479774848 1.157242339 0.193089055 0.886524939 1.234584753 1.103581462 0.567196189 YBR230C YBR230C Ö iESR cluster OM14 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Integral mitochondrial outer membrane protein; abundance is decreased in cells grown in glucose relative to other carbon sources; appears to contain 3 alpha-helical transmembrane segments; ORF encodes a 97-basepair intronYBR230W-A -1.610438899 0.360171298 1.050619984 x -0.062404667 0.337511384 0.371230422 x 0.065449333 -0.088020069 0.662445191 0.842774204 x YBR230C 0.069555735 0.268585633 -0.183543022 -0.066416727 1.331382015 1.364869377 1.427238006 1.67205044 0.842381931 1.193451162 0.159775118 0.31734279 0.023970117 -0.479777377 -0.329928673 0.183051326 0.017039135 0.312547619 0.438960594 -0.070508104 -0.127459167 0.983382153 0.473397748 1.092128459 1.427541199 0.097063191 0.066810992 -0.171978157 -0.269432849 0.972567103 1.687274848 -0.445257661 -0.489410945 1.104024939 1.402084753 0.371081462 0.034696189 YBR241C YBR241C ... YBR241C biological process unknown molecular function unknown vacuolar membrane (sensu Fungi) | YBR242W -0.133083408 0.34199682 0.934918239 x 0.029513147 0.722528216 0.742603127 x 0.787070333 0.074906395 1.209476094 1.054634093 x YBR241C -0.270444265 0.008585633 -0.193543022 -0.206416727 0.851382015 0.914869377 1.687238006 1.50205044 1.052381931 1.333451162 0.619775118 0.20734279 -0.326029883 0.040222623 0.340071327 0.073051326 -0.052960865 0.152547619 0.528960594 0.369491896 0.132540833 0.663382153 -0.076602252 0.432128459 0.787541199 -0.032936809 -0.093189008 0.308021843 0.310567151 0.442567103 1.307274848 0.404742339 0.240589055 0.454024939 0.652084753 0.561081462 0.264696189 YBR244W YBR244W ... GPX2 response to oxidative stress glutathione peroxidase activity cytoplasm* | YBR245C -0.656325993 -1.195669994 -0.839827237 x 0.203231213 -0.429930255 -0.463942837 x -0.753297333 1.060959371 0.443155893 0.525864873 x YBR244W 0.104555735 -0.116414367 0.121456978 -0.081416727 1.026382015 0.929869377 0.922238006 0.63705044 -0.442618069 -1.041548838 0.304775118 1.03234279 1.028970117 1.835222623 1.635071327 0.158051326 0.002039135 0.377547619 0.293960594 0.034491896 0.377540833 -0.141617847 0.158397748 -0.662871541 -0.247458801 -0.197936809 -0.228189008 0.073021843 -0.034432849 -0.402432897 -0.207725152 0.609742339 0.655589055 -0.170975061 -0.582915247 -0.753918538 -0.270303811 YBR248C YBR248C ... HIS7 histidine biosynthesis* imidazoleglycerol phosphate synthasintracellular | YBR249C 0.384794024 -0.618530006 -0.639543231 x -0.693284569 -0.592432666 0.00322363 x 0.016341333 -0.156210182 -0.420092307 -0.470778161 x YBR248C 0.214555735 0.003585633 -0.068543022 -0.051416727 0.876382015 0.719869377 0.522238006 0.49705044 -0.372618069 -0.741548838 0.614775118 -0.28765721 -0.031029883 0.615222623 0.315071327 -0.061948674 -0.007960865 -0.042452381 -0.146039406 -0.295508104 -0.242459167 -0.551617847 -0.121602252 -0.272871541 -0.737458801 -0.047936809 -0.128189008 0.313021843 0.215567151 0.047567103 -0.737725152 0.819742339 0.875589055 -0.650975061 -0.932915247 -0.463918538 -0.290303811 YBR280C YBR280C Ö SAF1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | F-Box protein involved in proteasome-dependent degradation of Aah1p during entry of cells into quiescence; interacts with Skp1YBR281C -0.524600049 -0.316888444 0.807447077 x 0.255772521 0.202723082 0.579968212 x 1.10807 0.020146704 -0.244695724 0.612516277 x YBR280C -0.252944265 0.116085633 -0.196043022 -0.258916727 1.008882015 1.092369377 1.284738006 1.14955044 0.579881931 0.540951162 0.247275118 0.23484279 0.221470117 0.367722623 0.327571327 0.300551326 0.294539135 0.020047619 0.086460594 -0.043008104 -0.109959167 0.440882153 0.030897748 -0.250371541 0.045041199 -0.195436809 -0.105689008 0.235521843 0.208067151 -0.709932897 0.174774848 0.332242339 0.308089055 0.031524939 0.369584753 0.318581462 -0.057803811 YBR284W YBR284W ... YBR284W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YBR285W 1.116807957 0.191142035 1.415027438 x 0.790684711 0.876490077 0.813333827 x 2.694864333 0.610847015 1.408915447 1.972430719 x YBR284W #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.445859945 1.139347307 2.021715936 #VALUE! 2.536859861 1.447929092 0.384253048 0.75182072 0.868448047 1.264700553 0.994549257 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.257025549 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.706606389 1.422019129 0.071541121 0.321288922 0.432499773 0.745045081 0.127045033 0.021752778 0.769220269 0.705066985 0.408502869 0.936562683 #VALUE! #VALUE! YBR285W YBR285W iESR cluster YBR285W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YBR286W #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.037395669 1.345309737 1.593907816 x 1.341556 0.245480195 1.204512674 1.954923704 x YBR285W #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.867677689 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 2.338458717 2.253271151 1.353602642 0.704671873 0.770995829 0.678563501 #VALUE! 0.661443334 0.621292038 1.364272037 1.038259846 0.32376833 #VALUE! 1.500712607 0.743761544 1.054602864 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.669242554 0.581787862 1.483787814 1.258495559 0.88596305 0.931809766 0.44524565 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.0759169 YBR291C YBR291C ... CTP1 mitochondrial citrate transpor tricarboxylate carrier activity mitochondrial inner membrane | YBR292C -0.255469452 -0.536234039 -0.858867816 x -0.825606032 -1.130237673 -0.400625791 x 0.725404 -0.039102683 -1.582832355 0.338973581 x YBR291C 1.144555735 0.903585633 1.311456978 1.108583273 0.706382015 0.659869377 0.612238006 0.51705044 2.247381931 2.168451162 0.584775118 0.97234279 1.528970117 -0.124777377 0.045071327 1.398051326 1.312039135 0.557547619 0.523960594 0.764491896 0.997540833 1.638382153 1.388397748 1.567128459 1.192541199 0.682063191 0.261810992 1.463021843 1.355567151 1.167567103 1.382274848 -0.000257661 0.075589055 1.819024939 2.027084753 0.776081462 0.749696189 YBR295W "YBR295W ... PCA1 iron ion homeostasis* ""ATPase activity, coupled to transme""membrane | YBR296C" 0.178325438 0.437199898 1.179852614 x 0.191074404 0.920558355 0.764037071 x 1.073169333 0.044100504 0.769241657 1.056392819 x YBR295W 0.152055735 0.341085633 0.138956978 0.406083273 1.033882015 1.217369377 1.809738006 1.65455044 2.154881931 2.135951162 0.722275118 0.19984279 -0.033529883 0.402722623 0.622571327 0.365551326 0.269539135 -0.184952381 -0.078539406 0.351991896 0.025040833 0.705882153 0.085897748 1.204628459 1.290041199 0.349563191 0.529310992 1.200521843 0.923067151 -0.234932897 0.739774848 0.387242339 0.193089055 0.536524939 0.644584753 0.763581462 0.427196189 YBR296C YBR296C ... PHO89 phosphate transport sodium:inorganic phosphate symporteplasma membrane | YBR296C-A 0.502145704 0.983986725 1.065843431 x 2.549427495 1.347757242 0.85435015 x -2.905638667 1.066196611 0.20576217 -0.5815677 x YBR296C 0.019555735 0.398585633 1.146456978 0.523583273 1.141382015 1.854869377 2.997238006 2.98205044 -1.177618069 -1.846548838 1.559775118 1.61734279 1.233970117 3.360222623 2.820071327 0.183051326 -0.682960865 -3.347452381 -3.391039406 -1.920508104 -2.467459167 0.413382153 -1.036602252 -2.917871541 -3.032458801 -3.642936809 -3.153189008 0.988021843 0.830567151 -3.737432897 -3.172725152 -0.325257661 -0.579410945 -2.975975061 -3.327915247 -3.278918538 -3.565303811 YBR299W YBR299W ... MAL32 maltose catabolism alpha-glucosidase activity cellular component unknown | YBR300C #N/A #N/A #N/A x -0.67427334 2.439107696 2.514283698 x 3.436076333 0.037961445 0.095283981 1.454923703 x YBR299W #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.371249848 0.16473721 1.047105839 1.601918273 3.682249764 3.063318995 #VALUE! -0.002789377 #VALUE! 0.720090456 0.66993916 0.612919159 -0.163093032 -0.537584548 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.971996292 0.727409032 -0.093068976 -0.113321175 1.017889676 0.720434984 0.582434936 0.397142681 0.154610172 0.420456888 0.773892772 0.491952586 0.520949295 0.244564022 YCL030C YCL030C ... HIS4 histidine biosynthesis phosphoribosyl-ATP diphosphatase acintracellular | YCL031C -0.631182531 -0.540766848 -0.201678083 x -1.293244195 -1.405228048 -0.670975312 x -0.367178333 -0.004956762 -0.724108875 -1.128606486 x YCL030C -0.002944265 0.206085633 -0.316043022 -0.108916727 -0.111117985 -0.317630623 -0.155261994 -0.17044956 -0.790118069 -0.709048838 0.647275118 0.03484279 0.171470117 1.177722623 0.757571327 0.030551326 -0.165460865 -0.159952381 -0.113539406 -0.283008104 -0.329959167 0.010882153 -0.239102252 -1.120371541 -1.064958801 -0.635436809 -0.695689008 0.225521843 0.138067151 -0.219932897 -0.115225152 1.712242339 1.408089055 -1.058475061 -0.940415247 -0.191418538 -0.247803811 YCL033C "YCL033C Ö MXR2 response to oxidative stress protein-methionine-R-oxide red | Methionine-R-sulfoxide reductase, involved in the response to oxidative stress; protects iron-sulfur clusters from oxidative inactivation along with MXR1; involved in the regulation of lifespanYCL034W" -0.855068172 -0.57166885 0.734917201 x 0.382202103 1.223075395 0.939986602 x -0.356752 -0.147323684 0.212841346 0.422178726 x YCL033C -0.145444265 -0.146414367 -0.278543022 -0.101416727 0.326382015 0.249869377 0.712238006 0.56705044 1.277381931 0.998451162 0.014775118 0.11234279 -0.091029883 -0.244777377 -0.014928673 0.128051326 0.162039135 0.107547619 0.193960594 0.274491896 0.137540833 0.228382153 -0.091602252 0.427128459 0.762541199 0.352063191 0.231810992 0.323021843 0.265567151 0.117567103 0.592274848 -0.210257661 -0.194410945 0.549024939 0.487084753 0.316081462 0.199696189 YCL035C YCL035C iESR cluster GRX1 response to oxidative stress* thiol-disulfide exchange intermediacytoplasm* | YCL036W -0.620558421 -0.701717623 0.36689178 x -0.15589249 0.510481234 1.020529082 x 0.268355 -0.143482958 0.192911007 0.695618113 x YCL035C 0.254555735 -0.176414367 0.101456978 0.318583273 0.556382015 0.329869377 1.172238006 1.03705044 1.807381931 1.228451162 0.364775118 0.25234279 0.038970117 0.125222623 -0.074928673 0.318051326 0.152039135 0.137547619 -0.006039406 0.384491896 0.217540833 0.118382153 -0.091602252 0.277128459 0.072541199 0.162063191 0.261810992 0.463021843 0.405567151 0.567567103 0.412274848 -0.270257661 -0.364410945 0.049024939 -0.202915247 0.086081462 0.159696189 YCL037C YCL037C PAC cluster SRO9 protein biosynthesis RNA binding polysome | YCL038C -0.4221627 -0.993249589 -0.520824474 x -0.236183384 -0.645441597 -0.316096742 x -0.222385333 -0.188585218 -0.490327219 -0.420677021 x YCL037C 0.019555735 0.158585633 -0.153543022 -0.056416727 -0.138617985 -0.135130623 -0.602761994 -0.57794956 -1.087618069 -0.646548838 -0.920224882 -0.13265721 0.353970117 -0.449777377 -0.509928673 -0.646948674 -0.622960865 -0.027452381 0.028960594 -0.230508104 -0.237459167 0.103382153 -0.456602252 -0.717871541 -0.392458801 -0.372936809 -0.363189008 -0.041978157 0.030567151 -0.657432897 -0.082725152 0.034742339 -0.469410945 -0.295975061 -0.127915247 0.111081462 -0.065303811 YCL038C YCL038C ... ATG22 protein-vacuolar targeting* molecular function unknown integral to membrane* | YCL039W 0.257386271 0.694228288 0.857349383 x 0.576480033 1.078515346 0.454951962 x 1.202499333 0.55769018 1.697189286 1.787676423 x YCL038C -0.200444265 -0.011414367 -0.303543022 -0.086416727 -0.238617985 0.004869377 0.387238006 0.50205044 1.332381931 1.373451162 0.939775118 0.45734279 0.203970117 0.520222623 0.770071327 -0.006948674 -0.182960865 0.112547619 0.208960594 0.219491896 0.142540833 0.573382153 -0.136602252 0.822128459 0.987541199 0.177063191 0.346810992 1.018021843 1.070567151 -0.337432897 0.687274848 0.404742339 0.230589055 0.774024939 0.852084753 1.141081462 0.814696189 YCL040W YCL040W iESR cluster GLK1 carbohydrate metabolism* glucokinase activity cytosol | YCL041C -1.929567969 0.756428734 2.854938924 x 0.161218681 1.42127242 2.023401378 x 1.308454333 -0.248955586 0.602504394 1.409622875 x YCL040W -0.040444265 -0.251414367 -0.583543022 -0.286416727 0.401382015 0.134869377 0.777238006 0.70205044 1.412381931 1.703451162 0.649775118 1.34734279 -0.156029883 0.550222623 0.470071327 0.493051326 -0.072960865 -0.857452381 -0.501039406 -0.520508104 -0.967459167 0.813382153 -0.436602252 1.172128459 1.917541199 -0.432936809 0.176810992 -0.121978157 -0.189432849 1.142567103 2.237274848 0.684742339 0.070589055 1.304024939 1.492084753 1.051081462 0.414696189 YCL048W YCL048W ... SPS22 cell wall organization and bio molecular function unknown plasma membrane | YCL049C #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.596752969 1.783521933 1.632400222 x 1.047989 1.739443781 2.44722609 1.384834876 x YCL048W #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! YCL063W YCL063W ... VAC17 vacuole inheritance receptor activity vacuolar membrane | YCL064C -0.132733037 -0.741188104 -0.647279501 x -0.150924539 -0.459980774 -0.287205467 x -0.357439 -0.199056303 -0.548895331 -0.079081259 x YCL063W -0.580444265 -0.491414367 -0.163543022 -0.196416727 -0.558617985 -0.585130623 -0.612761994 -0.59794956 -1.417618069 -1.256548838 -1.300224882 -0.26265721 -0.106029883 -0.399777377 -0.479928673 -0.646948674 -0.642960865 -0.687452381 -0.741039406 -0.520508104 -0.477459167 -0.506617847 -0.756602252 -1.247871541 -1.282458801 -0.932936809 -0.883189008 -0.811978157 -0.649432849 -0.717432897 -0.682725152 0.014742339 -0.499410945 -0.905975061 -0.667915247 -0.318918538 -0.405303811 YCR005C YCR005C ... CIT2 glutamate biosynthesis* citrate (Si)-synthase activity mitochondrion* | YCR006C -0.136596426 -0.277744518 1.00965688 x 0.049726267 0.323605642 0.779598759 x 2.032781333 -0.346894129 0.287211893 -0.342151324 x YCR005C -0.107944265 0.591085633 0.438956978 -0.033916727 0.713882015 0.797369377 0.959738006 1.10455044 0.544881931 0.565951162 1.522275118 0.77984279 0.246470117 0.572722623 0.322571327 1.045551326 0.549539135 -0.194952381 0.291460594 0.421991896 0.605040833 1.125882153 0.205897748 -1.115371541 -0.289958801 -0.140436809 -0.320689008 1.080521843 0.543067151 1.025067103 0.639774848 0.327242339 -0.096910945 0.346524939 0.974584753 0.613581462 0.487196189 YCR007C YCR007C ... YCR007C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YCR008W -0.344815531 -0.219019044 1.380838083 x -0.223288826 0.189221308 0.813957815 x 1.741103333 -0.177797272 0.99378079 0.797291521 x YCR007C 0.06474456 0.153774458 0.291645803 0.478772098 -0.04342916 5.82E-05 0.242426831 -0.232760735 -0.052429244 0.108639987 1.114963943 0.132531615 0.089158942 1.085411448 0.775260152 0.178240151 0.15222796 0.097736444 0.264149419 0.584680721 0.587729658 -0.091429022 0.138586573 0.467317284 0.462730024 0.382252016 0.421999817 0.203210668 -0.044244024 0.027755928 -0.007536327 0.709931164 0.65577788 0.319213764 0.327273578 0.356270287 0.139885014 YCR021C YCR021C ... HSP30 response to stress molecular function unknown plasma membrane | YCR022C 0.581061022 0.798280175 0.759163109 x -0.077255798 0.565224697 0.848917779 x -0.352243 -0.670894372 1.416525815 1.929667589 x YCR021C 1.092055735 1.011085633 0.178956978 0.086083273 0.593882015 0.597369377 3.759738006 3.63455044 3.034881931 3.685951162 2.102275118 -0.33015721 -0.263529883 2.202722623 2.712571327 0.315551326 0.459539135 -0.394952381 -0.098539406 0.181991896 -0.094959167 1.055882153 0.245897748 0.124628459 0.650041199 2.159563191 0.069310992 0.010521843 -0.186932849 -0.174932897 1.559774848 1.707242339 1.593089055 0.336524939 0.534584753 1.033581462 0.367196189 YCR036W YCR036W ... RBK1 D-ribose metabolism ATP binding* cytoplasm* | YCR037C -0.176960111 -0.105118542 0.549259138 x -0.051096309 0.639945555 0.712813413 x 0.489340667 -0.460835554 -0.093038203 0.663361514 x YCR036W 0.107055735 -0.013914367 0.033956978 0.261083273 0.478882015 0.382369377 0.654738006 0.52955044 0.969881931 0.470951162 0.447275118 0.03484279 0.051470117 0.147722623 0.097571327 0.220551326 0.334539135 0.310047619 0.156460594 0.416991896 0.320040833 -0.239117847 0.160897748 0.849628459 0.625041199 0.474563191 0.614310992 0.535521843 0.308067151 0.200067103 0.284774848 0.032242339 0.338089055 0.701524939 0.519584753 0.288581462 0.272196189 YCR047C YCR047C ... BUD23 bud site selection S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methcytoplasm* | YCR048W 0.191817914 -0.766688412 -0.640052366 x 0.075676008 -0.373640628 -0.359541254 x -1.170883333 0.041788951 -0.415843195 -0.260889423 x YCR047C 0.032055735 0.111085633 -0.131043022 -0.083916727 -0.186117985 -0.012630623 -0.520261994 -0.70544956 -0.205118069 -0.094048838 -0.567724882 -0.49015721 -0.133529883 -0.187277377 -0.367428673 -0.234448674 -0.170460865 0.075047619 0.171460594 -0.358008104 -0.274959167 -0.044117847 -0.104102252 -0.345371541 -0.389958801 0.149563191 -0.280689008 -0.109478157 0.053067151 -0.154932897 -0.310225152 0.027242339 -0.366910945 -0.143475061 -0.245415247 -0.276418538 -0.162803811 YCR057C YCR057C PAC cluster PWP2 35S primary transcript process snoRNA binding cytoplasm* | YCR059C 0.246180355 -0.39241826 -0.538667766 x 0.023304331 -0.18767782 -0.162739438 x -0.529843333 0.070211457 -0.290366807 -0.367667022 x YCR057C 0.074555735 0.073585633 -0.088543022 -0.131416727 -0.053617985 -0.040130623 -0.797761994 -0.79294956 -1.532618069 -0.831548838 -0.905224882 -0.49765721 0.178970117 -0.494777377 -0.414928673 -0.411948674 -0.327960865 -0.022452381 0.033960594 -0.425508104 -0.342459167 -0.211617847 -0.061602252 -0.582871541 -0.547458801 -0.077936809 -0.328189008 -0.086978157 -0.004432849 -0.192432897 -0.317725152 -0.230257661 -0.314410945 -0.290975061 -0.362915247 -0.343918538 -0.240303811 YCR072C "YCR072C Ö PAC cluster RSA4 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | WD-repeat protein involved in ribosome biogenesis; may interact with ribosomes; required for maturation and efficient intra-nuclear transport or pre-60S ribosomal subunits, localizes to the nucleolusYCR073C" 0.164919568 -0.912427303 -0.78717966 x 0.099218282 -0.232027732 -0.178362914 x -0.276077333 0.069380196 -0.594024561 -0.499577221 x YCR072C 0.029555735 -0.001414367 -0.293543022 -0.356416727 0.041382015 0.034869377 -0.762761994 -0.96794956 -1.077618069 -0.586548838 -1.070224882 -0.54265721 0.343970117 -0.509777377 -0.399928673 -0.566948674 -0.382960865 -0.097452381 -0.081039406 -0.640508104 -0.487459167 -0.296617847 -0.026602252 -0.287871541 -0.392458801 0.077063191 -0.513189008 -0.141978157 -0.189432849 -0.307432897 -0.432725152 -0.385257661 -0.249410945 -0.325975061 -0.407915247 -0.298918538 -0.225303811 YCR073C YCR073C ... SSK22 protein amino acid phosphoryla MAP kinase kinase kinase activity cellular component unknown | YCR073W-A 0.492820323 -0.149506305 0.466167166 x -0.086333504 1.470069061 1.648200471 x 0.983620667 0.070440627 0.126967037 1.476150519 x YCR073C 0.229555735 0.198585633 0.076456978 0.123583273 0.171382015 -0.025130623 -0.052761994 0.21205044 2.072381931 1.353451162 0.289775118 -0.20265721 0.233970117 0.150222623 0.150071327 0.203051326 0.287039135 0.392547619 0.378960594 0.579491896 0.482540833 0.253382153 0.403397748 1.162128459 0.867541199 0.557063191 0.456810992 1.068021843 0.790567151 0.012567103 0.217274848 -0.065257661 0.040589055 0.384024939 0.212084753 0.301081462 0.314696189 YCR083W YCR083W ... TRX3 response to oxidative stress thiol-disulfide exchange intermediamitochondrion | YCR084C -0.765705755 -0.757604446 0.364875347 x 0.094078484 0.529476545 0.677246826 x 0.185178667 0.311032304 0.640558965 0.942320081 x YCR083W -0.277944265 -0.308914367 -0.111043022 0.066083273 0.393882015 0.427369377 0.969738006 0.80455044 1.724881931 1.355951162 0.622275118 0.18984279 0.066470117 0.502722623 0.782571327 -0.064448674 0.229539135 0.035047619 0.001460594 0.411991896 0.175040833 0.085882153 0.315897748 1.044628459 1.060041199 0.429563191 0.499310992 -0.109478157 -0.246932849 0.405067103 0.489774848 0.027242339 0.553089055 0.786524939 0.654584753 0.223581462 0.207196189 YCR087C-A YCR087C-A ... YCR087C-A biological process unknown molecular function unknown nucleolus | YCR087W 0.236991708 -1.024159081 -0.844202051 x 0.369451089 -0.268699992 -0.033690693 x -1.100294 0.573656663 -0.971325045 -0.097333853 x YCR087C-A 0.144555735 0.013585633 0.401456978 0.268583273 0.106382015 0.279869377 -0.077761994 -0.10294956 -0.792618069 -0.841548838 0.024775118 -0.20765721 -0.181029883 0.255222623 0.275071327 0.028051326 0.312039135 0.177547619 0.133960594 0.164491896 0.377540833 -0.601617847 0.078397748 0.317128459 -0.197458801 0.262063191 0.051810992 -0.236978157 0.035567151 0.367567103 -0.607725152 -0.420257661 0.075589055 0.119024939 -0.212915247 -0.803918538 -0.210303811 YDL010W YDL010W Ö GRX6 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Cis-golgi localized monothiol glutaredoxin that binds an iron-sulfur cluster; more similar in activity to dithiol than other monothiol glutaredoxins; involved in the oxidative stress response; functional overlap with GRX7YDL011C -0.036746136 -0.492634755 0.327578047 x -0.111912741 0.929628953 0.77017972 x 0.364375667 -0.178186074 -0.286537873 0.254617475 x YDL010W -0.035444265 -0.276414367 0.241456978 0.198583273 -0.113617985 -0.190130623 0.332238006 0.29705044 1.017381931 0.478451162 0.644775118 -0.11765721 -0.381029883 0.395222623 0.055071327 0.438051326 0.342039135 0.047547619 -0.136039406 0.264491896 0.297540833 -0.371617847 -0.261602252 -0.192871541 -0.157458801 -0.137936809 0.211810992 -0.146978157 -0.054432849 -0.092432897 -0.117725152 0.119742339 0.435589055 -0.130975061 -0.222915247 -0.063918538 0.209696189 YDL020C YDL020C ... RPN4 ubiquitin-dependent protein ca transcriptional activator activity proteasome regulatory particle (sen | YDL021W -0.139516506 -0.507959456 0.372218777 x 0.23547978 0.78047505 0.781145361 x 0.512933 0.042349661 0.199174493 0.548311147 x YDL020C -0.222944265 -0.183914367 0.043956978 0.151083273 0.158882015 0.302369377 0.734738006 1.35955044 1.709881931 1.510951162 0.577275118 0.57484279 0.231470117 1.187722623 0.857571327 0.350551326 0.374539135 -0.099952381 -0.083539406 0.296991896 0.280040833 0.000882153 0.250897748 0.419628459 0.535041199 -0.245436809 0.304310992 -0.014478157 -0.121932849 0.270067103 0.244774848 0.492242339 0.718089055 0.221524939 0.369584753 0.228581462 0.222196189 YDL021W YDL021W iESR cluster GPM2 biological process unknown molecular function unknown* cytoplasm* | YDL022W #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.949717535 2.941498999 3.234851862 x 2.790686333 0.609681985 1.779830965 2.097380456 x YDL021W -0.180444265 -0.521414367 -0.563543022 -0.306416727 -0.138617985 -0.565130623 0.347238006 -0.44794956 2.822381931 1.773451162 -0.050224882 1.07734279 0.063970117 -0.019777377 0.050071327 -0.406948674 -0.302960865 -0.707452381 -0.511039406 0.229491896 0.072540833 -0.856617847 -0.756602252 0.242128459 0.607541199 0.337063191 0.456810992 1.468021843 0.530567151 0.602567103 0.317274848 -0.675257661 -0.449410945 -0.175975061 -0.397915247 0.371081462 0.724696189 YDL022W YDL022W iESR cluster GPD1 intracellular accumulation of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase cytosol* | YDL023C -2.055879988 -0.198325902 1.592609235 x -0.11006292 -0.062581095 0.607073107 x 0.277304 -0.175058462 0.49498198 0.163536121 x YDL022W -0.362944265 -0.423914367 -0.396043022 -0.298916727 0.068882015 -0.177630623 0.544738006 0.50955044 1.509881931 1.510951162 -1.182724882 1.28484279 0.551470117 0.017722623 -0.462428673 0.130551326 -0.325460865 -0.149952381 -0.133539406 -0.113008104 -0.179959167 0.530882153 -0.169102252 -0.500371541 0.385041199 -0.105436809 0.424310992 -0.784478157 -0.851932849 0.140067103 1.544774848 0.052242339 -0.191910945 0.071524939 0.399584753 0.988581462 0.552196189 YDL024C YDL024C ... DIA3 pseudohyphal growth* acid phosphatase activity cell wall (sensu Fungi) | YDL025C #N/A #N/A #N/A x 1.26467035 2.001847282 1.704927882 x 3.424547333 0.727463829 3.108190135 1.568738238 x YDL024C -0.031922107 0.227107791 0.664979136 #VALUE! 0.449904173 0.173391535 2.165760164 1.560572598 3.220904089 3.07197332 1.058297276 0.945864948 0.992492275 2.108744781 1.718593485 0.471573484 0.455561293 -0.008930223 0.437482752 1.738014054 1.441062991 0.611904311 0.551919906 0.970650617 0.856063357 0.745585349 0.37533315 1.176544001 1.149089309 -0.478910739 0.325797006 0.853264497 1.169111213 0.252547097 0.700606911 0.84960362 0.453218347 YDL025C YDL025C ... YDL025C biological process unknown protein kinase activity cellular component unknown | YDL026W -0.73768025 -0.61689535 0.61496525 x 0.011467153 0.061834921 0.551012719 x 0.562186 -0.217553864 -0.155253178 0.35018639 x YDL025C -0.317944265 -0.278914367 -0.201043022 -0.313916727 -0.256117985 -0.192630623 -0.050261994 -0.31544956 0.624881931 0.515951162 0.042275118 0.49984279 0.066470117 0.462722623 0.402571327 -0.294448674 -0.220460865 -0.024952381 -0.128539406 -0.198008104 -0.194959167 -0.414117847 -0.244102252 -0.535371541 -0.309958801 -0.450436809 -0.260689008 -0.269478157 -0.196932849 -0.094932897 -0.260225152 0.527242339 0.743089055 -0.363475061 -0.295415247 -0.096418538 -0.062803811 YDL027C YDL027C iESR cluster YDL027C biological process unknown molecular function unknown mitochondrion | YDL028C -0.251724335 0.026089941 1.169742636 x 0.591245278 1.375015409 1.027212323 x 0.633794 -0.321332087 0.262990747 0.580479322 x YDL027C -0.282944265 -0.383914367 -0.136043022 0.141083273 0.028882015 -0.167630623 0.864738006 0.45955044 1.539881931 1.330951162 0.077275118 0.47484279 0.471470117 0.597722623 0.597571327 0.010551326 0.034539135 -0.259952381 -0.373539406 0.256991896 0.210040833 0.440882153 0.140897748 0.479628459 0.765041199 -0.035436809 0.184310992 0.005521843 0.008067151 0.290067103 0.594774848 0.162242339 0.038089055 0.261524939 0.549584753 0.458581462 0.032196189 YDL042C YDL042C ... SIR2 chromatin silencing at telomer histone deacetylase activity* nucleolus* | YDL043C 0.58867669 -0.821609223 -0.617685822 x -0.049583035 0.014772536 -0.180581727 x -0.420774667 -0.034199496 -0.505269444 -0.367974636 x YDL042C -0.177944265 -0.088914367 0.018956978 -0.223916727 -0.516117985 -0.392630623 -0.470261994 -0.12544956 -0.025118069 -0.054048838 -0.927724882 -0.72015721 -0.073529883 -0.607277377 -0.547428673 -0.804448674 -0.570460865 -0.624952381 -0.628539406 -0.838008104 -0.704959167 -0.434117847 -0.334102252 -0.935371541 -0.739958801 -0.490436809 -0.680689008 -0.289478157 -0.256932849 -0.414932897 -0.160225152 -0.932757661 -0.866910945 -0.423475061 -0.265415247 -0.336418538 -0.352803811 YDL057W YDL057W ... YDL057W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YDL058W -1.417776857 -0.896729637 1.215096806 x -0.164511352 0.088932482 0.647870975 x 0.759723 -0.129316407 1.072429486 0.659349854 x YDL057W -0.010444265 0.098585633 -0.213543022 -0.076416727 0.161382015 0.264869377 0.457238006 -0.03794956 3.232381931 2.893451162 0.389775118 0.16734279 0.383970117 -0.069777377 -0.009928673 0.193051326 0.057039135 0.052547619 -0.181039406 0.099491896 -0.197459167 0.123382153 -0.296602252 1.442128459 1.127541199 0.287063191 0.446810992 0.728021843 0.520567151 0.132567103 0.857274848 0.204742339 -0.089410945 0.354024939 0.472084753 0.371081462 0.074696189 YDL063C YDL063C PAC cluster YDL063C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YDL064W 0.052029855 -0.497264017 -0.554979803 x 0.05349468 -0.074070444 -0.070819151 x -0.211881333 -0.056302922 -0.705574218 -0.392804301 x YDL063C 0.217055735 0.076085633 0.163956978 0.071083273 -0.011117985 0.082369377 -0.645261994 -0.81044956 -0.430118069 -0.139048838 -0.492724882 -0.54515721 0.171470117 -0.412277377 -0.192428673 -0.519448674 -0.145460865 0.030047619 -0.083539406 -0.333008104 -0.029959167 -0.799117847 -0.099102252 -0.010371541 -0.414958801 0.214563191 -0.095689008 -0.034478157 -0.091932849 0.220067103 -0.575225152 -0.557757661 -0.271910945 -0.238475061 -0.590415247 -0.781418538 -0.317803811 YDL072C YDL072C ... YET3 biological process unknown molecular function unknown endoplasmic reticulum | YDL073W -0.336767221 0.243166699 1.095042722 x 0.102473477 1.20721515 1.224541094 x 0.653725 -0.034634371 0.745586406 0.92918847 x YDL072C -0.152944265 -0.163914367 -0.166043022 -0.078916727 0.028882015 0.122369377 0.374738006 0.39955044 2.159881931 2.330951162 0.607275118 0.43484279 -0.008529883 0.507722623 0.587571327 0.040551326 -0.165460865 0.430047619 0.516460594 0.326991896 0.490040833 0.600882153 -0.009102252 0.559628459 0.905041199 0.244563191 0.344310992 0.475521843 0.368067151 0.150067103 0.974774848 0.392242339 0.208089055 0.561524939 0.689584753 0.798581462 0.652196189 YDL085W YDL085W ... NDE2 ethanol fermentation* NADH dehydrogenase activity mitochondrion | YDL086W #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.068432139 1.357314747 1.38674502 x 2.253957333 0.376997398 3.108190135 2.886972994 x YDL085W 0.579423568 0.638453466 0.656324811 #VALUE! 0.471249848 0.55473721 3.197105839 1.651918273 3.032249764 2.963318995 2.079642951 0.357210623 -0.43616205 0.990090456 1.09993916 0.632919159 0.766906968 -0.007584548 1.148828427 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.413249986 #VALUE! 1.371996292 1.527409032 -0.283068976 -0.193321175 -0.562110324 -0.249565016 0.672434936 0.997142681 1.584610172 1.810456888 1.303892772 0.711952586 0.340949295 -0.175435978 YDL101C YDL101C ... DUN1 protein amino acid phosphoryla protein kinase activity nucleus | YDL102W 0.061732866 0.025924658 0.276015847 x 0.143988357 0.645407358 0.872634733 x -0.145814333 -0.065424358 -0.151678147 0.414918345 x YDL101C 0.139555735 0.008585633 0.246456978 0.183583273 0.191382015 0.084869377 0.677238006 0.40205044 1.782381931 1.133451162 0.279775118 0.12734279 0.013970117 0.440222623 0.080071327 0.403051326 0.317039135 -0.027452381 -0.171039406 0.059491896 0.092540833 -0.456617847 -0.076602252 -0.167871541 -0.292458801 -0.212936809 0.066810992 0.328021843 0.340567151 -0.087432897 -0.152725152 -0.195257661 -0.189410945 -0.105975061 -0.277915247 -0.098918538 0.054696189 YDL110C YDL110C Ö iESR cluster TMA17 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Protein of unknown function that associates with ribosomes; heterozygous deletion demonstrated increases in chromosome instability in a rad9 deletion background; protein abundance is decreased upon intracellular iron depletionYDL111C -0.826591603 -0.997071289 0.955321278 x 0.098483616 0.782693032 1.132833886 x 1.436455 -0.361580969 0.291510472 1.009291523 x YDL110C 0.042055735 -0.448914367 -0.141043022 0.096083273 0.473882015 -0.002630623 1.149738006 0.88455044 3.034881931 2.255951162 0.052275118 0.32984279 -0.423529883 0.112722623 -0.037428673 0.475551326 0.399539135 0.035047619 -0.148539406 0.301991896 0.015040833 0.535882153 0.315897748 1.164628459 1.360041199 0.719563191 0.999310992 0.410521843 0.033067151 0.655067103 0.879774848 -0.082757661 -0.146910945 0.756524939 0.714584753 0.553581462 0.267196189 YDL112W YDL112W ... TRM3 tRNA methylation tRNA (guanosine) methyltransferase cytoplasm | YDL113C 0.169779257 -0.503749215 -0.459915358 x 0.088510736 -0.003392513 -0.142324667 x -0.665395 0.008247239 -0.382976682 -0.308800035 x YDL112W 0.074555735 0.163585633 0.151456978 0.078583273 0.106382015 0.109869377 -0.187761994 -0.19294956 0.127381931 0.238451162 -0.335224882 -0.33765721 0.298970117 0.185222623 0.115071327 -0.141948674 0.062039135 0.137547619 0.113960594 0.074491896 0.147540833 -0.131617847 0.168397748 0.017128459 -0.357458801 0.142063191 -0.108189008 -0.216978157 -0.264432849 -0.192432897 -0.427725152 0.149742339 -0.074410945 -0.050975061 -0.102915247 -0.233918538 -0.110303811 YDL113C YDL113C ... ATG20 protein-vacuolar targeting* lipid binding membrane | YDL114W 0.232347 -0.030154864 0.258697325 x 0.155347755 0.724554232 0.974767175 x 0.556055667 -0.168503958 -0.067315946 0.456014522 x YDL113C 0.234555735 -0.216414367 -0.168543022 -0.151416727 0.276382015 0.129869377 0.252238006 0.13705044 0.657381931 0.008451162 0.454775118 -0.01765721 -0.301029883 0.155222623 0.015071327 0.178051326 0.252039135 -0.002452381 -0.266039406 -0.145508104 -0.042459167 -0.841617847 -0.081602252 0.227128459 -0.297458801 0.062063191 0.201810992 0.123021843 0.045567151 0.227567103 0.122274848 0.139742339 0.215589055 -0.070975061 -0.152915247 -0.063918538 -0.000303811 YDL119C YDL119C ... YDL119C transport transporter activity mitochondrial inner membrane | YDL120W -0.809240131 -0.73995633 1.038411334 x 0.015056008 0.363109965 0.70332042 x 1.001369 0.056067552 0.593513013 1.061270459 x YDL119C -0.267944265 -0.258914367 -0.371043022 -0.283916727 -0.276117985 -0.442630623 0.079738006 -0.58544956 1.784881931 0.965951162 -0.277724882 -0.20015721 -0.163529883 0.162722623 0.082571327 -0.044448674 -0.210460865 0.215047619 0.261460594 0.241991896 0.145040833 -0.374117847 -0.114102252 0.494628459 0.420041199 0.259563191 0.279310992 0.660521843 0.373067151 -0.274932897 -0.060225152 -0.302757661 -0.026910945 0.026524939 -0.055415247 0.213581462 -0.012803811 YDL124W YDL124W iESR cluster YDL124W metabolism alpha-keto amide reductase activitycytoplasm* | YDL125C -0.568206523 -0.101314739 3.264421442 x 0.19550248 1.544133802 2.745072082 x 0.817406333 0.233510036 0.863334892 0.601131041 x YDL124W -0.107944265 -0.488914367 -0.541043022 0.186083273 -0.346117985 -0.622630623 0.239738006 -0.14544956 2.434881931 2.155951162 -0.957724882 0.95984279 0.346470117 0.802722623 0.532571327 0.395551326 -0.110460865 -0.064952381 -0.058539406 0.571991896 -0.024959167 0.725882153 -0.044102252 -0.145371541 0.300041199 -0.160436809 0.469310992 -0.039478157 -0.136932849 1.005067103 1.009774848 0.957242339 0.563089055 -0.223475061 -0.215415247 0.503581462 0.037196189 YDL129W YDL129W ... YDL129W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YDL130W 0.111384359 -1.477996738 -1.072665687 x -0.007989183 -0.421315247 -0.106602068 x 0.201607 -0.138798725 -0.723619588 -0.092518242 x YDL129W -0.270444265 -0.201414367 0.106456978 0.033583273 -0.278617985 -0.195130623 -0.822761994 #VALUE! -0.127618069 0.393451162 -0.480224882 -0.80265721 -0.216029883 -0.689777377 -0.529928673 -0.696948674 -0.582960865 -0.097452381 -0.191039406 -0.080508104 0.442540833 -0.466617847 -0.236602252 -0.387871541 -0.662458801 0.197063191 -0.313189008 -0.601978157 -0.669432849 -0.157432897 -0.492725152 -0.595257661 -0.349410945 -0.235975061 -0.157915247 -0.168918538 -0.195303811 YDL130W-A YDL130W-A ... STF1 ATP synthesis coupled proton t molecular function unknown proton-transporting ATP synthase co | YDL131W -1.552505711 -0.499615174 1.790545811 x -0.44989045 1.392738022 2.959782705 x 1.527399333 0.266761407 0.434458541 1.331040901 x YDL130W-A -0.022944265 -0.463914367 -0.636043022 -0.488916727 0.408882015 0.052369377 0.224738006 -0.07044956 1.319881931 0.840951162 -0.032724882 0.44484279 0.111470117 0.007722623 -0.032428673 -0.199448674 -0.155460865 -0.129952381 -0.243539406 -0.263008104 -0.309959167 0.570882153 -0.299102252 0.249628459 0.795041199 0.054563191 0.054310992 0.285521843 0.098067151 0.320067103 0.474774848 -0.177757661 -0.211910945 -0.028475061 0.179584753 0.428581462 0.352196189 YDL135C YDL135C ... RDI1 actin filament organization* signal transducer activity* cytosol | YDL136W -0.706288811 -0.929965175 0.296689902 x -0.056536465 -0.261591773 0.774504303 x -0.464339 -0.147130187 -0.570838692 0.423249196 x YDL135C 0.307055735 -0.043914367 0.063956978 0.121083273 0.398882015 0.262369377 0.414738006 0.33955044 1.269881931 0.600951162 0.287275118 -0.07515721 -0.278529883 0.177722623 -0.002428673 0.310551326 0.424539135 0.260047619 0.076460594 0.206991896 0.150040833 -0.579117847 0.130897748 0.629628459 0.215041199 0.374563191 0.484310992 0.435521843 0.368067151 0.390067103 -0.225225152 -0.377757661 0.208089055 0.401524939 0.009584753 -0.291418538 0.162196189 YDL137W YDL137W ... ARF2 ER to Golgi transport* GTPase activity cytosol* | YDL138W -0.946344648 -0.202292504 0.526951776 x 0.124158947 0.578709249 0.486986223 x -0.513501333 -0.168521975 0.459981915 0.285133393 x YDL137W 0.024555735 0.003585633 -0.148543022 0.138583273 0.066382015 0.009869377 0.072238006 0.02705044 1.597381931 1.238451162 0.334775118 0.22234279 0.098970117 0.045222623 0.195071327 -0.121948674 -0.017960865 -0.122452381 -0.136039406 0.054491896 -0.102459167 0.048382153 0.038397748 0.507128459 0.592541199 0.242063191 0.431810992 -0.086978157 -0.194432849 0.357567103 0.462274848 0.009742339 0.075589055 0.409024939 0.347084753 0.486081462 0.369696189 YDL138W YDL138W ... RGT2 signal transduction* receptor activity* plasma membrane | YDL139C 0.101330252 -0.649357784 -0.391463186 x -0.257835677 -0.455807528 -0.364444365 x 0.397239 -0.138327317 -0.197121309 0.149932319 x YDL138W -0.480444265 -0.261414367 -0.313543022 -0.406416727 -0.308617985 -0.295130623 -0.222761994 -0.13794956 0.272381931 0.623451162 -0.180224882 -0.19265721 -0.026029883 -0.379777377 -0.669928673 -0.286948674 -0.462960865 -0.507452381 -0.331039406 -0.220508104 -0.417459167 0.163382153 -0.666602252 -0.677871541 -0.332458801 -0.462936809 -0.393189008 0.078021843 0.040567151 -0.537432897 0.197274848 -0.015257661 -0.529410945 -0.065975061 0.272084753 0.561081462 0.214696189 YDL139C YDL139C ... SCM3 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YDL140C -0.305551599 -0.02277635 0.715674221 x -0.514086865 0.607297478 1.495400396 x 1.119144333 0.015910986 -0.210015554 0.711995922 x YDL139C 0.342055735 -0.178914367 0.308956978 0.176083273 0.243882015 -0.142630623 0.279738006 -0.21544956 1.414881931 0.495951162 0.082275118 -0.29015721 -0.633529883 0.042722623 -0.167428673 -0.094448674 0.089539135 0.205047619 0.041460594 0.261991896 0.205040833 -1.064117847 -0.434102252 0.494628459 -0.109958801 0.239563191 0.379310992 0.190521843 0.123067151 0.085067103 -0.210225152 -0.342757661 -0.146910945 0.106524939 -0.175415247 -0.406418538 -0.092803811 YDL149W YDL149W ... ATG9 protein-vacuolar targeting* molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YDL150W 0.010174464 -0.012407097 0.890256067 x 0.230549621 0.671102018 0.849464008 x 0.633841333 -0.312634945 0.201299539 0.354060454 x YDL149W -0.502944265 -0.553914367 -0.606043022 -0.418916727 -0.391117985 -0.667630623 0.234738006 -0.29044956 0.929881931 0.350951162 -0.552724882 -0.27515721 -0.608529883 -0.332277377 -0.422428673 -0.209448674 -0.405460865 -0.669952381 -0.413539406 -0.493008104 -0.369959167 -0.719117847 -0.509102252 -0.990371541 -0.464958801 -0.805436809 -0.605689008 -0.634478157 -0.761932849 -0.399932897 -0.315225152 -0.307757661 -0.191910945 -0.448475061 -0.120415247 -0.191418538 -0.617803811 YDL167C YDL167C PAC cluster NRP1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YDL168W 0.001190481 -0.905637477 -0.779512925 x 0.1203759 -0.134729894 -0.151346758 x -0.209592667 -0.018931815 -0.505292041 -0.318138789 x YDL167C 0.072055735 -0.018914367 0.148956978 0.026083273 -0.066117985 -0.012630623 -0.680261994 -0.69544956 0.384881931 0.475951162 -0.237724882 -0.42015721 0.146470117 -0.177277377 -0.147428673 -0.364448674 -0.150460865 0.045047619 -0.008539406 -0.228008104 -0.104959167 -0.374117847 -0.154102252 0.004628459 -0.179958801 0.169563191 0.029310992 -0.019478157 -0.086932849 -0.094932897 -0.500225152 -0.302757661 -0.116910945 -0.183475061 -0.405415247 -0.376418538 -0.192803811 YDL169C YDL169C ... UGX2 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YDL170W #N/A #N/A #N/A x -0.208259531 1.537866736 2.473051123 x 1.909318333 0.420162834 1.28626204 1.969922273 x YDL169C 0.222055735 -0.188914367 -0.311043022 0.066083273 0.963882015 0.057369377 1.019738006 1.17455044 3.314881931 3.195951162 0.742275118 0.30984279 -0.363529883 1.002722623 0.792571327 0.345551326 -0.470460865 -0.044952381 0.221460594 0.521991896 0.125040833 -0.224117847 -0.034102252 1.124628459 1.010041199 0.399563191 0.459310992 -0.209478157 -0.326932849 1.315067103 1.149774848 0.817242339 0.963089055 0.506524939 0.504584753 0.363581462 -0.092803811 YDL172C YDL172C ... | YDL173W #N/A #N/A #N/A x -0.434283498 -0.380429098 1.319296197 x 0.280269 -0.380289189 0.67506583 -0.324559943 x YDL172C 0.221396425 0.480426323 -0.421702332 0.045423963 0.993222705 #VALUE! -0.230921304 -0.58610887 0.514222621 #VALUE! 1.201615808 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.852063313 0.361912017 0.764892016 0.548879825 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.171332586 -0.045618477 #VALUE! 0.645238438 0.343969149 #VALUE! 0.218903881 0.448651682 #VALUE! 0.062407841 0.694407793 #VALUE! 0.756583029 0.762429745 #VALUE! 0.313925443 -0.097077848 -0.023463121 YDL181W YDL181W ... INH1 ATP synthesis coupled proton t enzyme inhibitor activity proton-transporting ATP synthase co | YDL182W -2.738376588 0.041001127 1.229605051 x -0.471795204 1.279734296 0.387800173 x -2.987301 -0.571252234 -0.561701595 0.513967212 x YDL181W -0.055444265 0.143585633 0.101456978 0.218583273 0.286382015 0.379869377 0.852238006 0.85705044 1.027381931 1.368451162 -0.525224882 -0.01765721 -0.531029883 -0.844777377 -0.514928673 -0.111948674 0.162039135 -0.012452381 0.163960594 -0.065508104 -0.212459167 0.598382153 0.778397748 0.917128459 1.092541199 0.292063191 0.491810992 -1.596978157 -1.414432849 0.557567103 1.072274848 -0.700257661 -0.414410945 0.929024939 0.977084753 0.096081462 -0.390303811 YDL182W "YDL182W ... LYS20 lysine biosynthesis, aminoadip homocitrate synthase activity nucleus* | YDL183C" -1.204475372 -1.009321559 -0.691528775 x -0.963606203 -1.56722501 -0.672591645 x -0.267046333 0.234161075 -0.177264778 -0.484973335 x YDL182W 0.702055735 0.781085633 1.098956978 1.036083273 -0.166117985 -0.022630623 -0.550261994 -0.50544956 2.524881931 2.425951162 1.502275118 1.21984279 1.746470117 0.782722623 0.852571327 1.075551326 0.909539135 0.865047619 0.841460594 1.021991896 1.255040833 0.875882153 0.855897748 0.114628459 0.200041199 0.289563191 -0.170689008 0.870521843 0.963067151 0.475067103 0.489774848 1.447242339 1.093089055 0.596524939 0.794584753 0.393581462 0.377196189 YDL203C YDL203C Ö ACK1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Protein that functions upstream of Pkc1p in the cell wall integrity pathway; GFP-fusion protein expression is induced in response to the DNA-damaging agent MMS; non-tagged Ack1p is detected in purified mitochondriaYDL204W -0.240675856 -0.960181125 -0.54457584 x -0.278201314 -0.425161753 -0.10348331 x -0.424358333 -0.080974004 -0.616379003 -0.234182312 x YDL203C -0.307944265 -0.258914367 -0.281043022 -0.223916727 -0.226117985 -0.262630623 -0.470261994 -0.32544956 0.754881931 0.715951162 -0.517724882 -0.16015721 -0.003529883 -0.167277377 -0.257428673 -0.364448674 -0.340460865 -0.204952381 -0.238539406 -0.198008104 -0.334959167 -0.134117847 -0.274102252 -0.665371541 -0.449958801 -0.500436809 -0.450689008 -0.459478157 -0.396932849 -0.514932897 -0.480225152 0.057242339 -0.106910945 -0.503475061 -0.315415247 -0.046418538 -0.292803811 YDL204W YDL204W iESR cluster RTN2 biological process unknown molecular function unknown endoplasmic reticulum | YDL205C 0.20147212 0.038267644 2.541151151 x 0.310635199 1.466457327 1.555851558 x 2.005356333 0.042772565 0.856605931 2.47760513 x YDL204W -0.141922107 -0.142892209 0.174979136 -0.187894569 0.589904173 0.123391535 2.575760164 1.870572598 4.750904089 4.22197332 -0.151702724 0.035864948 -0.137507725 0.328744781 0.348593485 -0.278426516 -0.014438707 -0.378930223 -0.072517248 0.138014054 0.081062991 -0.048095689 0.021919906 0.190650617 0.566063357 -0.674414651 -0.28466685 -0.283455999 -0.150910691 0.811089261 1.675797006 0.173264497 0.489111213 0.922547097 0.340606911 0.08960362 -0.536781653 YDL206W YDL206W ... YDL206W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YDL207W -0.184689835 -0.174577182 0.624769388 x 0.484584866 0.670250959 0.533018451 x 1.194889 -0.166441329 0.55331872 0.489142891 x YDL206W -0.330444265 -0.141414367 -0.303543022 -0.106416727 -0.128617985 -0.015130623 -0.112761994 -0.15794956 1.482381931 1.733451162 0.109775118 0.43734279 0.313970117 -0.579777377 -0.239928673 -0.326948674 -0.122960865 0.062547619 0.268960594 0.069491896 -0.047459167 0.413382153 0.143397748 0.372128459 0.587541199 0.007063191 0.166810992 0.478021843 0.510567151 0.262567103 1.037274848 -0.445257661 -0.429410945 0.244024939 0.572084753 0.731081462 0.534696189 YDL211C YDL211C ... YDL211C biological process unknown molecular function unknown vacuole (sensu Fungi) | YDL212W -0.408436729 -1.059873792 0.269965553 x -0.039942509 0.809192598 0.93273719 x 0.30199 -0.351132683 -0.436412654 0.000554193 x YDL211C -0.245444265 -0.186414367 -0.148543022 -0.081416727 -0.223617985 -0.140130623 -0.247761994 -0.41294956 0.877381931 0.748451162 -0.475224882 -0.16765721 0.108970117 -0.314777377 -0.164928673 -0.121948674 -0.097960865 -0.262452381 -0.436039406 -0.285508104 -0.262459167 0.108382153 -0.031602252 -0.622871541 -0.347458801 -0.337936809 -0.238189008 -0.316978157 -0.194432849 -0.182432897 0.092274848 -0.240257661 -0.154410945 -0.580975061 -0.252915247 0.156081462 -0.080303811 YDL215C YDL215C ... GDH2 nitrogen compound metabolism glutamate dehydrogenase activity mitochondrion* | YDL216C -0.323598636 0.005398903 0.502108491 x -0.035766624 0.306919129 0.60076576 x 1.623194667 0.497278528 0.725050737 1.262421182 x YDL215C 0.067055735 0.346085633 -0.236043022 -0.068916727 0.108882015 0.062369377 0.224738006 0.28955044 3.269881931 2.930951162 1.607275118 0.43484279 0.721470117 0.857722623 0.847571327 0.040551326 0.174539135 4.76E-05 0.116460594 -0.113008104 -0.139959167 0.240882153 0.120897748 0.949628459 0.995041199 0.134563191 0.194310992 0.715521843 0.478067151 0.340067103 0.814774848 1.062242339 0.808089055 0.821524939 1.049584753 0.628581462 0.152196189 YDL222C YDL222C iESR cluster FMP45 cell wall organization and bio molecular function unknown mitochondrion* | YDL223C 0.706945583 0.372561552 1.632181746 x 0.007727333 0.611279346 1.245776442 x 0.143485333 0.05694537 0.264727679 1.100027606 x YDL222C 0.208063092 0.01709299 -0.445035665 -0.21790937 0.729889372 0.873376734 0.265745363 2.920557797 0.940889288 1.581958519 0.138282475 #VALUE! 0.752477474 0.23872998 0.228578684 0.601558683 0.335546492 0.271054976 0.227467951 -0.222000747 -0.50895181 1.15188951 0.191905105 #VALUE! 0.146048556 0.295570548 -0.104681651 -0.3034708 -0.100925492 #VALUE! 0.565782205 0.863249696 0.619096412 0.132532296 0.28059211 0.279588819 0.223203546 YDL223C YDL223C ... HBT1 cellular morphogenesis during molecular function unknown mating projection | YDL224C -0.848615496 -0.879901451 3.962886882 x 0.294260525 1.257844478 1.381371801 x 1.573858333 0.176817398 1.627458426 1.658423446 x YDL223C 0.051411226 0.220441124 0.268312469 -0.124561236 0.203237506 0.106724868 0.469093497 -0.056094069 3.494237422 2.925306653 -0.078369391 -0.110801719 -0.204174392 0.292078114 0.481926818 -0.125093183 -0.311105374 -0.04559689 0.050816085 0.171347387 0.164396324 0.335237644 -0.224746761 0.65398395 0.38939669 -0.161081318 0.038666483 -0.000122666 0.102422642 0.154422594 0.339130339 0.81659783 0.142444546 0.08588043 0.183940244 0.432936953 -0.19344832 YDL234C YDL234C ... GYP7 vesicle-mediated transport Rab GTPase activator activity cytoplasm | YDL235C -0.075000022 -0.42956263 1.350445873 x 0.063747163 1.038379056 1.474714075 x 1.755889 -0.006496124 1.065227514 1.497148118 x YDL234C 0.059555735 0.198585633 0.056456978 0.073583273 -0.058617985 -0.225130623 0.067238006 -0.05794956 2.692381931 2.453451162 0.559775118 0.09734279 -0.006029883 1.070222623 0.890071327 0.073051326 -0.002960865 -0.077452381 -0.081039406 0.079491896 0.102540833 -0.026617847 -0.016602252 0.802128459 0.597541199 0.227063191 0.636810992 0.418021843 0.110567151 0.052567103 0.127274848 0.734742339 0.640589055 0.334024939 0.352084753 0.441081462 0.154696189 YDL238C "YDL238C ... GUD1 guanine metabolism ""hydrolase activity, acting on carbo""cytoplasm | YDL239C" -0.917653402 -0.571867253 1.243346102 x 0.05017906 1.157914861 1.066265418 x 0.272561667 0.105543786 0.289077974 0.682682495 x YDL238C 0.101411226 0.480441124 -0.111687531 0.115438764 -0.016762494 0.036724868 0.459093497 0.053905931 2.394237422 2.395306653 0.111630609 0.259198281 0.365825608 0.122078114 0.061926818 0.254906817 0.038894626 -0.39559689 -0.709183915 -0.238652613 -0.535603676 -0.084762356 -0.174746761 0.22398395 0.43939669 0.158918682 0.048666483 0.429877334 0.072422642 0.304422594 0.999130339 0.02659783 0.062444546 0.05588043 0.403940244 0.502936953 0.12655168 YDR001C "YDR001C iESR cluster NTH1 response to stress* ""alpha,alpha-trehalase activity"" cytoplasm* | YDR002W" -0.360324769 -0.241781662 0.728708747 x 0.203454962 1.451292294 1.842073416 x 1.307936 0.023049554 0.464748575 1.186716596 x YDR001C 0.074555735 0.093585633 -0.378543022 -0.301416727 0.416382015 0.289869377 0.622238006 0.51705044 3.697381931 3.198451162 0.324775118 0.39234279 0.348970117 0.615222623 0.325071327 0.458051326 0.202039135 -0.312452381 -0.156039406 -0.285508104 -0.422459167 0.388382153 -0.171602252 0.547128459 0.772541199 0.222063191 0.291810992 0.713021843 0.365567151 0.537567103 1.272274848 0.569742339 0.175589055 0.459024939 0.667084753 0.606081462 0.209696189 YDR018C YDR018C ... YDR018C phospholipid biosynthesis acyltransferase activity cellular component unknown | YDR019C -1.088197502 -1.016648133 2.338059978 x 0.612442389 1.233880082 1.433898595 x 3.245532667 -0.902486248 1.509991529 2.456908154 x YDR018C 0.277405056 #VALUE! 0.764306299 #VALUE! 0.669231336 1.022718698 #VALUE! #VALUE! 3.240231252 3.111300483 0.317624439 1.105192111 0.121819438 1.438071944 1.147920648 0.770900647 0.624888456 #VALUE! 0.766809915 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.951231474 1.221247069 1.79997778 1.80539052 #VALUE! 1.144660313 1.265871164 0.738416472 0.820416424 1.525124169 1.28259166 0.608438376 1.79187426 1.809934074 1.418930783 0.60254551 YDR022C YDR022C ... CIS1 regulation of cyclin dependent molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YDR023W -1.335680555 -1.19325514 1.560821685 x -0.071328088 -0.208904707 0.463063183 x 1.018836333 0.095934192 0.018235591 -0.204455817 x YDR022C 0.004555735 -0.446414367 -0.408543022 -0.051416727 0.026382015 -0.090130623 0.322238006 0.16705044 2.227381931 1.648451162 -0.225224882 0.42234279 0.088970117 -0.414777377 -0.394928673 -0.251948674 -0.147960865 -0.072452381 -0.206039406 0.194491896 -0.052459167 -0.211617847 -0.111602252 -0.232871541 -0.087458801 0.232063191 0.181810992 0.153021843 -0.054432849 -0.022432897 -0.057725152 -0.740257661 -0.484410945 -0.630975061 -0.552915247 0.006081462 -0.000303811 YDR034W-B YDR034W-B ... YDR034W-B biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YDR035W #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.878984908 1.701121969 1.622500785 x 3.031872 1.619710811 2.999394418 3.769116093 x YDR034W-B -0.070444265 0.078585633 -0.193543022 -0.446416727 0.641382015 1.074869377 1.877238006 1.42205044 6.432381931 6.313451162 0.609775118 1.23734279 0.943970117 1.760222623 1.860071327 0.233051326 0.287039135 0.232547619 0.308960594 -0.130508104 -0.607459167 0.593382153 0.163397748 1.932128459 2.427541199 0.667063191 0.666810992 1.308021843 1.040567151 0.502567103 2.327274848 0.754742339 1.130589055 1.154024939 1.222084753 1.351081462 0.034696189 YDR040C "YDR040C ... ENA1 sodium ion transport ""ATPase activity, coupled to transme""plasma membrane | YDR041W" 0.99322881 1.355236366 1.04074606 x 0.967166667 0.527788722 0.47146569 x 0.289688667 0.620281272 0.659295941 0.383232209 x YDR040C -0.057944265 -0.028914367 0.008956978 -0.163916727 -0.016117985 0.317369377 0.349738006 0.32455044 0.974881931 1.115951162 0.982275118 0.78984279 0.286470117 1.372722623 1.142571327 0.255551326 -0.070460865 0.035047619 0.101460594 0.091991896 -0.104959167 0.675882153 -0.064102252 -0.125371541 -0.059958801 -0.270436809 -0.250689008 -0.019478157 0.023067151 -0.234932897 0.139774848 1.017242339 0.823089055 -0.873475061 -0.865415247 -0.326418538 -0.332803811 YDR055W YDR055W ... PST1 cell wall organization and bio molecular function unknown cell wall (sensu Fungi) | YDR056C -0.444635024 0.467476952 1.283478698 x 0.200279971 1.313673753 0.708606775 x 0.497671333 -0.169665605 0.535216297 1.647302299 x YDR055W 0.044555735 0.243585633 0.091456978 0.148583273 0.306382015 0.249869377 0.802238006 0.81705044 3.137381931 2.968451162 0.864775118 0.23234279 -0.171029883 0.225222623 0.155071327 0.658051326 0.492039135 -0.142452381 0.033960594 -0.045508104 -0.232459167 0.258382153 -0.201602252 0.587128459 0.912541199 0.392063191 0.421810992 0.343021843 0.235567151 1.107567103 1.992274848 0.299742339 0.265589055 0.979024939 0.837084753 1.446081462 1.129696189 YDR070C YDR070C iESR cluster FMP16 biological process unknown molecular function unknown mitochondrion | YDR071C #N/A #N/A #N/A x -0.81071117 -0.142906028 1.54718193 x 1.970749667 -0.574571833 2.252943444 0.362637815 x YDR070C -0.070444265 -0.221414367 0.476456978 0.493583273 0.281382015 0.674869377 1.447238006 0.88205044 1.042381931 1.023451162 -0.460224882 -0.12265721 -0.146029883 -0.019777377 0.020071327 -0.056948674 -0.052960865 0.002547619 0.128960594 0.809491896 0.422540833 0.123382153 0.123397748 0.202128459 0.227541199 -0.062936809 -0.283189008 -0.121978157 -0.069432849 -0.027432897 0.177274848 -0.395257661 0.000589055 -0.025975061 0.052084753 -0.108918538 -0.155303811 YDR074W YDR074W iESR cluster TPS2 response to stress* trehalose-phosphatase activity mitochondrion* | YDR075W -0.729455074 -0.371519917 0.966553311 x -0.136118435 0.92785686 1.170577496 x 0.951158 -0.335954356 -0.034776 0.615371977 x YDR074W -0.277944265 -0.108914367 -0.191043022 -0.303916727 0.143882015 -0.102630623 0.539738006 0.53455044 2.014881931 1.885951162 -0.037724882 0.34984279 0.006470117 -0.057277377 -0.067428673 0.305551326 0.229539135 -0.214952381 -0.178539406 -0.068008104 -0.304959167 0.525882153 0.065897748 0.174628459 0.530041199 -0.030436809 0.089310992 0.050521843 -0.096932849 0.275067103 1.229774848 0.257242339 0.043089055 0.476524939 0.784584753 0.753581462 0.287196189 YDR077W YDR077W ... SED1 cell wall organization and bio structural constituent of cell wallmitochondrion* | YDR078C -0.615401443 1.490061959 2.22135212 x -0.024840901 4.038594861 3.716526172 x 0.553128667 0.029811495 1.273505659 2.255705853 x YDR077W 0.124555735 0.263585633 0.211456978 0.328583273 0.326382015 0.279869377 1.112238006 0.98705044 4.007381931 3.528451162 0.444775118 0.41234279 -0.091029883 0.775222623 0.675071327 0.578051326 0.262039135 0.477547619 0.503960594 0.804491896 0.537540833 1.078382153 0.438397748 2.397128459 2.412541199 0.632063191 1.121810992 0.823021843 0.685567151 1.347567103 2.122274848 0.459742339 0.195589055 1.569024939 1.437084753 0.936081462 0.519696189 YDR085C YDR085C iESR cluster AFR1 signal transduction during con receptor signaling protein activitymating projection base | YDR086C -0.536581276 0.561278595 1.670035557 x 0.317083596 2.64047206 3.18818489 x 0.904662 -0.334886571 0.120488553 1.549026519 x YDR085C -0.180444265 -0.131414367 -0.353543022 -0.226416727 -0.038617985 -0.315130623 -0.082761994 -0.25794956 2.422381931 1.673451162 -0.150224882 0.36734279 -0.036029883 -0.139777377 -0.419928673 0.163051326 0.307039135 0.242547619 0.098960594 0.149491896 0.232540833 -0.136617847 -0.036602252 1.212128459 0.817541199 0.317063191 0.516810992 0.928021843 0.650567151 0.252567103 0.487274848 -0.645257661 -0.349410945 0.804024939 0.752084753 0.381081462 0.344696189 YDR101C YDR101C PAC cluster ARX1 ribosomal large subunit biogen molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YDR102C 0.087095713 -0.486851035 -0.454536254 x 0.067142416 -0.185741602 -0.27265415 x -0.870636 0.15013111 -0.546637874 -0.386035974 x YDR101C 0.182055735 0.111085633 0.018956978 -0.013916727 0.013882015 -0.042630623 -0.600261994 -0.61544956 -0.655118069 -0.214048838 -0.707724882 -0.37015721 0.146470117 -0.217277377 -0.327428673 -0.334448674 -0.140460865 -0.004952381 -0.108539406 -0.308008104 -0.164959167 -0.434117847 0.015897748 -0.025371541 -0.539958801 0.009563191 -0.070689008 -0.099478157 -0.006932849 0.245067103 -0.510225152 -0.302757661 -0.436910945 -0.223475061 -0.455415247 -0.446418538 -0.212803811 YDR120C YDR120C PAC cluster TRM1 tRNA methylation tRNA (guanine-N2-)-methyltransferasmitochondrion* | YDR121W -0.004887043 -0.868297603 -0.909309513 x 0.041618045 -0.08481758 0.020136911 x -1.065754667 0.143680741 -0.702535576 -0.291997122 x YDR120C 0.124555735 0.043585633 -0.048543022 -0.211416727 -0.053617985 -0.080130623 -0.707761994 -0.91294956 -0.732618069 -0.401548838 -0.505224882 -0.41765721 0.028970117 0.125222623 -0.194928673 -0.101948674 -0.257960865 -0.022452381 -0.146039406 -0.535508104 -0.372459167 -0.361617847 -0.061602252 -0.262871541 -0.697458801 -0.167936809 -0.258189008 -0.476978157 -0.424432849 -0.012432897 -0.807725152 -0.010257661 0.025589055 -0.410975061 -0.652915247 -0.443918538 -0.210303811 YDR122W YDR122W ... KIN1 exocytosis protein kinase activity plasma membrane* | YDR123C -0.396782127 -0.219551353 0.38863373 x 0.065575787 0.745996603 0.94897924 x 0.233337667 -0.141065309 0.245084327 0.279414378 x YDR122W -0.235444265 -0.206414367 -0.258543022 -0.151416727 0.016382015 -0.130130623 0.142238006 0.07705044 1.727381931 1.458451162 -0.205224882 0.26234279 -0.021029883 0.435222623 0.125071327 0.198051326 0.022039135 -0.152452381 -0.076039406 0.044491896 -0.032459167 0.448382153 -0.151602252 -0.362871541 -0.107458801 -0.147936809 -0.028189008 -0.066978157 -0.184432849 -0.192432897 0.322274848 0.509742339 0.235589055 -0.200975061 0.157084753 0.526081462 0.129696189 YDR161W YDR161W PAC cluster YDR161W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YDR162C 0.355632869 -0.737897869 -0.726936779 x -0.013138883 -0.19152451 0.023971424 x -1.080686 0.0673405 -0.618706752 -0.27301981 x YDR161W 0.344555735 0.193585633 0.311456978 0.318583273 0.056382015 0.069869377 -0.197761994 -0.40294956 -0.042618069 -0.141548838 -0.005224882 -0.23765721 -0.011029883 0.345222623 0.035071327 0.158051326 0.272039135 0.437547619 0.223960594 0.254491896 0.257540833 -0.661617847 0.108397748 -0.082871541 -0.657458801 0.142063191 0.051810992 0.093021843 0.125567151 0.147567103 -0.747725152 -0.110257661 0.105589055 -0.070975061 -0.572915247 -0.693918538 -0.190303811 YDR162C YDR162C ... NBP2 response to heat* molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YDR163W -0.23191951 -0.535087882 0.229522881 x -0.01882383 0.619197389 0.669166347 x 0.074814 0.028711895 0.411068985 0.364490327 x YDR162C 0.142055735 -0.088914367 0.028956978 0.036083273 0.063882015 -0.012630623 -0.030261994 0.05455044 1.454881931 0.895951162 0.352275118 -0.03015721 -0.123529883 0.562722623 0.242571327 0.135551326 0.069539135 0.315047619 0.181460594 0.301991896 0.315040833 -0.204117847 0.005897748 0.184628459 -0.009958801 0.149563191 0.289310992 0.320521843 0.263067151 0.065067103 -0.260225152 0.157242339 0.293089055 -0.093475061 -0.335415247 -0.226418538 -0.062803811 YDR165W YDR165W PAC cluster TRM82 tRNA methylation protein binding* nucleus | YDR166C -0.058430144 -0.868151156 -0.600101975 x -0.057129767 -0.174745553 -0.077511435 x -0.668549 -0.236536481 -0.776776422 -0.36862773 x YDR165W -0.010444265 -0.101414367 0.106456978 0.053583273 -0.188617985 -0.125130623 -0.412761994 -0.73794956 -0.667618069 -0.316548838 -0.670224882 -0.34265721 -0.006029883 -0.299777377 -0.159928673 -0.326948674 -0.062960865 -0.057452381 -0.221039406 -0.140508104 -0.027459167 -0.596617847 0.003397748 -0.167871541 -0.442458801 -0.222936809 -0.443189008 -0.211978157 -0.099432849 -0.107432897 -0.812725152 -0.685257661 -0.249410945 -0.185975061 -0.437915247 -0.898918538 -0.495303811 YDR171W YDR171W iESR cluster HSP42 response to stress* unfolded protein binding cytoplasm* | YDR172W -0.782892835 0.075331454 1.958495286 x 0.25088154 1.583494956 2.81688832 x 0.725753 0.33018947 2.002839383 1.542795015 x YDR171W -0.415444265 -0.186414367 0.151456978 -0.211416727 0.666382015 0.439869377 2.082238006 1.91705044 4.467381931 3.828451162 0.344775118 1.65234279 0.088970117 2.745222623 1.915071327 1.118051326 0.832039135 -0.062452381 0.303960594 0.324491896 0.317540833 0.568382153 -0.271602252 0.587128459 1.092541199 0.142063191 1.141810992 -0.186978157 0.055567151 0.187567103 1.372274848 1.549742339 1.355589055 0.429024939 1.127084753 1.896081462 1.049696189 YDR174W YDR174W ... HMO1 plasmid maintenance single-stranded DNA binding* cytoplasm* | YDR175C -0.155631963 -0.896301257 -0.552740272 x -0.027143038 -0.2553138 -0.361423127 x -0.351803 -0.283990567 -0.862824862 -0.446170739 x YDR174W -0.077944265 -0.128914367 0.068956978 0.076083273 -0.206117985 -0.192630623 -0.440261994 -0.48544956 -0.675118069 -0.234048838 -0.777724882 -0.13015721 -0.023529883 -0.537277377 -0.417428673 -0.224448674 -0.130460865 -0.104952381 -0.198539406 -0.118008104 -0.004959167 -0.004117847 0.075897748 -0.475371541 -0.149958801 0.259563191 -0.100689008 -0.389478157 -0.226932849 -0.264932897 -0.280225152 -0.502757661 -0.286910945 -0.383475061 -0.305415247 -0.296418538 -0.152803811 YDR206W YDR206W ... EBS1 telomerase-dependent telomere molecular function unknown nucleus | YDR207C 0.263059939 -0.676277453 -0.459876051 x -0.085604657 -0.41556821 -0.112810774 x 0.659468333 -0.227708967 -0.836389842 -0.509605068 x YDR206W 0.104555735 0.093585633 -0.348543022 -0.001416727 0.146382015 0.189869377 -0.337761994 -0.41294956 0.327381931 0.428451162 -0.135224882 -0.31765721 0.118970117 -0.034777377 -0.304928673 0.028051326 -0.117960865 0.107547619 0.033960594 -0.125508104 -0.162459167 -0.071617847 -0.031602252 -0.332871541 -0.377458801 -0.007936809 -0.168189008 0.193021843 0.075567151 0.157567103 -0.097725152 0.149742339 0.015589055 -0.260975061 -0.222915247 -0.023918538 -0.010303811 YDR216W YDR216W ... ADR1 transcription* transcription factor activity nucleus | YDR217C -1.355404207 0.533404094 2.60833394 x 1.15829031 2.828539585 2.471564225 x 1.830386333 0.462163013 2.051274375 2.223022438 x YDR216W -0.265444265 -0.146414367 -0.008543022 -0.221416727 0.366382015 0.329869377 0.502238006 0.50705044 3.187381931 3.228451162 0.834775118 1.05234279 0.868970117 1.155222623 0.985071327 0.808051326 0.362039135 -0.622452381 -0.336039406 -1.155508104 -0.882459167 0.258382153 -0.481602252 1.567128459 1.782541199 -0.287936809 0.371810992 1.543021843 1.305567151 1.007567103 1.822274848 1.079742339 0.385589055 1.579024939 1.807084753 1.236081462 0.879696189 YDR218C YDR218C ... SPR28 cell wall organization and bio structural constituent of cytoskeleseptin ring (sensu Saccharomyces) | YDR219C #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.175741501 1.370330077 1.936065219 x 1.356485 1.378873466 2.447226087 1.108564362 x YDR218C #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! YDR222W YDR222W ... YDR222W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YDR223W 0.487892145 -0.438821467 -0.479517332 x -0.112093262 -1.389848041 -0.256890397 x 0.189988667 0.128132666 0.721273647 -0.395809297 x YDR222W 0.384555735 0.233585633 0.161456978 -0.041416727 0.276382015 0.469869377 0.102238006 0.52705044 -0.862618069 -0.061548838 -0.855224882 0.48234279 0.968970117 -0.644777377 -0.904928673 -0.091948674 0.042039135 0.737547619 0.823960594 0.214491896 0.377540833 -0.481617847 -0.581602252 -1.612871541 -0.877458801 1.022063191 -0.198189008 -0.626978157 -0.264432849 -1.642432897 -0.917725152 -1.140257661 -1.124410945 -0.500975061 -0.192915247 1.056081462 1.049696189 YDR226W YDR226W ... ADK1 nucleotide metabolism adenylate kinase activity cytoplasm* | YDR227W -0.75125508 -0.659859534 -0.31513933 x -0.187331372 -0.427862594 -0.305898877 x -0.981556 -0.24235734 -0.452150835 -0.60543765 x YDR226W -0.100444265 -0.301414367 -0.143543022 -0.116416727 -0.148617985 -0.275130623 -0.342761994 -0.31794956 0.742381931 0.433451162 -0.300224882 -0.09265721 0.133970117 -0.169777377 -0.339928673 -0.026948674 -0.032960865 -0.167452381 -0.291039406 -0.110508104 -0.107459167 0.003382153 0.103397748 -0.227871541 -0.222458801 -0.172936809 -0.303189008 -0.311978157 -0.359432849 -0.477432897 -0.742725152 -0.355257661 -0.279410945 -0.425975061 -0.397915247 -0.388918538 -0.395303811 YDR234W "YDR234W ... LYS4 lysine biosynthesis, aminoadip homoaconitate hydratase activity mitochondrion* | YDR235W" -0.045350938 -0.270810967 -0.402440602 x -0.633991853 -0.70575565 -0.32398077 x 0.517329 -0.043329509 -0.56295239 -0.20022755 x YDR234W 0.377055735 0.486085633 0.613956978 0.551083273 -0.031117985 -0.037630623 -0.245261994 -0.17044956 1.539881931 1.550951162 0.827275118 0.31484279 0.771470117 0.137722623 0.357571327 0.380551326 0.594539135 0.090047619 0.066460594 0.056991896 0.200040833 0.510882153 0.690897748 0.459628459 0.215041199 0.194563191 -0.145689008 0.695521843 0.618067151 0.330067103 0.444774848 0.642242339 0.518089055 0.731524939 0.889584753 0.228581462 0.262196189 YDR242W YDR242W ... AMD2 biological process unknown amidase activity cellular component unknown | YDR243C -0.796535202 -0.511790632 1.705591427 x -0.721530479 -0.035497154 1.049505989 x 1.492482333 -0.073790731 -0.256395584 0.656485439 x YDR242W 0.389555735 0.508585633 0.026456978 0.343583273 0.541382015 0.484869377 0.187238006 0.07205044 3.422381931 2.953451162 2.299775118 0.06734279 0.443970117 0.780222623 0.250071327 0.483051326 0.307039135 0.282547619 0.048960594 0.189491896 -0.127459167 0.413382153 0.043397748 0.732128459 0.437541199 0.757063191 0.436810992 0.978021843 0.730567151 0.492567103 0.657274848 0.894742339 1.540589055 0.004024939 0.402084753 0.741081462 0.584696189 YDR248C YDR248C ... YDR248C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YDR249C -1.794898018 -0.806593325 1.627520598 x -0.224939757 0.524692921 0.952892623 x -0.806304 -0.164233683 -0.143358792 0.147720564 x YDR248C 0.204555735 -0.026414367 0.041456978 0.198583273 0.536382015 0.439869377 0.612238006 0.56705044 1.117381931 0.548451162 0.244775118 0.43234279 -0.011029883 0.125222623 0.185071327 0.028051326 0.132039135 0.137547619 0.073960594 0.204491896 0.097540833 -0.201617847 0.388397748 0.437128459 0.382541199 0.442063191 0.391810992 0.173021843 0.105567151 -0.072432897 -0.427725152 -0.400257661 0.035589055 0.219024939 -0.222915247 -0.163918538 0.229696189 YDR251W YDR251W ... PAM1 pseudohyphal growth molecular function unknown bud neck* | YDR252W -0.43865379 -0.336571411 0.227089551 x -0.021062438 0.418903904 0.69576473 x 0.104313667 -0.194794124 -0.064648214 0.348396425 x YDR251W -0.070444265 0.038585633 -0.123543022 -0.076416727 -0.058617985 -0.175130623 -0.132761994 -0.16794956 0.932381931 0.773451162 -0.330224882 0.31734279 -0.006029883 0.370222623 -0.069928673 0.123051326 -0.112960865 -0.077452381 -0.091039406 0.039491896 -0.067459167 0.233382153 -0.086602252 -0.037871541 0.177541199 -0.162936809 -0.143189008 0.008021843 0.010567151 -0.167432897 0.037274848 0.154742339 -0.109410945 -0.115975061 0.112084753 0.321081462 0.044696189 YDR255C YDR255C iESR cluster RMD5 negative regulation of glucone molecular function unknown cytosol | YDR256C -0.204047453 -0.361749654 0.47056945 x 0.242240874 0.89763337 1.066532533 x 0.475048 -0.5680925 -0.119473475 0.491909166 x YDR255C -0.067944265 -0.018914367 -0.151043022 -0.453916727 0.593882015 0.387369377 0.089738006 -0.09544956 1.514881931 1.435951162 0.102275118 0.30984279 0.336470117 0.252722623 -0.267428673 1.105551326 0.459539135 -0.034952381 0.231460594 -0.008008104 -0.264959167 0.505882153 0.015897748 0.654628459 0.830041199 0.389563191 0.279310992 0.130521843 0.293067151 0.935067103 0.999774848 0.927242339 0.433089055 0.516524939 0.854584753 0.603581462 0.397196189 YDR258C YDR258C iESR cluster HSP78 response to stress* ATPase activity* mitochondrial matrix | YDR259C -0.918124854 0.00169259 1.159094373 x -0.045261314 1.175835425 1.607647407 x -0.083579 0.003668514 0.768677501 0.965898616 x YDR258C 0.137055735 -0.323914367 -0.626043022 -0.418916727 0.728882015 0.302369377 0.674738006 0.49955044 2.479881931 1.940951162 1.317275118 1.34484279 0.571470117 1.257722623 0.637571327 0.210551326 0.004539135 0.050047619 -0.093539406 -0.213008104 -0.309959167 0.140882153 0.140897748 0.769628459 1.415041199 0.764563191 0.884310992 -0.594478157 -1.131932849 0.670067103 0.984774848 1.112242339 1.008089055 0.881524939 0.889584753 1.368581462 1.302196189 YDR263C YDR263C ... DIN7 DNA repair nuclease activity mitochondrion | YDR264C #N/A #N/A #N/A x -0.468553766 0.913043697 1.517634918 x 0.843107 -0.044487224 0.409427278 0.31217336 x YDR263C -0.410444265 -0.591414367 -0.423543022 0.353583273 -0.348617985 -0.255130623 0.517238006 0.25205044 0.292381931 0.203451162 -0.390224882 -0.14265721 -0.456029883 0.290222623 -0.119928673 -0.106948674 -0.302960865 -0.277452381 -0.241039406 0.519491896 0.002540833 -0.136617847 -0.386602252 -0.597871541 -0.662458801 -0.342936809 -0.323189008 -0.641978157 -0.569432849 -0.957432897 -0.782725152 -0.035257661 -0.029410945 -0.675975061 -0.567915247 -0.098918538 -0.155303811 YDR277C YDR277C ... MTH1 signal transduction* molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YDR278C -0.451000299 0.34772181 1.458301918 x 0.242934236 1.484361779 1.278222623 x 1.89099 -0.862026251 -0.258240463 0.536953258 x YDR277C -0.371922107 0.587107791 0.114979136 -0.207894569 -0.260095827 -0.136608465 0.155760164 0.380572598 1.270904089 1.82197332 -0.031702724 -0.714135052 -1.717507725 0.518744781 0.688593485 0.141573484 0.275561293 0.451069777 0.677482752 0.098014054 0.841062991 -0.248095689 0.131919906 1.710650617 0.696063357 -0.864414651 -0.62466685 -0.733455999 -0.560910691 1.661089261 1.255797006 0.173264497 0.689111213 1.302547097 1.020606911 -0.01039638 -0.776781653 YDR281C YDR281C ... PHM6 biological process unknown molecular function unknown vacuole (sensu Fungi) | YDR282C -0.963535959 -1.242018121 -0.68285107 x 0.750705756 -1.042262574 -1.580816979 x -4.896648333 0.082123209 -1.548307351 -1.893871976 x YDR281C 0.167055735 0.206085633 0.173956978 0.001083273 -0.301117985 -0.077630623 0.664738006 0.68955044 -2.320118069 -2.189048838 -0.592724882 -0.45515721 0.481470117 -2.042277377 -1.132428673 -0.849448674 -0.355460865 -2.239952381 -2.643539406 -2.043008104 -1.969959167 -1.289117847 -0.569102252 -2.730371541 -3.024958801 -1.875436809 -2.785689008 -0.844478157 -1.021932849 -1.939932897 -2.715225152 -4.177757661 -3.911910945 -3.198475061 -3.950415247 -3.261418538 -2.787803811 YDR287W "YDR287W Ö iESR cluster INM2 inositol phosphate dephosphory inositol-1(or 4)-monophosphata | Inositol monophosphatase, involved in biosynthesis of inositol; enzymatic activity requires magnesium ions and is inhibited by lithium and sodium ions; inm1 inm2 double mutant lacks inositol auxotrophyYDR288W" -0.461160901 -0.717770845 0.359952659 x 0.02440795 1.206038563 1.31198563 x -0.00419 -0.439576653 -0.669469623 0.439625485 x YDR287W 0.067055735 0.006085633 -0.236043022 -0.108916727 0.078882015 0.122369377 0.154738006 0.07955044 2.309881931 1.820951162 0.167275118 -0.11515721 0.021470117 0.217722623 0.097571327 0.140551326 -0.095460865 -0.419952381 -0.393539406 -0.403008104 -0.509959167 -0.199117847 -0.179102252 0.169628459 0.185041199 0.034563191 -0.015689008 0.085521843 -0.101932849 0.180067103 0.314774848 0.302242339 0.208089055 0.291524939 0.269584753 0.298581462 0.132196189 YDR293C YDR293C ... SSD1 cell wall organization and bio RNA binding cytoplasm | YDR294C -0.133262859 -6.21939143 -7.020685941 x 0.012478126 -7.140050074 -7.315553811 x 0.888744667 -0.128723319 0.152526315 0.457559534 x YDR293C -0.067944265 0.101085633 0.048956978 -0.103916727 -0.036117985 -0.182630623 -0.210261994 0.00455044 1.394881931 1.435951162 -0.107724882 -0.04015721 0.136470117 0.002722623 -0.277428673 0.025551326 -0.120460865 0.025047619 0.101460594 0.141991896 -0.054959167 0.565882153 -0.144102252 0.044628459 0.080041199 0.079563191 -0.070689008 0.160521843 0.163067151 -0.304932897 0.399774848 0.497242339 -0.156910945 0.256524939 0.544584753 0.503581462 0.147196189 YDR301W YDR301W ... CFT1 mRNA polyadenylylation* RNA binding mitochondrion* | YDR302W -0.076768156 -0.691868552 -0.548439635 x -0.146942256 -0.314882985 -0.030323082 x -0.144952667 -0.167137955 -0.624972484 -0.458431097 x YDR301W -0.032944265 0.006085633 0.023956978 0.021083273 -0.021117985 -0.037630623 -0.225261994 -0.26044956 0.949881931 0.850951162 -0.092724882 -0.13515721 0.041470117 -0.092277377 -0.142428673 -0.149448674 -0.135460865 -0.099952381 -0.033539406 -0.053008104 -0.119959167 -0.099117847 -0.009102252 -0.510371541 -0.344958801 -0.105436809 -0.175689008 -0.214478157 -0.231932849 -0.199932897 -0.145225152 0.152242339 -0.081910945 -0.358475061 -0.200415247 0.038581462 -0.097803811 YDR315C YDR315C ... IPK1 myo-inositol metabolism inositol or phosphatidylinositol kinucleus | YDR316W -0.819400522 0.051934751 0.44653413 x -0.057891777 1.165631896 0.973955462 x 0.902074333 -0.395476014 -0.874702008 0.643759026 x YDR315C 0.059555735 -0.191414367 0.286456978 0.313583273 0.271382015 0.164869377 0.577238006 0.21205044 1.892381931 1.293451162 0.149775118 -0.18265721 -0.096029883 -0.019777377 0.060071327 -0.066948674 0.217039135 0.152547619 -0.051039406 0.979491896 0.792540833 -0.206617847 0.143397748 0.892128459 0.537541199 0.377063191 0.426810992 0.748021843 0.440567151 0.522567103 0.277274848 -0.235257661 0.340589055 0.314024939 0.202084753 -0.038918538 0.164696189 YDR326C YDR326C Ö YSP2 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Protein involved in programmed cell death; mutant shows resistance to cell death induced by amiodarone or intracellular acidificationYDR327W -0.116169259 -0.436846603 -0.567148296 x 0.012572277 -0.19085039 -0.200670169 x -0.165867333 -0.093951732 -0.185580929 -0.325311174 x YDR326C -0.132944265 -0.093914367 -0.026043022 -0.068916727 -0.271117985 -0.157630623 -0.355261994 -0.29044956 0.269881931 0.090951162 -0.372724882 -0.13515721 -0.038529883 -0.282277377 -0.472428673 -0.329448674 -0.245460865 -0.229952381 -0.173539406 -0.253008104 -0.119959167 -0.469117847 -0.259102252 -0.430371541 -0.664958801 -0.415436809 -0.425689008 -0.434478157 -0.371932849 -0.259932897 -0.355225152 -0.327757661 -0.281910945 -0.538475061 -0.480415247 -0.131418538 -0.117803811 YDR342C YDR342C ... HXT7 hexose transport glucose transporter activity* mitochondrion* | YDR343C -1.839365359 1.519247884 1.704140624 x 0.762217035 5.194258875 3.886857964 x 0.675956 -0.84108062 -2.683752224 1.702602511 x YDR342C 3.827055735 3.786085633 2.873956978 3.041083273 3.068882015 2.262369377 2.674738006 2.81955044 6.319881931 6.290951162 2.017275118 -0.78515721 -1.138529883 0.897722623 1.877571327 3.120551326 3.564539135 3.470047619 3.666460594 2.236991896 2.590040833 3.370882153 3.180897748 5.519628459 5.145041199 2.384563191 2.044310992 2.445521843 2.658067151 5.390067103 5.854774848 4.712242339 5.038089055 5.471524939 5.619584753 2.978581462 2.072196189 YDR343C YDR343C ... HXT6 hexose transport glucose transporter activity* mitochondrion* | YDR344C -0.437662715 1.601545454 1.349222926 x 0.258520203 3.388582696 2.730034336 x 0.696359 -0.632642856 -2.086232481 1.695860374 x YDR343C 3.834555735 3.963585633 2.941456978 3.088583273 3.026382015 2.259869377 2.702238006 2.82705044 6.297381931 6.348451162 2.374775118 -0.74765721 -1.151029883 0.925222623 1.905071327 3.118051326 3.442039135 3.527547619 3.693960594 2.334491896 2.637540833 3.408382153 3.318397748 5.477128459 5.072541199 2.422063191 2.131810992 2.553021843 2.705567151 5.357567103 5.872274848 4.769742339 5.065589055 5.489024939 5.627084753 3.006081462 2.089696189 YDR345C YDR345C ... HXT3 hexose transport glucose transporter activity* plasma membrane | YDR346C 0.3746496 -0.396928508 -0.366661338 x -0.349650333 -0.621501567 -0.832827246 x -0.019437333 -0.281401915 -0.577571544 -0.530149411 x YDR345C -0.402944265 0.116085633 -0.116043022 -0.238916727 -0.081117985 -0.037630623 0.104738006 0.13955044 -0.360118069 0.580951162 0.547275118 -0.11515721 -0.418529883 -0.482277377 -0.422428673 0.330551326 0.014539135 -0.219952381 0.096460594 -0.293008104 -0.159959167 0.490882153 0.020897748 0.189628459 -0.354958801 0.264563191 -0.025689008 0.375521843 0.028067151 0.760067103 -0.115225152 -0.557757661 -0.971910945 -0.138475061 -0.370415247 0.618581462 0.582196189 YDR350C "YDR350C Ö iESR cluster ATP22 protein complex assembly molecular function unknown mitochondrial inner membrane | Mitochondrial inner membrane protein required for assembly of the F0 sector of mitochondrial F1F0 ATP synthase, which is a large, evolutionarily conserved enzyme complex required for ATP synthesisYDR351W" -0.07135777 0.386352143 0.622669213 x 0.060850174 0.447277611 0.465734798 x 1.365736667 -0.073979948 0.149752793 0.750196828 x YDR350C -0.332944265 -0.203914367 0.013956978 -0.178916727 -0.271117985 -0.437630623 -0.085261994 0.43955044 0.439881931 0.680951162 -0.252724882 -0.17515721 -0.028529883 -0.222277377 -0.352428673 -0.149448674 -0.235460865 -0.369952381 -0.353539406 -0.153008104 -0.189959167 0.190882153 -0.129102252 -0.050371541 0.365041199 -0.205436809 -0.285689008 0.285521843 0.218067151 -0.319932897 0.154774848 -0.127757661 -0.341910945 0.031524939 0.249584753 0.328581462 -0.047803811 YDR358W YDR358W iESR cluster GGA1 Golgi to vacuole transport molecular function unknown Golgi trans face | YDR359C -0.300196627 -0.154404421 1.021157055 x 0.006178639 1.132792287 1.051950566 x 0.960473 -0.163620031 0.233418089 0.845958516 x YDR358W -0.107944265 -0.368914367 -0.151043022 0.206083273 0.153882015 -0.292630623 0.959738006 0.67455044 1.904881931 1.285951162 0.512275118 0.00984279 -0.343529883 0.772722623 0.402571327 0.455551326 0.029539135 -0.244952381 -0.238539406 0.531991896 0.445040833 0.015882153 -0.134102252 0.244628459 0.430041199 -0.090436809 0.299310992 -0.299478157 -0.426932849 -0.084932897 -0.070225152 0.517242339 0.363089055 0.086524939 -0.005415247 0.513581462 0.177196189 YDR363W-A YDR363W-A ... SEM1 ubiquitin-dependent protein ca molecular function unknown nucleus* | YDR364C -0.786334085 -0.713691394 0.217187605 x -0.250904277 0.288172692 0.696293756 x -0.654771 -0.131862616 -1.189322269 0.070885978 x YDR363W-A 0.364555735 0.103585633 0.371456978 0.398583273 0.756382015 0.779869377 0.662238006 0.46705044 1.057381931 0.188451162 0.744775118 0.04234279 -0.201029883 0.235222623 0.175071327 0.418051326 0.542039135 0.487547619 0.433960594 0.734491896 0.627540833 -0.491617847 0.428397748 0.757128459 0.282541199 0.762063191 0.701810992 0.403021843 0.315567151 0.797567103 0.022274848 -0.340257661 0.165589055 0.359024939 -0.032915247 -0.383918538 0.349696189 YDR379C-A YDR379C-A ... YDR379C-A biological process unknown molecular function unknown mitochondrion | YDR379W -1.367903924 -0.304146958 1.522948479 x -0.272474556 1.459711652 1.775350896 x 1.187162333 -0.118508211 0.888198207 0.851277777 x YDR379C-A 0.097055735 -0.303914367 -0.526043022 -0.308916727 0.518882015 0.442369377 0.704738006 0.61955044 3.139881931 2.660951162 0.507275118 0.20484279 -0.318529883 -0.042277377 0.237571327 -0.029448674 -0.215460865 -0.419952381 -0.233539406 0.016991896 -0.509959167 0.770882153 0.210897748 1.499628459 1.725041199 0.474563191 0.614310992 0.635521843 0.478067151 1.180067103 1.764774848 0.082242339 0.128089055 1.111524939 1.239584753 0.898581462 0.572196189 YDR380W YDR380W iESR cluster ARO10 leucine catabolism* pyruvate decarboxylase activity* cytoplasm | YDR381C-A -0.428826887 -0.441006373 2.813313188 x 0.136696276 3.603536432 3.350338234 x 1.182863 0.096279624 0.995739834 0.270239889 x YDR380W #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! YDR384C YDR384C ... ATO3 transport* transporter activity mitochondrion* | YDR385W 0.636555679 -0.18905995 -0.555611425 x -0.431324294 -0.623965093 -0.35173223 x -0.121234667 -0.241085374 -0.394584687 -0.602926975 x YDR384C -0.070444265 0.018585633 -0.153543022 -0.516416727 -0.928617985 -0.735130623 -1.812761994 -1.76794956 -0.787618069 -0.286548838 0.929775118 0.01734279 0.183970117 0.930222623 0.420071327 0.273051326 -0.292960865 0.442547619 0.578960594 0.039491896 0.302540833 0.443382153 -0.336602252 -0.347871541 -0.582458801 -0.422936809 -0.733189008 -0.301978157 -0.289432849 -0.337432897 -0.562725152 1.544742339 0.800589055 0.294024939 0.292084753 -0.408918538 -0.235303811 YDR391C YDR391C ... YDR391C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YDR392W -0.592600396 -0.35622702 0.951060323 x 0.244106701 0.474403702 1.009906208 x 1.226718333 0.322692149 0.660230396 0.778028412 x YDR391C -0.047944265 -0.168914367 0.128956978 0.466083273 0.033882015 -0.102630623 0.379738006 0.36455044 2.694881931 2.555951162 0.102275118 0.27984279 0.366470117 0.922722623 0.752571327 -0.084448674 -0.070460865 0.105047619 -0.018539406 0.351991896 0.425040833 0.025882153 0.065897748 0.184628459 0.240041199 0.149563191 0.239310992 -0.009478157 -0.146932849 0.335067103 0.579774848 0.677242339 0.583089055 0.386524939 0.444584753 0.343581462 -0.082803811 YDR398W YDR398W PAC cluster UTP5 processing of 20S pre-rRNA snoRNA binding small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein c | YDR399W 0.072210559 -0.681817139 -0.560876832 x -0.042250864 -0.147545639 -0.170205439 x -0.987286 -0.044468435 -0.473162874 -0.46940331 x YDR398W 0.167055735 0.096085633 -0.036043022 -0.038916727 -0.031117985 -0.097630623 -0.735261994 -0.67044956 -0.460118069 -0.149048838 -0.882724882 -0.27515721 0.141470117 -0.222277377 -0.482428673 -0.279448674 -0.245460865 0.010047619 -0.003539406 -0.293008104 -0.209959167 -0.249117847 -0.129102252 -0.480371541 -0.584958801 -0.025436809 -0.175689008 -0.094478157 -0.051932849 -0.059932897 -0.525225152 -0.387757661 -0.471910945 -0.428475061 -0.670415247 -0.301418538 -0.097803811 YDR406W "YDR406W ... PDR15 transport ""ATPase activity, coupled to transme""integral to membrane | YDR407C" 0.23989351 0.032196553 1.024776041 x 0.478978691 0.863702226 0.582603452 x 1.750559 -0.038370722 0.329924982 0.11070406 x YDR406W -0.292944265 -0.043914367 -0.486043022 -0.258916727 -0.361117985 -0.187630623 0.214738006 -0.10044956 1.459881931 1.900951162 0.097275118 0.04484279 -0.478529883 -0.052277377 0.057571327 -0.139448674 -0.295460865 -0.299952381 -0.063539406 -0.183008104 -0.649959167 0.550882153 -0.409102252 -0.330371541 0.005041199 -0.175436809 -0.245689008 -0.024478157 0.148067151 -0.559932897 0.284774848 0.092242339 -0.111910945 -0.238475061 0.029584753 0.108581462 -0.057803811 YDR435C YDR435C ... PPM1 C-terminal protein amino acid C-terminal protein carboxyl methyltcellular component unknown | YDR436W -0.414356107 0.116954398 0.514561044 x -0.001063259 0.490242614 0.90753972 x 0.279135333 -0.284526912 0.293441584 0.83275527 x YDR435C -0.005444265 0.053585633 -0.168543022 -0.041416727 0.176382015 0.069869377 0.152238006 0.06705044 0.577381931 0.718451162 0.754775118 -0.18765721 -0.111029883 -0.124777377 0.045071327 0.068051326 0.082039135 -0.132452381 -0.116039406 -0.085508104 -0.262459167 0.058382153 -0.121602252 0.397128459 0.462541199 0.002063191 0.031810992 0.143021843 0.005567151 0.277567103 0.772274848 0.159742339 -0.004410945 0.829024939 1.007084753 0.376081462 0.399696189 YDR454C YDR454C RP cluster GUK1 GMP metabolism guanylate kinase activity cytoplasm* | YDR455C -0.495910348 -0.623548924 -0.445155551 x -0.059682601 -0.251672143 -0.216040666 x -1.080996 -0.26161464 -0.360263625 -0.58118845 x YDR454C -0.285444265 -0.326414367 -0.088543022 -0.061416727 -0.223617985 -0.120130623 -0.287761994 -0.24294956 -0.102618069 0.168451162 -0.375224882 -0.25765721 -0.031029883 -0.424777377 -0.364928673 -0.131948674 -0.057960865 -0.092452381 -0.116039406 -0.035508104 0.057540833 -0.011617847 0.198397748 -0.302871541 -0.207458801 -0.007936809 -0.178189008 -0.576978157 -0.514432849 -0.522432897 -0.567725152 -0.680257661 -0.594410945 -0.280975061 -0.202915247 -0.213918538 -0.020303811 YDR475C YDR475C ... JIP4 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YDR476C -0.947306284 -0.486284955 0.468808804 x -0.076407772 0.506383109 0.615729281 x 0.30864 -0.316363407 -0.171346539 0.229600825 x YDR475C #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.812322311 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! -1.171541283 -0.716728849 0.303602642 -0.295328127 -0.859004171 -0.701436499 #VALUE! -0.488556666 #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.841740154 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.445397136 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.451716098 #VALUE! #VALUE! -1.728212138 #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.23403695 -0.848190234 0.17524565 #VALUE! -0.287697827 #VALUE! YDR516C YDR516C iESR cluster EMI2 sporulation (sensu Fungi) molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YDR517W -1.124478611 0.470322914 2.210401207 x 0.282629619 1.770493532 1.750039619 x 1.181587 -0.468137084 -0.657611359 0.247632668 x YDR516C -0.105444265 -0.136414367 -0.798543022 -0.601416727 -0.233617985 -0.660130623 -0.487761994 -0.49294956 1.927381931 1.718451162 -0.215224882 0.28234279 -0.201029883 -0.294777377 -0.184928673 -0.161948674 -0.267960865 -0.492452381 -0.286039406 -0.565508104 -0.692459167 0.028382153 -0.371602252 0.327128459 0.662541199 -0.417936809 -0.308189008 -0.126978157 -0.424432849 0.587567103 1.132274848 0.049742339 -0.044410945 0.539024939 0.827084753 0.496081462 0.099696189 YDR525W-A YDR525W-A ... SNA2 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YDR526C -0.294846613 0.322637971 0.723767922 x -0.103434266 0.745904685 0.568694323 x 0.531717333 -0.495286261 0.188438257 0.575466205 x YDR525W-A -0.267944265 0.091085633 0.398956978 0.336083273 -0.386117985 -0.012630623 0.319738006 0.67455044 2.104881931 2.365951162 0.782275118 -0.26015721 -0.263529883 0.242722623 0.242571327 0.035551326 0.079539135 -0.304952381 -0.138539406 0.151991896 0.055040833 0.545882153 0.165897748 0.844628459 1.040041199 -0.060436809 -0.010689008 0.220521843 0.393067151 0.495067103 1.229774848 -0.062757661 -0.186910945 0.626524939 0.744584753 0.333581462 0.287196189 YDR531W "YDR531W Ö CAB1 coenzyme A biosynthesis pantothenate kinase activity | Pantothenate kinase (ATP:D-pantothenate 4'-phosphotransferase, EC; catalyzes the first committed step in the universal biosynthetic pathway for synthesis of coenzyme A (CoA)YDR532C" -0.203370248 -0.576667312 -0.460955084 x -0.165324476 -0.133378253 -0.016784434 x 0.666480333 -0.299923678 -0.882518277 -0.308636628 x YDR531W 0.057055735 0.036085633 0.033956978 -0.008916727 0.068882015 0.202369377 -0.045261994 -0.13044956 0.359881931 0.150951162 0.737275118 -0.02515721 0.281470117 0.147722623 0.237571327 -0.079448674 0.014539135 0.190047619 0.056460594 0.016991896 0.040040833 -0.499117847 0.040897748 -0.150371541 -0.094958801 0.094563191 -0.035689008 0.145521843 0.008067151 -0.339932897 -0.635225152 0.182242339 0.398089055 -0.148475061 -0.110415247 -0.231418538 -0.017803811 YDR534C YDR534C ... FIT1 siderophore transport molecular function unknown cell wall (sensu Fungi) | YDR535C 0.427152634 -0.279703083 0.832676563 x 1.087582228 3.819551532 2.872507109 x 1.950054667 0.440231398 0.899263877 1.074886728 x YDR534C -0.340444265 0.118585633 -0.233543022 -0.596416727 -0.348617985 -0.185130623 -0.622761994 -0.63794956 1.682381931 1.983451162 0.169775118 0.73734279 0.813970117 0.710222623 0.950071327 0.083051326 -0.372960865 -0.027452381 0.728960594 -0.390508104 -0.297459167 0.723382153 0.043397748 0.532128459 0.487541199 0.257063191 0.276810992 0.018021843 0.450567151 0.452567103 0.787274848 0.594742339 0.420589055 0.214024939 0.442084753 0.971081462 0.654696189 YDR536W YDR536W ... STL1 transport* transporter activity plasma membrane* | YDR537C #N/A #N/A #N/A x #DIV/0! -1.021196878 #DIV/0! x -0.29956 0.780674864 3.058422302 1.704886905 x YDR536W #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YEL011W "YEL011W iESR cluster GLC3 glycogen metabolism ""1,4-alpha-glucan branching enzyme a""cytoplasm | YEL012W" -0.967092845 0.811326022 2.704188264 x 0.392858135 2.00879777 1.992222034 x 1.495558 -0.217175073 0.493464062 1.544790504 x YEL011W -0.235444265 0.023585633 -0.608543022 -0.431416727 0.146382015 -0.170130623 1.202238006 0.96705044 2.957381931 2.968451162 1.654775118 0.56234279 -0.841029883 1.155222623 1.295071327 0.948051326 0.542039135 -0.682452381 0.033960594 -0.745508104 -1.092459167 0.768382153 -0.121602252 0.797128459 1.232541199 -0.617936809 -0.138189008 -0.166978157 -0.144432849 1.117567103 2.362274848 1.559742339 1.225589055 1.069024939 1.507084753 0.966081462 0.269696189 YEL012W YEL012W iESR cluster UBC8 protein monoubiquitination* ubiquitin conjugating enzyme activicytoplasm | YEL013W -0.465146181 -0.663744776 0.541953984 x 0.78670484 1.842623445 1.434896071 x 0.323572333 0.08845257 0.576657041 0.806061278 x YEL012W 0.334555735 -0.026414367 0.581456978 0.648583273 0.636382015 0.329869377 0.892238006 1.97705044 0.677381931 0.378451162 1.884775118 0.34234279 -0.241029883 0.895222623 0.655071327 0.598051326 0.502039135 0.227547619 0.373960594 0.484491896 0.497540833 -0.101617847 0.288397748 0.947128459 0.382541199 0.242063191 0.591810992 0.573021843 0.205567151 1.127567103 0.502274848 0.309742339 0.785589055 0.479024939 0.537084753 0.036081462 -0.030303811 YEL030W YEL030W ... ECM10 protein-mitochondrial targetin molecular function unknown mitochondrion* | YEL031W 0.196178255 -0.09687462 0.571943759 x 0.058177641 0.654083437 0.778055664 x 0.413365333 0.344590251 0.393597733 0.084907278 x YEL030W -0.337944265 -0.078914367 -0.231043022 -0.093916727 -0.426117985 -0.342630623 -1.190261994 -0.37544956 -0.695118069 -0.804048838 1.072275118 0.29984279 -0.113529883 -0.197277377 -0.457428673 -0.084448674 -0.070460865 -0.334952381 -0.428539406 -0.318008104 -0.224959167 -0.114117847 0.025897748 -0.075371541 -0.079958801 0.329563191 0.019310992 0.020521843 0.013067151 -0.234932897 -0.620225152 -1.082757661 -0.786910945 -0.473475061 -0.545415247 -0.706418538 -0.362803811 YEL032W YEL032W ... MCM3 DNA replication initiation* chromatin binding* cytoplasm* | YEL033W 0.031555057 -0.673110522 -0.442096309 x -0.068860037 -0.142073693 -0.06174897 x -0.339378 -0.316823613 -1.106095193 -0.202744863 x YEL032W -0.052944265 0.136085633 -0.086043022 -0.078916727 -0.061117985 -0.007630623 -0.305261994 -0.30044956 -0.180118069 0.050951162 0.587275118 -0.22515721 -0.088529883 -0.192277377 -0.222428673 -0.119448674 0.004539135 -0.169952381 -0.123539406 -0.263008104 -0.359959167 0.060882153 -0.069102252 -0.330371541 -0.214958801 -0.235436809 -0.485689008 -0.324478157 -0.231932849 -0.239932897 -0.065225152 0.152242339 -0.081910945 0.121524939 0.269584753 -0.041418538 -0.237803811 YEL039C YEL039C iESR cluster CYC7 electron transport electron carrier activity mitochondrial intermembrane space | YEL040W #N/A #N/A #N/A x -0.058174481 1.629486683 2.140614246 x 3.605790333 0.052064351 0.119467207 1.791037534 x YEL039C 0.062055735 -0.328914367 -0.171043022 -0.263916727 1.003882015 0.247369377 1.229738006 1.37455044 3.334881931 2.425951162 2.242275118 0.64984279 0.046470117 1.612722623 1.202571327 0.605551326 0.519539135 0.405047619 0.121460594 -0.168008104 -0.054959167 0.355882153 0.685897748 1.214628459 1.270041199 0.759563191 0.599310992 1.000521843 0.543067151 0.925067103 1.479774848 0.997242339 0.903089055 0.966524939 0.984584753 0.843581462 0.867196189 YEL043W YEL043W ... YEL043W biological process unknown molecular function unknown endoplasmic reticulum | YEL044W -0.156367495 -0.705551631 -0.564012996 x -0.057535551 -0.132498333 -0.079217681 x -0.101608 -0.175077208 -0.44872185 -0.34799413 x YEL043W -0.060444265 0.088585633 -0.073543022 -0.136416727 -0.038617985 -0.025130623 -0.222761994 0.06205044 -0.377618069 -0.286548838 0.229775118 -0.04265721 0.203970117 -0.429777377 -0.529928673 -0.486948674 -0.432960865 -0.047452381 0.018960594 -0.080508104 -0.157459167 0.063382153 -0.216602252 -0.577871541 -0.182458801 -0.252936809 -0.293189008 -0.421978157 -0.299432849 -0.487432897 -0.092725152 -0.155257661 -0.479410945 -0.295975061 -0.007915247 0.231081462 0.054696189 YEL049W YEL049W ... PAU2 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YEL050C #N/A #N/A #N/A x 1.0063592 4.218023323 3.143367888 x 1.624444 -0.011806392 0.902638906 2.608564363 x YEL049W -0.037944265 0.121085633 0.178956978 0.356083273 -0.266117985 -0.052630623 0.079738006 0.20455044 0.424881931 0.535951162 0.432275118 0.32984279 0.296470117 1.022722623 0.842571327 0.135551326 -0.080460865 0.075047619 0.131460594 0.451991896 0.225040833 0.525882153 -0.154102252 0.334628459 0.340041199 -0.150436809 0.229310992 0.780521843 0.853067151 -0.134932897 0.299774848 0.367242339 0.073089055 0.246524939 0.364584753 0.513581462 0.187196189 YEL058W YEL058W ... PCM1 N-acetylglucosamine biosynthes phosphoacetylglucosamine mutase actcytoplasm* | YEL059C-A 0.335167167 0.675995989 0.740140724 x 0.069648043 1.107865359 0.859167207 x -0.231226333 0.055620735 0.22634991 0.780609152 x YEL058W -0.000444265 0.148585633 -0.083543022 0.073583273 -0.008617985 -0.065130623 0.077238006 0.06205044 0.502381931 0.423451162 1.269775118 0.10734279 -0.026029883 0.300222623 0.180071327 0.343051326 0.227039135 0.132547619 0.178960594 0.229491896 0.062540833 0.433382153 0.033397748 0.702128459 0.637541199 0.127063191 0.216810992 0.798021843 0.690567151 -0.037432897 0.537274848 0.294742339 0.020589055 0.564024939 0.502084753 0.341081462 0.194696189 YEL060C YEL060C iESR cluster PRB1 sporulation* serine-type endopeptidase activity vacuole (sensu Fungi)* | YEL061C 0.17359622 0.011866226 1.421306231 x 0.636681541 1.478424637 1.587690979 x 1.067586667 0.294317182 1.526413727 1.247857067 x YEL060C 0.099555735 0.448585633 -0.223543022 -0.096416727 -0.228617985 -0.025130623 0.597238006 0.30205044 3.232381931 3.213451162 1.019775118 0.61734279 -0.046029883 1.960222623 1.540071327 0.533051326 0.227039135 -0.307452381 0.088960594 0.299491896 -0.257459167 1.093382153 -0.296602252 0.742128459 1.047541199 0.197063191 0.586810992 0.668021843 0.540567151 0.612567103 1.877274848 1.554742339 0.930589055 0.584024939 0.832084753 1.181081462 0.494696189 YEL070W YEL070W ... DSF1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YEL071W 0.52125845 0.605980868 0.95558331 x -0.12422882 0.624353508 1.788870026 x 3.277703667 2.552835122 3.487601411 4.294841451 x YEL070W -0.58525544 0.263774458 0.811645803 #VALUE! 0.30657084 0.760058202 2.712426831 2.387239265 4.107570756 3.688639987 1.094963943 0.892531615 0.269158942 1.855411448 2.575260152 0.138240151 -0.05777204 0.047736444 0.754149419 2.074680721 1.607729658 0.478570978 0.698586573 2.177317284 2.052730024 0.342252016 0.641999817 1.803210668 1.805755976 -0.412244072 0.222463673 0.759931164 0.87577788 1.069213764 1.417273578 0.496270287 0.259885014 YER011W YER011W ... TIR1 response to stress structural constituent of cell wallcell wall (sensu Fungi) | YER012W -0.427991099 -0.936105551 0.533558253 x 1.474528145 2.719540353 2.346880581 x 0.467087 1.194375291 1.0200145 0.570156564 x YER011W 0.014555735 0.163585633 0.231456978 0.288583273 0.106382015 0.339869377 0.402238006 0.43705044 0.587381931 0.728451162 0.714775118 -0.02765721 -0.221029883 -0.194777377 0.005071327 0.208051326 0.182039135 0.027547619 0.103960594 0.244491896 0.147540833 0.268382153 0.088397748 0.317128459 0.372541199 0.432063191 0.381810992 0.663021843 0.685567151 0.247567103 0.592274848 -0.300257661 -0.234410945 0.419024939 0.477084753 0.816081462 0.569696189 YER025W YER025W RP cluster GCD11 translational initiation translation initiation factor activribosome* | YER026C 0.08238229 -0.419601581 -0.524899779 x -0.059945279 -0.041837665 -0.045816221 x -0.630652333 -0.248538104 -0.699053546 -0.496820079 x YER025W 0.024555735 0.083585633 0.071456978 -0.041416727 -0.013617985 -0.130130623 -0.437761994 -0.38294956 -0.922618069 -0.771548838 0.464775118 -0.26765721 0.048970117 -0.034777377 -0.164928673 -0.031948674 -0.047960865 0.007547619 -0.066039406 -0.145508104 -0.032459167 -0.231617847 -0.071602252 -0.172871541 -0.417458801 -0.087936809 -0.208189008 0.043021843 0.055567151 0.037567103 -0.347725152 0.039742339 -0.044410945 -0.150975061 -0.192915247 -0.233918538 -0.140303811 YER028C YER028C ... MIG3 negative regulation of transcr DNA binding* nucleus | YER029C 0.258419562 -0.778656139 -1.5394663 x -0.057005885 -1.341427675 -1.102994533 x 1.546709 -0.146813736 0.035591919 -0.465315108 x YER028C -0.225444265 0.523585633 -0.378543022 -0.431416727 0.566382015 0.589869377 0.042238006 0.00705044 -0.442618069 -0.031548838 1.104775118 0.37234279 0.648970117 -0.514777377 -0.244928673 0.198051326 0.472039135 0.207547619 0.323960594 -0.215508104 0.097540833 1.018382153 0.958397748 0.107128459 -0.227458801 1.162063191 0.671810992 0.013021843 -0.204432849 0.037567103 -0.187725152 -0.730257661 -0.874410945 -0.560975061 -0.512915247 0.486081462 0.439696189 YER037W YER037W iESR cluster PHM8 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YER038C -0.512537982 0.544851394 2.588881069 x 0.509074836 4.507757035 5.313978414 x -1.376062 0.421042485 0.137090123 0.758588062 x YER037W 0.847055735 0.516085633 0.193956978 0.561083273 1.128882015 0.982369377 1.274738006 1.46955044 0.879881931 0.080951162 1.307275118 0.51484279 0.061470117 0.387722623 0.007571327 0.600551326 0.574539135 -1.059952381 -1.103539406 -0.773008104 -1.009959167 -0.019117847 0.180897748 0.479628459 0.155041199 0.884563191 0.034310992 -0.084478157 -0.011932849 0.280067103 0.034774848 -1.627757661 -1.211910945 0.611524939 0.119584753 0.098581462 -0.117803811 YER049W "YER049W Ö PAC cluster TPA1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Protein of unknown function; interacts with Sup45p (eRF1), Sup35p (eRF3) and Pab1p; has a role in translation termination efficiency, mRNA poly(A) tail length and mRNA stabilityYER050C" 0.187386623 -0.662934589 -0.595099494 x 0.023941235 -0.344324169 -0.157204992 x -0.404108333 -0.091225761 -0.485652778 -0.5258026 x YER049W 0.164555735 -0.016414367 0.031456978 0.028583273 0.046382015 0.059869377 -0.277761994 -0.35294956 -0.652618069 -0.701548838 0.704775118 -0.18765721 0.278970117 0.025222623 -0.094928673 -0.241948674 -0.027960865 0.077547619 -0.056039406 -0.175508104 -0.062459167 -0.481617847 0.168397748 0.057128459 -0.327458801 0.332063191 0.161810992 0.193021843 0.105567151 -0.222432897 -0.887725152 -0.130257661 0.145589055 -0.280975061 -0.522915247 -0.163918538 -0.020303811 YER053C YER053C iESR cluster PIC2 phosphate transport inorganic phosphate transporter actmitochondrion | YER053C-A -0.121722584 -0.130889894 0.76369133 x -0.009893728 0.660915155 0.775213999 x 2.031636333 -0.034118051 -0.06319688 1.385773379 x YER053C -0.330444265 -0.331414367 -0.363543022 -0.076416727 0.231382015 0.084869377 0.927238006 1.02205044 1.932381931 1.663451162 0.989775118 0.34734279 0.033970117 -0.039777377 0.110071327 0.203051326 0.237039135 -0.347452381 -0.101039406 -0.220508104 -0.447459167 0.423382153 0.083397748 0.312128459 0.727541199 0.077063191 -0.213189008 -0.501978157 -0.269432849 1.152567103 1.667274848 -0.135257661 -0.239410945 0.914024939 1.302084753 0.711081462 0.144696189 YER053C-A YER053C-A ... YER053C-A biological process unknown molecular function unknown endoplasmic reticulum | YER054C -0.749186516 -0.188189904 -0.378767763 x -0.564265005 -0.839132226 -0.87579408 x 3.189028667 -0.623002603 0.361050218 0.171895344 x YER053C-A 0.081411226 -0.009558876 1.258312469 0.245438764 0.083237506 0.426724868 1.279093497 1.843905931 1.124237422 1.725306653 0.781630609 0.389198281 0.205825608 -0.357921886 -0.358073182 0.104906817 -0.051105374 0.37440311 0.630816085 1.231347387 1.034396324 -0.344762356 -0.664746761 #VALUE! -0.01060331 0.868918682 0.238666483 -0.620122666 -0.587577358 0.084422594 2.249130339 -0.26340217 -0.237555454 0.12588043 0.773940244 1.652936953 1.37655168 YER054C YER054C ... GIP2 protein amino acid dephosphory protein phosphatase regulator activprotein phosphatase type 1 complex | YER055C #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.584577678 1.588534435 1.275118737 x 1.757164333 0.267438753 -0.093233911 2.182069667 x YER054C -0.134899993 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.163073713 #VALUE! 1.292782278 0.907594712 2.257926203 1.748995434 0.63531939 0.022887062 #VALUE! 0.975766895 0.105615599 0.598595598 0.012583407 0.218091891 0.154504866 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.198926425 -0.28105798 #VALUE! -0.016914529 #VALUE! 0.442355264 0.693566115 #VALUE! 0.778111375 0.28281912 0.430286611 -0.173866673 0.169569211 #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.209759539 YER056C YER056C ... FCY2 purine transport* cytosine-purine permease activity plasma membrane | YER056C-A -0.017691076 -0.057920006 -0.292647652 x -0.231451379 -0.424570715 -0.588082984 x -0.779129 -0.087559195 -0.591227968 -0.502788279 x YER056C 0.247055735 0.336085633 -0.106043022 -0.268916727 0.178882015 0.302369377 -0.325261994 -0.27044956 -0.450118069 0.020951162 1.457275118 -0.45515721 -0.098529883 -0.222277377 -0.252428673 -0.239448674 -0.315460865 0.260047619 0.346460594 -0.203008104 -0.109959167 -0.059117847 -0.289102252 -0.440371541 -0.544958801 -0.395436809 -0.775689008 -0.224478157 -0.061932849 0.300067103 -0.025225152 0.172242339 -0.181910945 -0.228475061 -0.390415247 -0.571418538 -0.547803811 YER062C YER062C ... HOR2 response to osmotic stress* glycerol-1-phosphatase activity cytoplasm* | YER063W -2.463384749 -1.097533908 2.410156319 x 0.314740286 1.228589628 1.198430428 x 1.425834667 -0.112848147 0.558097058 0.812114063 x YER062C 0.194555735 0.053585633 -0.348543022 -0.211416727 0.216382015 0.139869377 0.062238006 -0.04294956 0.157381931 -0.431548838 -0.085224882 0.14234279 0.228970117 -0.714777377 -0.794928673 0.248051326 0.192039135 -0.502452381 -0.476039406 -0.565508104 -0.722459167 -0.221617847 -0.141602252 -0.242871541 -0.047458801 0.232063191 0.161810992 -0.126978157 -0.184432849 0.317567103 0.022274848 -0.740257661 -0.804410945 -0.080975061 -0.342915247 0.076081462 -0.010303811 YER067W YER067W ... YER067W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YER068W #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.642349899 1.772131471 2.120587235 x 2.340160333 -1.111560865 -0.872654808 1.162883355 x YER067W -0.262944265 -0.323914367 -0.556043022 -0.398916727 -0.181117985 -0.717630623 0.584738006 0.55955044 0.959881931 1.480951162 1.577275118 -0.63515721 -1.378529883 -0.612277377 0.507571327 -0.239448674 0.314539135 -0.059952381 0.136460594 0.346991896 0.550040833 -0.069117847 0.370897748 1.809628459 1.405041199 -0.825436809 -0.865689008 -1.084478157 -1.071932849 2.200067103 2.054774848 -0.757757661 0.128089055 1.231524939 1.439584753 -0.791418538 -1.387803811 YER079W YER079W iESR cluster YER079W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YER080W -2.710534015 -0.71016771 2.130837958 x 0.125073804 0.983972268 1.221547448 x 1.033004 -0.494339497 -0.985309123 1.073369699 x YER079W -0.101922107 #VALUE! -0.485020864 -0.417894569 0.089904173 #VALUE! 0.105760164 0.410572598 1.260904089 1.14197332 1.608297276 0.125864948 0.172492275 0.618744781 0.468593485 -0.228426516 -0.114438707 #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.391985946 -0.588937009 -0.068095689 -0.418080094 #VALUE! 0.686063357 0.065585349 0.53533315 -0.623455999 -0.750910691 0.281089261 0.015797006 0.273264497 0.099111213 0.172547097 0.540606911 -0.07039638 #VALUE! YER081W YER081W ... SER3 serine family amino acid biosy phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase acticytoplasm | YER082C 0.440187989 -0.538892175 0.239704992 x -0.119987 0.421756332 1.10123982 x -0.197849 0.462338173 -0.091374359 0.024890563 x YER081W -0.100444265 0.118585633 0.226456978 0.183583273 0.471382015 0.294869377 1.277238006 1.34205044 0.612381931 -0.216548838 1.329775118 -0.16265721 0.383970117 0.720222623 0.720071327 0.013051326 0.097039135 -0.417452381 -0.371039406 -0.010508104 -0.017459167 0.143382153 0.323397748 -0.517871541 -0.992458801 -1.182936809 -1.183189008 -0.121978157 -0.109432849 0.202567103 -0.322725152 0.794742339 0.590589055 -0.825975061 -0.777915247 -1.238918538 -0.985303811 YER088C YER088C ... DOT6 regulation of transcription fr molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YER089C -0.453502633 0.275625355 0.491259662 x -0.011616133 0.160349703 0.561514025 x -0.332193 -0.308188688 0.287583097 0.440717534 x YER088C 0.069555735 0.198585633 -0.043543022 0.163583273 -0.118617985 -0.055130623 0.277238006 0.20205044 -0.517618069 0.123451162 0.449775118 0.12734279 -0.126029883 0.010222623 0.010071327 -0.006948674 -0.202960865 -0.397452381 -0.281039406 -0.160508104 -0.477459167 0.403382153 -0.396602252 -0.637871541 -0.362458801 -0.442936809 -0.303189008 0.308021843 0.440567151 0.032567103 0.587274848 0.334742339 -0.169410945 -0.195975061 0.022084753 0.431081462 0.284696189 YER096W YER096W ... SHC1 sporulation (sensu Fungi)* enzyme activator activity prospore membrane | YER097W 0.066741288 0.50340401 0.836917887 x 0.892763493 1.406861808 1.056704078 x 1.223465 0.527386585 0.805435196 1.739850216 x YER096W -0.082944265 0.266085633 -0.026043022 -0.018916727 0.128882015 0.152369377 0.904738006 0.99955044 -0.030118069 0.510951162 0.897275118 0.05484279 0.321470117 0.637722623 0.797571327 -0.149448674 -0.185460865 0.140047619 0.196460594 0.056991896 0.110040833 0.750882153 0.400897748 1.189628459 1.275041199 0.334563191 -0.075689008 0.495521843 0.648067151 0.620067103 1.304774848 0.152242339 0.108089055 1.081524939 0.999584753 -0.171418538 -0.187803811 YER103W YER103W iESR cluster SSA4 response to stress* unfolded protein binding cytoplasm* | YER104W 0.192109841 -0.719837995 0.257587588 x 0.092831266 0.633577334 1.195297237 x 0.229066 0.013320994 1.863104221 1.04306921 x YER103W -0.005444265 0.203585633 -0.058543022 -0.141416727 0.096382015 0.019869377 1.322238006 1.07705044 2.237381931 2.028451162 0.824775118 0.19234279 -0.401029883 1.615222623 1.255071327 0.848051326 0.552039135 -0.062452381 0.073960594 -0.225508104 -0.172459167 0.328382153 -0.271602252 0.377128459 0.412541199 -0.127936809 0.491810992 -0.116978157 -0.174432849 -0.482432897 -0.237725152 0.749742339 0.405589055 -0.180975061 -0.092915247 0.796081462 -0.030303811 YER114C YER114C ... BOI2 establishment of cell polarity phospholipid binding bud neck* | YER115C -0.107883733 -0.631457426 -0.514265104 x -0.02694726 -0.236257867 -0.069817548 x -0.600962667 0.018416681 -0.324244467 0.006965559 x YER114C 0.174555735 0.183585633 0.101456978 0.048583273 -0.153617985 -0.190130623 -0.557761994 -0.76294956 -0.342618069 -0.341548838 0.414775118 -0.27765721 -0.021029883 -0.294777377 -0.454928673 -0.411948674 -0.467960865 -0.102452381 -0.176039406 -0.455508104 -0.312459167 -0.271617847 -0.351602252 -0.532871541 -0.527458801 -0.187936809 -0.278189008 -0.376978157 -0.314432849 -0.192432897 -0.207725152 -0.160257661 -0.424410945 -0.440975061 -0.442915247 0.006081462 -0.160303811 YER124C YER124C ... DSE1 cell wall organization and bio molecular function unknown bud neck | YER125W 2.89017876 -0.537499725 -2.051045758 x -0.117450243 -0.793441725 -0.770105581 x -0.860306 -0.812864087 -1.054381956 -0.366125318 x YER124C 0.332055735 0.231085633 0.138956978 0.106083273 -0.016117985 0.037369377 -0.590261994 -0.52544956 -0.835118069 -0.244048838 1.082275118 -0.56015721 -0.103529883 -0.957277377 -0.827428673 0.145551326 0.439539135 0.055047619 0.121460594 -0.128008104 -0.114959167 -0.274117847 0.145897748 -0.025371541 -0.139958801 0.259563191 -0.000689008 -0.519478157 -0.536932849 1.005067103 0.619774848 -1.052757661 -0.586910945 0.186524939 0.034584753 0.243581462 0.127196189 YER130C YER130C ... YER130C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YER131W -0.513363169 -0.884856449 0.454129072 x -0.113176798 0.227940408 0.615850357 x 0.374722667 -0.063595744 0.407982226 0.207896313 x YER130C 0.732055735 0.141085633 0.318956978 0.526083273 0.143882015 0.007369377 0.299738006 0.17455044 0.464881931 0.015951162 1.262275118 0.03984279 0.036470117 0.342722623 0.092571327 0.405551326 0.409539135 0.065047619 0.041460594 0.541991896 0.315040833 0.105882153 -0.064102252 0.294628459 -0.039958801 1.389563191 0.459310992 0.380521843 0.143067151 -0.094932897 -0.330225152 0.077242339 0.123089055 -0.103475061 -0.225415247 0.333581462 0.307196189 YER142C YER142C iESR cluster MAG1 DNA dealkylation alkylbase DNA N-glycosylase activitnucleus | YER143W 1.656122579 0.039795002 0.574536224 x 1.396707714 2.424170248 1.387800783 x 0.542644 0.591686163 -0.006219211 0.864419165 x YER142C 0.139555735 0.068585633 -0.383543022 -0.346416727 1.111382015 1.064869377 0.917238006 0.89205044 1.622381931 1.173451162 0.719775118 0.69734279 0.563970117 0.950222623 1.050071327 0.383051326 0.347039135 0.562547619 0.528960594 0.399491896 0.352540833 0.043382153 0.623397748 1.012128459 1.197541199 0.947063191 0.736810992 1.028021843 0.560567151 1.212567103 0.677274848 0.064742339 0.570589055 0.484024939 0.262084753 0.191081462 0.524696189 YER150W YER150W iESR cluster SPI1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cell wall (sensu Fungi) | YER151C 0.209963792 -0.65227844 2.011996496 x 0.094765891 0.640886541 0.531574977 x 1.554294333 0.543285067 2.759780912 1.751441604 x YER150W -0.335444265 0.073585633 -0.158543022 0.078583273 -0.233617985 0.049869377 0.312238006 0.03705044 0.977381931 1.748451162 1.784775118 -0.00765721 -0.181029883 0.255222623 0.605071327 0.038051326 -0.027960865 0.097547619 0.213960594 0.164491896 0.027540833 0.718382153 0.148397748 0.757128459 0.892541199 -0.157936809 0.231810992 -0.026978157 0.065567151 1.627567103 2.022274848 0.189742339 -0.004410945 0.779024939 0.777084753 0.646081462 0.249696189 YER156C YER156C ... YER156C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YER157W -0.22782068 -0.377405918 -0.390125065 x -0.062727761 -0.215870866 -0.318750811 x -0.789958333 -0.178690571 -0.269231899 -0.466910951 x YER156C 0.082055735 0.091085633 0.268956978 0.416083273 -0.046117985 0.087369377 -0.390261994 -0.28544956 -0.785118069 -0.414048838 0.652275118 -0.27015721 0.076470117 0.082722623 -0.047428673 0.195551326 0.069539135 -0.194952381 -0.178539406 0.011991896 0.025040833 0.285882153 0.365897748 -0.415371541 -0.569958801 -0.130436809 -0.210689008 -0.469478157 -0.336932849 0.045067103 -0.230225152 0.077242339 -0.156910945 -0.313475061 -0.225415247 -0.286418538 -0.272803811 YER163C YER163C ... YER163C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YER164W -0.064178297 -0.621307464 0.239627822 x -0.256418795 0.507949939 1.028024105 x 0.137841667 -0.069613378 0.303148153 0.453656037 x YER163C -0.115444265 -0.276414367 -0.318543022 -0.161416727 0.056382015 0.179869377 0.412238006 0.11705044 0.737381931 0.458451162 0.764775118 0.07234279 -0.291029883 0.145222623 -0.024928673 0.318051326 0.172039135 0.037547619 -0.076039406 0.094491896 0.027540833 0.178382153 0.148397748 0.327128459 0.452541199 0.192063191 0.221810992 0.273021843 0.135567151 -0.022432897 0.152274848 -0.210257661 -0.144410945 0.299024939 0.017084753 -0.013918538 0.009696189 YER179W YER179W ... DMC1 meiosis* single-stranded DNA binding* nucleus* | YER180C #N/A #N/A #N/A x -0.072369261 1.261882887 1.601961833 x 0.49067 0.251228015 -0.41928919 1.029349681 x YER179W -0.141922107 -0.222892209 0.114979136 0.322105431 0.299904173 0.423391535 1.295760164 0.920572598 1.770904089 1.45197332 1.028297276 0.505864948 0.222492275 0.948744781 1.158593485 0.291573484 0.425561293 -0.528930223 -0.382517248 -0.171985946 0.021062991 -0.018095689 0.111919906 0.430650617 0.066063357 -0.184414651 -0.44466685 0.056544001 0.169089309 0.201089261 0.185797006 0.043264497 0.469111213 0.152547097 -0.099393089 -0.34039638 -0.496781653 YER184C YER184C ... YER184C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YER185W 0.170934038 0.202997964 0.927141476 x -0.151489902 0.044711909 0.537998445 x 1.639857333 0.041523663 0.296896349 0.559816098 x YER184C 0.124555735 0.453585633 0.021456978 -0.061416727 0.186382015 0.289869377 -0.337761994 0.06705044 0.067381931 0.238451162 1.064775118 0.04234279 0.208970117 0.765222623 0.555071327 0.258051326 0.152039135 0.087547619 -0.126039406 -0.525508104 -0.342459167 0.288382153 -0.221602252 0.297128459 0.352541199 -0.007936809 0.201810992 0.523021843 0.295567151 -0.132432897 0.372274848 0.919742339 0.615589055 0.479024939 0.617084753 0.276081462 0.029696189 YFL001W YFL001W ... DEG1 RNA processing pseudouridylate synthase activity cytoplasm* | YFL002C -0.311024193 -1.103823677 -0.567268255 x -0.007543685 -0.105342117 -0.08894501 x -0.619788667 -0.261002801 -0.605356334 -0.58059092 x YFL001W 0.037055735 -0.033914367 0.183956978 0.061083273 0.048882015 0.132369377 -0.395261994 -0.49044956 -1.060118069 -0.649048838 -0.312724882 -0.31515721 0.011470117 -0.122277377 -0.262428673 -0.089448674 0.044539135 0.050047619 -0.043539406 -0.033008104 0.110040833 -0.369117847 0.010897748 -0.070371541 -0.194958801 0.104563191 -0.005689008 -0.584478157 -0.461932849 -0.109932897 -0.435225152 -0.327757661 -0.051910945 -0.258475061 -0.370415247 -0.061418538 0.002196189 YFL014W YFL014W iESR cluster HSP12 response to oxidative stress* molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YFL015C -2.601768901 -0.880507496 5.622680911 x -0.006108878 4.533391976 6.022320987 x 3.890631333 0.616500976 4.356442964 5.014490765 x YFL014W 0.991411226 1.090441124 0.158312469 0.795438764 3.413237506 2.956724868 2.599093497 2.893905931 6.134237422 5.575306653 0.881630609 0.009198281 -0.754174392 1.622078114 2.271926818 0.394906817 0.868894626 0.09440311 0.370816085 0.111347387 0.104396324 -0.524762356 -0.344746761 3.14398395 3.00939669 0.898918682 1.758666483 1.109877334 0.412422642 5.024422594 5.279130339 0.46659783 1.562444546 2.29588043 1.333940244 1.812936953 0.15655168 YFL030W YFL030W ... AGX1 glycine biosynthesis alanine-glyoxylate transaminase actmitochondrion | YFL031W -2.28344719 0.532455618 2.327487083 x -0.416417035 1.023471282 0.390473272 x 0.879776333 -0.233609718 0.173778858 1.716177623 x YFL030W -0.287944265 0.141085633 0.148956978 0.246083273 0.063882015 0.357369377 1.789738006 1.53455044 1.654881931 2.345951162 0.812275118 0.14984279 -0.653529883 0.512722623 0.582571327 0.725551326 0.429539135 -0.394952381 0.201460594 -0.068008104 -0.274959167 1.815882153 1.115897748 2.694628459 3.070041199 0.309563191 0.919310992 -0.609478157 -0.296932849 0.535067103 1.639774848 0.947242339 0.673089055 1.826524939 1.814584753 0.543581462 0.107196189 YFL042C YFL042C ... YFL042C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YFL044C 0.138656688 -0.479354972 0.484775238 x 0.17955764 0.857872126 0.863739984 x 0.592984667 0.160391574 -0.190030864 0.63543606 x YFL042C -0.02525544 0.103774458 -0.128354197 0.248772098 0.05657084 0.050058202 -0.057573169 0.167239265 0.597570756 0.628639987 0.354963943 0.282531615 0.059158942 0.655411448 0.495260152 0.288240151 0.12222796 -0.062263556 0.034149419 0.594680721 0.337729658 0.008570978 0.258586573 0.407317284 0.152730024 -0.267747984 0.071999817 -0.036789332 0.005755976 0.047755928 -0.047536327 0.819931164 0.54577788 0.239213764 0.207273578 0.476270287 0.049885014 YFL052W YFL052W ... YFL052W biological process unknown DNA binding cellular component unknown | YFL053W #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.523014894 2.004229682 0.874289105 x 2.780034333 -0.735535881 0.931015349 2.012176392 x YFL052W #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YFL056C YFL056C ... AAD6 aldehyde metabolism aryl-alcohol dehydrogenase activitycellular component unknown | YFL057C 0.336983252 0.413728833 0.884127778 x 1.566228761 2.938770399 2.004253086 x 0.288503333 0.191327254 -0.085059913 -0.343425138 x YFL056C -0.422944265 0.246085633 -0.076043022 0.061083273 -0.011117985 0.002369377 0.664738006 0.31955044 4.239881931 4.350951162 1.077275118 -0.77515721 -0.458529883 2.487722623 2.187571327 0.730551326 0.624539135 -0.529952381 -0.313539406 0.226991896 0.080040833 0.670882153 0.280897748 -0.400371541 -0.214958801 -0.625436809 -0.485689008 -0.044478157 -0.111932849 0.240067103 0.224774848 1.592242339 1.248089055 -0.478475061 -0.200415247 -0.221418538 -0.467803811 YFL057C YFL057C ... AAD16 aldehyde metabolism aryl-alcohol dehydrogenase activitycellular component unknown | YFL058W 0.144205292 -0.135561268 0.431246298 x 1.185657283 2.997737028 2.207923696 x 0.588835667 0.298972984 0.310482218 -0.120568573 x YFL057C -0.270444265 0.318585633 0.376456978 0.453583273 0.121382015 0.184869377 1.177238006 1.08205044 4.622381931 4.563451162 1.309775118 -0.54265721 -0.336029883 2.520222623 2.200071327 0.653051326 0.717039135 -0.167452381 0.078960594 0.909491896 0.632540833 0.683382153 0.483397748 -0.177871541 -0.042458801 -0.282936809 -0.273189008 0.258021843 0.250567151 0.282567103 0.287274848 1.344742339 1.220589055 -0.345975061 -0.127915247 -0.238918538 -0.415303811 YFL058W YFL058W ... THI5 thiamin biosynthesis molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YFL059W #N/A #N/A #N/A x #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! x 2.573438667 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! x YFL058W -0.632944265 0.006085633 -0.876043022 -0.858916727 -0.061117985 -0.087630623 0.434738006 0.60955044 1.749881931 2.090951162 0.247275118 0.04484279 0.181470117 1.307722623 1.037571327 0.040551326 0.034539135 0.740047619 0.906460594 0.786991896 0.540040833 1.340882153 0.930897748 1.469628459 1.475041199 0.384563191 0.594310992 1.195521843 1.108067151 -0.579932897 0.274774848 0.962242339 0.918089055 0.871524939 0.609584753 0.538581462 0.332196189 YFR008W YFR008W ... FAR7 cell cycle arrest in response molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YFR009W -0.859304649 -0.471740975 -0.013037585 x -0.16560699 0.457838384 1.165636815 x 0.593989 0.034154853 -0.133006249 0.355141457 x YFR008W 0.032055735 -0.358914367 0.288956978 0.276083273 0.143882015 -0.092630623 0.489738006 0.55455044 0.254881931 -0.154048838 0.422275118 0.03984279 -0.453529883 0.432722623 0.002571327 0.315551326 0.159539135 0.155047619 -0.018539406 0.231991896 0.505040833 -0.344117847 0.125897748 0.274628459 -0.179958801 -0.040436809 0.309310992 -0.229478157 -0.396932849 0.315067103 -0.580225152 0.217242339 0.233089055 -0.063475061 -0.315415247 -0.246418538 -0.042803811 YFR014C YFR014C ... CMK1 protein amino acid phosphoryla calmodulin-dependent protein kinasecytoplasm | YFR015C -0.447455601 -0.842276399 0.374675171 x 0.204691242 0.203395104 0.712329607 x 0.164745 -0.065899881 -0.426298042 0.612564886 x YFR014C -0.170444265 -0.231414367 -0.283543022 -0.146416727 0.101382015 0.234869377 0.037238006 -0.06794956 0.532381931 0.343451162 0.039775118 0.26734279 -0.156029883 0.560222623 0.380071327 0.263051326 0.137039135 -0.037452381 -0.031039406 -0.100508104 0.012540833 0.063382153 0.043397748 -0.067871541 0.097541199 -0.262936809 -0.113189008 -0.351978157 -0.379432849 0.122567103 0.097274848 0.354742339 0.440589055 0.084024939 0.172084753 -0.008918538 -0.155303811 YFR015C YFR015C ... GSY1 glycogen metabolism glycogen (starch) synthase activitycytoplasm* | YFR016C -1.584272336 0.46989848 1.917990517 x 1.108393576 2.181752903 1.837432617 x 1.919211667 -0.313270916 -1.066798694 0.557213444 x YFR015C -0.535444265 -0.296414367 -0.668543022 -0.481416727 -0.433617985 -1.170130623 -0.117761994 -0.08294956 1.877381931 1.608451162 -0.035224882 0.80234279 -0.601029883 0.825222623 0.815071327 0.358051326 0.322039135 -0.732452381 -0.476039406 -0.475508104 -0.552459167 0.518382153 0.228397748 0.687128459 0.532541199 -0.837936809 -0.438189008 -0.706978157 -0.724432849 1.207567103 1.612274848 1.049742339 0.865589055 0.679024939 1.357084753 0.126081462 -0.650303811 YFR017C YFR017C ... YFR017C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YFR018C -0.463215902 -0.544968966 2.204475848 x 0.547567241 1.003571934 0.865485966 x 2.488692333 0.541090941 1.001579218 1.161586592 x YFR017C -0.612944265 0.536085633 0.233956978 0.311083273 -0.181117985 0.472369377 1.464738006 1.34955044 1.279881931 1.530951162 1.267275118 0.35484279 -0.398529883 1.127722623 1.107571327 0.820551326 0.684539135 -0.069952381 1.156460594 0.316991896 0.230040833 0.970882153 0.590897748 -0.000371541 0.785041199 -1.095436809 -0.535689008 -0.374478157 0.428067151 0.170067103 1.444774848 1.212242339 0.878089055 0.441524939 1.169584753 0.198581462 -0.557803811 YFR023W YFR023W ... PES4 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YFR024C-A #N/A #N/A #N/A x #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! x 3.461758667 0.280674859 1.603078623 1.479105214 x YFR023W #VALUE! #VALUE! 2.160934908 1.568061203 0.635859945 1.029347307 4.801715936 4.05652837 3.576859861 1.877929092 0.404253048 1.11182072 1.158448047 2.434700553 1.904549257 1.397529256 1.181517065 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.877018763 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.401541121 2.091288922 3.122499773 2.565045081 #VALUE! 0.141752778 1.089220269 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.206562683 1.185559392 1.389174119 YFR026C YFR026C Ö ULI1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Putative protein of unknown function involved in and induced by the endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein responseYFR027W 0.098658354 0.070285341 1.411994598 x -0.038994649 -0.073644813 1.214042685 x 1.730238333 0.550187967 4.918934323 0.608740494 x YFR026C 0.408077893 0.677107791 0.184979136 0.792105431 -0.220095827 -0.056608465 -0.104239836 #VALUE! -0.129095911 0.25197332 -0.131702724 0.535864948 -0.027507725 1.858744781 0.488593485 0.441573484 0.535561293 -0.118930223 -0.022517248 0.218014054 0.331062991 0.291904311 0.111919906 0.040650617 -0.453936643 0.205585349 0.93533315 0.326544001 0.379089309 0.101089261 -0.074202994 0.383264497 0.509111213 -0.247452903 -0.159393089 0.73960362 0.213218347 YFR030W YFR030W ... MET10 sulfate assimilation sulfite reductase (NADPH) activity cytoplasm* | YFR031C -0.437478415 0.004133018 0.71224439 x -0.627865673 0.022768581 0.779186876 x 1.109855 -0.38078815 -0.177676253 -0.175655567 x YFR030W -0.380444265 0.038585633 0.196456978 -0.126416727 -0.568617985 -0.515130623 0.287238006 0.38205044 -0.347618069 -0.036548838 0.749775118 0.55734279 0.063970117 0.590222623 0.400071327 0.403051326 0.197039135 -0.757452381 -0.701039406 -0.150508104 -0.207459167 0.373382153 -0.486602252 -0.367871541 0.517541199 -1.122936809 -0.643189008 -0.621978157 -0.599432849 0.822567103 2.187274848 1.054742339 0.630589055 0.354024939 0.502084753 -0.498918538 -0.615303811 YFR034C YFR034C ... PHO4 phosphate metabolism* transcription factor activity cytoplasm* | YFR035C -0.538347573 -1.252745222 -0.615655594 x 0.017296809 -0.443681118 -0.214832009 x -0.341046 0.117574112 -0.216280288 -0.32045386 x YFR034C -0.102944265 0.166085633 -0.316043022 -0.208916727 -0.361117985 -0.237630623 -0.835261994 -0.76044956 -0.430118069 -0.529048838 -0.672724882 0.00484279 -0.028529883 -0.102277377 -0.532428673 -0.149448674 -0.435460865 -0.139952381 -0.093539406 -0.683008104 -0.309959167 -0.049117847 -0.659102252 -1.120371541 -0.564958801 -0.555436809 -0.085689008 -0.864478157 -0.651932849 -0.789932897 -0.755225152 0.062242339 -0.441910945 -0.738475061 -0.320415247 0.098581462 -0.017803811 YFR053C YFR053C iESR cluster HXK1 glucose metabolism* hexokinase activity cytosol | YFR054C -2.0758142 0.724848958 4.483483368 x 0.907700448 4.650384846 4.359743907 x 2.633522667 -0.584851818 -1.756260003 0.979056059 x YFR053C 0.349555735 -0.021414367 -0.923543022 -0.656416727 -0.068617985 -0.725130623 -0.212761994 -0.08794956 1.272381931 1.423451162 -1.000224882 0.71734279 -0.456029883 -0.279777377 -0.119928673 -0.286948674 -0.302960865 -0.627452381 -0.461039406 -1.240508104 -1.197459167 0.083382153 -0.306602252 1.642128459 1.727541199 -1.202936809 -1.073189008 -0.931978157 -1.109432849 2.292567103 2.687274848 0.144742339 0.140589055 1.854024939 2.072084753 0.291081462 -0.675303811 YGL014W "YGL014W ... PUF4 mRNA catabolism, deadenylylati mRNA binding cytoplasm | YGL015C" -0.074254329 -0.463544267 -0.388671274 x -0.137857725 -0.238781572 -0.35409477 x -0.157905333 -0.094218863 -0.258304 -0.339161336 x YGL014W -0.220444265 0.168585633 -0.093543022 -0.116416727 -0.078617985 -0.025130623 -0.292761994 -0.36794956 -0.517618069 -0.346548838 -0.800224882 -0.24265721 0.123970117 -0.429777377 -0.339928673 -0.526948674 -0.422960865 -0.327452381 -0.181039406 -0.800508104 -0.357459167 0.063382153 -0.156602252 -0.607871541 -0.512458801 -0.242936809 -0.413189008 0.018021843 0.100567151 -0.547432897 -0.132725152 -0.015257661 -0.429410945 -0.415975061 -0.097915247 0.091081462 -0.095303811 YGL028C "YGL028C ... SCW11 cytokinesis, completion of sep ""glucan 1,3-beta-glucosidase activit""cell wall (sensu Fungi) | YGL029W" 0.959138516 0.195541994 -0.96926928 x 0.036880825 -0.547744796 -1.209315023 x -1.439456667 -0.58276878 -0.450567346 -0.054104765 x YGL028C 0.074555735 0.293585633 -0.148543022 -0.241416727 -0.183617985 0.049869377 -0.877761994 -0.62294956 -1.802618069 -0.421548838 -0.665224882 -0.48765721 -0.491029883 -1.344777377 -1.134928673 -0.141948674 -0.187960865 -0.042452381 0.213960594 -0.345508104 -0.332459167 0.158382153 -0.121602252 -0.432871541 -0.367458801 -0.137936809 -0.488189008 -0.826978157 -0.474432849 0.317567103 0.642274848 -0.900257661 -0.924410945 0.139024939 0.087084753 0.136081462 -0.000303811 YGL035C YGL035C ... MIG1 regulation of transcription fr specific RNA polymerase II transcricytoplasm* | YGL036W -0.222605553 -0.789272137 -0.68840793 x 0.04139027 0.079559573 -0.034632772 x 0.100952333 -0.288697685 -0.828941013 -0.24551514 x YGL035C -0.035444265 0.313585633 0.011456978 -0.141416727 -0.003617985 -0.060130623 0.122238006 0.14705044 -0.542618069 -0.531548838 -0.205224882 0.14234279 -0.001029883 0.495222623 0.235071327 0.258051326 0.182039135 0.167547619 0.293960594 -0.035508104 0.287540833 0.118382153 -0.021602252 -0.362871541 -0.577458801 -0.507936809 -0.378189008 -0.096978157 -0.024432849 0.387567103 0.062274848 0.199742339 0.165589055 -0.260975061 -0.252915247 0.046081462 -0.140303811 YGL037C YGL037C iESR cluster PNC1 chromatin silencing at telomer nicotinamidase activity cytoplasm* | YGL038C -1.27211915 -0.532580057 1.555990079 x 0.728428541 2.327300204 2.62099582 x 1.234479667 -0.175137605 0.43490509 1.064661172 x YGL037C 0.209555735 -0.121414367 -0.603543022 -0.446416727 0.631382015 0.314869377 0.617238006 0.44205044 2.792381931 2.203451162 -0.500224882 1.11734279 0.333970117 0.000222623 -0.099928673 -0.036948674 -0.032960865 -0.257452381 -0.301039406 -0.570508104 -0.537459167 -0.466617847 -0.306602252 0.632128459 1.117541199 0.497063191 0.766810992 -0.051978157 -0.299432849 1.262567103 1.697274848 -0.405257661 -0.199410945 0.714024939 0.732084753 1.121081462 0.754696189 YGL045W YGL045W ... RIM8 meiosis* molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YGL047W 0.315970338 -0.604161163 0.968089859 x 0.148723838 0.419992158 0.478655293 x 0.933167667 0.371275226 0.352580924 0.488242299 x YGL045W -0.122944265 0.116085633 -0.116043022 0.061083273 -0.121117985 0.042369377 -0.195261994 -0.38044956 0.539881931 0.500951162 0.077275118 0.06484279 0.091470117 0.307722623 0.007571327 0.020551326 -0.055460865 -0.329952381 -0.233539406 -0.853008104 -0.149959167 0.010882153 -0.319102252 -0.570371541 -0.174958801 -0.155436809 -0.145689008 0.075521843 0.038067151 -0.519932897 -0.085225152 0.212242339 -0.091910945 -0.208475061 -0.120415247 0.238581462 -0.127803811 YGL047W "YGL047W ... ALG13 dolichol-linked oligosaccharid ""transferase activity, transferring""cytoplasm* | YGL048C" -0.051198317 0.275212952 0.892289891 x 0.26078346 1.273745094 0.958688447 x -0.262877 -0.112001533 -0.756871496 0.525751931 x YGL047W 0.014555735 -0.156414367 -0.178543022 -0.111416727 0.616382015 0.449869377 0.962238006 0.74705044 1.437381931 0.908451162 -0.845224882 0.34234279 0.038970117 0.425222623 0.225071327 0.238051326 0.252039135 0.127547619 0.033960594 0.054491896 0.157540833 -0.101617847 0.318397748 0.717128459 0.672541199 0.482063191 0.451810992 0.743021843 0.545567151 0.537567103 0.592274848 -0.120257661 0.255589055 0.389024939 0.267084753 0.076081462 0.159696189 YGL070C "YGL070C PAC cluster RPB9 transcription from RNA polymer DNA-directed RNA polymerase activit""DNA-directed RNA polymerase II, cor"" | YGL071W" -0.191977472 -0.57266889 -0.814732403 x -0.024245705 -0.51853674 -0.10934789 x -0.366008333 -0.271903944 -1.392807134 -0.321926751 x YGL070C -0.272944265 -0.393914367 0.033956978 -0.118916727 -0.331117985 -0.187630623 -0.145261994 -0.53044956 -1.290118069 -0.639048838 -0.302724882 -0.39515721 -0.318529883 -0.422277377 -0.172428673 -0.419448674 -0.215460865 -0.309952381 -0.333539406 -0.283008104 -0.139959167 -0.239117847 -0.029102252 -0.350371541 -0.264958801 -0.155436809 -0.305689008 -0.444478157 -0.231932849 0.040067103 -0.195225152 -0.507757661 -0.031910945 -0.318475061 -0.310415247 -0.491418538 -0.287803811 YGL081W YGL081W ... YGL081W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YGL082W #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.38427633 1.051615118 1.65262953 x 1.869331333 0.566253209 1.182746825 1.517689144 x YGL081W #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YGL095C YGL095C ... VPS45 protein complex assembly* unfolded protein binding cytosol* | YGL096W -0.077243192 -0.614203784 0.363653408 x 0.226243275 0.552074457 0.64003472 x 0.177955 -0.09237725 -0.193643415 0.216756036 x YGL095C -0.175444265 -0.276414367 -0.018543022 -0.051416727 -0.233617985 -0.350130623 -0.057761994 0.04705044 0.437381931 0.088451162 0.084775118 0.03234279 -0.131029883 0.315222623 0.145071327 -0.101948674 -0.167960865 0.087547619 -0.076039406 0.134491896 0.207540833 -0.311617847 -0.261602252 -0.312871541 -0.297458801 -0.327936809 -0.198189008 -0.166978157 -0.184432849 -0.152432897 -0.477725152 0.259742339 0.105589055 -0.320975061 -0.422915247 -0.253918538 -0.170303811 YGL096W YGL096W iESR cluster TOS8 G1/S-specific transcription in transcription factor activity nucleus | YGL097W -0.510140828 0.262327853 1.470183991 x -0.299402722 0.779394027 1.115857079 x 1.24898 -0.072934267 1.01597785 1.847588012 x YGL096W 0.214033665 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.808061203 0.385859945 -0.060652693 1.041715936 #VALUE! 1.816859861 1.537929092 0.364253048 0.19182072 0.278448047 0.574700553 0.634549257 0.007529256 0.781517065 #VALUE! -0.506561476 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.177860083 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.911541121 0.431288922 0.162499773 0.555045081 -0.182954967 -0.078247222 0.319220269 0.045066985 0.838502869 0.416562683 0.415559392 0.129174119 YGL121C YGL121C iESR cluster GPG1 signal transduction signal transducer activity cellular component unknown | YGL122C #N/A #N/A #N/A x -0.174273337 2.167522966 1.730438219 x 2.799932333 0.838413467 3.716349088 3.162984706 x YGL121C -0.397944265 0.161085633 0.248956978 0.286083273 0.163882015 0.437369377 2.299738006 2.38455044 2.604881931 2.445951162 1.022275118 0.38984279 -1.013529883 0.812722623 0.992571327 1.195551326 1.329539135 -0.334952381 0.171460594 1.311991896 0.395040833 1.125882153 0.455897748 1.144628459 1.280041199 -0.100436809 0.429310992 0.100521843 0.243067151 1.715067103 2.599774848 0.817242339 0.953089055 0.846524939 0.644584753 0.713581462 -0.152803811 YGL126W YGL126W ... SCS3 phospholipid metabolism molecular function unknown endoplasmic reticulum | YGL127C -0.324988652 0.032887669 1.267734306 x 0.358689181 0.27434758 0.377538079 x -0.237231333 0.094066197 1.425691727 0.291647315 x YGL126W -0.190444265 -0.131414367 -0.213543022 0.243583273 -0.398617985 -0.235130623 -0.482761994 -0.58794956 -0.427618069 0.213451162 -0.350224882 0.57734279 0.183970117 -0.009777377 0.050071327 0.253051326 -0.082960865 0.032547619 0.228960594 0.359491896 0.062540833 0.933382153 0.163397748 -0.157871541 -0.072458801 0.067063191 0.356810992 -0.091978157 -0.039432849 0.202567103 0.567274848 0.234742339 -0.469410945 -0.265975061 -0.147915247 0.401081462 0.194696189 YGL156W YGL156W iESR cluster AMS1 carbohydrate metabolism alpha-mannosidase activity vacuolar membrane | YGL157W -0.165017976 -0.107329641 4.771001628 x 0.713263823 2.409355568 2.595523382 x 1.910132333 0.3084402 2.575981614 2.07259292 x YGL156W -0.090444265 -0.071414367 -0.343543022 0.083583273 0.201382015 0.154869377 1.137238006 1.08205044 2.912381931 2.453451162 0.109775118 0.83734279 0.093970117 1.030222623 0.970071327 0.333051326 0.237039135 -0.607452381 -0.541039406 -0.080508104 -0.717459167 0.553382153 0.043397748 0.852128459 0.967541199 0.297063191 0.936810992 0.768021843 0.470567151 0.742567103 1.167274848 0.854742339 0.750589055 0.454024939 0.572084753 1.181081462 0.434696189 YGL157W YGL157W ... YGL157W biological process unknown oxidoreductase activity* cytoplasm* | YGL158W -0.062288288 -0.636854398 0.94163333 x 0.075589076 0.834958741 1.114919888 x 0.970658333 -0.126466041 0.473907033 0.49177078 x YGL157W 0.124555735 -0.116414367 0.011456978 0.248583273 0.006382015 -0.040130623 0.302238006 0.16705044 1.247381931 0.628451162 -0.075224882 0.36234279 0.338970117 -0.044777377 -0.124928673 0.438051326 0.272039135 -0.172452381 -0.176039406 0.164491896 -0.092459167 0.578382153 0.478397748 0.647128459 0.562541199 0.752063191 0.841810992 0.843021843 0.585567151 0.077567103 0.122274848 -0.300257661 -0.404410945 -0.070975061 -0.102915247 0.426081462 0.489696189 YGL158W YGL158W ... RCK1 protein amino acid phosphoryla protein serine/threonine kinase actcellular component unknown | YGL159W -0.376457853 -0.683314798 1.801817783 x 0.165825722 1.088790226 1.678608242 x 0.824118 -0.011806392 0.947226088 1.038896022 x YGL158W #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YGL169W YGL169W PAC cluster SUA5 aerobic respiration molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YGL170C -0.03154428 -0.493624534 -0.387541445 x -0.069540621 -0.431033589 -0.446643818 x -0.215358667 -0.083036794 -0.35244403 -0.203335183 x YGL169W -0.337944265 -0.018914367 -0.201043022 -0.123916727 -0.466117985 -0.092630623 -0.390261994 -0.28544956 -0.925118069 -0.214048838 -0.337724882 -0.20015721 0.086470117 -0.247277377 -0.087428673 -0.574448674 -0.440460865 -0.234952381 -0.018539406 -0.148008104 -0.224959167 0.215882153 -0.094102252 -0.295371541 -0.089958801 -0.470436809 -0.510689008 -0.339478157 -0.126932849 -0.194932897 0.029774848 -0.032757661 -0.186910945 0.066524939 0.104584753 -0.196418538 -0.202803811 YGL179C YGL179C ... TOS3 glucose metabolism protein kinase activity cytoplasm* | YGL180W 0.418186146 -0.223911303 0.654052755 x 0.732222778 0.448521707 0.738552453 x 0.237982333 0.375068184 1.14009202 0.617032337 x YGL179C -0.370444265 -0.171414367 -0.013543022 0.353583273 -0.048617985 -0.045130623 0.397238006 0.18205044 -0.157618069 0.043451162 -0.480224882 0.70734279 0.643970117 0.700222623 0.790071327 0.233051326 0.167039135 0.112547619 0.068960594 0.749491896 0.372540833 0.743382153 0.663397748 0.112128459 0.237541199 0.677063191 0.466810992 0.078021843 0.320567151 -0.467432897 -0.122725152 0.414742339 0.260589055 -0.135975061 -0.007915247 0.561081462 0.354696189 YGL201C YGL201C ... MCM6 DNA replication initiation* chromatin binding* cytoplasm* | YGL202W 0.215425934 -0.726518462 -0.695255826 x -0.032617926 -0.015727736 0.008428065 x -0.442143667 -0.045938158 -0.389247349 -0.158798622 x YGL201C -0.057944265 -0.078914367 -0.231043022 -0.383916727 -0.096117985 -0.122630623 -0.510261994 -0.29544956 -0.105118069 -0.284048838 -0.407724882 -0.16015721 0.006470117 0.032722623 -0.327428673 -0.164448674 -0.280460865 -0.134952381 -0.128539406 -0.528008104 -0.444959167 -0.284117847 -0.354102252 -0.535371541 -0.559958801 -0.230436809 -0.250689008 -0.369478157 -0.356932849 -0.314932897 -0.430225152 0.107242339 0.063089055 -0.363475061 -0.385415247 -0.006418538 -0.062803811 YGL205W YGL205W ... POX1 fatty acid beta-oxidation acyl-CoA oxidase activity peroxisomal matrix | YGL206C -0.367903899 -0.262303132 2.096143934 x 0.561884623 1.322744157 1.382838167 x 2.926973 0.695712357 1.336029876 2.310170393 x YGL205W #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YGL208W YGL208W iESR cluster SIP2 protein amino acid phosphoryla AMP-activated protein kinase activicytoplasm* | YGL209W -1.329643448 -0.238840055 1.228917189 x 0.011192391 1.271488961 1.001250451 x 0.555117 -0.350897559 0.095808971 0.371340189 x YGL208W 0.014555735 0.023585633 -0.148543022 -0.051416727 0.126382015 0.109869377 0.302238006 -0.06294956 0.397381931 0.628451162 -0.245224882 0.26234279 0.218970117 0.435222623 0.255071327 0.318051326 0.332039135 0.167547619 0.153960594 -0.075508104 -0.022459167 0.488382153 0.428397748 #VALUE! 0.352541199 -0.207936809 0.021810992 -0.126978157 -0.084432849 0.387567103 0.602274848 0.339742339 0.315589055 0.329024939 0.517084753 0.406081462 -0.000303811 YGL227W YGL227W ... VID30 vacuolar protein catabolism* molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YGL228W -0.446649906 -0.202479404 0.682649006 x -0.009650388 0.807416922 1.132070512 x 0.840729667 -0.189372027 0.068185194 0.727736697 x YGL227W 0.067055735 0.006085633 0.113956978 0.041083273 0.258882015 0.112369377 0.154738006 0.08955044 1.189881931 0.650951162 0.047275118 0.26484279 0.051470117 0.627722623 0.457571327 0.390551326 0.284539135 0.170047619 -0.003539406 0.066991896 0.070040833 0.030882153 0.000897748 0.449628459 0.435041199 0.234563191 0.444310992 0.045521843 -0.101932849 0.320067103 0.434774848 0.362242339 0.498089055 0.411524939 0.379584753 0.628581462 0.502196189 YGL242C YGL242C ... YGL242C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YGL243W -0.476078999 -0.56254359 0.345139526 x 0.141008125 0.881281755 0.77327942 x -0.637176667 -0.09357973 0.009391988 0.55812517 x YGL242C 0.097055735 -0.243914367 -0.066043022 0.001083273 0.488882015 0.522369377 0.464738006 0.25955044 0.069881931 -0.479048838 0.647275118 0.44484279 -0.048529883 0.527722623 0.467571327 0.240551326 0.274539135 0.050047619 -0.093539406 0.006991896 4.08E-05 -0.239117847 0.170897748 0.609628459 0.515041199 0.334563191 0.474310992 0.325521843 0.228067151 0.180067103 -0.115225152 0.082242339 0.468089055 0.301524939 0.069584753 0.018581462 0.262196189 YGL248W YGL248W iESR cluster PDE1 cAMP-mediated signaling cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase actcellular component unknown | YGL249W -0.580590374 -0.240522621 0.493753038 x 0.168345727 0.817033691 0.614897782 x 1.587128 -0.180323885 0.441337504 1.146411175 x YGL248W 0.002055735 -0.028914367 0.078956978 0.046083273 0.243882015 0.287369377 0.759738006 0.54455044 1.214881931 0.795951162 0.512275118 0.13984279 -0.063529883 0.212722623 0.012571327 0.045551326 -0.010460865 -0.014952381 -0.078539406 -0.048008104 0.015040833 -0.064117847 -0.234102252 0.354628459 0.510041199 0.209563191 0.329310992 0.480521843 0.353067151 0.005067103 0.549774848 0.167242339 0.093089055 0.356524939 0.414584753 0.783581462 0.547196189 YGL255W YGL255W ... ZRT1 high-affinity zinc ion transpo high affinity zinc uptake transportintegral to plasma membrane | YGL256W -0.4293003 0.478133275 1.064897762 x -0.068386463 1.501134064 1.22674269 x -0.697354 -0.08754171 0.328979779 0.558802104 x YGL255W -0.022944265 0.086085633 -0.116043022 0.281083273 -0.711117985 -0.537630623 -0.595261994 -0.63044956 -0.400118069 0.150951162 -1.742724882 -0.39515721 -1.898529883 0.037722623 0.317571327 0.400551326 -0.015460865 0.160047619 0.506460594 0.746991896 0.610040833 0.890882153 -0.269102252 -1.320371541 -2.274958801 -1.365436809 -0.455689008 -0.904478157 -0.781932849 0.210067103 0.114774848 0.772242339 -0.181910945 -0.808475061 -0.360415247 -0.891418538 -1.997803811 YGL263W YGL263W ... COS12 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YGR001C 1.988716244 -0.308873823 -0.675492474 x -0.10011845 0.084508782 -0.416630553 x #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! x YGL263W #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YGR008C YGR008C iESR cluster STF2 ATP synthesis coupled proton t molecular function unknown proton-transporting ATP synthase co | YGR009C -1.168312366 -0.103490586 1.825816891 x -0.208633043 1.284179647 2.663376505 x 1.647962 -0.202996496 0.663102711 0.937608895 x YGR008C 0.029555735 -0.131414367 -0.203543022 0.173583273 0.181382015 -0.075130623 0.857238006 0.42205044 1.952381931 1.483451162 -0.060224882 0.73734279 -0.266029883 0.550222623 0.670071327 0.173051326 0.197039135 -0.487452381 -0.251039406 0.189491896 -0.047459167 0.453382153 0.463397748 1.362128459 1.437541199 0.337063191 0.706810992 -0.131978157 -0.279432849 1.332567103 1.447274848 -0.135257661 0.350589055 0.674024939 0.632084753 0.281081462 -0.015303811 YGR019W YGR019W iESR cluster UGA1 nitrogen utilization 4-aminobutyrate transaminase activiintracellular | YGR020C -0.162506974 -0.123258087 1.471840546 x -0.090825615 0.346059285 1.290372721 x 1.106655667 0.100684992 0.460731702 0.331716822 x YGR019W -0.100444265 -0.081414367 -0.523543022 -0.486416727 0.001382015 -0.095130623 -0.102761994 -0.14794956 1.102381931 1.063451162 -0.010224882 0.22734279 0.153970117 0.160222623 0.100071327 -0.186948674 -0.142960865 -0.137452381 -0.121039406 -0.180508104 -0.357459167 0.023382153 -0.226602252 -0.667871541 0.177541199 -0.192936809 -0.163189008 0.298021843 0.160567151 -0.017432897 0.397274848 0.384742339 0.370589055 0.004024939 0.142084753 0.301081462 0.024696189 YGR028W YGR028W ... MSP1 protein-mitochondrial targetin ATPase activity mitochondrial outer membrane | YGR029W -0.897228968 -0.830998172 0.816877173 x -0.061041268 0.231679955 0.396035831 x 0.535108333 -0.425742293 0.06158195 0.129940111 x YGR028W 0.309555735 -0.001414367 0.066456978 0.533583273 0.161382015 0.024869377 0.087238006 -0.04794956 0.402381931 0.263451162 0.189775118 0.07734279 -0.056029883 0.100222623 -0.029928673 0.193051326 0.147039135 -0.117452381 -0.201039406 0.359491896 0.052540833 0.213382153 0.503397748 0.622128459 0.437541199 0.217063191 0.386810992 0.018021843 -0.069432849 0.732567103 0.287274848 -0.015257661 0.030589055 -0.085975061 -0.197915247 -0.108918538 -0.205303811 YGR032W "YGR032W ... GSC2 cell wall organization and bio ""1,3-beta-glucan synthase activity""prospore membrane* | YGR033C" -0.029362334 0.379197226 2.772343444 x 0.94343807 1.788114599 2.037293009 x 2.836369 1.397510797 2.911872459 2.3571723 x YGR032W -0.045444265 0.543585633 0.601456978 0.808583273 0.046382015 0.669869377 2.282238006 2.08705044 3.777381931 3.518451162 1.374775118 1.53234279 0.768970117 3.055222623 3.005071327 0.968051326 0.752039135 -0.692452381 -0.356039406 0.614491896 0.077540833 0.848382153 -0.421602252 1.557128459 1.702541199 0.252063191 1.691810992 0.503021843 0.565567151 -0.002432897 1.112274848 2.519742339 2.075589055 0.579024939 0.617084753 1.496081462 0.719696189 YGR041W YGR041W ... BUD9 bud site selection molecular function unknown bud neck | YGR042W 0.395695735 -0.98508403 -1.137603297 x -0.08886271 -1.303938718 -1.686686503 x -0.598627667 -0.419285996 -0.864716267 -0.620076134 x YGR041W -0.130444265 0.108585633 -0.343543022 -0.326416727 -0.318617985 -0.265130623 -1.122761994 -0.78794956 -2.347618069 -0.966548838 -0.790224882 -0.23265721 0.153970117 -1.209777377 -0.929928673 -0.386948674 -0.092960865 -0.267452381 -0.041039406 -0.550508104 -0.507459167 0.023382153 -0.046602252 -1.157871541 -0.632458801 -0.392936809 -0.623189008 -0.601978157 -0.329432849 -0.337432897 -0.142725152 -0.785257661 -0.599410945 -0.125975061 0.102084753 0.251081462 0.014696189 YGR043C YGR043C Ö iESR cluster NQM1 biological process unknown transaldolase activity | Transaldolase of unknown function; transcription is repressed by Mot1p and induced by alpha-factor and during diauxic shiftYGR044C 0.255900123 0.605980868 3.822395628 x 1.339692533 2.213357473 1.683807194 x 3.416868667 1.229201708 3.288679863 2.773096501 x YGR043C -0.08525544 0.493774458 0.171645803 0.548772098 1.08657084 1.160058202 3.682426831 2.567239265 3.997570756 3.938639987 1.344963943 0.762531615 0.309158942 2.495411448 2.585260152 0.748240151 0.81222796 0.447736444 0.864149419 1.794680721 1.287729658 0.858570978 1.048586573 1.647317284 1.472730024 1.182252016 1.501999817 1.203210668 0.845755976 0.127755928 0.442463673 1.519931164 2.49577788 0.509213764 0.557273578 1.786270287 1.069885014 YGR049W YGR049W ... SCM4 cell cycle molecular function unknown mitochondrion | YGR050C 0.591361757 -1.294715128 -0.851584267 x -0.377378195 -0.823965832 -0.104587563 x 1.555004667 -0.035573305 -0.857941252 0.083200487 x YGR049W -0.580444265 -0.731414367 -0.393543022 -0.236416727 -0.948617985 -0.815130623 -0.502761994 -0.49794956 0.132381931 -0.206548838 -0.650224882 -0.20265721 -0.146029883 -0.999777377 -1.049928673 -0.656948674 -0.672960865 -0.237452381 -0.391039406 -0.200508104 -0.187459167 0.203382153 -0.156602252 -0.907871541 -0.352458801 -0.242936809 -0.603189008 0.468021843 0.670567151 -1.857432897 -1.202725152 -0.645257661 -0.879410945 -0.475975061 -0.167915247 0.411081462 0.164696189 YGR052W YGR052W ... FMP48 biological process unknown kinase activity mitochondrion | YGR053C #N/A #N/A #N/A x 1.723693567 2.225576772 1.67295974 x 1.138928333 0.541651211 2.632200893 1.258344504 x YGR052W #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.252322311 1.174803984 #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.541541283 -0.626728849 1.053602642 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.395190828 #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.525727963 -0.421740154 #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.079287393 -0.686238456 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.478283902 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.21403695 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.162302173 1.0559169 YGR059W YGR059W ... SPR3 cell wall organization and bio structural constituent of cytoskeleprospore membrane* | YGR060W #N/A #N/A #N/A x -0.342437795 #DIV/0! 2.848957817 x 1.718962 -0.096768893 1.447226089 1.101661464 x YGR059W #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YGR066C YGR066C ... YGR066C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YGR067C #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.370729002 0.801578316 1.063444892 x 2.35936 -1.25773294 1.654744837 0.836404105 x YGR066C #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.520890504 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 2.906483966 2.686815457 3.507884688 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YGR067C YGR067C ... YGR067C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YGR068C -0.470822526 -0.834661832 2.197411408 x 0.281847115 1.212362854 1.218884227 x 1.546590667 0.569276398 1.01823559 1.326385228 x YGR067C -0.120444265 -0.201414367 -0.173543022 0.123583273 -0.068617985 0.034869377 -0.072761994 -0.55794956 -0.347618069 0.103451162 -0.600224882 -0.04265721 0.013970117 -0.029777377 0.120071327 -0.386948674 -0.262960865 -0.207452381 -0.131039406 -0.240508104 -0.007459167 0.073382153 -0.176602252 -0.227871541 -0.182458801 -0.412936809 -0.083189008 -0.191978157 -0.079432849 -0.127432897 -0.052725152 0.204742339 0.190589055 0.124024939 0.042084753 0.161081462 0.134696189 YGR070W YGR070W ... ROM1 cell wall organization and bio signal transducer activity* intracellular | YGR071C 0.132247077 -0.27703663 0.837887482 x 0.308853616 0.543051002 1.350761369 x 1.665635 0.229210987 0.563021328 1.221930969 x YGR070W -0.275444265 -0.116414367 -0.028543022 0.018583273 0.266382015 0.099869377 1.132238006 0.79705044 1.467381931 1.188451162 0.014775118 0.74234279 0.258970117 0.995222623 0.695071327 0.208051326 0.332039135 0.257547619 0.063960594 0.524491896 0.377540833 0.118382153 0.168397748 0.857128459 0.742541199 -0.007936809 0.261810992 1.113021843 0.975567151 0.257567103 1.072274848 0.449742339 0.415589055 0.529024939 0.737084753 0.666081462 0.209696189 YGR078C YGR078C PAC cluster PAC10 tubulin folding tubulin binding cytoplasm* | YGR079W -0.28788017 -1.115299135 -0.864940684 x -0.04732961 -0.47031755 -0.322917464 x -0.479686333 -0.137386545 -0.524282462 -0.379623486 x YGR078C 0.094555735 -0.076414367 0.121456978 0.138583273 -0.003617985 -0.180130623 -0.117761994 -0.32294956 -0.782618069 -0.901548838 -0.305224882 -0.28765721 -0.131029883 -0.264777377 -0.604928673 -0.311948674 -0.137960865 -0.142452381 -0.246039406 -0.295508104 -0.102459167 -0.651617847 -0.371602252 -0.542871541 -0.657458801 -0.097936809 -0.218189008 -0.316978157 -0.274432849 -0.202432897 -0.517725152 -0.360257661 -0.314410945 -0.210975061 -0.322915247 -0.233918538 -0.120303811 YGR079W YGR079W ... YGR079W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YGR080W -0.564438103 -0.994315227 -0.719080989 x 0.051844237 -0.040453941 -0.077052223 x -0.857072 0.043183548 -0.229635002 0.020327092 x YGR079W -0.045444265 -0.146414367 -0.208543022 -0.581416727 0.016382015 0.109869377 -0.587761994 -0.56294956 -0.602618069 -0.161548838 -1.045224882 -0.08765721 0.338970117 0.055222623 -0.244928673 -0.471948674 -0.177960865 0.117547619 -0.036039406 -0.665508104 -0.402459167 -0.211617847 -0.071602252 -0.652871541 -0.267458801 0.002063191 -0.188189008 -0.586978157 -0.394432849 -0.352432897 -0.457725152 -0.170257661 0.025589055 -0.220975061 -0.302915247 0.146081462 0.019696189 YGR087C YGR087C ... PDC6 ethanol metabolism pyruvate decarboxylase activity cytoplasm | YGR088W #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.509074838 -0.066904482 1.439872562 x #N/A 0.327229561 0.786262041 0.786636269 x YGR087C 0.279599791 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.008573929 #VALUE! 1.167282062 1.332094496 1.622425987 1.283495218 0.589819174 -0.002613154 0.694014173 0.840266679 1.260115383 0.373095382 0.227083191 #VALUE! 0.50900465 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.803426209 0.723441804 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.418065899 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.764786395 0.440633111 #VALUE! 0.632128809 0.191125518 #VALUE! YGR088W YGR088W iESR cluster CTT1 response to stress catalase activity cytoplasm | YGR089W -0.986771878 -0.516744598 3.604036282 x 0.350817446 0.765941447 1.067068519 x 2.252247333 -0.179789356 1.819328298 1.53067121 x YGR088W 0.047055735 0.436085633 -0.146043022 -0.058916727 1.158882015 0.822369377 0.764738006 1.95955044 3.689881931 3.640951162 0.127275118 0.74484279 0.071470117 0.877722623 0.717571327 0.920551326 0.724539135 0.030047619 0.166460594 -0.583008104 -0.709959167 1.070882153 0.390897748 0.529628459 0.775041199 0.294563191 0.304310992 0.275521843 0.318067151 1.260067103 2.204774848 1.002242339 0.788089055 0.871524939 1.129584753 1.068581462 0.372196189 YGR097W YGR097W ... ASK10 response to oxidative stress* transcription regulator activity cytoplasm* | YGR098C 0.670965135 0.26489485 0.253479451 x -0.05637908 0.929516208 1.130655163 x 0.535152667 0.004627201 0.480027848 1.023947281 x YGR097W -0.125444265 0.073585633 -0.068543022 -0.091416727 -0.123617985 -0.140130623 -0.067761994 -0.20294956 0.877381931 0.498451162 0.034775118 0.03234279 0.268970117 0.545222623 0.415071327 -0.061948674 0.012039135 0.037547619 0.083960594 0.184491896 0.147540833 0.358382153 0.018397748 0.207128459 0.282541199 0.052063191 -0.008189008 1.183021843 1.125567151 -0.412432897 0.212274848 0.759742339 0.285589055 0.209024939 0.317084753 0.316081462 0.149696189 YGR123C YGR123C PAC cluster PPT1 protein amino acid phosphoryla protein serine/threonine phosphatascytoplasm* | YGR124W 0.274177184 -0.669568305 -0.656276568 x -0.089928191 -0.11767847 -0.03237256 x -0.91045 -0.18164046 -0.677903884 -0.406472026 x YGR123C 0.014555735 0.073585633 0.221456978 0.088583273 -0.073617985 0.059869377 -0.517761994 -0.50294956 -1.322618069 -0.991548838 -0.495224882 -0.51765721 0.048970117 -0.364777377 -0.164928673 -0.161948674 0.092039135 0.077547619 0.023960594 -0.145508104 0.107540833 -0.371617847 0.218397748 -0.092871541 -0.437458801 0.062063191 -0.198189008 -0.186978157 -0.044432849 0.077567103 -0.457725152 -0.320257661 -0.084410945 -0.020975061 -0.132915247 -0.533918538 -0.260303811 YGR130C YGR130C ... YGR130C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YGR131W -0.588943611 -0.282337994 0.242889699 x 0.255719483 0.997959854 0.96373338 x -0.007135333 -0.123299322 -0.431951437 0.56574651 x YGR130C 0.472055735 0.291085633 0.248956978 0.276083273 0.683882015 0.337369377 0.709738006 0.57455044 1.754881931 1.135951162 0.272275118 0.08984279 -0.303529883 0.552722623 0.132571327 0.235551326 0.219539135 0.305047619 0.231460594 0.061991896 -0.004959167 -0.304117847 -0.514102252 0.054628459 0.140041199 0.139563191 0.039310992 -0.079478157 -0.346932849 0.775067103 0.799774848 0.597242339 0.503089055 0.196524939 0.234584753 0.063581462 0.017196189 YGR138C YGR138C ... TPO2 polyamine transport spermine transporter activity plasma membrane* | YGR139W -0.375942287 0.532882494 0.914865179 x 0.077656126 1.503809643 1.414327532 x 0.539149667 1.32612025 3.677393803 2.926579617 x YGR138C 0.612055735 0.681085633 0.568956978 0.866083273 0.063882015 0.217369377 0.749738006 0.76455044 1.244881931 0.965951162 0.422275118 0.29984279 0.076470117 0.342722623 0.362571327 -0.144448674 -0.230460865 0.505047619 0.771460594 1.071991896 0.925040833 -0.454117847 -1.084102252 -0.505371541 -0.329958801 1.739563191 0.539310992 0.950521843 1.143067151 0.795067103 1.029774848 -0.472757661 -0.686910945 0.496524939 0.324584753 1.833581462 1.737196189 YGR142W YGR142W ... BTN2 intracellular protein transpor molecular function unknown cytosol | YGR143W 0.554046134 0.139073403 0.339782003 x 0.116114651 0.788068898 1.445232494 x -1.052580667 0.259320348 1.00315575 0.769090487 x YGR142W 0.137055735 0.026085633 0.333956978 0.251083273 0.478882015 0.322369377 1.174738006 1.03955044 0.679881931 0.650951162 0.637275118 1.26484279 0.161470117 2.697722623 1.707571327 1.200551326 0.774539135 0.310047619 0.116460594 0.256991896 0.620040833 0.620882153 0.160897748 0.579628459 0.775041199 -0.165436809 1.244310992 -0.054478157 -0.201932849 -0.479932897 -0.555225152 1.172242339 0.968089055 0.471524939 0.939584753 1.048581462 0.802196189 YGR144W YGR144W ... THI4 mitochondrial genome maintenan molecular function unknown mitochondrion* | YGR145W -0.828296584 0.344286073 3.619968174 x 1.910689163 4.024070194 1.792444396 x 1.204 0.09938982 3.239707338 0.592353624 x YGR144W -0.492944265 -0.023914367 -0.476043022 -0.358916727 -0.541117985 -0.077630623 0.914738006 0.83955044 2.389881931 2.650951162 0.987275118 1.02484279 0.621470117 0.717722623 1.147571327 0.120551326 0.224539135 0.190047619 0.376460594 0.146991896 4.08E-05 0.890882153 0.250897748 0.139628459 0.585041199 0.774563191 1.064310992 1.285521843 1.128067151 -0.539932897 0.264774848 0.222242339 0.288089055 0.031524939 0.259584753 1.108581462 1.112196189 YGR146C YGR146C ... YGR146C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YGR146C-A -0.014872297 0.123431525 1.18157033 x 0.258583225 0.003719869 0.238785092 x -1.301153667 0.415862466 0.982020905 0.41632771 x YGR146C -0.452944265 0.076085633 -0.036043022 0.391083273 0.208882015 0.422369377 0.814738006 1.25955044 0.179881931 0.420951162 0.147275118 0.34484279 0.551470117 0.647722623 0.557571327 -0.119448674 0.104539135 0.360047619 0.476460594 0.756991896 0.790040833 0.380882153 0.000897748 0.509628459 0.375041199 -0.195436809 -0.665689008 0.545521843 0.358067151 -0.529932897 0.234774848 -0.027757661 -0.251910945 0.261524939 0.399584753 -0.171418538 -0.547803811 YGR149W YGR149W iESR cluster YGR149W biological process unknown molecular function unknown integral to membrane | YGR150C -0.071195556 0.530080563 1.100688081 x -0.409447722 0.923491506 1.010301552 x 0.886019333 -0.219168582 0.772264063 1.002028677 x YGR149W -0.135444265 -0.146414367 -0.158543022 -0.011416727 -0.253617985 -0.250130623 0.212238006 0.32705044 1.237381931 1.488451162 0.344775118 0.08234279 -0.361029883 -0.424777377 -0.334928673 -0.011948674 0.022039135 0.077547619 0.173960594 0.324491896 0.137540833 0.738382153 -0.041602252 1.027128459 1.212541199 -0.097936809 0.171810992 0.633021843 0.655567151 0.097567103 0.802274848 -0.100257661 -0.374410945 0.789024939 0.957084753 0.466081462 0.169696189 YGR153W YGR153W ... YGR153W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YGR154C -0.141181276 0.614566154 1.470688509 x 0.857206208 2.115483232 2.214636446 x 0.746474 0.335200333 -0.229948699 1.799403814 x YGR153W -0.032944265 -0.103914367 0.133956978 0.191083273 0.218882015 0.192369377 1.374738006 0.36955044 3.059881931 2.060951162 0.077275118 0.08484279 -0.338529883 0.627722623 0.447571327 0.180551326 0.514539135 -0.359952381 -0.603539406 0.176991896 0.140040833 -0.099117847 -0.109102252 1.399628459 0.985041199 0.354563191 0.584310992 1.285521843 1.048067151 0.110067103 0.354774848 -0.267757661 -0.041910945 0.381524939 0.199584753 -0.161418538 0.112196189 YGR159C YGR159C ... NSR1 rRNA processing* RNA binding* nucleus* | YGR160W -0.014420689 -0.664206634 -0.551707176 x 0.037790164 -0.424678158 -0.350938714 x -1.094182667 0.040642773 -0.732956051 -0.349886561 x YGR159C 0.217055735 0.386085633 0.093956978 0.011083273 0.058882015 0.222369377 -0.435261994 -0.54044956 -0.870118069 -0.319048838 -0.772724882 -0.68515721 0.071470117 -0.352277377 -0.142428673 -0.539448674 -0.075460865 0.020047619 0.026460594 -0.293008104 -0.029959167 -0.339117847 -0.169102252 0.249628459 -0.294958801 0.064563191 -0.255689008 -0.044478157 0.058067151 0.360067103 -0.435225152 -0.137757661 -0.091910945 0.061524939 -0.080415247 -0.491418538 -0.377803811 YGR161C YGR161C iESR cluster RTS3 protein amino acid dephosphory protein phosphatase type 2A activitcytoplasm* | YGR161W-C 0.13141196 0.077505905 2.327231796 x -0.116402043 1.124055113 1.838592627 x 1.446622333 -0.014115762 1.587148283 1.638129098 x YGR161C -0.330444265 0.398585633 0.366456978 0.273583273 -0.308617985 -0.125130623 0.987238006 1.15205044 3.142381931 2.853451162 1.039775118 0.53734279 0.023970117 1.040222623 0.870071327 0.253051326 0.477039135 -0.277452381 -0.131039406 0.549491896 0.632540833 0.693382153 -0.056602252 1.412128459 1.487541199 -0.372936809 0.296810992 1.028021843 0.900567151 0.452567103 1.487274848 0.544742339 0.480589055 0.624024939 1.182084753 1.261081462 0.304696189 YGR168C YGR168C ... YGR168C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YGR169C -0.585630836 -1.393173185 0.645616181 x -0.147391484 0.900130586 0.89765866 x 1.533491 -0.104978455 0.516961124 0.555919282 x YGR168C -0.022944265 -0.023914367 -0.176043022 0.351083273 0.058882015 0.272369377 0.304738006 0.36955044 0.979881931 0.360951162 -0.062724882 -0.04515721 0.091470117 0.147722623 0.037571327 0.140551326 0.254539135 0.090047619 -0.013539406 0.376991896 0.260040833 -0.299117847 0.190897748 0.759628459 0.275041199 0.314563191 0.444310992 0.505521843 0.268067151 0.140067103 -0.185225152 -0.427757661 -0.251910945 0.091524939 -0.160415247 -0.221418538 0.012196189 YGR177C YGR177C ... ATF2 steroid metabolism alcohol O-acetyltransferase activitcytoplasm* | YGR178C 0.874236173 -0.407866367 -0.514481556 x -0.239793149 -0.704773809 -0.656275067 x -1.273151 0.089175351 -0.806073947 -0.279437916 x YGR177C -0.445444265 -0.096414367 -0.178543022 -0.321416727 -0.633617985 -0.180130623 -1.107761994 -0.96294956 -1.252618069 -1.021548838 -0.935224882 -0.23765721 0.098970117 -0.424777377 -0.454928673 0.048051326 -0.177960865 0.367547619 0.393960594 0.024491896 0.187540833 0.178382153 -0.371602252 -1.242871541 -1.147458801 -0.707936809 -0.858189008 -0.896978157 -0.604432849 -1.312432897 -1.277725152 -0.380257661 -0.774410945 -0.290975061 -0.002915247 -0.053918538 0.049696189 YGR181W YGR181W ... TIM13 mitochondrial inner membrane p protein transporter activity mitochondrial intermembrane space* | YGR182C -0.89535235 -1.01884627 -0.881608322 x -0.088740303 -0.266057227 -0.007017985 x -0.417668 -0.225115979 -0.563888887 -0.107534915 x YGR181W -0.320444265 -0.281414367 -0.153543022 -0.226416727 0.011382015 0.114869377 0.007238006 0.09205044 -0.407618069 -0.236548838 -0.410224882 0.07734279 0.173970117 -0.129777377 0.050071327 -0.136948674 -0.122960865 -0.007452381 -0.031039406 0.069491896 0.082540833 0.543382153 0.213397748 -0.167871541 0.097541199 -0.062936809 -0.043189008 -0.971978157 -0.709432849 -0.357432897 -0.212725152 -0.105257661 -0.389410945 -0.205975061 0.102084753 0.001081462 -0.055303811 YGR185C YGR185C PAC cluster TYS1 tyrosyl-tRNA aminoacylation tyrosine-tRNA ligase activity cytoplasm* | YGR186W -0.047487292 -0.634025234 -0.599290045 x -0.015441889 -0.219705181 -0.063436634 x -0.498067333 -0.065067539 -0.421258517 -0.341625308 x YGR185C -0.122944265 -0.173914367 -0.046043022 -0.058916727 -0.141117985 -0.157630623 -0.355261994 -0.33044956 -1.310118069 -0.999048838 -0.152724882 0.06484279 0.251470117 0.527722623 0.257571327 -0.029448674 -0.175460865 -0.199952381 -0.283539406 -0.283008104 -0.059959167 0.040882153 -0.129102252 -0.360371541 -0.244958801 -0.215436809 -0.155689008 0.055521843 0.158067151 -0.469932897 -0.715225152 0.302242339 0.128089055 -0.448475061 -0.460415247 -0.161418538 -0.117803811 YGR189C YGR189C ... CRH1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cell wall (sensu Fungi)* | YGR190C -0.069155605 0.855479097 1.324689087 x 0.088697859 0.915505184 0.853148794 x 0.302007667 0.023107184 0.716280827 1.328005977 x YGR189C 0.107055735 0.256085633 0.173956978 0.191083273 0.168882015 0.222369377 0.264738006 0.33955044 1.809881931 1.610951162 0.777275118 0.22484279 0.031470117 0.417722623 0.077571327 0.540551326 0.284539135 0.340047619 0.446460594 0.656991896 0.450040833 0.680882153 -0.169102252 0.659628459 0.905041199 0.204563191 0.594310992 1.075521843 1.028067151 -0.299932897 0.664774848 0.332242339 -0.021910945 0.611524939 0.589584753 1.118581462 0.822196189 YGR194C YGR194C iESR cluster XKS1 xylulose catabolism xylulokinase activity cytoplasm | YGR195W -2.719481503 -0.40821975 2.2831656 x -0.054634518 0.246117756 0.932567315 x 1.053203 -0.286736425 -1.568406019 0.771734169 x YGR194C -0.005444265 -0.126414367 -0.478543022 -0.311416727 0.216382015 -0.030130623 0.492238006 0.42705044 1.177381931 1.058451162 0.044775118 0.48234279 0.188970117 0.235222623 0.265071327 0.008051326 0.132039135 0.087547619 -0.016039406 -0.255508104 -0.212459167 0.168382153 0.068397748 0.637128459 0.902541199 0.012063191 0.141810992 -0.326978157 -0.374432849 0.377567103 0.802274848 0.429742339 0.485589055 0.689024939 1.087084753 0.796081462 0.389696189 YGR201C YGR201C iESR cluster YGR201C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YGR202C 0.44395977 -0.255342579 1.486497019 x 0.548227362 -0.04658349 0.565324908 x 0.100056667 -0.055708419 0.215136121 0.207539577 x YGR201C -0.600444265 -0.251414367 -0.333543022 -0.376416727 -0.298617985 0.024869377 -0.042761994 -0.05794956 0.592381931 1.143451162 -0.110224882 -0.00265721 -0.056029883 -0.849777377 -0.489928673 0.033051326 0.097039135 -0.127452381 0.018960594 -0.040508104 -0.027459167 0.183382153 0.193397748 0.282128459 0.417541199 0.067063191 -0.063189008 0.048021843 0.160567151 -0.417432897 0.017274848 -0.965257661 -0.729410945 0.264024939 0.382084753 0.241081462 0.244696189 YGR210C YGR210C ... YGR210C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YGR211W -0.064702366 -0.833305942 -0.488338057 x 0.003885812 -0.137575611 -0.041466444 x -1.334735667 -0.161101183 -0.805744493 -0.46100947 x YGR210C 0.024555735 -0.086414367 -0.038543022 -0.001416727 0.016382015 -0.040130623 -0.267761994 -0.22294956 -0.652618069 -0.421548838 -0.695224882 0.05234279 0.038970117 0.035222623 -0.094928673 -0.031948674 0.032039135 0.237547619 0.183960594 0.004491896 0.137540833 -0.101617847 0.138397748 -0.202871541 -0.107458801 0.112063191 0.011810992 -0.276978157 -0.214432849 -0.442432897 -0.667725152 -0.010257661 0.005589055 -0.100975061 -0.112915247 -0.033918538 0.019696189 YGR211W YGR211W ... ZPR1 regulation of cell cycle protein binding cytoplasm* | YGR212W 0.183643339 -0.734590004 -0.777495415 x -0.059809297 -0.183523196 -0.112845635 x -1.483427333 -0.151218897 -0.650915162 -0.591320375 x YGR211W 0.054555735 -0.016414367 0.001456978 -0.081416727 -0.033617985 0.069869377 -0.357761994 -0.35294956 -0.812618069 -0.541548838 -0.645224882 -0.14765721 0.318970117 0.365222623 -0.074928673 0.108051326 -0.017960865 0.107547619 0.033960594 -0.105508104 0.117540833 0.038382153 0.158397748 -0.302871541 -0.237458801 -0.187936809 -0.278189008 -0.296978157 -0.204432849 -0.032432897 -0.487725152 0.129742339 -0.094410945 -0.180975061 -0.172915247 -0.243918538 -0.080303811 YGR213C YGR213C ... RTA1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown integral to membrane | YGR214W 1.53430305 0.593692326 2.25093691 x 0.574882247 0.967702275 1.374511048 x 2.146937 1.348139649 3.893360368 2.849915692 x YGR213C -0.001922107 0.337107791 1.744979136 1.562105431 -1.000095827 -0.786608465 1.285760164 #VALUE! 1.760904089 1.65197332 1.078297276 1.035864948 0.612492275 2.338744781 1.498593485 0.761573484 0.375561293 -1.248930223 -1.432517248 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.011904311 -0.098080094 2.070650617 1.986063357 0.335585349 1.68533315 1.286544001 1.259089309 -0.808910739 0.585797006 0.993264497 0.669111213 0.722547097 1.090606911 1.39960362 0.913218347 YGR224W YGR224W ... AZR1 azole transport azole transporter activity plasma membrane | YGR225W 0.467899352 0.741453882 0.454936208 x 0.370729001 1.04272446 1.91729197 x 0.542315 1.849426618 2.9026389 3.128885352 x YGR224W #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YGR234W YGR234W ... YHB1 response to stress nitric oxide reductase activity cytoplasm* | YGR235C 0.746383113 0.377534009 0.826961347 x 0.909098572 3.518525146 2.600944685 x 0.162805 -0.239240365 -1.232266115 -0.639767258 x YGR234W 0.124555735 0.003585633 -0.098543022 -0.091416727 -0.213617985 -0.390130623 -0.317761994 -0.35294956 0.427381931 0.388451162 -0.055224882 -0.33765721 0.088970117 0.245222623 -0.044928673 -0.031948674 0.032039135 -0.172452381 -0.416039406 -0.375508104 -0.442459167 -0.461617847 -0.171602252 -0.402871541 -0.607458801 -0.247936809 -0.298189008 -0.436978157 -0.474432849 -0.512432897 -0.937725152 0.479742339 0.205589055 -0.110975061 -0.142915247 -0.273918538 -0.290303811 YGR236C YGR236C ... SPG1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown mitochondrion | YGR237C #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.175741502 1.336772981 0.763290117 x #DIV/0! -0.172770439 2.871224541 -0.032078693 x YGR236C #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.930890504 0.938016799 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.541671532 2.536483966 2.236815457 2.437884688 #VALUE! 1.851776316 #VALUE! 2.044656149 1.564504853 1.307484852 1.501472661 1.746981145 1.97339412 1.253925422 1.306974359 1.387815679 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 2.481496717 2.431244518 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.749175865 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 2.025514988 #VALUE! YGR237C YGR237C iESR cluster YGR237C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YGR238C -0.343386158 -1.028861297 0.211881985 x 0.011480109 0.707872978 0.979902042 x 0.534651667 0.12569629 0.297949901 0.572860165 x YGR237C 0.034555735 -0.076414367 0.131456978 0.058583273 0.116382015 -0.170130623 0.352238006 1.21705044 0.437381931 0.198451162 -0.055224882 0.18234279 -0.031029883 0.465222623 -0.144928673 -0.301948674 0.012039135 0.157547619 -0.096039406 0.244491896 0.377540833 -0.201617847 -0.301602252 -0.032871541 -0.127458801 0.062063191 0.341810992 -0.036978157 -0.104432849 -0.032432897 0.062274848 0.399742339 -0.064410945 -0.000975061 -0.202915247 0.136081462 0.159696189 YGR243W YGR243W ... FMP43 biological process unknown molecular function unknown mitochondrion | YGR244C -1.779875837 0.151834895 2.277459038 x 0.704062336 1.51805802 1.899753763 x 0.9549235 -0.084001347 0.67506583 0.199092914 x YGR243W -0.677944265 -0.008914367 -0.051043022 -0.303916727 -0.216117985 -0.002630623 0.179738006 0.40455044 1.624881931 1.675951162 1.202275118 0.83984279 -0.063529883 0.982722623 1.572571327 -0.114448674 0.259539135 0.465047619 0.761460594 0.331991896 0.835040833 0.585882153 0.565897748 2.014628459 1.820041199 -0.080436809 0.039310992 0.770521843 0.513067151 1.245067103 2.169774848 0.227242339 0.773089055 0.886524939 1.274584753 0.443581462 -0.092803811 YGR244C YGR244C ... LSC2 tricarboxylic acid cycle* succinate-CoA ligase (ADP-forming) mitochondrion | YGR245C -1.563558778 -0.364314425 1.627893329 x 0.238386271 1.29149337 1.784536428 x 0.033605667 -0.091228617 0.562138952 1.082955354 x YGR244C 0.317055735 0.046085633 -0.296043022 0.181083273 0.078882015 -0.217630623 0.144738006 -0.05044956 1.929881931 1.540951162 0.117275118 0.29484279 -0.158529883 0.517722623 0.157571327 -0.089448674 -0.075460865 0.250047619 0.056460594 0.096991896 -0.159959167 -0.069117847 -0.109102252 0.589628459 0.455041199 -0.065436809 0.294310992 0.315521843 -0.071932849 0.980067103 0.594774848 0.522242339 0.468089055 0.481524939 0.209584753 0.328581462 0.192196189 YGR248W YGR248W iESR cluster SOL4 biological process unknown 6-phosphogluconolactonase activity cytoplasm* | YGR249W -0.734438128 -0.337178799 3.082380061 x 0.052193708 0.399520903 1.675611981 x 3.123674333 0.40422129 0.817292524 2.215118953 x YGR248W -0.068588774 0.140441124 0.418312469 0.395438764 0.633237506 0.736724868 2.509093497 2.453905931 4.174237422 4.115306653 0.701630609 0.839198281 0.065825608 0.922078114 1.561926818 0.374906817 0.558894626 0.16440311 0.600816085 0.241347387 -0.035603676 1.145237644 0.885253239 0.52398395 1.05939669 0.468918682 0.188666483 0.209877334 0.482422642 0.954422594 2.019130339 0.84659783 0.822444546 0.36588043 0.503940244 0.392936953 -0.02344832 YGR249W YGR249W ... MGA1 filamentous growth molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YGR250C -0.303648154 -0.306142133 1.502924012 x 0.232714937 0.375282777 0.695136008 x -0.187187 0.527194864 1.996993925 0.08292411 x YGR249W #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YGR250C YGR250C iESR cluster YGR250C biological process unknown RNA binding cytoplasm | YGR251W -0.009703961 0.336377194 1.152962278 x 0.357598451 1.059050824 1.00085886 x 0.746748333 0.097791858 0.190219467 0.745338087 x YGR250C 0.084555735 0.213585633 0.141456978 0.168583273 0.046382015 0.139869377 0.372238006 0.37705044 1.777381931 1.268451162 0.474775118 0.16234279 0.098970117 0.245222623 0.315071327 0.078051326 0.252039135 0.057547619 0.043960594 0.164491896 0.077540833 0.028382153 0.058397748 0.597128459 0.492541199 0.622063191 0.421810992 0.583021843 0.295567151 0.007567103 0.332274848 0.129742339 0.085589055 0.379024939 0.397084753 0.476081462 0.349696189 YGR254W YGR254W ... ENO1 glycolysis* phosphopyruvate hydratase activity cytoplasm* | YGR255C -1.186221173 0.528793493 2.374052894 x -0.192549139 1.806315047 2.094204142 x -0.317910667 -0.131425642 1.13283055 0.722866887 x YGR254W -0.065444265 -0.116414367 -0.438543022 -0.241416727 -0.223617985 -0.290130623 -0.267761994 -0.24294956 0.157381931 0.208451162 0.124775118 1.22234279 0.888970117 0.765222623 0.815071327 0.008051326 -0.197960865 -0.272452381 -0.146039406 0.034491896 -0.282459167 0.418382153 -0.241602252 -0.442871541 -0.207458801 -0.227936809 -0.028189008 -0.236978157 -0.244432849 0.077567103 0.092274848 0.169742339 -0.474410945 -0.590975061 -0.672915247 0.166081462 0.119696189 YGR255C YGR255C ... COQ6 ubiquinone metabolism ubiquinone biosynthesis monooxygenamitochondrion* | YGR256W -0.409070973 -0.334682956 0.665863759 x 0.133617076 0.503953427 0.440956211 x 0.430369333 0.168360155 0.676314294 0.519260413 x YGR255C -0.292944265 -0.203914367 -0.546043022 -0.208916727 -0.101117985 -0.117630623 -0.175261994 -0.26044956 0.249881931 0.310951162 -0.452724882 0.47484279 0.211470117 -0.232277377 0.017571327 -0.289448674 -0.225460865 -0.289952381 -0.103539406 -0.093008104 -0.369959167 0.340882153 0.080897748 -0.110371541 0.305041199 -0.005436809 0.204310992 -0.334478157 -0.381932849 0.030067103 0.434774848 -0.017757661 -0.191910945 -0.118475061 0.039584753 0.348581462 0.122196189 YGR256W YGR256W iESR cluster GND2 glucose metabolism phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (deccytosol | YGR257C 0.929399831 0.770130566 3.819015566 x 0.620216079 2.089367881 1.943337923 x 0.810267333 0.692426031 1.460223692 1.188437661 x YGR256W -0.802944265 -0.113914367 -0.586043022 -0.448916727 -0.001117985 0.442369377 1.874738006 1.71955044 1.959881931 2.220951162 -0.382724882 0.54484279 0.151470117 0.667722623 0.897571327 0.090551326 -0.025460865 0.200047619 0.396460594 0.806991896 0.550040833 1.210882153 0.700897748 #VALUE! 0.645041199 -0.345436809 -0.145689008 0.355521843 0.588067151 -0.969932897 -0.125225152 0.272242339 0.138089055 0.081524939 0.289584753 -0.251418538 -0.477803811 YHL012W YHL012W ... YHL012W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YHL013C #N/A #N/A #N/A x #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 2.788351932 x 1.4414795 2.149157658 1.487601408 2.795173026 x YHL012W -0.198588774 0.020441124 0.188312469 #VALUE! -0.196762494 0.266724868 -0.150906503 #VALUE! -1.115762578 -0.694693347 -0.608369391 0.699198281 1.035825608 0.302078114 0.801926818 -0.305093183 0.038894626 0.71440311 0.740816085 0.151347387 0.354396324 -0.194762356 0.075253239 #VALUE! -0.62060331 -0.461081318 0.038666483 -0.080122666 0.072422642 -0.175577406 -0.360869661 -0.18340217 -0.427555454 -0.03411957 -0.116059756 0.082936953 0.15655168 YHL021C "YHL021C Ö iESR cluster AIM17 biological process unknown molecular function unknown mitochondrion | Putative protein of unknown function; the authentic, non-tagged protein is detected in highly purified mitochondria in high-throughput studies; null mutant displays reduced frequency of mitochondrial genome lossYHL022C" -0.653240202 -0.10810003 2.215932703 x 1.275560122 0.498038146 1.326462968 x 3.488577333 0.856159606 0.902836639 2.067508843 x YHL021C -0.237944265 0.171085633 -0.431043022 -0.543916727 0.153882015 -0.202630623 0.329738006 0.59455044 1.644881931 1.665951162 1.742275118 1.68984279 1.026470117 1.942722623 1.942571327 0.145551326 0.179539135 -0.684952381 -0.508539406 -0.758008104 -0.844959167 0.735882153 0.135897748 1.274628459 1.790041199 -0.370436809 0.229310992 0.560521843 0.213067151 0.525067103 1.639774848 1.547242339 1.293089055 1.816524939 2.104584753 0.803581462 0.187196189 YHL024W YHL024W ... RIM4 meiosis* RNA binding cytoplasm | YHL025W -1.042968681 0.817692751 0.981875129 x 2.781610923 4.495425028 3.24891309 x 1.077698333 2.025753349 1.027938289 3.449245603 x YHL024W -0.17525544 #VALUE! -0.068354197 1.198772098 0.39657084 0.070058202 3.972426831 2.627239265 3.047570756 3.098639987 -0.255036057 1.812531615 0.539158942 1.415411448 1.645260152 0.018240151 0.21222796 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.428570978 -0.331413427 1.177317284 1.362730024 #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.036789332 #VALUE! 1.547755928 2.882463673 0.909931164 0.14577788 1.129213764 1.257273578 #VALUE! #VALUE! YHL026C YHL026C ... YHL026C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YHL027W -0.001253249 -0.648956219 -0.467172076 x 1.106002951 -0.209678741 -0.449586159 x -0.185168667 0.936618057 0.7400961 1.312250948 x YHL026C 0.174555735 0.363585633 0.011456978 0.108583273 -0.213617985 -0.130130623 -0.007761994 -0.20294956 -1.282618069 -0.641548838 -1.275224882 0.65234279 0.768970117 -0.094777377 -0.044928673 -0.501948674 -0.547960865 -0.222452381 -0.056039406 -0.355508104 -0.232459167 -0.041617847 -0.591602252 -0.642871541 -0.467458801 -0.537936809 -0.908189008 -0.036978157 0.285567151 0.187567103 0.672274848 -0.620257661 -1.044410945 0.359024939 0.567084753 0.096081462 -0.140303811 YHL028W YHL028W ... WSC4 cell wall organization and bio transmembrane receptor activity endoplasmic reticulum membrane* | YHL029C -2.912753957 -0.261327959 1.029970402 x 1.973180643 1.322412388 1.294464955 x -0.300397333 0.561805138 0.242579115 0.88808128 x YHL028W -0.225444265 -0.136414367 0.041456978 0.508583273 -0.853617985 -0.940130623 -0.317761994 1.39705044 -1.132618069 -0.451548838 -0.785224882 -0.26765721 -0.171029883 -0.934777377 -1.184928673 -0.091948674 -0.267960865 -0.742452381 -0.566039406 -0.425508104 -0.662459167 -0.161617847 -0.821602252 -2.062871541 -1.837458801 -1.767936809 -1.758189008 -1.856978157 -1.664432849 -0.772432897 -0.187725152 -1.270257661 -1.564410945 -0.930975061 -0.452915247 -0.823918538 -1.410303811 YHL035C "YHL035C ... VMR1 transport ""ATPase activity, coupled to transme""mitochondrion* | YHL036W" 0.373114958 -0.490535448 0.656522298 x 1.139167428 0.497618547 0.536311884 x 0.835542 0.672259011 0.858692985 1.337023034 x YHL035C -0.015444265 0.133585633 -0.318543022 -0.211416727 0.256382015 0.549869377 1.042238006 0.72705044 1.717381931 1.178451162 -0.535224882 1.29234279 0.868970117 1.575222623 1.385071327 0.208051326 0.232039135 -0.312452381 -0.246039406 0.184491896 -0.072459167 0.888382153 0.318397748 0.927128459 1.262541199 0.512063191 0.691810992 1.563021843 1.415567151 -0.782432897 -0.037725152 1.209742339 0.955589055 0.299024939 0.817084753 1.246081462 0.959696189 YHR006W YHR006W ... STP2 positive regulation of transcr specific RNA polymerase II transcrinucleus | YHR007C -0.332769098 0.097559045 0.589143963 x 0.737450346 0.413344279 0.682961518 x 1.038255 0.578628347 0.790791955 1.552111283 x YHR006W 0.232055735 0.091085633 0.228956978 0.316083273 0.063882015 0.137369377 -0.000261994 -0.19544956 0.654881931 0.505951162 0.572275118 0.69984279 0.826470117 0.612722623 0.452571327 0.045551326 0.029539135 -0.054952381 -0.138539406 0.071991896 0.055040833 0.035882153 0.095897748 0.534628459 0.400041199 0.389563191 0.359310992 0.600521843 0.483067151 0.375067103 0.199774848 0.057242339 0.093089055 0.366524939 0.234584753 0.183581462 0.157196189 YHR016C YHR016C ... YSC84 endocytosis* molecular function unknown actin cortical patch | YHR017W -0.657107486 -0.303823644 0.811836985 x 0.964892701 0.64571223 1.028683205 x 0.716691 0.697237972 0.897200581 1.294427423 x YHR016C -0.230444265 -0.341414367 -0.453543022 -0.396416727 -0.088617985 -0.305130623 -0.192761994 -0.25794956 0.552381931 0.593451162 -0.710224882 1.24734279 0.873970117 0.920222623 0.760071327 0.273051326 0.027039135 -0.027452381 -0.131039406 -0.240508104 -0.507459167 0.363382153 -0.246602252 -0.367871541 0.197541199 -0.112936809 0.016810992 -0.121978157 -0.249432849 -0.237432897 0.407274848 0.594742339 0.300589055 0.114024939 0.512084753 0.631081462 0.224696189 YHR022C YHR022C ... YHR022C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YHR022C-A 0.071658576 -0.255673466 2.122435978 x 1.343703486 1.627507018 1.799307619 x 3.378778333 1.217396915 0.490957508 2.303310894 x YHR022C #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YHR030C YHR030C ... SLT2 cell wall organization and bio MAP kinase activity cytoplasm* | YHR031C 0.117514077 0.104674842 0.785997569 x 1.03577646 1.007381933 0.949027672 x 0.711135333 0.855160929 1.822055042 1.975473628 x YHR030C 0.349555735 0.238585633 0.386456978 0.453583273 0.371382015 0.344869377 0.437238006 0.29205044 1.622381931 0.893451162 0.619775118 1.21734279 1.383970117 1.330222623 0.980071327 0.463051326 0.277039135 0.522547619 0.338960594 0.579491896 0.512540833 0.003382153 0.103397748 0.832128459 0.677541199 0.747063191 0.806810992 1.008021843 0.770567151 -0.067432897 -0.032725152 0.364742339 0.400589055 0.644024939 0.272084753 0.491081462 0.494696189 YHR032W YHR032W ... YHR032W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YHR032W-A 0.239807508 -0.507740011 -0.4611618 x 1.092816691 -0.319003947 -0.391335333 x 0.087291333 1.008078489 0.858503431 0.880638816 x YHR032W -0.097944265 0.151085633 -0.311043022 -0.293916727 -0.586117985 -0.172630623 -0.780261994 -0.57544956 -0.545118069 0.035951162 -0.807724882 0.69984279 0.836470117 0.292722623 0.302571327 -0.244448674 -0.690460865 -0.064952381 0.201460594 -0.298008104 -0.414959167 0.565882153 -0.644102252 -0.435371541 -0.439958801 -0.150436809 -0.250689008 0.190521843 0.513067151 -0.374932897 0.029774848 0.317242339 -0.376910945 -0.393475061 -0.215415247 0.113581462 0.087196189 YHR043C YHR043C ... DOG2 response to stress* 2-deoxyglucose-6-phosphatase activicytoplasm* | YHR044C -0.347734674 -1.047422924 1.251897787 x 1.099405373 0.537469166 1.197242487 x -0.006329667 1.360131461 1.906109371 1.780081099 x YHR043C -0.097944265 -0.668914367 -0.071043022 0.016083273 -0.246117985 -0.312630623 -0.230261994 -1.01544956 0.574881931 -0.154048838 -0.417724882 1.75984279 1.286470117 0.982722623 0.922571327 -0.454448674 -0.180460865 0.125047619 -0.168539406 0.241991896 0.095040833 -0.154117847 0.035897748 0.464628459 0.350041199 -0.150436809 0.509310992 0.450521843 0.443067151 0.655067103 0.289774848 -0.342757661 -0.376910945 -0.073475061 -0.305415247 -0.006418538 -0.082803811 YHR044C YHR044C ... DOG1 glucose metabolism 2-deoxyglucose-6-phosphatase activicellular component unknown | YHR045W -0.174898193 -0.559378595 1.774518591 x 1.147609947 0.338751328 0.696902938 x 0.961075667 1.399194457 2.578981792 1.489308319 x YHR044C #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.00299875 -0.055872455 -0.548073713 #VALUE! -0.202217722 0.142594712 -0.597073797 -0.656004566 0.16031939 1.517887062 0.894514389 1.430766895 0.310615599 -0.426404402 -0.312416593 -0.106908109 #VALUE! 0.440036168 -0.266914895 0.253926425 0.25394202 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.217355264 0.378566115 0.061111423 -0.696888625 -0.87218088 0.005286611 -0.368866673 -0.735430789 #VALUE! -0.228374266 -0.114759539 YHR072W YHR072W ... ERG7 ergosterol biosynthesis lanosterol synthase activity endoplasmic reticulum* | YHR072W-A 0.761813539 -0.454806941 -0.405347576 x 0.983294861 -0.593224899 -0.324201908 x 0.491285333 0.964489968 0.617102866 0.749919916 x YHR072W -0.045444265 0.103585633 -0.078543022 -0.021416727 -0.093617985 -0.070130623 -0.217761994 -0.30294956 -0.282618069 -0.421548838 0.144775118 1.05234279 1.078970117 0.705222623 0.705071327 -0.351948674 -0.087960865 0.157547619 0.173960594 -0.045508104 -0.152459167 -0.291617847 -0.011602252 -0.272871541 -0.337458801 0.072063191 0.021810992 0.493021843 0.435567151 -0.752432897 -0.807725152 0.389742339 0.155589055 -0.060975061 0.007084753 0.086081462 0.009696189 YHR075C YHR075C ... PPE1 protein biosynthesis* structural constituent of ribosome*mitochondrial small ribosomal subun | YHR076W -0.526250863 -0.833089208 1.448076522 x 1.086695234 0.414808211 0.798447047 x 0.857962667 0.983235874 -0.089947583 1.456805215 x YHR075C -0.185444265 0.023585633 -0.108543022 0.008583273 0.196382015 0.229869377 0.652238006 0.54705044 0.847381931 0.628451162 0.234775118 1.26234279 0.918970117 1.235222623 1.285071327 0.028051326 0.272039135 -0.022452381 -0.026039406 0.194491896 -0.012459167 -0.131617847 0.128397748 0.067128459 0.222541199 0.112063191 0.221810992 0.123021843 0.145567151 0.127567103 0.302274848 0.209742339 0.605589055 0.429024939 0.547084753 0.356081462 0.159696189 YHR087W "YHR087W Ö iESR cluster RTC3 RNA metabolism molecular function unknown | Protein of unknown function involved in RNA metabolism; has structural similarity to SBDS, the human protein mutated in Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome (the yeast SBDS ortholog = SDO1); null mutation suppresses cdc13-1 temperature sensitivityYHR088W" #N/A #N/A #N/A x 1.821287482 3.753819444 4.139699094 x 2.657407333 1.121064857 2.848987618 3.662592827 x YHR087W #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.246370141 0.100756155 0.298554897 0.062042259 0.214410888 0.179223322 1.369554813 1.150624044 -0.023052001 1.314515672 0.921142999 1.307395505 1.167244209 -0.209775793 -0.055787984 #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.133335223 0.109713715 0.420555035 -0.639429371 #VALUE! 0.804714081 #VALUE! 0.183983874 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.179739985 2.26444773 0.401915221 0.447761937 0.711197821 0.709257635 0.878254344 0.281869071 YHR092C YHR092C ... HXT4 hexose transport glucose transporter activity* plasma membrane | YHR093W 0.233155542 -0.329927986 0.798612523 x 0.231766237 1.701745495 0.991770188 x -0.103131 -0.550560168 -1.588808606 -0.622175297 x YHR092C -0.215444265 0.663585633 -0.238543022 -0.401416727 -1.303617985 -1.290130623 -1.207761994 -1.00294956 -3.502618069 -1.711548838 -0.815224882 -0.06765721 -0.701029883 -0.724777377 -0.484928673 -0.181948674 -0.117960865 0.167547619 0.513960594 -0.505508104 -0.172459167 -1.171617847 -1.581602252 -1.102871541 -1.527458801 -1.417936809 -1.938189008 -1.096978157 -0.704432849 1.887567103 1.402274848 -0.490257661 -0.484410945 0.459024939 0.477084753 0.516081462 0.239696189 YHR094C YHR094C ... HXT1 hexose transport glucose transporter activity* plasma membrane | YHR095W -0.439590709 -0.93168287 -1.111193415 x 1.246611342 -3.93103458 -2.874157148 x 0.002242 0.734523747 1.569313777 -1.28826033 x YHR094C 0.067055735 0.546085633 -0.226043022 -0.278916727 -0.151117985 0.032369377 -0.845261994 -0.83044956 -1.000118069 0.170951162 -0.652724882 0.93484279 0.971470117 -1.092277377 -0.952428673 0.060551326 0.064539135 0.470047619 0.916460594 0.186991896 0.260040833 0.660882153 0.420897748 -0.610371541 -0.814958801 1.264563191 0.754310992 -0.744478157 -0.841932849 1.530067103 0.874774848 -1.547757661 -1.631910945 -0.738475061 -0.880415247 0.588581462 0.652196189 YHR096C YHR096C iESR cluster HXT5 hexose transport glucose transporter activity* plasma membrane | YHR097C -0.692775679 0.182786552 4.156872565 x 0.5583744 -0.796620292 1.587933846 x 0.818042 0.198841853 4.235513445 2.049079265 x YHR096C 0.148077893 0.467107791 0.264979136 1.862105431 0.309904173 0.773391535 3.895760164 2.720572598 0.980904089 1.75197332 0.718297276 1.465864948 0.122492275 1.188744781 1.818593485 0.681573484 0.245561293 -0.278930223 0.497482752 1.158014054 2.151062991 1.041904311 -0.328080094 1.070650617 1.686063357 0.405585349 1.22533315 -0.163455999 -0.190910691 0.001089261 1.195797006 0.503264497 0.489111213 0.932547097 1.020606911 1.68960362 0.373218347 YHR097C YHR097C iESR cluster YHR097C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YHR098C -0.467799545 -0.872044456 1.020981659 x 1.327928686 0.490627785 1.01362327 x 0.607152 0.897657749 1.896565494 2.259127148 x YHR097C -0.410444265 -0.241414367 -0.353543022 0.183583273 -0.548617985 -0.775130623 -0.272761994 -0.53794956 1.202381931 0.903451162 -0.600224882 0.88734279 0.623970117 1.170222623 0.890071327 0.053051326 -0.122960865 -0.107452381 -0.091039406 0.399491896 0.282540833 -0.086617847 -0.326602252 0.452128459 0.447541199 -0.482936809 -0.033189008 -0.691978157 -0.699432849 -0.697432897 -0.332725152 0.174742339 -0.139410945 0.394024939 0.602084753 0.491081462 -0.135303811 YHR104W YHR104W iESR cluster GRE3 response to stress* aldo-keto reductase activity* cytoplasm* | YHR105W -0.317128757 -0.512630013 0.631938817 x 1.406995403 0.7758713 1.249339922 x 0.645025333 0.899297075 1.507602167 1.737018678 x YHR104W -0.092944265 0.006085633 -0.746043022 -0.308916727 0.138882015 -0.137630623 0.194738006 0.24955044 1.739881931 1.670951162 -0.582724882 1.83484279 1.561470117 1.087722623 0.937571327 -0.009448674 -0.205460865 -0.009952381 0.126460594 -0.133008104 -0.169959167 0.520882153 -0.089102252 -0.050371541 0.615041199 -0.105436809 0.024310992 -0.144478157 -0.221932849 0.150067103 0.724774848 0.412242339 0.078089055 0.211524939 0.419584753 0.758581462 0.312196189 YHR112C YHR112C iESR cluster YHR112C sulfur metabolism cystathionine beta-lyase activity cytoplasm | YHR113W -0.70461352 0.009807185 1.760419304 x 1.35913421 0.714887168 1.313217451 x 0.578501333 0.97493718 1.289182479 1.457714328 x YHR112C 0.059555735 0.358585633 -0.273543022 0.073583273 0.061382015 0.154869377 -0.082761994 -0.31794956 0.322381931 0.543451162 0.119775118 1.75734279 1.723970117 1.160222623 1.020071327 0.143051326 -0.102960865 -0.347452381 -0.181039406 -0.110508104 -0.057459167 -0.096617847 -0.366602252 0.172128459 0.467541199 -0.032936809 0.146810992 0.478021843 0.280567151 0.542567103 1.127274848 0.394742339 0.270589055 0.524024939 0.452084753 0.391081462 0.144696189 YHR124W YHR124W ... NDT80 meiosis* transcription factor activity nuclear chromosome | YHR125W -0.6403405 1.1034639 1.547704954 x 1.037395666 -0.566904479 1.001371956 x 0.946002667 0.348139649 0.247522664 0.801798536 x YHR124W 0.362055735 0.261085633 0.528956978 0.706083273 0.013882015 0.407369377 0.319738006 -0.36544956 1.334881931 0.995951162 1.752275118 0.48984279 0.586470117 0.842722623 0.972571327 0.395551326 0.649539135 -0.034952381 -0.168539406 0.281991896 0.185040833 -0.434117847 -0.014102252 0.404628459 0.060041199 0.299563191 0.389310992 0.070521843 0.133067151 1.005067103 0.769774848 -0.472757661 -0.106910945 0.546524939 0.354584753 0.183581462 0.327196189 YHR137W YHR137W iESR cluster ARO9 aromatic amino acid family met aromatic-amino-acid transaminase accytoplasm* | YHR138C -0.208010726 -0.6962506 0.909382659 x 1.560727886 2.674542671 1.4912616 x 0.064338 1.059704904 1.447659348 1.039679682 x YHR137W -0.160444265 0.138585633 0.106456978 0.113583273 0.601382015 0.764869377 1.527238006 1.51205044 0.922381931 1.563451162 -0.030224882 1.11734279 1.193970117 0.910222623 1.160071327 -0.476948674 -0.292960865 -0.777452381 -0.671039406 -0.250508104 -0.567459167 -0.526617847 -0.776602252 -0.997871541 -0.912458801 -1.032936809 -1.033189008 -0.291978157 -0.219432849 -1.467432897 -0.812725152 -0.145257661 -0.489410945 -0.885975061 -1.137915247 -0.258918538 -0.775303811 YHR138C "YHR138C iESR cluster YHR138C vacuole fusion, non-autophagic endopeptidase inhibitor activity cellular component unknown | YHR139C" 0.600571242 0.651222127 2.328611 x 1.310759305 0.972768463 1.911285163 x 1.381190333 1.326046198 2.440715528 2.555758635 x YHR138C 0.042055735 0.051085633 -0.091043022 -0.033916727 0.703882015 0.587369377 1.349738006 1.09455044 1.804881931 1.555951162 0.592275118 1.57984279 0.796470117 1.852722623 1.952571327 0.265551326 0.469539135 -0.124952381 -0.028539406 0.271991896 0.085040833 0.465882153 0.285897748 1.064628459 1.130041199 0.519563191 0.919310992 0.610521843 0.613067151 0.575067103 0.859774848 0.197242339 0.313089055 1.056524939 0.914584753 0.703581462 0.517196189 YHR139C YHR139C ... SPS100 spore wall assembly (sensu Fun molecular function unknown spore wall (sensu Fungi) | YHR139C-A #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.778193143 1.6958438 1.147291148 x 1.525981 0.878873465 3.193152635 2.765394601 x YHR139C #VALUE! 1.129806344 1.177677689 #VALUE! 0.572602726 1.236090088 2.168458717 1.483271151 1.933602642 2.144671873 0.970995829 1.468563501 0.515190828 1.251443334 2.311292038 -0.315727963 0.548259846 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.884602864 0.354618459 #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.121716098 0.848031703 0.279242554 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.98596305 0.351809766 0.75524565 0.003305464 1.542302173 0.9359169 YHR142W YHR142W ... CHS7 ER to Golgi transport* molecular function unknown endoplasmic reticulum membrane | YHR143W 0.061436218 0.446653316 0.678118482 x 0.990007734 0.975491542 0.455059592 x 0.141815 0.759754793 1.360744732 1.700793388 x YHR142W -0.075444265 -0.026414367 0.011456978 0.098583273 -0.193617985 -0.200130623 -0.037761994 -0.05294956 1.107381931 1.128451162 0.214775118 0.89234279 0.598970117 0.505222623 0.695071327 -0.021948674 0.032039135 0.127547619 0.233960594 0.504491896 0.297540833 0.608382153 0.168397748 1.107128459 0.972541199 0.002063191 0.191810992 0.923021843 0.855567151 0.097567103 0.372274848 0.199742339 -0.284410945 0.639024939 0.457084753 0.196081462 0.029696189 YHR143W "YHR143W ... DSE2 cell wall organization and bio ""glucan 1,3-beta-glucosidase activit""cell wall (sensu Fungi)* | YHR143W-A" 2.441072018 -0.173598122 -1.914575009 x 1.007780689 -0.451383125 -1.761944378 x -1.67195 0.454879937 0.867949319 1.039811989 x YHR143W 0.117055735 0.156085633 0.063956978 0.031083273 -0.261117985 -0.197630623 -0.515261994 -0.34044956 -1.250118069 -0.119048838 0.137275118 0.35484279 0.331470117 -0.292277377 0.027571327 0.200551326 0.234539135 0.170047619 0.346460594 -0.043008104 -0.179959167 0.560882153 0.030897748 -0.210371541 -0.084958801 0.314563191 0.104310992 -0.374478157 -0.121932849 0.730067103 0.874774848 -0.277757661 -0.451910945 0.341524939 0.279584753 0.468581462 0.402196189 YHR149C YHR149C ... SKG6 biological process unknown molecular function unknown bud neck* | YHR150W 0.192973466 -0.852467624 -0.648980809 x 1.042720267 -0.159346659 -0.28690701 x -0.407348333 0.976757419 0.430903587 0.94590868 x YHR149C -0.117944265 -0.248914367 -0.261043022 -0.303916727 -0.246117985 -0.292630623 -0.490261994 -0.62544956 -0.905118069 -0.564048838 -0.447724882 0.55984279 0.846470117 0.272722623 0.282571327 -0.344448674 -0.210460865 -0.504952381 -0.338539406 -0.568008104 -0.484959167 -0.044117847 -0.154102252 -0.695371541 -0.299958801 -0.200436809 -0.180689008 -0.219478157 0.033067151 -0.484932897 -0.410225152 -0.152757661 -0.416910945 -0.273475061 -0.165415247 0.043581462 -0.002803811 YHR160C YHR160C ... PEX18 protein-peroxisome targeting protein binding cytosol* | YHR161C #N/A #N/A #N/A x 2.63118224 1.301578318 1.823922664 x 1.525981 1.35699702 #DIV/0! 2.412144106 x YHR160C #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! YHR171W YHR171W iESR cluster ATG7 protein-vacuolar targeting* ubiquitin-like conjugating enzyme acytoplasm* | YHR172W -0.702115191 0.399005555 1.418745441 x 1.04945354 1.078677973 0.783180082 x 0.775455 0.775805357 1.462288817 1.916674754 x YHR171W -0.025444265 0.263585633 -0.148543022 -0.351416727 0.256382015 0.039869377 0.012238006 2.37705044 0.687381931 0.608451162 -0.085224882 1.43234279 1.448970117 1.165222623 0.925071327 0.358051326 0.142039135 0.147547619 0.173960594 -0.145508104 -0.382459167 0.538382153 0.178397748 0.537128459 0.562541199 0.212063191 0.281810992 0.153021843 -0.084432849 0.327567103 0.792274848 0.619742339 0.345589055 0.779024939 0.987084753 0.896081462 0.489696189 YHR173C YHR173C | YHR174W #N/A #N/A #N/A x #DIV/0! -1.021196875 #DIV/0! x -0.603302 1.035068927 #DIV/0! 1.242219105 x YHR173C #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.035715903 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.254934876 -0.000122441 #VALUE! 0.031278281 0.897602237 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.297319015 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YHR197W YHR197W PAC cluster RIX1 35S primary transcript process molecular function unknown nucleus* | YHR198C 0.155414077 -0.33517053 -0.445682342 x 0.667831418 -0.400179188 -0.295845919 x -0.870622 0.66420207 0.11586886 0.22944817 x YHR197W 0.227055735 0.206085633 0.113956978 0.011083273 0.008882015 0.162369377 -0.655261994 -0.71044956 -1.130118069 -0.729048838 -0.542724882 0.50484279 0.741470117 0.597722623 0.707571327 -0.409448674 -0.195460865 0.040047619 0.046460594 -0.443008104 -0.119959167 -0.349117847 -0.099102252 0.019628459 -0.354958801 0.074563191 -0.065689008 0.045521843 0.068067151 0.040067103 -0.675225152 -0.237757661 0.058089055 -0.268475061 -0.540415247 -0.551418538 -0.187803811 YHR209W YHR209W Ö CRG1 biological process unknown S-adenosylmethionine-dependent | Putative S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase; mediates cantharidin resistanceYHR210C -1.117066752 1.303317911 3.587635003 x 0.720046882 2.260525347 2.395633418 x 1.369400667 0.900392874 2.560339124 3.847194053 x YHR209W -0.065444265 0.143585633 0.081456978 0.328583273 0.626382015 0.459869377 1.522238006 1.25705044 3.327381931 2.578451162 0.364775118 1.48234279 1.218970117 1.805222623 1.875071327 0.678051326 0.962039135 0.297547619 0.323960594 0.724491896 0.537540833 0.798382153 0.738397748 2.597128459 2.372541199 1.202063191 1.451810992 1.883021843 1.625567151 0.467567103 1.532274848 0.269742339 0.435589055 1.889024939 1.887084753 1.426081462 0.899696189 YHR211W YHR211W ... FLO5 flocculation (sensu Saccharomy mannose binding cell wall (sensu Fungi) | YHR212C -0.433554822 0.240106081 0.525619805 x 0.98632605 0.010749653 0.732253648 x 0.606253667 1.147000709 1.578065226 1.753119895 x YHR211W 0.297055735 0.506085633 0.333956978 0.641083273 -0.211117985 -0.027630623 0.234738006 0.57955044 2.039881931 2.190951162 0.267275118 0.49484279 0.291470117 0.437722623 0.537571327 0.050551326 -0.085460865 -0.199952381 0.026460594 0.196991896 0.050040833 0.710882153 -0.069102252 0.059628459 0.165041199 -0.125436809 -0.185689008 0.605521843 0.758067151 -0.059932897 0.644774848 0.232242339 -0.251910945 0.251524939 0.379584753 0.238581462 -0.047803811 YIL009C-A YIL009C-A ... EST3 telomerase-dependent telomere telomerase activity nucleus* | YIL009W -1.136133081 -0.566498943 0.72384558 x 0.098860321 0.865748013 0.637191132 x 0.399424667 -0.085080724 0.135760912 0.365850949 x YIL009C-A 0.029555735 -0.051414367 -0.023543022 0.063583273 -0.188617985 -0.135130623 -0.012761994 -0.13794956 0.122381931 0.173451162 0.519775118 -0.20265721 -0.206029883 -0.229777377 -0.139928673 0.863051326 1.087039135 -0.117452381 0.128960594 0.349491896 0.232540833 0.003382153 0.193397748 0.162128459 0.347541199 0.427063191 0.126810992 0.008021843 -0.159432849 0.042567103 0.227274848 -0.165257661 0.040589055 0.074024939 0.202084753 0.031081462 0.034696189 YIL009W YIL009W ... FAA3 lipid metabolism* long-chain-fatty-acid-CoA ligase accellular component unknown | YIL010W 0.028094198 -0.527616898 -0.714214872 x -0.012753305 -0.378482853 -0.329159573 x -0.660472333 -0.38119872 -1.121308486 -0.785365467 x YIL009W -0.015444265 0.083585633 -0.138543022 -0.421416727 -0.303617985 -0.220130623 -0.777761994 -1.08294956 -1.362618069 -0.891548838 -1.215224882 -0.23765721 0.098970117 -0.604777377 -0.644928673 0.478051326 0.682039135 0.057547619 0.143960594 -0.485508104 -0.292459167 -0.641617847 -0.571602252 -1.032871541 -0.987458801 -0.707936809 -1.018189008 -0.336978157 -0.324432849 -0.952432897 -0.647725152 -0.350257661 -0.444410945 -0.430975061 -0.342915247 -0.413918538 -0.460303811 YIL010W YIL010W ... DOT5 regulation of cell redox homeo thioredoxin peroxidase activity nucleus | YIL011W -0.733742252 -1.122846708 0.125171146 x -0.11604667 0.232320546 0.866564093 x -0.279463667 -0.289574963 -0.41321135 0.526617095 x YIL010W 0.074555735 -0.186414367 -0.158543022 0.058583273 0.266382015 0.209869377 0.192238006 0.10705044 0.247381931 -0.091548838 0.304775118 0.15234279 -0.041029883 0.335222623 0.115071327 1.178051326 0.772039135 0.067547619 0.003960594 0.254491896 0.057540833 0.268382153 0.348397748 0.507128459 0.702541199 0.222063191 0.381810992 -0.196978157 -0.144432849 0.117567103 -0.027725152 0.079742339 0.095589055 0.489024939 0.487084753 -0.043918538 -0.010303811 YIL013C "YIL013C ... PDR11 sterol transport ""ATPase activity, coupled to transme""membrane | YIL014C-A" -1.235277829 0.942902668 1.321583208 x 0.107183827 1.201872287 0.849772549 x 1.133512667 0.384498479 0.325055391 1.319327843 x YIL013C -0.097944265 0.221085633 -0.051043022 0.096083273 -0.206117985 -0.102630623 -0.270261994 -1.04544956 1.374881931 1.475951162 0.212275118 0.17984279 -0.143529883 -0.007277377 0.062571327 0.755551326 0.769539135 -0.954952381 -0.748539406 -0.738008104 -0.564959167 0.695882153 -0.064102252 0.434628459 0.860041199 0.109563191 -0.040689008 0.370521843 0.453067151 -0.344932897 0.379774848 -0.212757661 -0.696910945 0.726524939 0.914584753 0.363581462 0.327196189 YIL017C YIL017C ... VID28 negative regulation of glucone molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YIL018W -0.593504159 -0.349893388 0.820257377 x 0.05098143 0.856334002 0.770204528 x 1.063205333 -0.235055142 0.025762319 0.292372728 x YIL017C -0.090444265 0.038585633 -0.043543022 -0.046416727 0.031382015 -0.315130623 0.267238006 0.35205044 0.832381931 0.743451162 0.289775118 0.26734279 -0.076029883 0.240222623 0.180071327 0.893051326 1.057039135 -0.117452381 -0.101039406 0.109491896 0.032540833 0.003382153 -0.046602252 -0.007871541 0.097541199 -0.292936809 0.016810992 0.048021843 0.090567151 -0.157432897 0.097274848 0.234742339 0.300589055 -0.165975061 0.172084753 0.371081462 0.044696189 YIL045W YIL045W iESR cluster PIG2 biological process unknown protein phosphatase regulator activcytoplasm | YIL046W -0.868587997 -0.607034971 0.819351295 x 0.411499471 0.944455557 1.053621429 x 0.906311333 -0.111100772 -0.335078632 0.059777284 x YIL045W 0.604555735 0.183585633 0.771456978 0.948583273 0.056382015 -0.100130623 1.112238006 1.49705044 1.007381931 0.448451162 0.914775118 0.50234279 0.008970117 1.175222623 0.905071327 2.168051326 1.822039135 0.227547619 0.273960594 0.874491896 0.727540833 0.288382153 0.318397748 -0.372871541 -0.267458801 -0.007936809 0.171810992 -0.166978157 -0.074432849 -0.072432897 -0.277725152 0.599742339 0.725589055 -0.390975061 -0.412915247 -0.053918538 -0.250303811 YIL055C YIL055C ... YIL055C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YIL056W -0.05638231 -0.889770357 0.956635881 x 0.480879048 0.742033268 1.005989738 x 1.480431333 0.053983972 0.433783094 0.718814769 x YIL055C -0.257944265 -0.188914367 -0.191043022 -0.203916727 -0.016117985 -0.032630623 0.219738006 0.10455044 1.384881931 1.435951162 -0.257724882 0.78984279 0.266470117 0.872722623 0.542571327 0.735551326 0.789539135 -0.094952381 0.141460594 0.061991896 0.075040833 -0.064117847 -0.484102252 0.084628459 0.350041199 -0.050436809 0.339310992 0.400521843 0.453067151 0.105067103 0.619774848 0.627242339 0.333089055 0.306524939 0.634584753 0.923581462 0.397196189 YIL062C YIL062C ... ARC15 mitochondrion inheritance* structural molecule activity* mitochondrial membrane* | YIL063C -0.547359909 -0.352833786 0.409178051 x -0.111955077 0.427517815 0.619867871 x -0.482321333 -0.186271367 -0.763769399 0.342145417 x YIL062C 0.267055735 0.096085633 0.063956978 0.171083273 0.428882015 0.362369377 0.514738006 0.34955044 0.559881931 0.150951162 0.477275118 0.02484279 -0.128529883 0.187722623 0.027571327 1.320551326 1.224539135 0.090047619 -0.063539406 0.086991896 4.08E-05 -0.199117847 -0.009102252 0.509628459 0.395041199 0.384563191 0.364310992 0.045521843 -0.031932849 0.420067103 0.294774848 0.072242339 0.128089055 0.491524939 0.329584753 0.178581462 0.242196189 YIL066C YIL066C ... RNR3 DNA replication ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductascytoplasm* | YIL066W-A 0.002445019 0.718883904 1.144757858 x 0.768320543 2.444529156 1.400127845 x 1.289572333 0.662454761 0.518330899 1.617786168 x YIL066C -0.445444265 -0.096414367 -0.238543022 -0.241416727 0.026382015 0.129869377 0.752238006 0.01705044 1.297381931 1.658451162 -0.025224882 0.31234279 0.398970117 0.605222623 1.005071327 0.608051326 0.612039135 -0.122452381 -0.006039406 0.264491896 0.057540833 0.768382153 0.208397748 1.287128459 0.982541199 0.132063191 0.081810992 0.493021843 0.535567151 -0.382432897 0.002274848 0.429742339 0.215589055 0.579024939 0.737084753 0.096081462 0.089696189 YIL072W YIL072W ... HOP1 meiosis* DNA binding condensed nuclear chromosome* | YIL073C #N/A #N/A #N/A x 1.19537273 1.594059564 1.634467334 x 1.708413 1.280674858 1.706913167 2.172931019 x YIL072W 0.22474456 0.113774458 0.891645803 2.208772098 -0.52342916 -0.349941798 1.752426831 #VALUE! 1.047570756 0.858639987 -0.735036057 1.042531615 0.649158942 1.615411448 1.695260152 1.018240151 1.43222796 -1.212263556 -0.865850581 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.518570978 0.758586573 1.537317284 1.432730024 0.272252016 0.631999817 0.503210668 0.505755976 0.557755928 0.322463673 0.859931164 0.91577788 0.689213764 0.727273578 0.286270287 -0.270114986 YIL073C YIL073C ... SPO22 meiosis molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YIL074C -1.332517358 0.291260805 1.030855431 x 1.220207877 2.871200069 2.096113681 x 1.615214667 0.315596853 0.889129579 0.9947873 x YIL073C 1.521728617 1.480758515 1.01862986 #VALUE! 1.333554897 1.657042259 0.849410888 #VALUE! 2.394554813 2.195624044 1.111948 1.159515672 0.856142999 3.252395505 2.972244209 3.545224208 3.189212017 0.754720501 0.751133476 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 2.504301341 2.349714081 2.309236073 2.388983874 -0.309805276 -0.027259968 2.684739985 2.26944773 3.256915221 3.202761937 2.626197821 2.444257635 2.363254344 2.086869071 YIL076W YIL076W ... SEC28 ER to Golgi transport* molecular function unknown COPI vesicle coat | YIL077C -0.597805312 -0.393128923 0.324419316 x -0.14885117 0.765829691 0.980534072 x -0.330692 -0.202098955 -0.07171806 0.448393266 x YIL076W 0.324555735 0.093585633 0.351456978 0.558583273 0.316382015 0.209869377 0.462238006 0.30705044 0.597381931 -0.251548838 0.394775118 0.28234279 0.168970117 0.165222623 0.225071327 1.278051326 1.442039135 0.417547619 0.283960594 0.774491896 0.637540833 -0.361617847 0.368397748 0.937128459 0.382541199 0.562063191 0.711810992 0.883021843 0.695567151 0.567567103 -0.027725152 -0.300257661 0.065589055 0.339024939 -0.112915247 -0.123918538 0.239696189 YIL097W YIL097W iESR cluster FYV10 negative regulation of glucone molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YIL098C -0.396711192 -0.28904319 0.531346889 x 0.326595335 0.717049922 1.12616322 x 1.467016 0.009781679 0.168952679 0.747779933 x YIL097W -0.135444265 -0.286414367 0.031456978 -0.171416727 0.016382015 -0.330130623 -0.067761994 0.22705044 1.117381931 0.668451162 0.264775118 0.06234279 -0.041029883 0.115222623 -0.094928673 1.018051326 0.932039135 0.107547619 -0.046039406 0.314491896 0.207540833 -0.181617847 -0.101602252 0.507128459 0.122541199 0.322063191 0.301810992 0.203021843 0.055567151 0.457567103 0.292274848 0.199742339 -0.044410945 0.139024939 0.337084753 0.186081462 0.079696189 YIL099W "YIL099W iESR cluster SGA1 sporulation (sensu Fungi)* ""glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase activi""vacuole (sensu Fungi) | YIL100C-A" -0.588197377 -0.939630439 1.960845089 x 1.006359202 1.995998576 2.355129728 x 2.237170333 1.527669279 3.643384799 2.091181653 x YIL099W 0.314555735 0.153585633 0.241456978 0.778583273 0.166382015 0.169869377 1.952238006 1.67705044 3.437381931 3.258451162 0.794775118 1.15234279 0.678970117 2.315222623 2.255071327 1.438051326 1.322039135 1.347547619 1.433960594 1.704491896 1.357540833 2.098382153 1.428397748 1.797128459 2.142541199 1.482063191 1.461810992 1.173021843 1.505567151 0.457567103 1.242274848 2.439742339 1.595589055 0.929024939 1.127084753 0.976081462 0.489696189 YIL101C YIL101C iESR cluster XBP1 response to stress transcription factor activity nucleus | YIL102C #N/A #N/A #N/A x 1.351629197 4.185881343 3.404894283 x 2.226862333 1.765077549 3.152329879 3.634648482 x YIL101C -0.170444265 0.298585633 -0.023543022 -0.026416727 0.111382015 -0.055130623 0.847238006 0.97205044 1.022381931 1.433451162 0.059775118 0.41734279 0.133970117 0.530222623 0.760071327 0.213051326 0.457039135 0.132547619 0.508960594 0.729491896 0.312540833 0.513382153 0.273397748 1.002128459 0.977541199 0.407063191 0.256810992 0.138021843 0.090567151 0.532567103 1.127274848 0.114742339 0.280589055 0.664024939 0.952084753 0.481081462 0.144696189 YIL107C "YIL107C iESR cluster PFK26 fructose 2,6-bisphosphate meta 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase activity cytoplasm | YIL108W" -0.135781403 0.101916653 1.142125165 x 0.037590128 1.279419037 1.428310722 x 1.711203667 0.012303043 0.54637994 1.760766835 x YIL107C -0.047944265 -0.028914367 0.178956978 0.256083273 0.203882015 0.077369377 0.779738006 0.41455044 2.584881931 1.705951162 0.342275118 0.19984279 0.026470117 0.752722623 0.452571327 1.355551326 1.389539135 0.235047619 0.091460594 0.531991896 0.475040833 0.175882153 0.165897748 1.254628459 1.100041199 0.519563191 0.819310992 1.030521843 0.633067151 -0.034932897 0.259774848 0.207242339 0.373089055 0.616524939 0.514584753 0.393581462 0.157196189 YIL108W YIL108W ... YIL108W proteolysis and peptidolysis metalloendopeptidase activity cytoplasm | YIL109C -0.063335838 0.130867179 0.998696465 x 0.150026963 0.60500951 0.857600414 x 0.960110333 -0.028395511 1.011113187 1.087323344 x YIL108W -0.070444265 0.138585633 -0.013543022 0.143583273 0.021382015 0.044869377 0.347238006 0.21205044 2.162381931 1.733451162 0.339775118 0.42734279 0.293970117 0.590222623 0.520071327 1.083051326 1.147039135 0.092547619 0.218960594 0.429491896 0.062540833 0.653382153 0.223397748 1.332128459 1.317541199 0.397063191 0.896810992 0.848021843 0.610567151 -0.097432897 0.617274848 0.534742339 0.390589055 0.514024939 0.562084753 0.841081462 0.384696189 YIL110W "YIL110W Ö PAC cluster MNI1 biological process unknown S-adenosylmethionine-dependent | Putative S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase of the seven beta-strand family; deletion mutant exhibits a weak vacuolar protein sorting defect, enhanced resistance to caspofungin, and is synthetically lethal with MEN mutantsYIL111W" 0.145869801 -0.633390549 -0.35371387 x -0.057382908 -0.349790258 -0.19925026 x -0.628122667 -0.073977717 -0.633561819 -0.377792727 x YIL110W 0.194555735 -0.026414367 0.151456978 0.228583273 0.126382015 0.139869377 -0.027761994 -0.11294956 -1.062618069 -0.991548838 -0.055224882 -0.36765721 0.058970117 -0.134777377 -0.144928673 0.818051326 1.082039135 0.027547619 -0.106039406 0.024491896 0.127540833 -0.541617847 0.048397748 0.177128459 -0.267458801 0.052063191 -0.098189008 0.123021843 0.055567151 -0.002432897 -0.707725152 -0.520257661 -0.064410945 -0.020975061 -0.362915247 -0.453918538 -0.090303811 YIL111W YIL111W ... COX5B mitochondrial electron transpo cytochrome-c oxidase activity respiratory chain complex IV (sensu | YIL112W -0.110063188 0.045097819 -0.013037585 x 0.272012451 1.632684533 1.751725877 x 1.328412 -0.348652101 -0.371258815 1.612726908 x YIL111W 0.402055735 -0.048914367 -0.211043022 0.136083273 -0.016117985 -0.302630623 -0.000261994 -0.24544956 1.204881931 0.725951162 0.932275118 -0.40015721 -0.773529883 -0.607277377 -0.237428673 0.855551326 1.159539135 -0.304952381 -0.338539406 0.141991896 0.085040833 -0.804117847 -0.304102252 0.974628459 0.730041199 -0.090436809 -0.090689008 -0.179478157 -0.376932849 0.985067103 0.829774848 -0.742757661 -0.066910945 0.836524939 0.544584753 -0.466418538 -0.502803811 YIL117C YIL117C ... PRM5 conjugation with cellular fusi molecular function unknown integral to membrane | YIL118W 0.761897711 0.688278605 1.588035192 x 1.193523943 2.876489937 2.497802285 x 1.218790667 -0.283606328 -0.006953952 1.669557751 x YIL117C 0.034555735 0.203585633 0.261456978 0.318583273 0.006382015 -0.110130623 0.932238006 0.78705044 2.437381931 1.648451162 1.324775118 0.54234279 0.558970117 0.965222623 0.865071327 1.428051326 1.462039135 0.397547619 0.373960594 1.054491896 0.917540833 0.468382153 0.388397748 2.017128459 1.862541199 0.382063191 0.741810992 1.783021843 1.495567151 -0.362432897 0.552274848 0.729742339 0.875589055 1.699024939 1.627084753 0.696081462 0.399696189 YIL121W YIL121W ... QDR2 multidrug transport multidrug efflux pump activity integral to plasma membrane | YIL122W -0.300196728 1.00064626 0.982694037 x 0.759217453 2.245076551 1.545767978 x 1.444747 -0.262678596 0.833891758 0.580285714 x YIL121W -0.230444265 0.048585633 -0.533543022 -0.686416727 -0.828617985 -0.795130623 -0.422761994 -0.64794956 0.862381931 1.153451162 1.679775118 0.28734279 0.033970117 1.610222623 1.290071327 0.523051326 0.497039135 0.802547619 0.968960594 0.569491896 0.682540833 1.503382153 0.613397748 0.682128459 1.097541199 -0.062936809 0.176810992 0.838021843 0.920567151 0.532567103 1.637274848 2.014742339 1.590589055 1.094024939 1.622084753 0.301081462 -0.385303811 YIL123W YIL123W ... SIM1 microtubule cytoskeleton organ molecular function unknown cell wall (sensu Fungi) | YIL124W -0.471571344 0.782684341 1.207347595 x 0.161155127 1.043745304 0.9256188 x -0.169562 0.041544389 0.85790133 1.076475749 x YIL123W 0.264555735 0.323585633 0.191456978 0.318583273 0.136382015 0.369869377 0.542238006 0.45705044 1.237381931 1.248451162 0.224775118 0.37234279 -0.101029883 0.665222623 0.395071327 1.608051326 1.212039135 0.157547619 0.293960594 0.464491896 0.357540833 0.668382153 -0.051602252 0.307128459 0.512541199 0.052063191 0.181810992 0.283021843 0.355567151 -0.252432897 0.542274848 0.549742339 0.235589055 0.429024939 0.417084753 0.656081462 0.389696189 YIL136W YIL136W iESR cluster OM45 biological process unknown molecular function unknown mitochondrial outer membrane | YIL137C -0.573025477 0.07530511 2.287055665 x 0.416758641 1.300254296 1.34500219 x 0.956635333 -0.203757188 0.732719977 1.660603555 x YIL136W 0.259555735 0.138585633 0.146456978 0.233583273 0.581382015 0.494869377 1.907238006 1.61205044 3.412381931 2.773451162 0.489775118 0.24734279 -0.516029883 0.830222623 0.400071327 1.533051326 1.477039135 0.322547619 0.698960594 0.339491896 0.212540833 0.093382153 0.183397748 1.142128459 1.287541199 0.177063191 0.536810992 -0.131978157 -0.089432849 1.012567103 1.207274848 0.664742339 0.690589055 0.924024939 0.932084753 0.371081462 0.084696189 YIL140W YIL140W ... AXL2 bud site selection* molecular function unknown bud neck* | YIL141W -0.415590039 0.54768738 0.826209024 x 0.219893661 0.884902378 0.657715311 x 1.106868 -0.10567958 0.739978981 1.028940105 x YIL140W -0.115444265 0.073585633 0.121456978 -0.051416727 -0.173617985 -0.080130623 0.042238006 -0.00294956 0.967381931 0.888451162 0.204775118 0.07234279 -0.211029883 0.005222623 0.235071327 0.988051326 1.112039135 0.127547619 0.263960594 0.344491896 0.157540833 0.538382153 -0.051602252 0.027128459 0.512541199 -0.157936809 0.001810992 0.513021843 0.575567151 -0.622432897 0.372274848 0.239742339 0.005589055 0.289024939 0.477084753 0.646081462 0.289696189 YIL155C YIL155C ... GUT2 carbohydrate metabolism* glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase mitochondrion | YIL156W -0.436896312 -0.487988223 0.709324097 x 0.284680939 0.700132314 0.625818751 x 1.231549 -0.114618419 0.61040226 1.772023594 x YIL155C -0.212944265 0.486085633 -0.446043022 -0.098916727 0.068882015 -0.087630623 0.484738006 0.67955044 3.229881931 3.260951162 0.327275118 0.83484279 0.081470117 1.207722623 1.207571327 1.440551326 1.414539135 0.440047619 0.406460594 0.066991896 -0.089959167 1.100882153 0.530897748 1.629628459 2.095041199 0.104563191 0.544310992 -0.054478157 -0.071932849 0.900067103 1.754774848 1.472242339 1.218089055 1.641524939 1.839584753 0.808581462 0.162196189 YIL158W YIL158W Ö AIM20 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Putative protein of unknown function; overexpression causes a cell cycle delay or arrest; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the vacuole; null mutant displays elevated frequency of mitochondrial genome lossYIL159W -0.421484385 -0.671392236 -0.492822645 x 0.052526668 -0.494366798 -0.367820481 x -1.609572667 -0.261920582 -1.412383689 -0.561528324 x YIL158W 0.099555735 0.088585633 0.436456978 0.363583273 -0.138617985 -0.145130623 -0.092761994 -0.07794956 -1.947618069 -1.706548838 -0.420224882 -0.23265721 -0.236029883 -0.179777377 -0.319928673 1.153051326 1.087039135 0.132547619 0.068960594 0.079491896 0.402540833 -0.166617847 0.053397748 -0.617871541 -0.982458801 -0.272936809 -0.303189008 -0.591978157 -0.459432849 -0.247432897 -0.712725152 -0.455257661 -0.369410945 -0.495975061 -0.627915247 -0.708918538 -0.255303811 YIL160C YIL160C ... POT1 fatty acid beta-oxidation acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase activiperoxisomal matrix | YIL161W #N/A #N/A #N/A x 2.059147942 1.301578315 1.173563563 x #DIV/0! 0.195712359 2.608190136 2.394142714 x YIL160C #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.060890504 -0.061983201 0.635815541 #VALUE! 1.671671532 1.806483966 6.506815457 6.467884688 1.854208644 #VALUE! #VALUE! 2.964656149 3.234504853 1.267484852 1.621472661 #VALUE! 1.75339412 0.753925422 -0.233025641 #VALUE! 1.517831274 2.996561985 3.091974725 1.581496717 2.331244518 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 2.619175865 2.545022581 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.705514988 #VALUE! YIR007W YIR007W ... YIR007W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YIR008C -0.46107606 -0.537499768 1.249726671 x 0.110899625 0.248287212 0.856180294 x 1.487321333 0.194167265 0.462085442 0.700524041 x YIR007W 0.194555735 -0.286414367 -0.178543022 0.038583273 0.266382015 0.109869377 -0.237761994 0.20705044 1.577381931 1.458451162 0.324775118 0.49234279 0.518970117 0.405222623 0.425071327 1.358051326 0.982039135 0.027547619 0.143960594 0.144491896 0.017540833 0.568382153 -0.081602252 -0.022871541 0.412541199 0.162063191 0.251810992 0.173021843 0.095567151 0.047567103 0.582274848 0.799742339 0.425589055 0.219024939 0.687084753 0.856081462 0.349696189 YIR026C YIR026C PAC cluster YVH1 sporulation (sensu Fungi)* protein tyrosine phosphatase activicytoplasm | YIR027C 0.266488677 -0.613536101 -0.804244874 x 0.200922384 -0.036336529 -0.097558956 x -0.824103667 0.206303506 -0.198517403 -0.027697093 x YIR026C -0.035444265 -0.136414367 -0.058543022 -0.151416727 -0.223617985 -0.060130623 -0.557761994 -0.62294956 -0.802618069 -0.471548838 -0.225224882 -0.46765721 0.218970117 0.055222623 -0.084928673 0.688051326 0.852039135 0.037547619 -0.056039406 -0.125508104 0.017540833 -0.191617847 0.078397748 -0.082871541 -0.457458801 -0.037936809 -0.248189008 -0.186978157 -0.014432849 -0.072432897 -0.557725152 -0.130257661 -0.204410945 -0.040975061 -0.242915247 -0.393918538 -0.240303811 YIR028W YIR028W ... DAL4 allantoin transport allantoin permease activity membrane | YIR029W -0.008852786 0.992847837 2.866929158 x 1.170705871 2.881376748 1.543827851 x 1.50152 0.298607585 1.815378673 2.390195695 x YIR028W -0.920444265 -0.331414367 -0.113543022 0.093583273 -0.458617985 0.074869377 0.377238006 -0.09794956 2.092381931 2.233451162 -0.120224882 0.12734279 -0.406029883 0.080222623 0.220071327 1.073051326 1.187039135 -0.337452381 -0.031039406 0.419491896 0.332540833 1.083382153 0.773397748 2.162128459 2.457541199 0.897063191 1.406810992 1.088021843 0.880567151 -0.557432897 0.687274848 -0.725257661 -0.009410945 1.014024939 1.112084753 1.111081462 0.784696189 YIR038C YIR038C iESR cluster GTT1 glutathione metabolism glutathione transferase activity mitochondrion* | YIR039C -0.386178434 0.752319549 1.362179921 x 0.360256576 1.363358362 1.165596538 x -0.339573 -0.407894389 -0.486990978 0.860522848 x YIR038C 0.184555735 0.233585633 -0.148543022 0.128583273 0.596382015 0.889869377 1.162238006 0.99705044 1.777381931 2.018451162 0.254775118 -0.16765721 -0.421029883 -0.304777377 0.005071327 1.158051326 1.122039135 -0.052452381 0.153960594 0.184491896 -0.022459167 0.468382153 0.058397748 1.017128459 1.322541199 0.012063191 0.061810992 -0.416978157 -0.344432849 0.867567103 1.282274848 -0.020257661 -0.074410945 1.239024939 1.067084753 0.436081462 0.229696189 YIR039C YIR039C iESR cluster YPS6 biological process unknown aspartic-type endopeptidase activitcell wall (sensu Fungi) | YIR040C 1.403487049 2.925285779 1.972383205 x 0.285224734 1.829563103 1.085580926 x 1.548162 0.226612654 0.863717038 1.86161345 x YIR039C -0.282944265 0.026085633 -0.126043022 -0.158916727 0.298882015 0.312369377 0.754738006 0.92955044 1.469881931 1.730951162 0.367275118 0.72484279 0.181470117 0.497722623 0.797571327 1.390551326 1.304539135 0.170047619 0.456460594 0.456991896 0.170040833 1.260882153 0.530897748 1.339628459 1.645041199 0.354563191 0.514310992 1.045521843 1.088067151 0.490067103 1.504774848 0.292242339 0.298089055 0.931524939 1.109584753 0.868581462 0.682196189 YJL010C YJL010C Ö NOP9 rRNA processing RNA binding | Essential subunit of U3-containing 90S preribosome involved in production of 18S rRNA and assembly of small ribosomal subunit; also part of pre-40S ribosome and required for its export into cytoplasm; binds RNA and contains pumilio domainYJL011C 0.368528352 -0.531671105 -0.740896715 x 0.036034155 -0.09283847 -0.02199674 x -0.711142 0.017946678 0.289768668 -0.425790734 x YJL010C 0.102055735 -0.078914367 -0.051043022 -0.133916727 -0.106117985 0.037369377 -0.610261994 -0.72544956 -1.405118069 -1.244048838 -0.427724882 -0.52015721 0.016470117 -0.267277377 -0.367428673 -0.504448674 -0.210460865 1.145047619 0.931460594 0.521991896 0.935040833 -0.684117847 -0.054102252 -0.225371541 -0.789958801 -0.020436809 -0.280689008 0.040521843 0.113067151 -0.114932897 -0.990225152 -0.272757661 -0.336910945 -0.423475061 -0.875415247 -0.656418538 -0.362803811 YJL019W YJL019W ... MPS3 mitotic sister chromatid cohes molecular function unknown integral to membrane* | YJL020C -0.382485928 -0.690890838 -0.397909121 x -0.173337837 -0.482911709 -0.355857068 x -0.33242 -0.233499766 0.359212671 -0.381572412 x YJL019W -0.325444265 -0.116414367 -0.248543022 -0.401416727 -0.433617985 -0.450130623 -0.557761994 -0.95294956 -1.212618069 -0.711548838 -0.765224882 -0.45765721 -0.061029883 -0.534777377 -0.754928673 -0.281948674 -0.387960865 0.437547619 0.553960594 0.124491896 0.117540833 0.078382153 -0.271602252 -1.102871541 -0.757458801 -0.587936809 -0.668189008 -1.016978157 -0.714432849 -0.482432897 -0.137725152 -0.040257661 -0.364410945 -0.650975061 -0.322915247 0.076081462 -0.130303811 YJL030W YJL030W ... MAD2 mitotic spindle checkpoint molecular function unknown nuclear pore* | YJL031C -0.336475828 -0.858658138 0.512333135 x 0.208109878 0.564261143 0.778732368 x -0.029935333 -0.09113648 1.216727317 0.390092464 x YJL030W 0.177055735 -0.063914367 0.133956978 0.171083273 0.168882015 0.132369377 0.384738006 -0.08044956 0.959881931 0.220951162 0.147275118 0.09484279 -0.088529883 0.137722623 0.127571327 0.200551326 0.254539135 0.990047619 0.966460594 1.246991896 1.230040833 -0.269117847 0.180897748 0.149628459 0.265041199 0.394563191 0.364310992 0.395521843 0.268067151 0.190067103 -0.015225152 -0.107757661 0.108089055 0.061524939 -0.190415247 -0.091418538 0.162196189 YJL034W YJL034W ... KAR2 SRP-dependent cotranslational ATPase activity* endoplasmic reticulum lumen | YJL035C -0.252765109 -0.112418544 1.001271678 x 0.44143093 0.395917887 0.691867001 x -1.468914667 0.269295089 2.460651508 0.095130876 x YJL034W -0.120444265 -0.341414367 -0.473543022 0.123583273 -0.038617985 -0.405130623 -0.372761994 -0.63794956 0.402381931 0.253451162 -1.110224882 0.88734279 0.783970117 0.380222623 0.060071327 -0.086948674 -0.462960865 1.222547619 1.218960594 1.449491896 1.132540833 0.633382153 0.513397748 0.322128459 0.607541199 0.587063191 1.236810992 0.278021843 0.070567151 0.272567103 -0.032725152 0.264742339 -0.199410945 -0.745975061 -0.457915247 0.881081462 0.574696189 YJL036W YJL036W ... SNX4 transport* lipid binding membrane | YJL037W -0.21542905 -0.606526266 0.546261917 x 0.100757873 0.524724544 0.85124911 x 0.016068333 -0.198951456 1.139025897 0.334708331 x YJL036W 0.119555735 -0.201414367 0.116456978 -0.046416727 0.301382015 0.164869377 0.467238006 0.11205044 0.582381931 0.113451162 0.429775118 0.29734279 -0.136029883 0.660222623 0.270071327 0.383051326 0.287039135 1.302547619 1.138960594 1.279491896 1.282540833 -0.216617847 0.033397748 0.112128459 0.037541199 0.227063191 0.366810992 0.138021843 0.040567151 0.362567103 -0.042725152 0.324742339 0.260589055 0.074024939 -0.147915247 0.071081462 0.194696189 YJL037W "YJL037W Ö IRC18 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Putative protein of unknown function; expression induced in respiratory-deficient cells and in carbon-limited chemostat cultures; similar to adjacent ORF, YJL038C; null mutant displays increased levels of spontaneous Rad52p fociYJL038C" #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.875771177 1.89340009 2.785674278 x 0.893085 2.217909418 3.902638905 1.573369699 x YJL037W #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.570934908 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 4.131715936 #VALUE! 2.526859861 2.177929092 0.534253048 #VALUE! 0.378448047 1.104700553 1.274549257 0.287529256 0.311517065 1.027025549 1.173438524 #VALUE! 2.647018763 0.457860083 0.427875678 1.186606389 1.122019129 0.991541121 0.811288922 1.502499773 2.205045081 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.339220269 0.495066985 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YJL045W YJL045W ... YJL045W cellular respiration succinate dehydrogenase (ubiquinonemitochondrion | YJL046W #N/A #N/A #N/A x #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 3.084844008 x 1.675513667 2.149157655 4.511867595 2.889503806 x YJL045W -0.917944265 -1.108914367 -0.601043022 -0.603916727 -0.536117985 -0.632630623 1.369738006 1.18455044 1.544881931 1.465951162 -0.157724882 0.38984279 0.456470117 0.052722623 0.362571327 -0.904448674 -0.580460865 0.665047619 0.501460594 1.181991896 0.805040833 0.335882153 0.375897748 0.964628459 0.840041199 0.479563191 0.679310992 0.890521843 0.643067151 -0.864932897 -0.550225152 -0.122757661 -0.026910945 -0.703475061 -0.485415247 0.033581462 0.187196189 YJL050W YJL050W PAC cluster MTR4 35S primary transcript process ATP-dependent RNA helicase activitynucleus* | YJL051W 0.072526389 -0.747053753 -0.808889829 x 0.021317965 -0.161957012 -0.14593666 x -1.014209333 -0.034155078 0.208000125 -0.63100666 x YJL050W 0.402055735 0.141085633 0.268956978 0.236083273 0.163882015 0.167369377 -0.550261994 -0.52544956 -0.655118069 -0.734048838 -0.247724882 -0.43015721 0.156470117 0.212722623 -0.157428673 -0.094448674 0.099539135 1.285047619 1.101460594 1.051991896 1.165040833 -0.594117847 0.155897748 0.084628459 -0.589958801 0.369563191 0.189310992 -0.119478157 -0.146932849 0.055067103 -1.090225152 -0.112757661 0.193089055 -0.243475061 -0.725415247 -0.526418538 -0.192803811 YJL051W "YJL051W Ö IRC8 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Bud tip localized protein of unknown function; mRNA is targeted to the bud by a She2p dependent transport system; mRNA is cell cycle regulated via Fkh2p, peaking in G2/M phase; null mutant displays increased levels of spontaneous Rad52p focYJL052C-A" -0.342257265 -0.656413198 -0.699509624 x -0.027390728 -0.207680312 -0.10359233 x -0.875093667 -0.192585683 0.725371292 0.03742959 x YJL051W -0.170444265 0.188585633 0.136456978 -0.056416727 -0.208617985 -0.285130623 -0.162761994 -0.27794956 -1.117618069 -0.946548838 -1.200224882 0.17734279 0.073970117 -0.029777377 -0.909928673 0.033051326 -0.382960865 0.952547619 0.908960594 0.769491896 0.942540833 -0.006617847 -0.336602252 -0.437871541 -0.622458801 -0.642936809 -0.363189008 -0.731978157 -0.619432849 -0.807432897 -0.322725152 -0.035257661 -0.379410945 -0.285975061 0.042084753 0.041081462 -0.205303811 YJL052W YJL052W ... TDH1 glycolysis* glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogcytosol* | YJL053W 0.162918083 0.182549082 3.351757589 x 0.082721559 1.067759 1.980293675 x -0.615166 0.044901062 3.459354175 2.181702912 x YJL052W -0.080444265 -0.051414367 -0.193543022 -0.226416727 -0.188617985 -0.145130623 0.057238006 0.08205044 1.192381931 0.953451162 0.419775118 0.21734279 -0.236029883 0.010222623 -0.039928673 -0.006948674 -0.122960865 -0.087452381 0.018960594 0.029491896 -0.187459167 0.043382153 -0.346602252 -0.227871541 -0.072458801 0.107063191 0.076810992 -0.111978157 -0.169432849 0.302567103 0.477274848 0.164742339 -0.209410945 -0.115975061 -0.197915247 0.591081462 0.464696189 YJL057C YJL057C Ö iESR cluster IKS1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Putative serine/threonine kinase; expression is induced during mild heat stress; deletion mutants are hypersensitive to copper sulphate and resistant to sorbate; interacts with an N-terminal fragment of Sst2pYJL058C -0.287686587 -0.671999079 1.363270758 x 0.356722699 0.228227769 1.182083674 x 1.059779667 -0.031180551 1.837231771 0.780029655 x YJL057C 0.094555735 -0.106414367 0.171456978 0.348583273 0.176382015 0.039869377 0.612238006 0.23705044 1.237381931 0.938451162 0.104775118 0.00234279 0.068970117 0.185222623 -0.024928673 0.288051326 0.152039135 0.997547619 0.903960594 1.294491896 1.167540833 -0.181617847 -0.181602252 0.187128459 0.092541199 0.072063191 0.251810992 0.153021843 0.055567151 0.037567103 0.112274848 -0.310257661 -0.014410945 -0.110975061 -0.082915247 0.106081462 -0.120303811 YJL060W YJL060W ... BNA3 NAD biosynthesis arylformamidase activity cytoplasm* | YJL061W -0.731453126 0.356348268 0.734872563 x -0.15414594 0.107178887 0.297904492 x -0.057050667 -0.304542878 0.62385483 0.108102482 x YJL060W 0.079555735 0.148585633 -0.103543022 -0.176416727 0.031382015 0.014869377 0.287238006 0.32205044 -0.377618069 -0.156548838 0.859775118 0.31734279 0.013970117 -0.369777377 -0.259928673 -0.206948674 -0.292960865 1.042547619 1.068960594 1.029491896 0.892540833 0.073382153 -0.376602252 -0.117871541 0.357541199 -0.422936809 -0.323189008 -0.241978157 -0.289432849 0.342567103 1.457274848 0.094742339 -0.149410945 0.354024939 0.462084753 0.211081462 0.054696189 YJL066C YJL066C iESR cluster MPM1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown mitochondrion* | YJL067W -0.788501942 -0.822952434 1.00098871 x -0.05744949 1.32509579 1.156128806 x 1.189474333 -0.185768044 0.986227344 0.63135488 x YJL066C -0.122944265 -0.193914367 -0.376043022 -0.238916727 0.188882015 0.192369377 0.284738006 0.35955044 0.909881931 0.970951162 -0.242724882 0.46484279 0.201470117 0.047722623 -0.232428673 0.170551326 0.064539135 0.810047619 0.856460594 0.746991896 0.540040833 0.650882153 0.060897748 0.269628459 0.905041199 0.054563191 0.284310992 -0.254478157 -0.301932849 0.470067103 0.924774848 -0.027757661 -0.161910945 0.451524939 0.669584753 0.558581462 0.142196189 YJL069C YJL069C PAC cluster UTP18 35S primary transcript process molecular function unknown nucleolus* | YJL070C 0.082205556 -0.574981078 -0.590108512 x -0.052791462 -0.256782213 -0.094348408 x -0.391524333 -0.035269687 0.348677016 -0.388731569 x YJL069C 0.197055735 0.226085633 -0.086043022 -0.158916727 0.118882015 0.222369377 -0.615261994 -0.32044956 -0.690118069 -0.449048838 -0.562724882 -0.38515721 0.181470117 0.037722623 -0.282428673 -0.169448674 -0.105460865 1.000047619 0.936460594 0.596991896 0.730040833 -0.029117847 -0.029102252 -0.160371541 -0.294958801 0.084563191 -0.095689008 -0.024478157 0.018067151 0.050067103 -0.115225152 -0.057757661 -0.221910945 -0.138475061 -0.260415247 -0.151418538 -0.087803811 YJL070C YJL070C ... YJL070C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YJL071W -0.354312738 0.168428396 0.900927452 x 0.167745532 0.885251751 0.797755407 x 0.640199333 -0.25429958 1.097917069 0.447790169 x YJL070C -0.117944265 0.021085633 -0.101043022 -0.043916727 0.283882015 0.247369377 0.589738006 0.60455044 0.894881931 0.545951162 0.072275118 0.50984279 0.366470117 0.322722623 0.122571327 0.015551326 0.189539135 0.905047619 0.921460594 1.041991896 1.005040833 -0.034117847 0.095897748 0.274628459 0.470041199 0.059563191 0.319310992 0.350521843 0.263067151 0.025067103 0.279774848 0.237242339 0.443089055 0.206524939 0.394584753 0.663581462 0.437196189 YJL073W YJL073W ... JEM1 protein folding* unfolded protein binding* endoplasmic reticulum* | YJL074C 0.15997701 -0.389604782 0.550431775 x 0.305285425 0.049942781 0.700504078 x -0.351414667 0.241834399 1.701428456 0.249659367 x YJL073W -0.312944265 -0.273914367 0.173956978 0.371083273 -0.341117985 -0.337630623 -0.185261994 -0.03044956 0.069881931 -0.009048838 -0.622724882 0.33484279 0.451470117 0.287722623 -0.062428673 0.070551326 -0.155460865 0.900047619 0.946460594 1.716991896 1.280040833 0.640882153 0.430897748 0.069628459 0.255041199 -0.165436809 0.354310992 0.285521843 0.348067151 -0.049932897 -0.065225152 0.072242339 -0.091910945 -0.568475061 -0.470415247 0.058581462 -0.137803811 YJL078C YJL078C ... PRY3 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cell wall (sensu Fungi) | YJL079C -1.000581476 0.694783709 -0.150591983 x -0.454434285 -0.377803169 -1.01131032 x -1.524712 -0.518384844 0.999675517 -0.036940485 x YJL078C 0.152055735 0.231085633 -0.091043022 0.056083273 -0.256117985 0.117369377 -0.120261994 -0.37544956 -0.755118069 0.165951162 0.282275118 -0.09015721 -0.073529883 -0.287277377 -0.337428673 0.395551326 0.189539135 1.105047619 1.371460594 0.921991896 0.905040833 0.985882153 0.335897748 -0.655371541 -0.489958801 0.139563191 0.019310992 -0.009478157 0.303067151 0.295067103 0.869774848 0.057242339 -0.176910945 0.046524939 0.164584753 0.793581462 0.587196189 YJL082W YJL082W ... IML2 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YJL083W 0.050333598 -0.058873826 0.318251741 x -0.346933631 0.793314353 1.102199086 x 0.794634 -0.406389434 0.982547503 0.735830086 x YJL082W -0.360444265 -0.051414367 -0.103543022 -0.126416727 -0.138617985 -0.005130623 0.647238006 0.57205044 2.492381931 1.973451162 -0.120224882 -0.04265721 -0.196029883 0.240222623 0.250071327 0.363051326 0.417039135 0.582547619 0.828960594 1.279491896 0.952540833 1.083382153 0.313397748 1.712128459 1.737541199 0.567063191 0.726810992 0.608021843 0.360567151 -0.167432897 0.517274848 0.294742339 0.140589055 0.804024939 0.892084753 0.821081462 0.424696189 YJL089W YJL089W ... SIP4 regulation of transcription fr specific RNA polymerase II transcrinucleus | YJL090C -0.408778607 -0.427356576 0.900923215 x -0.042940365 1.199219554 1.63997358 x 2.002124667 0.44687338 2.655123597 0.75238813 x YJL089W #VALUE! 1.503019159 -0.199109496 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.596483966 1.706815457 1.637884688 0.194208644 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YJL099W YJL099W ... CHS6 Golgi to plasma membrane trans molecular function unknown clathrin-coated vesicle | YJL100W 0.077198824 0.124947265 0.265498952 x 0.265198455 0.679293686 0.946565083 x 1.136661667 -0.175764487 1.279970206 0.706212626 x YJL099W -0.060444265 0.018585633 0.016456978 -0.026416727 0.161382015 0.144869377 0.337238006 0.41205044 1.722381931 1.043451162 0.229775118 0.17734279 0.303970117 0.710222623 0.370071327 0.393051326 0.347039135 1.322547619 1.238960594 1.479491896 1.152540833 0.273382153 0.363397748 0.992128459 0.907541199 0.657063191 0.896810992 0.998021843 0.720567151 -0.357432897 0.077274848 0.264742339 0.410589055 0.624024939 0.542084753 0.601081462 0.494696189 YJL100W YJL100W ... LSB6 actin filament organization* 1-phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase actcytoplasm* | YJL101C 0.273217479 -0.526392725 -1.138601914 x -0.209696561 -0.55127623 -0.536768211 x 1.761237667 -0.099795228 0.573225529 -0.094453001 x YJL100W -0.117944265 -0.208914367 -0.041043022 0.176083273 -0.056117985 -0.182630623 0.319738006 0.65455044 -0.115118069 0.225951162 0.272275118 -0.14015721 0.006470117 -0.217277377 -0.277428673 0.025551326 -0.040460865 0.895047619 0.831460594 0.821991896 0.575040833 0.195882153 -0.134102252 -0.875371541 -0.389958801 -0.160436809 -0.230689008 -0.369478157 -0.336932849 -0.364932897 0.199774848 0.247242339 0.013089055 -0.193475061 0.144584753 0.353581462 0.077196189 YJL103C "YJL103C Ö iESR cluster GSM1 oxidative phosphorylation molecular function unknown | Putative zinc cluster protein of unknown function; proposed to be involved in the regulation of energy metabolism, based on patterns of expression and sequence analysisYJL104W" -1.544712483 -0.105561126 1.209416662 x 0.683419752 1.323815959 0.877694737 x 0.389863667 -0.113573089 0.73377726 0.606435146 x YJL103C -0.307944265 -0.048914367 -0.181043022 -0.263916727 0.163882015 0.237369377 0.419738006 0.07455044 0.914881931 1.005951162 -0.017724882 0.25984279 0.156470117 0.372722623 0.352571327 0.245551326 0.129539135 1.005047619 1.221460594 0.751991896 0.735040833 0.835882153 0.525897748 1.034628459 1.210041199 0.309563191 0.469310992 -0.509478157 -0.716932849 0.475067103 1.079774848 0.307242339 0.473089055 1.046524939 1.314584753 0.463581462 0.117196189 YJL107C YJL107C ... YJL107C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YJL108C -0.630630099 -0.105089706 1.207529507 x 0.08356571 0.155499973 0.457925829 x 1.702913 0.099537018 1.534170523 0.858712186 x YJL107C 0.198077893 -0.332892209 -0.175020864 -1.027894569 -0.380095827 -0.446608465 -0.814239836 -0.579427402 -0.279095911 0.02197332 -0.631702724 0.265864948 0.682492275 -0.251255219 -0.751406515 0.271573484 -0.354438707 0.841069777 1.037482752 0.248014054 0.391062991 -0.178095689 -0.368080094 #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.164414651 -0.06466685 0.256544001 -0.200910691 -0.468910739 0.355797006 -0.096735503 -0.770888787 -0.117452903 -0.109393089 0.71960362 0.503218347 YJL108C YJL108C ... PRM10 conjugation with cellular fusi molecular function unknown integral to membrane | YJL109C -1.400538473 0.079238786 1.787523174 x 0.11572011 0.234955019 0.698963705 x 1.834924667 0.005214395 1.70085616 0.722561985 x YJL108C 0.387055735 0.636085633 -0.276043022 -0.138916727 -0.141117985 0.102369377 -0.725261994 -0.34044956 0.799881931 0.740951162 -0.242724882 0.85484279 0.921470117 0.227722623 -0.222428673 0.470551326 0.114539135 1.380047619 1.566460594 0.836991896 0.840040833 0.330882153 0.000897748 0.089628459 0.315041199 0.304563191 0.384310992 0.755521843 0.668067151 0.030067103 1.024774848 -0.007757661 -0.121910945 0.261524939 0.599584753 0.998581462 0.982196189 YJL117W YJL117W ... PHO86 secretory pathway* molecular function unknown endoplasmic reticulum | YJL118W -0.095172567 -0.723455978 -0.386892157 x 0.202261962 -0.078303533 -0.117887414 x -1.377323 0.096314925 0.319274434 -0.579378392 x YJL117W -0.152944265 -0.143914367 -0.026043022 -0.128916727 -0.051117985 -0.137630623 0.044738006 0.05955044 -1.210118069 -1.219048838 -0.372724882 -0.10515721 0.231470117 -0.352277377 -0.412428673 -0.329448674 -0.185460865 0.300047619 0.226460594 0.316991896 0.340040833 -0.389117847 -0.239102252 -0.680371541 -0.784958801 -0.525436809 -0.605689008 -0.014478157 -0.021932849 -0.559932897 -0.555225152 -0.757757661 -0.811910945 -0.798475061 -0.890415247 -0.491418538 -0.467803811 YJL122W YJL122W Ö PAC cluster ALB1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Shuttling pre-60S factor; involved in the biogenesis of ribosomal large subunit; interacts directly with Arx1p; responsible for Tif6p recycling defects in absence of Rei1pYJL123C -0.250927347 -1.278230884 -0.942034017 x 0.081650632 -0.302559152 -0.059264966 x -1.284070667 0.258061744 0.531876606 -0.188436559 x YJL122W 0.107055735 0.026085633 0.263956978 0.231083273 0.068882015 0.212369377 -0.335261994 -0.45044956 -1.450118069 -1.119048838 -0.282724882 -0.40515721 -0.098529883 0.047722623 -0.062428673 0.000551326 0.154539135 0.950047619 0.886460594 0.806991896 1.090040833 -0.389117847 0.220897748 0.009628459 -0.374958801 0.124563191 -0.025689008 -0.274478157 -0.031932849 0.200067103 -0.695225152 -0.547757661 -0.291910945 -0.278475061 -0.730415247 -0.901418538 -0.337803811 YJL132W YJL132W iESR cluster YJL132W biological process unknown molecular function unknown membrane fraction | YJL133C-A 0.660493356 0.348465174 0.797971319 x 0.238051978 2.179525077 2.040182311 x 1.882823333 -0.219008692 1.419368879 1.1910605 x YJL132W -0.310444265 -0.181414367 -0.243543022 -0.136416727 -0.308617985 -0.465130623 0.397238006 0.84205044 1.112381931 1.083451162 0.329775118 0.76734279 -0.066029883 0.340222623 0.240071327 1.013051326 0.617039135 0.942547619 1.028960594 1.549491896 0.972540833 0.983382153 0.103397748 0.002128459 0.087541199 -0.652936809 -0.073189008 0.338021843 0.100567151 -0.567432897 0.577274848 0.594742339 0.320589055 0.044024939 0.312084753 0.701081462 -0.035303811 YJL141C YJL141C iESR cluster YAK1 protein amino acid phosphoryla protein kinase activity cytoplasm* | YJL142C -0.227897829 -0.9525945 0.662550619 x -0.091612039 0.298457059 1.074442663 x 1.349164 -0.199376134 0.851182654 0.729165345 x YJL141C -0.202944265 0.026085633 -0.196043022 -0.048916727 -0.201117985 -0.187630623 -0.005261994 -0.19044956 0.779881931 0.920951162 -0.172724882 -0.25515721 0.161470117 -0.052277377 -0.252428673 -0.489448674 -0.115460865 0.710047619 0.746460594 1.016991896 0.910040833 0.120882153 -0.149102252 0.249628459 0.215041199 -0.225436809 0.024310992 -0.034478157 0.148067151 0.200067103 -0.045225152 0.022242339 0.238089055 0.011524939 0.149584753 0.298581462 -0.087803811 YJL144W YJL144W iESR cluster YJL144W response to dessication molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YJL145W #N/A #N/A #N/A x -0.352579332 1.140614269 2.902886661 x 1.247428333 0.619710812 3.774902002 1.375405361 x YJL144W 0.59474456 0.313774458 0.441645803 1.858772098 0.35657084 0.360058202 3.412426831 2.297239265 1.177570756 1.348639987 1.764963943 0.932531615 -0.280841058 2.505411448 1.445260152 1.648240151 0.74222796 0.837736444 1.154149419 1.954680721 2.707729658 0.678570978 0.208586573 #VALUE! 0.632730024 -0.067747984 1.381999817 -0.036789332 0.035755976 0.027755928 0.462463673 1.139931164 1.28577788 -0.090786236 0.477273578 1.356270287 0.589885014 YJL149W YJL149W ... YJL149W biological process unknown molecular function unknown SCF ubiquitin ligase complex | YJL150W -0.167473858 -0.46728391 0.822564609 x 0.020435 0.438763272 0.444495655 x 1.093164 -0.046588327 1.373274395 0.561460364 x YJL149W -0.242944265 0.136085633 -0.356043022 -0.298916727 -0.011117985 -0.117630623 0.154738006 0.09955044 0.429881931 0.440951162 0.147275118 0.06484279 0.391470117 -0.012277377 -0.192428673 -0.049448674 -0.075460865 0.770047619 0.816460594 0.776991896 0.680040833 0.460882153 0.070897748 0.049628459 0.235041199 -0.155436809 -0.045689008 0.145521843 -0.001932849 -0.399932897 0.374774848 0.132242339 -0.081910945 0.031524939 0.429584753 0.548581462 0.252196189 YJL153C YJL153C ... INO1 myo-inositol metabolism inositol-3-phosphate synthase activcytoplasm | YJL154C 0.963347008 0.601888564 2.393991205 x -0.224767376 1.388895678 2.432378289 x -0.882625667 0.431525816 4.12710646 1.322180761 x YJL153C -0.437944265 -0.148914367 -0.491043022 0.376083273 -1.006117985 -0.712630623 -0.510261994 -0.82544956 4.324881931 3.785951162 0.312275118 -1.59015721 -1.593529883 -2.737277377 -2.147428673 -0.244448674 0.329539135 -0.934952381 -0.408539406 1.411991896 0.515040833 1.565882153 1.235897748 3.194628459 2.720041199 0.869563191 2.239310992 0.480521843 0.273067151 2.375067103 0.259774848 -2.732757661 -2.796910945 0.706524939 0.954584753 0.913581462 0.217196189 YJL155C "YJL155C iESR cluster FBP26 glucose metabolism ""fructose-2,6-bisphosphate 2-phospha""cytosol | YJL156C" -0.299727225 -0.688836666 0.739234824 x -0.006191647 1.549124792 1.546976254 x 1.172514 -0.036826733 1.484100258 1.221251758 x YJL155C 0.049555735 -0.041414367 0.106456978 0.263583273 0.291382015 0.214869377 0.737238006 0.60205044 1.582381931 1.163451162 0.469775118 0.25734279 0.023970117 0.570222623 0.330071327 0.553051326 0.447039135 1.122547619 1.028960594 1.509491896 1.442540833 0.343382153 0.313397748 1.252128459 0.957541199 0.517063191 0.736810992 1.248021843 0.860567151 0.272567103 0.657274848 0.124742339 0.330589055 0.634024939 0.552084753 0.541081462 0.344696189 YJL158C YJL158C ... CIS3 cell wall organization and bio structural constituent of cell wallendoplasmic reticulum* | YJL159W -0.945273152 0.127327959 0.898631836 x 0.209925801 0.400195281 0.242927217 x -0.768177 0.117860519 1.647365084 0.279154764 x YJL158C 0.087055735 0.276085633 0.343956978 0.391083273 -0.101117985 0.232369377 0.504738006 0.47955044 0.739881931 0.690951162 0.637275118 0.67484279 0.211470117 0.457722623 0.467571327 0.340551326 0.344539135 2.910047619 3.106460594 3.346991896 3.200040833 0.270882153 0.010897748 0.549628459 0.675041199 0.034563191 0.374310992 0.495521843 0.548067151 -0.279932897 0.484774848 -0.247757661 -0.081910945 0.541524939 0.519584753 0.808581462 0.392196189 YJL161W YJL161W iESR cluster FMP33 biological process unknown molecular function unknown mitochondrion | YJL162C #N/A #N/A #N/A x #DIV/0! 2.24183753 3.012599514 x 2.196298333 -0.245558852 2.206419653 2.597344514 x YJL161W -0.125444265 -0.126414367 -0.448543022 -0.201416727 0.516382015 0.429869377 0.692238006 0.70705044 1.717381931 1.608451162 0.734775118 0.36234279 -0.051029883 0.105222623 -0.134928673 0.348051326 0.522039135 0.607547619 0.463960594 0.654491896 0.537540833 0.518382153 0.368397748 1.617128459 1.852541199 0.382063191 0.891810992 1.003021843 0.525567151 1.187567103 1.852274848 -0.100257661 0.215589055 1.169024939 1.217084753 0.956081462 0.439696189 YJL163C YJL163C iESR cluster YJL163C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YJL164C -0.728532176 0.094879417 0.992850365 x 0.09824619 0.159413189 0.356553027 x 0.530078667 -0.28555029 2.097515475 0.71396701 x YJL163C -0.502944265 -0.473914367 -0.656043022 -0.488916727 -0.001117985 -0.137630623 0.564738006 0.65955044 0.149881931 0.490951162 -0.552724882 0.36484279 -0.228529883 0.297722623 0.217571327 0.250551326 -0.105460865 0.720047619 1.026460594 0.826991896 0.770040833 0.710882153 -0.089102252 -0.160371541 0.355041199 -0.175436809 0.064310992 -0.274478157 -0.171932849 -0.649932897 0.734774848 -0.427757661 0.138089055 -0.038475061 0.549584753 0.658581462 0.342196189 YJL164C YJL164C iESR cluster TPK1 protein amino acid phosphoryla protein serine/threonine kinase actcytoplasm* | YJL165C -0.477587014 -0.497378837 1.006099399 x -0.054221871 0.763620524 1.682168504 x 1.281803667 -0.381330846 0.882584579 0.81172468 x YJL164C -0.260444265 -0.681414367 -0.433543022 -0.366416727 0.121382015 -0.365130623 0.357238006 -0.14794956 0.762381931 0.643451162 -0.490224882 0.33734279 -0.276029883 -0.209777377 -0.479928673 0.023051326 -0.172960865 0.682547619 0.398960594 0.649491896 0.542540833 -0.086617847 -0.346602252 -0.157871541 0.387541199 -0.372936809 0.146810992 -0.351978157 -0.509432849 -0.007432897 0.657274848 -0.065257661 -0.209410945 0.174024939 0.672084753 0.621081462 0.184696189 YJL168C "YJL168C ... SET2 regulation of transcription, D histone methyltransferase activity*nucleus | YJL169W" 0.072843343 -1.244785768 -0.753997304 x -0.209270168 -0.025998912 0.026356878 x -0.3679 -0.263517257 0.051786052 -0.46994787 x YJL168C 0.162055735 -0.028914367 0.188956978 0.206083273 0.013882015 0.017369377 -0.270261994 -0.36544956 -0.195118069 -0.264048838 -0.217724882 -0.38015721 -0.333529883 -0.367277377 -0.467428673 -0.094448674 0.059539135 0.865047619 0.761460594 0.871991896 0.945040833 -0.144117847 -0.044102252 -0.235371541 -0.289958801 0.009563191 0.009310992 -0.089478157 -0.076932849 -0.004932897 -0.490225152 -0.362757661 -0.296910945 -0.313475061 -0.405415247 -0.336418538 -0.142803811 YJL171C YJL171C ... YJL171C biological process unknown molecular function unknown mitochondrion* | YJL172W -0.010505591 0.696453396 1.260709874 x 0.221682418 0.970425743 0.483073315 x 0.597455333 -0.180904297 1.940851051 0.851986551 x YJL171C -0.040444265 0.098585633 0.086456978 0.053583273 -0.148617985 -0.055130623 0.137238006 0.18205044 1.352381931 1.183451162 0.799775118 0.01734279 -0.176029883 0.110222623 0.270071327 0.083051326 0.107039135 1.252547619 1.308960594 1.419491896 1.372540833 0.353382153 0.033397748 0.822128459 0.807541199 0.477063191 0.636810992 0.738021843 0.700567151 0.002567103 0.687274848 0.014742339 0.030589055 0.544024939 0.512084753 0.981081462 0.784696189 YJL200C "YJL200C Ö ACO2 biological process unknown aconitate hydratase activity | Putative mitochondrial aconitase isozyme; similarity to Aco1p, an aconitase required for the TCA cycle; expression induced during growth on glucose, by amino acid starvation via Gcn4p, and repressed on ethanolYJL201W" -0.421779094 -0.736625814 -0.624024228 x -0.801385178 -0.880195316 -0.288114711 x 0.705476667 0.110446237 0.393561256 -0.272938894 x YJL200C 0.782055735 0.661085633 1.138956978 1.236083273 -0.076117985 -0.142630623 0.129738006 0.03455044 1.364881931 1.005951162 1.212275118 0.73984279 1.226470117 0.862722623 0.772571327 0.725551326 0.769539135 1.395047619 1.191460594 1.611991896 1.875040833 0.975882153 1.125897748 0.804628459 0.500041199 0.679563191 0.469310992 1.360521843 1.213067151 0.675067103 0.359774848 1.127242339 1.283089055 0.776524939 0.694584753 0.323581462 0.427196189 YJR003C YJR003C PAC cluster YJR003C biological process unknown molecular function unknown mitochondrion | YJR004C -0.230267097 -0.868320121 -0.499101966 x 0.329759653 0.213984953 -0.069762399 x -0.06755 0.051811883 0.255469936 -0.331699191 x YJR003C -0.140444265 -0.201414367 0.136456978 0.203583273 -0.198617985 -0.065130623 -0.032761994 -0.26794956 -1.317618069 -1.306548838 -0.360224882 -0.26265721 -0.046029883 -0.049777377 -0.019928673 -0.236948674 -0.092960865 0.792547619 0.678960594 0.939491896 1.022540833 -0.566617847 -0.006602252 -0.397871541 -0.592458801 -0.282936809 -0.403189008 -0.151978157 -0.239432849 -0.087432897 -0.552725152 -0.765257661 -0.109410945 -0.575975061 -0.727915247 -0.788918538 -0.325303811 YJR008W YJR008W iESR cluster YJR008W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YJR009C -0.467659453 -0.464245773 1.59145945 x -0.155827065 1.234734253 1.821299917 x 1.101098333 -0.059173736 1.481657017 1.541795753 x YJR008W 0.192055735 -0.058914367 0.148956978 0.446083273 0.103882015 0.047369377 0.589738006 0.59455044 3.004881931 2.455951162 1.322275118 -0.26015721 -0.383529883 -0.437277377 -0.187428673 0.195551326 0.359539135 0.475047619 0.511460594 1.081991896 1.005040833 0.265882153 0.545897748 1.694628459 1.500041199 0.429563191 0.579310992 0.460521843 0.253067151 1.485067103 0.939774848 -0.532757661 -0.016910945 1.076524939 1.004584753 0.403581462 0.097196189 YJR010W YJR010W ... MET3 methionine metabolism* sulfate adenylyltransferase (ATP) acytoplasm* | YJR011C -0.110440178 0.302481852 1.040059404 x -0.516666338 0.573920121 1.070861683 x 0.864102333 -0.637447309 0.8611736 -0.525138585 x YJR010W 0.229555735 0.398585633 0.456456978 -0.056416727 -0.858617985 -0.795130623 -0.172761994 -0.27794956 0.072381931 -0.356548838 -0.250224882 0.71734279 0.583970117 0.090222623 -0.299928673 0.843051326 0.827039135 -0.067452381 0.018960594 0.439491896 0.422540833 0.063382153 -0.526602252 0.382128459 0.907541199 -0.762936809 -0.183189008 -0.571978157 -0.799432849 0.952567103 2.677274848 0.514742339 0.460589055 0.574024939 0.532084753 -0.298918538 -0.395303811 YJR015W YJR015W ... YJR015W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YJR016C -1.018000526 0.48090607 1.045048241 x 0.138850575 0.590352665 0.322935817 x -0.946775 0.172259801 1.076195928 0.048898908 x YJR015W -0.130444265 -0.031414367 -0.073543022 -0.206416727 -0.428617985 -0.415130623 -0.302761994 -0.09794956 -0.337618069 0.073451162 0.039775118 0.09734279 -0.026029883 -0.049777377 0.050071327 -0.186948674 -0.282960865 1.132547619 1.178960594 0.899491896 0.832540833 0.323382153 -0.216602252 -0.367871541 -0.092458801 -0.402936809 -0.443189008 -0.511978157 -0.419432849 -0.777432897 -0.242725152 0.144742339 -0.229410945 -0.105975061 0.042084753 -0.298918538 -0.365303811 YJR025C "YJR025C iESR cluster BNA1 NAD biosynthesis ""3-hydroxyanthranilate 3,4-dioxygena""cytoplasm | YJR030C" -0.462186852 -0.613653102 0.91693531 x -0.885495816 0.776501396 1.973624668 x 1.226533333 -0.076577829 0.369567017 -0.647003317 x YJR025C -0.220444265 -0.401414367 -0.123543022 0.263583273 -0.868617985 -1.055130623 0.427238006 0.25205044 -0.307618069 -0.386548838 0.919775118 -0.28265721 -0.016029883 0.340222623 0.760071327 -0.446948674 -0.442960865 1.162547619 1.118960594 1.419491896 1.382540833 -0.086617847 0.443397748 -0.047871541 -0.102458801 0.237063191 0.046810992 0.858021843 0.570567151 -0.497432897 -1.132725152 0.904742339 1.210589055 -0.495975061 -0.657915247 -0.348918538 -0.025303811 YJR039W YJR039W ... YJR039W biological process unknown molecular function unknown mitochondrion | YJR040W -0.12182731 -0.085051435 0.519009045 x 0.252291507 0.719733426 0.626273987 x 0.879514667 -0.039202628 0.741944077 0.243911739 x YJR039W -0.277944265 -0.198914367 -0.181043022 -0.083916727 0.263882015 0.307369377 0.729738006 0.71455044 0.694881931 0.595951162 -0.237724882 0.15984279 0.096470117 0.202722623 0.532571327 -0.164448674 -0.010460865 0.855047619 1.011460594 0.961991896 0.725040833 0.095882153 -0.064102252 -0.335371541 -0.229958801 -0.430436809 -0.210689008 0.090521843 -0.016932849 -0.504932897 -0.000225152 0.307242339 0.383089055 -0.213475061 0.034584753 -0.036418538 -0.212803811 YJR041C YJR041C PAC cluster URB2 ribosome biogenesis* molecular function unknown nucleolus | YJR042W 0.180472804 -0.207306411 -0.355645023 x 0.057624008 -0.223892739 -0.176112529 x -0.081097667 -0.000306422 0.43505606 -0.289020188 x YJR041C 0.079555735 0.178585633 0.006456978 0.003583273 0.061382015 0.034869377 -0.322761994 -0.42794956 -1.317618069 -0.726548838 -0.280224882 -0.31265721 0.243970117 -0.299777377 -0.179928673 -0.366948674 -0.192960865 0.882547619 0.878960594 0.719491896 0.752540833 -0.226617847 -0.016602252 -0.297871541 -0.432458801 -0.092936809 -0.263189008 -0.131978157 -0.109432849 -0.227432897 -0.282725152 -0.225257661 -0.209410945 -0.295975061 -0.247915247 -0.268918538 -0.215303811 YJR048W YJR048W ... CYC1 electron transport electron carrier activity mitochondrial intermembrane space | YJR049C -1.423029531 -0.865551045 -0.338054885 x -0.591880421 -0.197510499 -0.556924828 x 0.060354333 -0.705139439 -0.120242569 -0.280232785 x YJR048W 0.449555735 0.148585633 0.236456978 0.553583273 0.881382015 0.764869377 0.937238006 1.11205044 0.722381931 0.783451162 0.719775118 -0.08265721 -0.496029883 -0.639777377 -0.609928673 0.493051326 0.587039135 1.582547619 1.458960594 0.999491896 0.852540833 0.863382153 1.333397748 1.022128459 1.097541199 1.057063191 0.906810992 -1.051978157 -1.249432849 0.212567103 0.117274848 -0.545257661 -0.389410945 1.034024939 0.952084753 -0.278918538 -0.305303811 YJR052W "YJR052W ... RAD7 nucleotide-excision repair, DN DNA binding* repairosome* | YJR053W" 0.193635301 0.251768385 0.579346042 x -0.369068163 0.187554892 0.710108733 x 0.993191333 -0.311068399 0.943644217 0.619576943 x YJR052W 0.332055735 0.351085633 0.028956978 0.046083273 0.333882015 0.337369377 -0.000261994 0.05455044 1.044881931 0.655951162 0.422275118 -0.12015721 0.066470117 0.042722623 -0.177428673 0.195551326 0.149539135 1.195047619 1.131460594 0.971991896 1.045040833 -0.254117847 -0.024102252 0.394628459 0.190041199 0.499563191 0.539310992 0.760521843 0.493067151 0.325067103 0.289774848 0.047242339 0.063089055 0.276524939 0.114584753 0.463581462 0.577196189 YJR054W YJR054W ... YJR054W biological process unknown molecular function unknown vacuole (sensu Fungi) | YJR055W 0.100498435 -0.304435152 0.329492465 x 0.110419399 0.440198522 0.72471723 x 0.693906667 0.005349442 1.221859033 0.65672838 x YJR054W 0.054555735 -0.086414367 0.061456978 0.128583273 -0.123617985 -0.170130623 -0.517761994 -0.84294956 -0.352618069 -0.501548838 -0.505224882 0.08234279 0.198970117 -0.274777377 -0.204928673 -0.121948674 -0.007960865 0.867547619 0.823960594 1.164491896 1.007540833 -0.291617847 -0.051602252 0.107128459 0.162541199 -0.047936809 -0.008189008 0.363021843 0.265567151 -0.242432897 -0.307725152 -0.530257661 -0.324410945 -0.090975061 -0.102915247 -0.103918538 -0.070303811 YJR056C YJR056C ... YJR056C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YJR057W 0.083121039 -0.714985259 -0.69870053 x 0.155248559 0.031205765 -0.035663534 x 0.166291667 -0.120168228 1.091420674 0.047507341 x YJR056C 0.022055735 -0.188914367 -0.071043022 -0.263916727 0.103882015 0.057369377 -0.270261994 -0.51544956 -0.515118069 -0.404048838 -0.267724882 -0.17015721 -0.083529883 -0.337277377 -0.297428673 -0.204448674 0.029539135 1.055047619 0.961460594 0.741991896 1.065040833 -0.264117847 0.055897748 0.054628459 -0.139958801 0.089563191 -0.130689008 -0.119478157 0.053067151 0.175067103 -0.250225152 -0.912757661 -0.266910945 -0.033475061 -0.255415247 -0.236418538 -0.012803811 YJR061W YJR061W ... YJR061W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YJR062C 0.369501689 -0.017999222 1.815988977 x -0.128223546 0.299652609 0.431280166 x 0.619946 0.095171401 0.714744725 0.675556884 x YJR061W -0.000444265 0.098585633 0.106456978 0.153583273 -0.168617985 -0.145130623 -0.152761994 -0.04794956 1.102381931 0.833451162 -0.200224882 0.18734279 -0.096029883 0.340222623 0.220071327 0.323051326 0.377039135 0.482547619 0.398960594 0.459491896 0.452540833 0.193382153 0.013397748 0.392128459 0.177541199 0.097063191 0.146810992 0.388021843 0.490567151 -0.227432897 0.157274848 0.074742339 0.410589055 0.234024939 0.222084753 0.151081462 -0.005303811 YJR063W YJR063W PAC cluster RPA12 transcription from RNA polymer DNA-directed RNA polymerase activitDNA-directed RNA polymerase I compl | YJR064W -0.168698809 -0.766874527 -0.416620623 x -0.042981276 -0.620809517 -0.154466131 x -0.827821333 0.014732823 0.882874726 -0.102942748 x YJR063W -0.335444265 -0.266414367 0.071456978 -0.061416727 -0.003617985 0.279869377 -0.057761994 -0.21294956 -1.262618069 -0.781548838 -0.375224882 -0.47765721 0.088970117 -0.474777377 -0.364928673 -0.491948674 -0.377960865 0.767547619 0.853960594 0.804491896 0.957540833 -0.241617847 0.028397748 -0.152871541 -0.377458801 0.002063191 -0.258189008 -0.336978157 -0.134432849 -0.202432897 -0.417725152 -0.770257661 -0.354410945 -0.240975061 -0.262915247 -0.273918538 -0.070303811 YJR070C YJR070C PAC cluster LIA1 microtubule cytoskeleton organ protein binding cytoplasm* | YJR071W -0.04876506 -0.983083544 -0.674706063 x -0.058196122 -0.49824391 -0.281519007 x -1.406362667 -0.148611733 0.176852936 -0.604034076 x YJR070C -0.067944265 -0.078914367 0.078956978 0.006083273 -0.196117985 -0.222630623 -0.670261994 -0.64544956 -1.845118069 -1.224048838 -0.877724882 -0.36015721 0.066470117 -0.307277377 -0.477428673 -0.164448674 -0.190460865 0.755047619 0.671460594 0.661991896 0.835040833 0.035882153 0.185897748 -0.375371541 -0.439958801 -0.160436809 -0.180689008 -0.489478157 -0.266932849 -0.034932897 -0.650225152 -0.432757661 -0.336910945 -0.403475061 -0.595415247 -0.466418538 -0.362803811 YJR073C YJR073C ... OPI3 phosphatidylcholine biosynthes phosphatidyl-N-methylethanolamine Nmitochondrion* | YJR074W -0.67431313 1.041234109 2.067554723 x -0.780637029 1.834489015 2.13335483 x -2.047574333 -0.743634494 1.912581514 0.082169079 x YJR073C -0.162944265 -0.273914367 -0.096043022 0.071083273 -0.031117985 -0.007630623 0.024738006 -0.04044956 1.689881931 1.630951162 0.357275118 -0.75515721 -0.918529883 -1.182277377 -0.542428673 -0.219448674 -0.085460865 0.590047619 0.796460594 1.306991896 1.000040833 0.510882153 0.310897748 0.729628459 0.825041199 0.114563191 0.624310992 -0.284478157 -0.361932849 0.650067103 0.364774848 -0.617757661 -0.571910945 0.371524939 0.409584753 0.138581462 -0.217803811 YJR078W "YJR078W ... BNA2 NAD biosynthesis ""tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase activity""cytoplasm | YJR079W" -1.542132081 -0.690143331 4.479331971 x 0.165825721 2.068725298 2.638044244 x 1.250851 0.463738809 3.538458737 -0.091037542 x YJR078W -1.202944265 -0.713914367 -0.826043022 -0.318916727 -0.931117985 -0.867630623 0.564738006 0.37955044 1.169881931 1.250951162 -0.732724882 -0.02515721 0.631470117 0.157722623 0.497571327 -0.519448674 -0.435460865 0.640047619 0.866460594 1.576991896 1.190040833 1.120882153 0.670897748 0.099628459 0.325041199 0.194563191 0.424310992 1.195521843 0.928067151 -1.319932897 -0.705225152 0.232242339 0.138089055 -1.248475061 -1.300415247 0.538581462 0.342196189 YJR096W YJR096W iESR cluster YJR096W arabinose catabolism* aldo-keto reductase activity* cytoplasm* | YJR097W -0.485497306 -0.413480203 1.191626408 x 0.006736228 0.288589155 1.051249352 x 0.403476333 -0.223829355 1.309111922 0.555469338 x YJR096W 0.024555735 -0.126414367 -0.108543022 -0.041416727 0.106382015 0.079869377 1.072238006 0.72705044 1.707381931 1.548451162 -0.055224882 0.20234279 -0.111029883 0.395222623 0.285071327 -0.081948674 -0.007960865 1.007547619 0.943960594 1.194491896 1.087540833 0.078382153 0.178397748 0.317128459 0.622541199 0.102063191 0.121810992 0.233021843 0.275567151 0.247567103 0.472274848 0.159742339 0.355589055 0.389024939 0.307084753 -0.063918538 -0.120303811 YJR104C "YJR104C iESR cluster SOD1 zinc ion homeostasis* ""copper, zinc superoxide dismutase a""cytosol* | YJR105W" -0.328572067 -0.577541698 -0.52871687 x -0.081170003 -0.321047257 -0.276608814 x -1.381457 0.159993602 0.784882414 -0.245149799 x YJR104C 0.192055735 0.261085633 0.028956978 0.126083273 0.223882015 0.267369377 0.439738006 0.37455044 0.614881931 0.635951162 -0.247724882 0.32984279 0.176470117 0.122722623 0.322571327 -0.014448674 0.149539135 1.325047619 1.431460594 1.121991896 1.075040833 0.145882153 0.195897748 0.254628459 0.600041199 0.359563191 0.139310992 -0.419478157 -0.456932849 0.435067103 0.229774848 -0.022757661 0.133089055 0.366524939 0.334584753 -0.026418538 -0.032803811 YJR106W YJR106W ... ECM27 cell wall organization and bio molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YJR107W -0.167104351 0.177509003 1.198444166 x 0.074969422 0.109763557 0.321754607 x 0.406823667 -0.031215027 2.297923569 0.363152151 x YJR106W 0.198077893 0.007107791 -0.045020864 0.922105431 -0.190095827 -0.416608465 0.415760164 0.160572598 -0.219095911 0.54197332 -0.121702724 0.385864948 0.182492275 -0.901255219 -0.351406515 -0.148426516 -0.454438707 0.521069777 0.747482752 1.188014054 1.371062991 0.611904311 -0.198080094 0.380650617 0.336063357 0.155585349 0.35533315 -0.243455999 0.019089309 0.241089261 0.415797006 -0.066735503 -0.510888787 -0.157452903 -0.009393089 0.23960362 0.083218347 YJR107W YJR107W ... YJR107W biological process unknown lipase activity cellular component unknown | YJR108W 0.128873176 0.034145448 0.926942152 x 0.160865773 0.237996924 0.25827736 x 0.442173333 0.037410588 1.843391503 0.210645646 x YJR107W -0.227944265 -0.068914367 -0.111043022 0.116083273 -0.056117985 -0.012630623 0.009738006 -0.00544956 0.324881931 0.845951162 -0.037724882 0.53984279 0.086470117 0.042722623 0.052571327 -0.044448674 -0.310460865 0.975047619 1.201460594 1.191991896 0.885040833 0.775882153 0.095897748 0.084628459 0.350041199 -0.070436809 0.229310992 0.140521843 0.263067151 -0.304932897 0.299774848 0.227242339 -0.076910945 0.056524939 0.294584753 0.473581462 0.207196189 YJR124C YJR124C PAC cluster YJR124C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YJR125C 0.026199468 -0.165487884 -0.265827177 x -0.152293842 -0.107446711 -0.586557893 x 0.045481333 -0.033862019 0.891892305 -0.240565545 x YJR124C -0.105444265 0.093585633 0.041456978 -0.381416727 -0.333617985 -0.120130623 -0.787761994 2.16705044 -1.452618069 -0.761548838 -0.255224882 0.05234279 0.138970117 -0.404777377 -0.334928673 -0.151948674 -0.307960865 1.297547619 1.353960594 0.554491896 0.627540833 0.478382153 -0.061602252 0.067128459 0.032541199 -0.097936809 -0.148189008 -0.246978157 -0.024432849 -0.192432897 0.142274848 -0.200257661 -0.364410945 0.049024939 0.147084753 0.056081462 0.139696189 YJR148W YJR148W ... BAT2 branched chain family amino ac branched-chain-amino-acid transamincytoplasm* | YJR149W -0.933078208 -1.013121896 -0.414031121 x -0.164396418 -1.2372098 -0.304970667 x 1.478590333 0.020483069 0.537174972 -0.417417719 x YJR148W -0.067944265 0.151085633 -0.231043022 -0.183916727 -0.006117985 0.147369377 0.359738006 0.18455044 1.934881931 1.595951162 1.692275118 0.61984279 0.876470117 1.862722623 1.692571327 -0.114448674 -0.160460865 1.835047619 1.981460594 2.001991896 1.945040833 0.455882153 0.635897748 0.394628459 0.770041199 -0.360436809 -0.040689008 1.140521843 1.083067151 -0.994932897 -0.580225152 2.127242339 2.103089055 0.866524939 0.994584753 -0.036418538 -0.452803811 YJR153W YJR153W ... PGU1 pseudohyphal growth* polygalacturonase activity extracellular region | YJR154W -0.709270943 -0.483329742 0.919819433 x 0.12425803 -0.211475368 1.053935062 x -0.359646667 -0.540098156 -1.402993772 -2.276850161 x YJR153W -0.891922107 -0.742892209 -0.385020864 -1.137894569 -1.230095827 #VALUE! -0.594239836 0.430572598 -1.199095911 #VALUE! -0.511702724 -0.444135052 #VALUE! -0.481255219 #VALUE! -0.528426516 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.278095689 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! -1.743455999 -0.960910691 #VALUE! -1.454202994 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! -1.409393089 #VALUE! -1.446781653 YJR154W YJR154W ... YJR154W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YJR155W -0.074582026 -0.167995164 0.34882246 x -0.336413159 0.429185335 1.308585276 x 2.144407333 0.11577439 1.451336341 0.560800654 x YJR154W #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YJR155W YJR155W ... AAD10 aldehyde metabolism aryl-alcohol dehydrogenase activitycellular component unknown | YJR156C -0.183662526 0.604964279 2.635991645 x 1.444494424 2.561891276 1.803187215 x 1.952155667 -0.024573938 1.720852435 0.792672684 x YJR155W 0.127055735 0.446085633 0.273956978 0.591083273 0.148882015 0.182369377 0.924738006 0.90955044 3.089881931 3.050951162 1.207275118 -0.26515721 -0.228529883 0.967722623 0.837571327 0.190551326 0.334539135 0.960047619 1.276460594 1.586991896 1.140040833 0.180882153 0.070897748 0.049628459 0.175041199 0.324563191 0.214310992 1.215521843 1.218067151 0.020067103 0.294774848 0.612242339 0.598089055 0.051524939 0.389584753 0.268581462 0.192196189 YKL001C YKL001C ... MET14 methionine metabolism* adenylyl-sulfate kinase activity cytoplasm* | YKL002W -0.301011577 -0.758867675 0.661325304 x -0.467628605 -0.38898261 0.686509637 x 0.816418333 -0.352462514 -0.618849145 -0.67528633 x YKL001C 0.389555735 0.498585633 0.726456978 0.303583273 -0.428617985 -0.365130623 0.507238006 0.41205044 -1.717618069 -1.496548838 0.669775118 0.99734279 0.473970117 0.680222623 0.480071327 0.943051326 0.927039135 -0.637452381 -0.721039406 0.109491896 0.182540833 0.763382153 0.843397748 -4.717871541 -4.952458801 0.357063191 1.096810992 -0.821978157 -1.069432849 1.202567103 2.127274848 0.464742339 0.890589055 0.394024939 0.062084753 -0.598918538 -0.355303811 YKL007W YKL007W ... CAP1 barbed-end actin filament capp actin filament binding actin cortical patch* | YKL008C -0.547838004 -0.557920974 0.359751244 x -0.205122332 0.391497982 0.79858509 x -0.176875667 -0.35115033 -0.209854154 0.153697093 x YKL007W 0.277055735 0.026085633 0.013956978 0.161083273 0.528882015 0.302369377 0.564738006 0.28955044 0.609881931 0.070951162 0.557275118 0.00484279 -0.138529883 0.407722623 0.077571327 0.490551326 0.234539135 0.170047619 -0.063539406 0.116991896 0.060040833 0.490882153 0.850897748 1.259628459 1.205041199 1.394563191 1.354310992 0.265521843 0.098067151 0.580067103 0.244774848 0.102242339 0.218089055 0.351524939 -0.010415247 -0.031418538 0.192196189 YKL014C YKL014C ... URB1 rRNA processing* molecular function unknown nucleolus | YKL015W 0.201926664 -0.60148307 -0.614338434 x 0.050700593 -0.171695009 -0.089613477 x -0.496112333 -0.034052369 -0.720711707 -0.439285555 x YKL014C 0.052055735 0.111085633 0.088956978 0.066083273 -0.026117985 -0.062630623 -0.440261994 -0.41544956 -1.185118069 -1.004048838 -0.397724882 -0.45015721 -0.013529883 -0.367277377 -0.377428673 -0.344448674 -0.130460865 -0.064952381 -0.048539406 -0.128008104 -0.034959167 0.525882153 0.885897748 0.754628459 0.400041199 1.019563191 0.959310992 -0.019478157 -0.016932849 -0.094932897 -0.680225152 -0.232757661 -0.206910945 -0.353475061 -0.475415247 -0.406418538 -0.222803811 YKL026C YKL026C iESR cluster GPX1 response to oxidative stress glutathione peroxidase activity cellular component unknown | YKL027W -0.355794833 -0.316803075 0.337097022 x 0.306513976 1.579486394 1.830501404 x 1.662817333 -0.435804845 -0.570271623 0.488407198 x YKL026C #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YKL029C YKL029C ... MAE1 pyruvate metabolism* malate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate-mitochondrion | YKL030W 0.36475374 -0.573530354 -0.665982568 x -0.280596387 -1.018715962 -0.119281271 x -0.771623667 0.299703432 0.010108073 -0.07697478 x YKL029C -0.165444265 -0.086414367 0.001456978 0.108583273 -0.323617985 -0.210130623 -0.237761994 -0.21294956 -0.832618069 -0.651548838 0.444775118 -0.63765721 0.148970117 -0.184777377 0.255071327 -0.481948674 -0.297960865 -0.402452381 -0.236039406 -0.615508104 -0.522459167 0.568382153 0.468397748 0.297128459 -0.067458801 0.872063191 0.081810992 0.543021843 0.665567151 -0.832432897 -1.137725152 0.599742339 0.425589055 -0.730975061 -0.792915247 -0.493918538 -0.360303811 YKL062W YKL062W ... MSN4 response to stress* DNA binding* cytoplasm* | YKL063C -0.996900318 0.501146563 1.141153813 x 0.84807036 2.113741862 1.010005849 x 0.453598667 0.173103518 0.445314561 1.310713387 x YKL062W -0.090444265 0.148585633 0.106456978 0.063583273 -0.158617985 -0.505130623 0.477238006 0.34205044 1.322381931 0.993451162 0.239775118 0.07734279 0.293970117 0.400222623 0.670071327 0.123051326 0.387039135 0.532547619 0.588960594 0.459491896 0.622540833 1.423382153 1.353397748 2.042128459 1.777541199 1.207063191 1.036810992 0.398021843 0.220567151 0.322567103 0.547274848 0.584742339 0.700589055 1.014024939 1.162084753 0.541081462 0.104696189 YKL065C YKL065C iESR cluster YET1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown endoplasmic reticulum | YKL066W -0.357484 -0.363355874 0.899478045 x 0.107098013 0.926880951 1.151043709 x 0.762371667 -0.166892113 0.694588157 0.887070404 x YKL065C -0.160444265 -0.251414367 -0.013543022 0.043583273 0.021382015 -0.095130623 0.417238006 0.22205044 0.552381931 0.173451162 0.719775118 -0.03265721 -0.256029883 0.470222623 0.150071327 0.263051326 0.027039135 0.152547619 0.078960594 0.579491896 0.512540833 1.573382153 1.193397748 1.662128459 1.687541199 1.337063191 1.656810992 0.648021843 0.510567151 0.232567103 0.487274848 0.714742339 0.480589055 0.254024939 0.232084753 0.521081462 0.504696189 YKL071W YKL071W ... YKL071W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YKL072W #N/A #N/A #N/A x 1.006359201 2.094059567 2.670778792 x 1.918267 1.013305207 1.495239532 0.423418804 x YKL071W 0.601728617 1.120758515 0.95862986 #VALUE! 0.523554897 1.057042259 1.849410888 1.054223322 0.404554813 0.665624044 1.031948 0.609515672 0.826142999 2.192395505 2.222244209 1.225224208 1.059212017 -1.1052795 -0.888866525 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.685555035 1.85557063 1.604301341 1.539714081 1.629236073 1.658983874 0.750194725 0.722740033 0.174739985 0.79944773 1.676915221 1.652761937 0.596197821 0.524257635 1.003254344 0.776869071 YKL073W YKL073W ... LHS1 response to unfolded protein* unfolded protein binding endoplasmic reticulum lumen | YKL074C -0.367236236 -0.546347382 0.691850196 x 0.291757737 -0.135232463 0.369926473 x -0.911977667 0.264304061 0.647179622 0.026132586 x YKL073W -0.122944265 -0.213914367 0.013956978 0.471083273 -0.281117985 -0.367630623 -0.335261994 -0.58044956 -0.400118069 -0.619048838 -0.412724882 0.39484279 0.321470117 -0.142277377 0.047571327 -0.159448674 -0.195460865 0.030047619 0.046460594 0.686991896 0.310040833 0.960882153 1.460897748 1.219628459 0.895041199 1.144563191 1.604310992 0.195521843 0.138067151 0.310067103 -0.545225152 -0.327757661 -0.161910945 -0.818475061 -0.980415247 -0.211418538 -0.177803811 YKL078W YKL078W PAC cluster DHR2 ribosome biogenesis RNA helicase activity nucleolus | YKL079W 0.456822793 -0.758929142 -0.908085656 x 0.13900805 -0.328591533 -0.257460891 x -0.35582 0.290259603 -0.408449825 -0.409825583 x YKL078W 0.159555735 0.218585633 -0.023543022 -0.046416727 0.011382015 0.214869377 -0.582761994 -0.94794956 -1.337618069 -0.806548838 -0.610224882 -0.59265721 0.163970117 -0.449777377 -0.269928673 -0.516948674 -0.202960865 0.052547619 0.058960594 -0.460508104 -0.217459167 0.303382153 0.863397748 0.762128459 0.167541199 1.107063191 0.676810992 -0.361978157 -0.319432849 0.202567103 -0.472725152 -0.485257661 -0.359410945 -0.265975061 -0.647915247 -0.738918538 -0.425303811 YKL086W "YKL086W ... SRX1 response to oxidative stress ""oxidoreductase activity, acting on""cytoplasm* | YKL087C" #N/A #N/A #N/A x -0.524103723 1.301578316 1.819931784 x 0.404984 1.035068928 #DIV/0! 2.412144109 x YKL086W #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.262322311 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.318458717 0.623271151 1.283602642 0.444671873 -0.129004171 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.011443334 0.381292038 -0.065727963 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.280712607 #VALUE! 0.194602864 0.054618459 #VALUE! 1.22876191 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.16596305 0.261809766 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YKL091C YKL091C iESR cluster YKL091C biological process unknown molecular function unknown nucleus | YKL092C -0.450181368 -0.176537775 0.006090803 x 0.050220385 0.96985686 1.107212043 x 0.689742 -0.483954948 -0.998807489 0.748561159 x YKL091C -0.170444265 -0.451414367 -0.243543022 -0.066416727 -0.088617985 -0.195130623 0.397238006 0.14205044 1.072381931 0.953451162 0.089775118 0.18734279 -0.206029883 -0.219777377 -0.069928673 0.093051326 -0.032960865 -0.167452381 -0.231039406 -0.000508104 -0.127459167 1.293382153 0.883397748 1.032128459 1.457541199 0.767063191 0.636810992 -0.401978157 -0.259432849 0.132567103 0.637274848 -0.045257661 0.100589055 0.304024939 0.582084753 0.241081462 -0.185303811 YKL093W YKL093W iESR cluster MBR1 aerobic respiration molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YKL094W -0.305788627 -0.246460155 0.620243408 x -0.699459993 1.069911238 1.917307556 x 0.668789 -0.524803996 0.773264436 2.393894955 x YKL093W 0.281728617 0.000758515 -0.041370141 #VALUE! -0.036445104 #VALUE! 0.709410888 0.794223322 2.194554813 2.515624044 -0.288052001 0.409515672 #VALUE! 0.302395505 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.274720501 0.881133476 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.065555035 0.82557063 2.994301341 2.599714081 0.899236073 0.988983874 -0.899805276 -0.147259968 1.904739985 2.68944773 0.526915221 0.682761937 1.976197821 2.174257635 1.093254344 0.366869071 YKL096W YKL096W ... CWP1 cell wall organization and bio structural constituent of cell wallcell wall (sensu Fungi) | YKL096W-A -1.860328213 1.341690293 2.781210777 x -0.371939353 2.498716849 2.4643285 x 0.271716333 -0.615133535 0.027183121 1.448661213 x YKL096W 0.354555735 0.223585633 0.201456978 0.258583273 -0.813617985 -0.780130623 -0.927761994 -0.98294956 1.327381931 1.498451162 -1.425224882 0.49234279 0.028970117 -0.394777377 -0.364928673 0.768051326 0.452039135 1.087547619 1.173960594 1.114491896 1.157540833 1.808382153 1.168397748 2.247128459 2.522541199 1.142063191 0.991810992 0.683021843 0.675567151 0.747567103 1.872274848 -0.560257661 -0.514410945 1.159024939 1.007084753 0.456081462 0.429696189 YKL103C YKL103C iESR cluster LAP4 vacuolar protein catabolism aminopeptidase I activity vacuole (sensu Fungi) | YKL104C -0.918072903 -0.61455577 1.051873154 x -0.077067785 1.154841341 1.151838675 x 1.607715 -0.23389735 -0.123121928 -1.596130142 x YKL103C 0.307055735 0.166085633 -0.556043022 -0.208916727 0.478882015 -0.117630623 0.864738006 0.65955044 1.019881931 1.260951162 0.317275118 -0.07515721 -0.278529883 -0.082277377 -0.022428673 -0.159448674 -0.115460865 -1.089952381 -0.973539406 -0.603008104 -0.949959167 0.330882153 -0.129102252 -0.550371541 -0.074958801 0.824563191 0.714310992 -0.034478157 -0.331932849 0.730067103 0.964774848 0.592242339 0.538089055 -1.298475061 -1.370415247 0.418581462 0.082196189 YKL104C YKL104C ... GFA1 cell wall chitin biosynthesis glutamine-fructose-6-phosphate trancellular component unknown | YKL105C 0.075223803 0.411595071 1.303934345 x 0.169342964 1.037686484 1.319395494 x 0.018762333 -0.002076952 0.79590512 1.048399493 x YKL104C -0.092944265 0.106085633 -0.116043022 0.081083273 -0.001117985 -0.027630623 0.284738006 0.20955044 1.569881931 1.220951162 0.097275118 0.33484279 0.231470117 0.407722623 0.247571327 0.320551326 0.154539135 0.150047619 0.266460594 0.436991896 0.090040833 1.590882153 0.960897748 1.849628459 1.925041199 1.084563191 1.334310992 1.175521843 1.018067151 6.71E-05 0.664774848 0.532242339 0.068089055 0.581524939 0.609584753 0.538581462 0.342196189 YKL107W YKL107W ... YKL107W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YKL108W #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.97318064 2.40100287 2.939177842 x 1.979442667 0.695712359 3.154744838 2.234333747 x YKL107W #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! YKL124W YKL124W iESR cluster SSH4 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YKL125W -0.060555399 -0.364895274 0.719108718 x -0.27433489 0.350474272 0.725843655 x 1.065456 -0.215097586 0.426088242 0.894128532 x YKL124W -0.24525544 -0.036225542 0.251645803 0.218772098 -0.40342916 -0.299941798 0.402426831 0.527239265 0.877570756 0.398639987 0.514963943 0.092531615 -0.030841058 -0.174588552 0.465260152 0.158240151 0.07222796 -0.162263556 -0.045850581 0.564680721 0.617729658 1.068570978 1.058586573 1.327317284 1.432730024 0.642252016 0.821999817 -0.536789332 -0.444244024 0.337755928 0.112463673 0.539931164 0.58577788 0.239213764 0.307273578 0.256270287 -0.130114986 YKL126W YKL126W ... YPK1 protein amino acid phosphoryla protein serine/threonine kinase actcytosol* | YKL127W -0.341967603 -0.154011415 0.440413368 x 0.1717497 0.656636246 0.632783684 x -0.130869333 -0.049572586 0.07303621 0.506054527 x YKL126W -0.037944265 0.031085633 -0.001043022 -0.023916727 0.103882015 -0.032630623 0.269738006 0.21455044 0.194881931 -0.014048838 0.242275118 0.12984279 0.176470117 0.382722623 0.252571327 0.205551326 0.169539135 -0.064952381 -0.178539406 0.001991896 -0.014959167 0.845882153 0.875897748 1.064628459 1.070041199 0.829563191 0.979310992 0.160521843 -0.056932849 -0.234932897 0.089774848 0.507242339 0.343089055 0.126524939 0.294584753 0.323581462 0.237196189 YKL129C YKL129C ... MYO3 cell wall organization and bio microfilament motor activity actin cortical patch | YKL130C -0.315487187 -0.169978751 0.918950076 x 0.278985238 1.076375339 0.86930647 x 0.291625667 0.037694852 -0.045542425 0.417056286 x YKL129C 0.059555735 0.138585633 -0.223543022 -0.196416727 0.151382015 -0.235130623 -0.152761994 0.01205044 0.942381931 0.433451162 -0.180224882 0.50734279 0.263970117 0.470222623 -0.119928673 0.243051326 -0.072960865 0.072547619 0.048960594 0.039491896 -0.127459167 1.103382153 0.633397748 0.922128459 0.777541199 0.717063191 1.136810992 0.198021843 0.190567151 -0.287432897 -0.052725152 0.484742339 0.020589055 -0.385975061 -0.237915247 0.541081462 0.224696189 YKL133C YKL133C iESR cluster YKL133C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YKL134C -1.042176736 -0.521551245 0.542055021 x 0.077146275 1.138176287 1.16681307 x 1.204731 -0.45081113 -0.583269228 1.221432829 x YKL133C -0.020444265 -0.141414367 0.226456978 0.113583273 0.281382015 0.264869377 0.437238006 0.78205044 1.842381931 1.283451162 0.359775118 0.28734279 0.043970117 0.670222623 0.690071327 0.143051326 0.167039135 -0.027452381 0.088960594 0.269491896 0.082540833 0.683382153 1.163397748 1.952128459 1.777541199 1.207063191 1.366810992 0.278021843 0.060567151 0.422567103 0.447274848 0.254742339 0.310589055 0.624024939 0.372084753 -0.038918538 -0.155303811 YKL142W YKL142W iESR cluster MRP8 protein biosynthesis structural constituent of ribosome mitochondrial ribosome | YKL143W -0.692452096 -0.171788984 0.719232266 x 0.221618913 1.075034121 1.354214062 x 0.209741667 -0.179244215 0.053531017 0.943370395 x YKL142W 0.554555735 0.203585633 0.181456978 0.418583273 0.686382015 0.379869377 0.932238006 0.70705044 1.467381931 0.788451162 0.824775118 0.60234279 0.038970117 0.875222623 0.725071327 0.648051326 0.452039135 0.167547619 0.003960594 0.254491896 0.137540833 0.978382153 1.148397748 1.927128459 1.782541199 1.792063191 2.001810992 0.273021843 0.005567151 0.877567103 0.762274848 0.539742339 0.615589055 0.819024939 0.637084753 0.466081462 0.559696189 YKL150W YKL150W iESR cluster MCR1 response to oxidative stress* cytochrome-b5 reductase activity mitochondrial outer membrane* | YKL151C -1.446303498 -0.712178348 0.663566746 x -0.198130276 0.005665965 0.233131018 x 0.871495 -0.127947332 -0.704026236 0.727467592 x YKL150W 0.227055735 0.256085633 0.203956978 0.381083273 0.128882015 -0.087630623 0.814738006 0.78955044 1.509881931 1.390951162 0.467275118 0.49484279 0.281470117 0.127722623 0.267571327 0.230551326 0.254539135 0.410047619 0.406460594 0.246991896 0.120040833 1.490882153 1.540897748 2.069628459 2.255041199 1.284563191 1.374310992 -0.874478157 -0.901932849 0.640067103 0.844774848 0.432242339 0.238089055 1.101524939 1.239584753 0.428581462 0.002196189 YKL151C YKL151C iESR cluster YKL151C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YKL152C -0.639344684 -0.600274075 1.428212958 x 0.291370166 1.177328815 1.497429242 x 0.170723 0.177668091 0.1644275 1.05510676 x YKL151C 0.122055735 0.091085633 -0.091043022 0.176083273 0.203882015 0.047369377 0.559738006 0.68455044 2.184881931 1.985951162 0.092275118 0.49984279 -0.093529883 0.552722623 0.752571327 0.205551326 0.169539135 -0.094952381 -0.028539406 0.021991896 -0.094959167 0.895882153 0.865897748 1.304628459 1.510041199 1.209563191 1.339310992 -0.189478157 -0.146932849 0.435067103 0.849774848 0.597242339 0.623089055 0.396524939 0.364584753 0.463581462 0.267196189 YKL161C YKL161C ... YKL161C biological process unknown protein kinase activity cellular component unknown | YKL162C -0.993893493 2.123614678 3.913436108 x -0.092060848 2.884377232 3.205192848 x 0.927259667 -0.002469869 1.030480999 1.287010044 x YKL161C -0.270444265 -0.211414367 -0.093543022 -0.096416727 -0.188617985 -0.125130623 -0.112761994 -0.33794956 1.202381931 0.553451162 -0.700224882 -0.03265721 -0.186029883 -0.149777377 -0.389928673 0.363051326 0.327039135 0.652547619 0.568960594 1.079491896 0.902540833 1.183382153 1.103397748 1.322128459 1.357541199 1.607063191 1.676810992 1.168021843 0.970567151 -0.547432897 -0.032725152 -0.715257661 -0.399410945 -0.095975061 -0.237915247 0.311081462 0.364696189 YKL162C-A YKL162C-A ... | YKL163W #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.351629193 2.33677298 2.65899039 x 2.546158333 1.941318289 3.224567 3.933089442 x YKL162C-A #VALUE! -0.332892209 0.494979136 0.222105431 -0.140095827 0.123391535 0.275760164 0.400572598 2.550904089 2.30197332 1.448297276 0.385864948 0.002492275 0.588744781 0.788593485 -0.088426516 0.305561293 0.021069777 0.397482752 1.308014054 0.871062991 1.661904311 1.131919906 1.790650617 2.196063357 1.595585349 1.91533315 2.326544001 2.309089309 0.971089261 1.155797006 0.473264497 0.759111213 0.412547097 0.680606911 0.59960362 0.373218347 YKL163W YKL163W ... PIR3 cell wall organization and bio structural constituent of cell wallcell wall (sensu Fungi) | YKL164C -0.918679627 1.891765283 5.81735027 x 1.427370669 5.559397072 3.760639966 x 1.526018333 -0.077428659 3.510726223 4.78782103 x YKL163W -0.655444265 0.293585633 -0.298543022 0.138583273 0.916382015 1.319869377 2.042238006 2.62705044 4.417381931 4.228451162 0.404775118 0.41234279 -0.741029883 0.975222623 1.505071327 1.848051326 1.612039135 -0.842452381 -0.316039406 0.174491896 -0.032459167 3.098382153 1.298397748 4.637128459 5.072541199 2.462063191 3.131810992 1.843021843 1.875567151 2.327567103 3.802274848 0.209742339 0.105589055 2.569024939 2.517084753 2.456081462 1.749696189 YKL165C YKL165C ... MCD4 GPI anchor biosynthesis* molecular function unknown cell wall (sensu Fungi)* | YKL165C-A -0.459142618 0.310088434 1.390629934 x 0.317368519 0.029641662 -0.116892426 x -0.461575 0.028659807 1.29985915 -0.045096525 x YKL165C -0.150444265 -0.001414367 -0.233543022 0.453583273 -0.528617985 -0.255130623 -0.342761994 0.35205044 -0.147618069 0.473451162 -0.320224882 0.81734279 0.123970117 -0.269777377 0.190071327 0.353051326 -0.152960865 0.022547619 0.248960594 0.869491896 0.152540833 2.383382153 1.553397748 1.142128459 1.367541199 1.027063191 1.556810992 0.118021843 0.220567151 0.282567103 0.237274848 0.164742339 -0.329410945 -0.685975061 -0.467915247 0.051081462 -0.185303811 YKL177W YKL177W ... | YKL178C #N/A #N/A #N/A x #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! x #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! x YKL177W #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YKL178C YKL178C ... STE3 signal transduction during con mating-type a-factor pheromone receintegral to plasma membrane | YKL179C #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.930086302 1.064612721 1.761407929 x 1.380249 0.776868267 1.639396439 0.387688972 x YKL178C -0.998588774 -0.339558876 0.318312469 0.075438764 -0.346762494 0.196724868 1.699093497 1.873905931 1.094237422 1.035306653 #VALUE! 0.649198281 0.805825608 0.602078114 0.981926818 -0.225093183 0.158894626 -0.27559689 -0.029183915 1.141347387 0.394396324 0.605237644 0.755253239 0.80398395 0.86939669 1.998918682 1.748666483 1.179877334 1.082422642 -0.185577406 0.229130339 -0.34340217 0.152444546 -0.60411957 -0.596059756 1.092936953 1.20655168 YKL185W YKL185W ... ASH1 pseudohyphal growth* specific transcriptional repressor nucleus | YKL186C -0.418216663 -1.093758678 -0.977556078 x -0.191772232 -0.121900211 -0.169935094 x -0.029431667 -0.387091289 -0.13711568 -0.162449782 x YKL185W -0.105444265 0.093585633 -0.038543022 -0.071416727 -0.143617985 -0.120130623 -0.327761994 -0.21294956 0.447381931 0.198451162 -0.635224882 0.11234279 0.098970117 -0.344777377 -0.554928673 -0.151948674 0.012039135 -0.072452381 0.053960594 -0.235508104 -0.212459167 0.328382153 0.518397748 0.447128459 0.232541199 0.602063191 0.651810992 -0.416978157 -0.424432849 -0.162432897 -0.237725152 -0.380257661 -0.204410945 -0.300975061 -0.252915247 0.356081462 0.069696189 YKL187C YKL187C ... YKL187C biological process unknown molecular function unknown mitochondrion | YKL188C -0.555961711 0.241146834 1.031105218 x -0.028516315 0.669579383 0.601761633 x -0.853611667 0.270651888 0.440165534 1.077945548 x YKL187C -0.707944265 -0.568914367 -0.411043022 -0.023916727 -0.866117985 -1.012630623 -1.870261994 -2.57544956 0.504881931 0.965951162 -0.967724882 0.25984279 0.116470117 -0.117277377 -0.017428673 -0.764448674 -0.640460865 -0.064952381 -0.138539406 -0.208008104 0.005040833 1.455882153 0.985897748 1.834628459 2.080041199 1.599563191 1.489310992 -0.409478157 -0.256932849 -0.444932897 0.209774848 -0.102757661 -0.046910945 0.726524939 0.894584753 0.353581462 0.297196189 YKL188C "YKL188C iESR cluster PXA2 fatty acid transport ""ATPase activity, coupled to transme""integral to peroxisomal membrane | YKL189W" -0.358427322 -0.608875867 0.760239711 x 0.092978758 0.828281466 0.815430181 x 2.035952667 -0.106187213 -0.019959579 0.373540486 x YKL188C 0.267055735 -0.303914367 0.763956978 0.841083273 0.098882015 -0.277630623 #VALUE! 0.65955044 0.599881931 0.300951162 0.187275118 -0.03515721 -0.618529883 0.307722623 -0.082428673 -0.119448674 -0.145460865 0.750047619 0.566460594 0.476991896 0.580040833 0.410882153 0.990897748 1.089628459 1.095041199 1.534563191 1.614310992 0.145521843 0.058067151 -0.399932897 -0.565225152 -0.227757661 0.378089055 -0.238475061 -0.100415247 -0.101418538 -0.097803811 YKL191W YKL191W ... DPH2 peptidyl-diphthamide biosynthe molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YKL192C -0.032644109 -0.141905366 -0.345705513 x 0.101370562 -0.262740799 -0.390091968 x -1.056395333 0.063340561 -0.487285509 -0.29247945 x YKL191W -0.147944265 -0.018914367 -0.021043022 -0.073916727 -0.146117985 -0.182630623 -0.410261994 -0.37544956 -1.195118069 -0.464048838 -0.477724882 -0.25015721 0.006470117 -0.257277377 -0.047428673 -0.184448674 -0.140460865 -0.094952381 -0.038539406 -0.248008104 -0.184959167 1.065882153 1.045897748 0.904628459 0.710041199 0.839563191 0.709310992 -0.649478157 -0.456932849 -0.194932897 -0.310225152 -0.142757661 -0.316910945 0.076524939 0.074584753 -0.396418538 -0.272803811 YKL193C YKL193C iESR cluster SDS22 chromosome segregation* enzyme regulator activity* cytoplasm* | YKL194C -0.737986355 -0.938767182 0.558801068 x -0.431488308 0.363156327 1.171091967 x 0.491741667 -0.390186124 -0.485898218 0.602865346 x YKL193C -0.020444265 -0.291414367 -0.013543022 -0.036416727 0.041382015 -0.215130623 0.267238006 0.25205044 1.972381931 1.353451162 0.069775118 0.11734279 0.023970117 0.560222623 0.250071327 0.393051326 0.187039135 0.152547619 0.008960594 0.379491896 0.292540833 0.973382153 0.763397748 1.122128459 0.977541199 0.887063191 0.956810992 0.018021843 -0.169432849 0.342567103 0.277274848 0.454742339 0.140589055 -0.005975061 -0.097915247 0.061081462 -0.015303811 YKL206C YKL206C Ö ADD66 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Protein involved in 20S proteasome assembly; forms a heterodimer with Pba1p that binds to proteasome precursors; similar to human PAC2 constituent of the PAC1-PAC2 complex involved in proteasome assemblyYKL207W -0.598325625 -0.55791282 0.596856461 x -0.04118036 0.522496503 0.534932871 x 0.204255667 -0.291604282 -0.181247945 0.170327469 x YKL206C 0.084555735 -0.186414367 0.071456978 0.508583273 0.086382015 0.069869377 0.252238006 0.06705044 0.367381931 0.138451162 0.354775118 0.19234279 0.108970117 0.425222623 0.365071327 0.328051326 0.212039135 0.117547619 0.003960594 0.474491896 0.257540833 0.948382153 1.258397748 1.417128459 1.182541199 1.192063191 1.391810992 0.313021843 0.225567151 0.337567103 0.022274848 0.099742339 0.405589055 0.219024939 0.147084753 -0.043918538 -0.060303811 YKL211C YKL211C ... TRP3 tryptophan biosynthesis anthranilate synthase activity* cytoplasm* | YKL212W -0.01848818 -0.665011787 -0.328628788 x -0.623378095 -0.664563124 -0.112828298 x 0.141699333 -0.084337522 -0.664699689 -0.420539412 x YKL211C -0.137944265 -0.098914367 -0.111043022 -0.073916727 -0.096117985 -0.192630623 -0.140261994 -0.27544956 -1.175118069 -0.954048838 0.582275118 -0.00015721 0.116470117 0.542722623 0.372571327 -0.184448674 -0.150460865 -0.164952381 -0.148539406 -0.118008104 -0.104959167 0.775882153 0.915897748 0.434628459 0.340041199 0.819563191 0.789310992 0.430521843 0.383067151 -0.454932897 -0.470225152 0.867242339 0.913089055 -0.633475061 -0.485415247 -0.086418538 -0.102803811 YKL218C YKL218C ... SRY1 amino acid derivative cataboli threo-3-hydroxyaspartate ammonia-lycellular component unknown | YKL219W 0.484179278 -0.22912494 0.622609404 x 0.089435402 0.804920839 1.235739337 x 0.987628 0.007601795 -0.104844703 0.10094828 x YKL218C -0.047944265 0.081085633 0.018956978 -0.073916727 -0.106117985 -0.192630623 0.369738006 0.23455044 0.284881931 -0.144048838 1.802275118 0.01984279 0.156470117 0.962722623 0.902571327 0.075551326 0.009539135 -0.144952381 -0.138539406 -0.078008104 -0.104959167 0.795882153 1.035897748 0.804628459 0.540041199 0.839563191 0.789310992 1.070521843 1.053067151 -0.034932897 -0.050225152 1.357242339 1.323089055 -0.733475061 -0.825415247 -0.386418538 -0.382803811 YKR003W YKR003W ... OSH6 steroid biosynthesis oxysterol binding cellular component unknown | YKR004C -0.452045978 -0.469108915 0.339570418 x 0.17160026 0.83398536 0.735919536 x -0.472551333 -0.557388272 -0.552714314 0.135815311 x YKR003W 0.027055735 -0.213914367 -0.156043022 -0.058916727 0.088882015 -0.017630623 0.044738006 -0.20044956 0.049881931 -0.269048838 0.077275118 0.13484279 0.031470117 -0.372277377 -0.392428673 0.210551326 0.184539135 0.070047619 -0.163539406 0.196991896 0.070040833 0.730882153 1.020897748 1.299628459 1.465041199 1.374563191 1.604310992 0.185521843 -0.041932849 0.090067103 0.114774848 -0.227757661 -0.151910945 0.281524939 0.199584753 0.398581462 0.412196189 YKR009C YKR009C iESR cluster FOX2 fatty acid beta-oxidation 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase actperoxisomal matrix | YKR010C 0.158351197 0.253259804 1.562713506 x 0.473040795 0.313046519 0.873313701 x 0.921950333 0.150411084 1.032631968 0.615649249 x YKR009C -0.130444265 0.098585633 0.056456978 0.343583273 0.051382015 0.094869377 -0.042761994 0.15205044 0.512381931 0.893451162 0.459775118 0.41734279 0.523970117 -0.049777377 0.140071327 0.103051326 0.097039135 0.242547619 0.228960594 0.379491896 0.222540833 1.403382153 1.413397748 1.222128459 1.517541199 1.317063191 1.256810992 0.058021843 0.180567151 0.172567103 0.277274848 0.064742339 -0.079410945 0.234024939 0.472084753 0.471081462 0.244696189 YKR011C YKR011C iESR cluster YKR011C biological process unknown molecular function unknown nucleus | YKR012C -1.59863059 -0.535889075 1.585788268 x 0.265257168 1.017786713 1.193450475 x 0.258194333 -0.277008836 0.278435408 0.299477513 x YKR011C 0.154555735 -0.046414367 -0.058543022 0.228583273 0.726382015 0.339869377 0.732238006 0.82705044 1.167381931 0.658451162 -0.005224882 1.08234279 0.548970117 0.995222623 0.575071327 0.768051326 0.482039135 0.147547619 -0.196039406 0.464491896 0.357540833 1.738382153 1.228397748 1.697128459 1.762541199 1.262063191 1.561810992 0.223021843 -0.174432849 0.507567103 0.562274848 0.369742339 0.115589055 0.119024939 0.257084753 0.296081462 0.119696189 YKR013W YKR013W ... PRY2 biological process unknown molecular function unknown vacuole (sensu Fungi)* | YKR014C -0.635061419 -0.033885267 0.954930322 x 0.544935392 0.988389265 0.768506596 x 0.025686333 0.069680157 1.153979552 0.741520201 x YKR013W 0.209555735 0.528585633 0.236456978 0.253583273 0.141382015 0.274869377 0.337238006 0.38205044 0.912381931 1.023451162 0.969775118 -0.02265721 -0.196029883 0.410222623 0.340071327 0.613051326 0.487039135 0.392547619 0.558960594 0.649491896 0.542540833 1.533382153 1.053397748 1.342128459 1.587541199 0.927063191 1.296810992 0.628021843 0.770567151 -0.687432897 0.367274848 0.564742339 0.350589055 0.814024939 0.802084753 0.741081462 0.204696189 YKR024C YKR024C PAC cluster DBP7 35S primary transcript process ATP-dependent RNA helicase activitynucleolus | YKR025W 0.058235087 -0.854141318 -0.838156489 x -0.055003922 -0.229047177 -0.001574207 x -1.11584 0.26036068 -0.330134836 -0.27949717 x YKR024C 0.104555735 0.063585633 -0.098543022 -0.171416727 0.056382015 0.149869377 -0.667761994 -0.72294956 -0.862618069 -0.951548838 -0.745224882 -0.51765721 -0.071029883 -0.374777377 -0.334928673 -0.501948674 -0.247960865 0.117547619 0.023960594 -0.375508104 -0.152459167 0.258382153 0.768397748 0.797128459 0.352541199 1.252063191 1.031810992 -0.176978157 -0.204432849 -0.142432897 -0.697725152 -0.610257661 -0.404410945 -0.320975061 -0.682915247 -0.623918538 -0.330303811 YKR049C YKR049C iESR cluster FMP46 biological process unknown molecular function unknown mitochondrion | YKR050W -0.626558691 -0.249733302 0.966177146 x 0.62688995 1.051088121 1.299505492 x 0.445611333 0.341343794 1.006393778 1.027088998 x YKR049C -0.125444265 0.023585633 -0.018543022 0.118583273 0.446382015 0.579869377 1.272238006 0.94705044 2.197381931 1.908451162 0.334775118 0.45234279 0.188970117 0.455222623 0.755071327 0.238051326 0.302039135 -0.412452381 -0.216039406 0.084491896 -0.262459167 1.408382153 1.428397748 2.117128459 2.312541199 1.082063191 1.381810992 0.323021843 0.315567151 0.997567103 1.302274848 -0.020257661 0.125589055 0.739024939 0.697084753 0.286081462 0.079696189 YKR050W YKR050W ... TRK2 potassium ion homeostasis potassium ion transporter activity plasma membrane | YKR051W 0.257750244 0.069932336 0.500032383 x 0.36301002 -0.029611842 0.652508205 x 0.060197333 0.346171472 0.082034732 0.613856995 x YKR050W -0.255444265 -0.156414367 -0.118543022 -0.171416727 -0.143617985 -0.150130623 -0.317761994 -0.35294956 -0.102618069 0.348451162 -0.605224882 0.21234279 0.098970117 0.165222623 0.295071327 -0.211948674 -0.367960865 -0.262452381 -0.026039406 0.024491896 -0.052459167 1.608382153 0.818397748 0.907128459 1.132541199 0.612063191 0.741810992 0.593021843 0.745567151 -0.432432897 0.142274848 0.369742339 -0.254410945 0.079024939 0.307084753 -0.193918538 -0.420303811 YKR056W YKR056W PAC cluster TRM2 tRNA modification tRNA methyltransferase activity cellular component unknown | YKR057W 0.250173966 -0.720708017 -0.745854131 x -0.012274936 0.012407231 0.062693897 x -0.985639 -0.011472387 -0.344353441 -0.004194873 x YKR056W 0.249555735 0.138585633 0.046456978 -0.016416727 0.071382015 0.054869377 -0.602761994 -0.67794956 -0.037618069 -0.166548838 -0.600224882 -0.45265721 0.183970117 -0.289777377 -0.279928673 -0.306948674 -0.232960865 0.132547619 0.038960594 -0.170508104 0.062540833 0.643382153 1.063397748 1.162128459 0.737541199 1.097063191 0.886810992 -0.031978157 -0.119432849 0.172567103 -0.402725152 -0.505257661 -0.379410945 -0.145975061 -0.437915247 -0.418918538 -0.195303811 YKR058W YKR058W iESR cluster GLG1 glycogen biosynthesis glycogenin glucosyltransferase acticellular component unknown | YKR059W -0.407941489 -0.887640258 0.803505919 x 0.13530607 0.700418372 0.879423552 x 1.748829 -0.065504243 -0.245816647 0.822440651 x YKR058W -0.355444265 -0.196414367 0.161456978 0.118583273 -0.373617985 -0.890130623 0.722238006 0.76705044 1.707381931 1.048451162 0.594775118 -0.18765721 -0.521029883 0.255222623 0.535071327 0.508051326 0.382039135 -0.412452381 -0.236039406 -0.125508104 0.027540833 0.618382153 0.928397748 1.237128459 1.032541199 0.012063191 0.391810992 -0.476978157 -0.344432849 0.287567103 0.392274848 0.489742339 0.965589055 0.039024939 0.097084753 -0.353918538 -0.600303811 YKR061W YKR061W ... KTR2 N-linked glycosylation* mannosyltransferase activity Golgi apparatus | YKR062W 0.160944241 0.101895278 1.366145228 x 0.302967803 1.404482316 1.558660889 x 1.262753667 -0.063586867 0.805611297 1.873554068 x YKR061W 0.149555735 0.308585633 0.346456978 0.463583273 0.051382015 0.284869377 0.757238006 0.51205044 1.712381931 1.383451162 0.139775118 0.15734279 0.163970117 0.400222623 0.330071327 0.223051326 0.457039135 -0.007452381 -0.001039406 0.239491896 0.142540833 1.183382153 1.183397748 2.762128459 2.577541199 1.617063191 2.066810992 0.958021843 0.790567151 0.082567103 0.617274848 -0.145257661 0.110589055 1.094024939 0.942084753 0.631081462 0.264696189 YKR076W YKR076W iESR cluster ECM4 cell wall organization and bio molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YKR077W -0.190930652 0.260336393 2.199466404 x 0.645093468 2.67776469 2.289753593 x 0.840023667 0.117639913 0.798475718 1.710065067 x YKR076W 0.034555735 0.103585633 -0.298543022 0.058583273 0.496382015 0.349869377 1.142238006 1.24705044 2.147381931 1.748451162 0.504775118 -0.12765721 -0.381029883 0.575222623 0.765071327 0.658051326 0.402039135 -0.562452381 -0.336039406 -0.015508104 -0.262459167 1.558382153 1.098397748 1.877128459 2.322541199 1.412063191 1.481810992 0.753021843 0.475567151 0.867567103 1.392274848 0.889742339 0.625589055 0.869024939 0.987084753 0.786081462 0.669696189 YKR079C YKR079C PAC cluster TRZ1 removal of tRNA 3'-trailer seq purine nucleotide binding* cytoplasm* | YKR080W 0.176339408 -0.493653062 -0.73099799 x 0.16366435 0.051383444 -0.061885682 x -0.075715667 -0.056648814 -0.827668806 -0.166233838 x YKR079C 0.067055735 0.126085633 -0.016043022 0.021083273 0.018882015 -0.007630623 -0.215261994 -0.26044956 0.149881931 -0.249048838 -0.702724882 -0.37515721 0.031470117 -0.452277377 -0.292428673 -0.459448674 -0.155460865 0.060047619 -0.043539406 -0.013008104 -0.059959167 0.590882153 1.070897748 1.219628459 1.105041199 1.034563191 0.844310992 0.025521843 -0.131932849 0.080067103 -0.305225152 -0.517757661 -0.261910945 -0.128475061 -0.270415247 -0.521418538 -0.257803811 YKR091W "YKR091W ... SRL3 nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleo molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YKR092C" -0.778030674 0.503834756 2.09113534 x 0.046852917 2.882199394 2.761430757 x 2.344998667 -0.61743677 0.608190135 1.834989823 x YKR091W 0.269555735 0.518585633 0.396456978 0.653583273 0.351382015 0.314869377 1.167238006 0.91205044 3.592381931 2.713451162 1.169775118 0.36734279 0.143970117 0.500222623 0.330071327 0.863051326 0.787039135 0.512547619 0.548960594 1.259491896 0.992540833 1.903382153 1.693397748 3.392128459 3.217541199 2.357063191 2.486810992 1.998021843 1.330567151 -0.397432897 0.737274848 0.014742339 0.110589055 1.404024939 1.432084753 1.231081462 0.844696189 YKR092C YKR092C PAC cluster SRP40 nucleocytoplasmic transport unfolded protein binding nucleolus | YKR093W -0.338146437 -0.855580698 -0.571505212 x -0.035551052 -0.27602651 -0.443862804 x -1.805448667 0.122983643 -0.313767578 -0.374065731 x YKR092C 0.142055735 0.291085633 -0.041043022 -0.113916727 -0.096117985 -0.092630623 -0.670261994 -0.73544956 -1.655118069 -0.754048838 -1.027724882 -0.13015721 -0.103529883 -0.157277377 -0.507428673 -0.304448674 -0.320460865 0.115047619 0.211460594 -0.238008104 -0.084959167 0.305882153 0.225897748 0.084628459 0.130041199 0.519563191 0.449310992 -0.779478157 -0.436932849 -0.534932897 -0.770225152 -0.492757661 -0.416910945 -0.513475061 -0.675415247 -0.196418538 -0.082803811 YKR102W YKR102W ... FLO10 flocculation (sensu Saccharomy mannose binding cell wall (sensu Fungi) | YKR103W 0.273253057 -0.152294029 0.306923032 x 0.045481761 0.258100953 1.842763431 x 0.819659667 0.150145127 0.786725086 0.563795524 x YKR102W -0.067944265 0.191085633 -0.731043022 -0.363916727 0.113882015 0.417369377 -0.360261994 -0.91544956 1.364881931 1.525951162 0.702275118 0.01984279 -0.223529883 -0.147277377 0.202571327 0.105551326 0.139539135 0.235047619 0.261460594 0.111991896 -0.394959167 1.515882153 0.795897748 1.374628459 1.650041199 0.889563191 0.799310992 0.560521843 0.663067151 0.095067103 0.529774848 0.037242339 -0.036910945 0.486524939 0.704584753 0.293581462 0.117196189 YLL008W YLL008W PAC cluster DRS1 35S primary transcript process ATP-dependent RNA helicase activitynucleolus | YLL009C 1.137074634 -0.901656756 -0.8730438 x 0.056426953 -0.073773381 0.117675006 x 0.164898 0.265300741 -0.317738963 -0.281674891 x YLL008W 0.332055735 0.321085633 0.188956978 0.116083273 0.253882015 0.227369377 -0.510261994 -0.65544956 -0.705118069 -0.804048838 -0.287724882 -0.33015721 -0.223529883 -0.307277377 -0.307428673 -0.384448674 -0.090460865 0.225047619 0.181460594 -0.118008104 0.065040833 -0.974117847 -0.294102252 -0.065371541 -0.589958801 0.259563191 0.109310992 1.040521843 0.973067151 0.255067103 -0.680225152 -0.522757661 -0.156910945 -0.293475061 -0.745415247 -0.736418538 -0.252803811 YLL016W YLL016W 0.580778388 -0.797085087 0.849396035 x -0.13508637 -0.146155946 0.406333881 x 2.021321667 -0.516076728 0.142313349 -0.318880501 x YLL016W -0.198588774 -0.069558876 0.328312469 1.385438764 -0.486762494 -0.463275132 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.254237422 0.305306653 -0.198369391 0.469198281 -0.004174392 -0.397921886 -0.298073182 -0.185093183 -0.371105374 -0.21559689 -0.229183915 1.031347387 1.044396324 0.035237644 0.015253239 0.46398395 0.39939669 0.148918682 0.238666483 0.819877334 1.042422642 0.134422594 -0.160869661 -0.35340217 -0.097555454 0.03588043 0.243940244 0.332936953 -0.15344832 YLL021W YLL021W ... SPA2 actin filament organization* cytoskeletal regulatory protein binbud neck* | YLL022C 0.05162146 -0.521591951 -0.627001926 x -0.0187315 -0.107452036 -0.075778444 x -0.212067333 0.000898687 -0.606606328 -0.451994349 x YLL021W -0.090444265 -0.091414367 -0.133543022 -0.186416727 -0.158617985 -0.275130623 -0.642761994 -0.58794956 -1.077618069 -1.636548838 -0.520224882 0.11734279 0.083970117 -0.239777377 -0.699928673 -0.376948674 -0.322960865 -0.087452381 -0.071039406 -0.330508104 -0.397459167 -0.816617847 -0.736602252 -0.837871541 -0.932458801 -0.402936809 -0.233189008 0.038021843 0.060567151 -0.597432897 -1.062725152 -0.255257661 -0.289410945 -0.795975061 -0.757915247 -0.348918538 -0.205303811 YLL034C YLL034C PAC cluster RIX7 ribosomal large subunit-nucleu ATPase activity* nucleus* | YLL035W 1.143923446 -0.828363536 -0.828389368 x 0.110263239 -0.152564347 0.051789837 x 0.016594 0.233750709 -0.400445453 -0.073535598 x YLL034C 0.427055735 0.256085633 0.253956978 0.161083273 0.188882015 0.272369377 -0.245261994 -0.44044956 -0.730118069 -0.669048838 -0.512724882 -0.40515721 0.161470117 0.017722623 0.077571327 -0.269448674 -0.085460865 0.220047619 0.156460594 -0.133008104 0.050040833 -0.569117847 -0.029102252 0.049628459 -0.614958801 0.224563191 -0.015689008 1.005521843 1.038067151 0.270067103 -0.315225152 0.082242339 0.088089055 -0.148475061 -0.470415247 -0.371418538 -0.147803811 YLL039C YLL039C iESR cluster UBI4 response to stress* protein tag* cytoplasm | YLL040C 0.578089531 0.001992989 1.91904682 x 0.505362608 1.783920883 1.730146592 x 1.759800333 0.45092282 1.095063823 1.362323564 x YLL039C 0.434555735 0.153585633 -0.068543022 0.158583273 0.826382015 0.549869377 0.912238006 0.83705044 2.697381931 2.008451162 0.964775118 0.63234279 0.318970117 0.525222623 0.695071327 0.228051326 0.122039135 0.307547619 0.253960594 0.634491896 0.267540833 -0.241617847 -0.031602252 1.257128459 1.322541199 0.542063191 0.791810992 1.763021843 1.145567151 1.177567103 0.892274848 -0.100257661 0.225589055 0.609024939 0.177084753 0.476081462 0.309696189 YLL041C YLL041C ... SDH2 tricarboxylic acid cycle* succinate dehydrogenase (ubiquinonerespiratory chain complex II (sensu | YLL042C -1.171361294 0.324460696 1.310879214 x -0.405243163 0.677159902 0.248553889 x 0.333159667 -0.378103354 -0.532840221 0.551940019 x YLL041C -0.185444265 0.063585633 0.221456978 0.268583273 0.066382015 0.049869377 0.842238006 0.99705044 1.097381931 1.468451162 0.344775118 -0.04765721 -0.411029883 0.215222623 0.255071327 0.408051326 0.182039135 -0.112452381 0.223960594 0.154491896 0.137540833 1.108382153 0.638397748 1.137128459 1.322541199 0.002063191 0.181810992 -0.216978157 -0.204432849 0.257567103 1.002274848 0.549742339 0.245589055 1.129024939 1.307084753 0.256081462 -0.160303811 YLL057C YLL057C ... JLP1 sulfur metabolism sulfonate dioxygenase activity cellular component unknown | YLL058W 0.863641228 -0.5321663 1.516918126 x 0.500409767 0.705255777 1.221109581 x 2.877588667 0.306908569 1.909251662 1.51563109 x YLL057C -0.240444265 0.068585633 -0.043543022 -0.056416727 0.041382015 0.194869377 0.247238006 0.89205044 0.272381931 1.833451162 0.539775118 -0.13265721 -0.046029883 1.550222623 1.770071327 -0.356948674 -0.012960865 -0.347452381 -0.491039406 -0.170508104 -0.347459167 -0.026617847 -0.196602252 -0.177871541 0.407541199 0.047063191 -0.103189008 0.918021843 0.830567151 -0.297432897 0.157274848 1.434742339 1.080589055 -0.015975061 0.292084753 0.281081462 0.234696189 YLL058W YLL058W ... YLL058W sulfur metabolism cystathionine gamma-synthase activicellular component unknown | YLL059C 1.035946271 -0.48021955 0.933594482 x -0.025943138 0.170199578 0.36750748 x 2.354527667 -0.231084045 0.732666395 0.264421613 x YLL058W -0.150444265 0.198585633 -0.223543022 -0.016416727 -0.228617985 -0.085130623 -0.112761994 -0.15794956 0.632381931 0.913451162 0.139775118 0.32734279 0.153970117 0.000222623 0.080071327 -0.146948674 -0.202960865 0.132547619 0.198960594 0.409491896 0.002540833 0.653382153 0.193397748 0.282128459 0.517541199 0.267063191 0.296810992 1.058021843 0.980567151 -0.207432897 0.187274848 0.134742339 0.090589055 0.264024939 0.432084753 0.381081462 0.094696189 YLR001C YLR001C iESR cluster YLR001C biological process unknown molecular function unknown mitochondrion* | YLR002C 0.233872973 -0.360214453 0.614383282 x -0.149174613 0.369981281 0.412966799 x 1.771324 -0.301560427 -0.612599811 0.014555942 x YLR001C -0.115444265 0.233585633 -0.028543022 -0.011416727 -0.063617985 -0.110130623 0.092238006 0.15705044 -0.112618069 0.008451162 0.224775118 0.04234279 0.128970117 -0.084777377 -0.244928673 -0.111948674 -0.137960865 0.057547619 0.123960594 0.014491896 -0.102459167 -0.011617847 -0.081602252 -0.022871541 0.162541199 -0.227936809 -0.008189008 0.943021843 0.845567151 -0.012432897 0.362274848 0.169742339 -0.014410945 0.109024939 0.307084753 0.386081462 0.179696189 YLR002C YLR002C PAC cluster NOC3 rRNA processing* protein binding* nucleus* | YLR003C 1.036059149 -0.876714535 -0.754519613 x -0.010874762 -0.134063636 0.104548488 x 0.234635333 -0.102143513 -1.076981044 -0.362659204 x YLR002C 0.284555735 0.413585633 0.191456978 0.048583273 0.066382015 0.209869377 -0.437761994 -0.15294956 -0.372618069 -0.251548838 -0.185224882 -0.31765721 0.188970117 -0.244777377 -0.154928673 -0.111948674 0.062039135 0.287547619 0.233960594 -0.005508104 0.067540833 -0.201617847 0.208397748 0.107128459 -0.187458801 0.262063191 0.041810992 1.053021843 1.015567151 0.147567103 -0.277725152 -0.200257661 -0.154410945 -0.050975061 -0.232915247 -0.303918538 -0.120303811 YLR006C YLR006C ... SSK1 osmosensory signaling pathway enzyme activator activity* cytoplasm | YLR007W 0.661559365 -0.638574762 0.535663416 x -0.041396881 0.289216541 0.723309851 x 2.254647667 0.044260292 0.064843393 0.431276561 x YLR006C 0.291411226 0.030441124 #VALUE! 1.505438764 -0.056762494 -0.273275132 0.979093497 #VALUE! 0.334237422 0.005306653 -0.178369391 -0.030801719 0.245825608 0.462078114 0.111926818 0.134906817 0.058894626 -0.22559689 -0.419183915 0.111347387 1.194396324 -0.154762356 -0.354746761 -0.63601605 -0.19060331 -0.381081318 -0.011333517 1.149877334 0.942422642 -0.335577406 -0.470869661 0.21659783 0.262444546 -0.09411957 -0.036059756 0.302936953 0.08655168 YLR030W YLR030W ... YLR030W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YLR031W #N/A #N/A #N/A x #DIV/0! 0.97880312 #DIV/0! x 3.045355 -0.011806392 1.015977849 1.733178665 x YLR030W 0.287055735 -0.053914367 0.073956978 1.261083273 0.058882015 -0.077630623 1.104738006 1.18955044 0.959881931 0.040951162 -0.332724882 -0.22515721 -1.108529883 -0.192277377 -0.402428673 -0.199448674 -0.125460865 -0.239952381 -0.223539406 1.526991896 0.890040833 -0.719117847 -0.609102252 1.339628459 0.495041199 -0.395436809 0.174310992 0.995521843 0.938067151 -0.259932897 -0.145225152 -0.887757661 -0.171910945 0.631524939 0.179584753 0.128581462 -0.437803811 YLR031W YLR031W ... YLR031W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YLR032W #N/A #N/A #N/A x #DIV/0! 2.146626444 1.110280024 x 2.828195 -0.580558155 1.009991529 1.357938465 x YLR031W 0.428077893 0.027107791 0.544979136 1.402105431 0.649904173 0.503391535 2.335760164 1.060572598 1.190904089 0.26197332 0.598297276 0.455864948 -0.197507725 -0.341255219 0.178593485 0.401573484 0.585561293 0.511069777 0.417482752 0.988014054 1.621062991 -0.858095689 0.231919906 1.200650617 0.766063357 0.545585349 0.71533315 1.976544001 1.669089309 0.541089261 0.545797006 -0.856735503 0.419111213 0.762547097 0.380606911 -0.00039638 0.393218347 YLR042C YLR042C ... YLR042C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cell wall (sensu Fungi) | YLR043C -1.759184692 -1.455441592 1.059883933 x 2.026451871 2.318212376 2.563978517 x -0.706186 0.705141872 0.264855498 -0.058329763 x YLR042C -0.042944265 0.626085633 0.243956978 0.391083273 0.328882015 0.302369377 0.044738006 0.07955044 -0.440118069 -0.189048838 -0.252724882 0.60484279 -0.128529883 1.187722623 1.107571327 0.360551326 0.374539135 0.840047619 0.976460594 1.436991896 0.630040833 0.430882153 0.440897748 -0.160371541 0.265041199 -0.235436809 0.334310992 0.655521843 1.358067151 -0.369932897 0.854774848 0.432242339 0.738089055 0.131524939 0.009584753 0.478581462 -0.597803811 YLR053C YLR053C ... YLR053C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YLR054C #N/A #N/A #N/A x #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! x #N/A #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! x YLR053C #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.160890504 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.111671532 0.646483966 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.543925422 -0.173025641 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YLR054C YLR054C ... OSW2 spore wall assembly (sensu Fun molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YLR055C #N/A #N/A #N/A x -0.282390338 1.698583967 2.812452654 x 2.823787667 0.230907022 1.66575799 1.155119065 x YLR054C 0.338077893 -0.072892209 1.364979136 1.282105431 0.519904173 0.723391535 1.695760164 0.770572598 1.220904089 0.97197332 1.348297276 0.495864948 0.392492275 2.058744781 1.908593485 1.091573484 0.835561293 -0.088930223 0.167482752 1.708014054 1.081062991 0.471904311 0.101919906 1.100650617 0.566063357 0.555585349 0.97533315 2.356544001 2.089089309 0.351089261 0.005797006 0.953264497 1.099111213 0.472547097 0.040606911 0.56960362 0.503218347 YLR055C YLR055C ... SPT8 histone acetylation* transcription cofactor activity nucleus* | YLR056W 0.71086456 -1.305671137 -0.661711679 x -0.192587453 -0.566172321 -0.191437417 x -0.080035667 -0.268713309 -0.723161391 -0.72103277 x YLR055C -0.202944265 0.006085633 -0.216043022 -0.238916727 -0.331117985 -0.047630623 -0.485261994 -0.66044956 -0.470118069 -0.179048838 -0.662724882 -0.00515721 -0.028529883 0.187722623 -0.012428673 0.070551326 -0.175460865 -0.089952381 0.076460594 -0.333008104 -0.339959167 0.300882153 -0.109102252 -0.920371541 -0.684958801 -0.315436809 -0.365689008 0.325521843 0.448067151 -0.629932897 -0.235225152 0.682242339 0.238089055 -0.368475061 -0.080415247 0.108581462 -0.007803811 YLR063W YLR063W PAC cluster YLR063W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YLR064W 0.935727912 -0.717500867 -0.554585655 x -0.034456546 -0.221802264 -0.470675098 x 0.347370333 -0.070672694 -0.413473765 -0.467625011 x YLR063W -0.087944265 -0.108914367 -0.151043022 -0.353916727 -0.096117985 -0.012630623 -0.900261994 -1.21544956 -1.065118069 -0.794048838 -1.207724882 -0.37015721 0.306470117 -0.927277377 -0.857428673 -0.784448674 -0.580460865 -0.094952381 -0.208539406 -0.608008104 -0.354959167 -0.214117847 -0.184102252 -0.625371541 -0.309958801 0.039563191 -0.360689008 0.690521843 0.683067151 -0.874932897 -0.710225152 -0.652757661 -0.786910945 -0.473475061 -0.385415247 -0.166418538 -0.092803811 YLR070C YLR070C ... XYL2 monosaccharide metabolism D-xylulose reductase activity cellular component unknown | YLR071C -0.141181275 -0.488525831 1.507786638 x 0.005108489 0.768723895 0.837420923 x 1.589066667 0.029000491 1.220367104 0.34273731 x YLR070C -0.662944265 -0.953914367 -0.786043022 -0.348916727 0.158882015 0.212369377 0.484738006 0.27955044 0.839881931 0.840951162 -0.532724882 0.57484279 0.111470117 0.557722623 0.627571327 0.450551326 0.114539135 0.080047619 0.126460594 0.566991896 0.170040833 0.870882153 0.870897748 0.159628459 0.345041199 0.644563191 0.634310992 1.345521843 1.028067151 -0.249932897 -0.115225152 0.402242339 0.308089055 0.201524939 0.329584753 0.878581462 0.442196189 YLR073C YLR073C Ö PAC cluster RFU1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Protein that inhibits Doa4p deubiquitinating activity; contributes to ubiquitin homeostasis by regulating the conversion of free ubiquitin chains to ubiquitin monomers by Doa4p; GFP-fusion protein localizes to endosomesYLR074C 0.870808 -0.300691492 -0.547439283 x -0.13490417 -0.715933951 -0.420967816 x -0.154617 0.11961804 -0.322711218 -0.260931728 x YLR073C -0.242944265 0.086085633 -0.026043022 -0.078916727 -0.121117985 0.002369377 -0.405261994 -0.53044956 -1.830118069 -0.919048838 -1.042724882 -0.27515721 0.161470117 -0.942277377 -0.662428673 -0.459448674 -0.355460865 -0.079952381 -0.003539406 -0.223008104 -0.119959167 0.090882153 -0.069102252 -0.380371541 -0.304958801 -0.175436809 -0.265689008 0.605521843 0.768067151 -0.229932897 0.154774848 -0.877757661 -0.991910945 -0.078475061 -0.050415247 -0.111418538 -0.047803811 YLR074C YLR074C PAC cluster BUD20 bud site selection molecular function unknown nucleus | YLR075W 0.877590204 -1.623240463 -0.895596514 x 0.047067436 -0.190489816 -0.071484205 x -0.372299 0.211124437 -0.608407625 0.041854079 x YLR074C 0.384555735 0.213585633 0.341456978 0.248583273 0.276382015 0.259869377 -0.047761994 -0.29294956 -0.712618069 -0.961548838 -0.235224882 -0.23765721 0.058970117 -0.154777377 -0.204928673 -0.051948674 0.172039135 0.217547619 0.113960594 -0.115508104 0.077540833 -0.601617847 0.088397748 0.257128459 -0.197458801 0.562063191 0.191810992 1.263021843 1.275567151 0.587567103 -0.287725152 -0.530257661 -0.394410945 0.239024939 -0.312915247 -0.543918538 -0.110303811 YLR080W YLR080W iESR cluster EMP46 ER to Golgi transport molecular function unknown Golgi membrane* | YLR081W 1.346043772 -0.242870633 1.814782455 x -0.550257932 1.053729479 2.090615325 x 1.649624 -0.413365356 1.28626204 0.895726353 x YLR080W -0.125444265 -0.266414367 -0.238543022 -0.091416727 0.216382015 -0.110130623 0.572238006 0.33705044 1.317381931 0.808451162 0.744775118 0.26234279 0.048970117 0.495222623 0.435071327 -0.091948674 -0.437960865 0.027547619 -0.016039406 0.674491896 0.087540833 -0.301617847 0.038397748 0.437128459 0.512541199 0.532063191 0.521810992 1.603021843 1.385567151 0.307567103 0.272274848 0.389742339 0.595589055 0.349024939 0.187084753 0.206081462 0.179696189 YLR093C YLR093C ... NYV1 vesicle fusion v-SNARE activity vacuolar membrane | YLR094C 0.672059442 -0.535840567 0.475409311 x 0.233489454 1.031447892 0.78443937 x 1.293242667 0.052822871 0.18895916 0.775214997 x YLR093C 0.059555735 -0.171414367 0.066456978 0.013583273 0.031382015 0.054869377 0.197238006 -0.07794956 0.692381931 0.223451162 0.939775118 -0.03265721 -0.226029883 0.430222623 0.490071327 0.243051326 0.187039135 0.242547619 0.028960594 -0.010508104 0.002540833 -0.186617847 0.083397748 0.542128459 0.437541199 0.277063191 0.386810992 1.098021843 1.030567151 0.452567103 0.217274848 0.444742339 0.520589055 0.344024939 0.092084753 0.111081462 0.204696189 YLR096W YLR096W ... KIN2 exocytosis protein kinase activity plasma membrane* | YLR097C 1.19005312 -0.601083398 -0.640349281 x -0.06036629 -0.117709701 0.041107677 x 0.756021 -0.076453291 -0.368716724 -0.244441839 x YLR096W 0.027055735 0.056085633 0.123956978 -0.058916727 0.098882015 0.152369377 -0.205261994 -0.18044956 -0.840118069 -0.759048838 -0.292724882 -0.16515721 0.141470117 -0.212277377 -0.242428673 -0.239448674 -0.185460865 -0.019952381 -0.013539406 -0.123008104 -0.109959167 -0.219117847 -0.359102252 -0.670371541 -0.674958801 -0.185436809 -0.345689008 0.725521843 0.768067151 -0.159932897 -0.245225152 -0.197757661 -0.171910945 -0.408475061 -0.290415247 -0.011418538 -0.117803811 YLR099C YLR099C ... ICT1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YLR099W-A 0.324137994 -0.879418986 0.882114777 x 0.417573102 -0.141684374 0.443873621 x 1.124157333 0.484174949 1.146685004 0.545770096 x YLR099C -0.665444265 -0.546414367 -0.468543022 -0.041416727 -0.363617985 -0.110130623 -0.047761994 0.06705044 0.577381931 0.668451162 -0.565224882 0.85234279 0.638970117 -0.384777377 0.125071327 -0.211948674 -0.237960865 -0.272452381 -0.066039406 0.394491896 -0.002459167 0.858382153 0.148397748 -0.462871541 0.082541199 -0.557936809 0.351810992 0.843021843 1.085567151 -0.792432897 -0.377725152 -0.310257661 -0.204410945 -0.500975061 -0.142915247 0.586081462 -0.020303811 YLR106C YLR106C ... MDN1 rRNA processing* ATPase activity nucleus* | YLR107W 1.164449202 -0.477471572 -0.662127683 x -0.010568775 -0.204842163 -0.071679113 x -0.060956 0.031713866 -0.468577404 -0.288494076 x YLR106C -0.090444265 -0.031414367 0.296456978 0.093583273 -0.048617985 -0.085130623 -0.302761994 -0.13794956 -1.217618069 -1.196548838 -0.390224882 -0.10265721 -0.046029883 -0.069777377 -0.249928673 -0.196948674 -0.162960865 -0.117452381 -0.111039406 0.009491896 0.082540833 -0.156617847 -0.046602252 -0.547871541 -0.942458801 -0.112936809 -0.093189008 0.738021843 0.870567151 -0.487432897 -1.012725152 -0.085257661 -0.329410945 -0.365975061 -0.427915247 -0.348918538 -0.235303811 YLR108C YLR108C ... YLR108C biological process unknown molecular function unknown nucleus | YLR109W 0.277242162 -0.917735877 -0.315766326 x 0.074347538 -0.120502655 -0.194179854 x 0.616568333 -0.106735323 -0.724373741 -0.911719122 x YLR108C -0.582944265 -0.623914367 -0.266043022 -0.908916727 0.158882015 0.272369377 0.314738006 0.10955044 0.359881931 0.290951162 -0.002724882 1.05484279 0.601470117 0.437722623 0.187571327 0.820551326 0.804539135 -0.329952381 -0.613539406 -0.273008104 0.060040833 -0.079117847 0.080897748 -0.840371541 -0.104958801 -0.225436809 0.124310992 0.415521843 0.028067151 0.070067103 0.904774848 -0.257757661 -0.031910945 -0.438475061 0.279584753 0.678581462 0.592196189 YLR112W YLR112W ... | YLR113W 0.153939058 -1.524341366 -1.374024621 x -0.1669577 -0.171344357 -1.515543639 x -0.255690333 -0.467030599 -1.724477824 -1.481390183 x YLR112W -0.255444265 -0.186414367 -0.218543022 -0.381416727 -0.423617985 -0.160130623 -0.977761994 -0.84294956 -1.352618069 -0.321548838 -0.185224882 -0.41765721 -0.261029883 -1.714777377 -1.534928673 -0.361948674 -0.427960865 -0.202452381 -0.086039406 -0.445508104 -0.482459167 -0.251617847 -0.351602252 -1.202871541 -1.137458801 -0.537936809 -0.918189008 -0.226978157 -0.044432849 -0.652432897 -0.207725152 -0.970257661 -1.194410945 -0.430975061 -0.362915247 -0.633918538 -0.430303811 YLR120C YLR120C ... YPS1 protein processing aspartic-type endopeptidase activitcell wall (sensu Fungi) | YLR121C 1.591235029 0.556001701 1.829088879 x 0.453596199 1.057789618 1.00274368 x 1.749009667 0.221078918 1.794838923 1.110857294 x YLR120C -0.155444265 0.093585633 0.071456978 0.138583273 -0.363617985 0.009869377 0.372238006 0.21705044 0.617381931 1.018451162 0.284775118 0.63234279 0.018970117 0.835222623 0.535071327 0.648051326 0.052039135 -0.032452381 0.113960594 0.474491896 0.087540833 1.238382153 0.038397748 0.687128459 0.962541199 0.142063191 0.671810992 1.433021843 1.525567151 -0.552432897 0.472274848 0.629742339 -0.024410945 0.559024939 0.707084753 0.976081462 0.659696189 YLR121C YLR121C ... YPS3 protein metabolism aspartic-type endopeptidase activitplasma membrane | YLR122C 0.867081195 1.219579869 2.622020632 x 0.631835153 1.752823881 1.270042109 x 1.07892 0.10266962 2.047002858 1.900792301 x YLR121C -0.290444265 0.028585633 0.256456978 0.063583273 -0.328617985 0.094869377 0.717238006 0.36205044 1.162381931 1.203451162 0.599775118 0.38734279 -0.026029883 0.720222623 0.640071327 0.803051326 0.517039135 -0.097452381 0.148960594 0.379491896 0.282540833 0.873382153 -0.126602252 0.702128459 0.977541199 0.447063191 0.676810992 1.498021843 1.620567151 -0.527432897 0.817274848 0.334742339 -0.039410945 0.584024939 0.612084753 1.041081462 0.654696189 YLR136C YLR136C ... TIS11 mRNA catabolism* mRNA binding cytoplasm* | YLR137W 0.978134652 -0.41031764 1.45749891 x 0.493045539 0.823604672 1.268092082 x 1.404225 -0.862887418 0.739974158 -1.138163239 x YLR136C -0.432944265 -0.633914367 0.433956978 0.841083273 -0.751117985 -0.297630623 1.264738006 1.15955044 -0.820118069 -0.769048838 0.857275118 1.13484279 -0.778529883 2.267722623 1.997571327 2.840551326 1.804539135 -1.239952381 -1.513539406 1.006991896 0.270040833 2.900882153 0.820897748 0.089628459 0.395041199 -0.015436809 0.574310992 1.595521843 1.178067151 -2.429932897 -1.785225152 2.712242339 1.998089055 -1.438475061 -0.420415247 1.898581462 0.972196189 YLR142W YLR142W iESR cluster PUT1 glutamate biosynthesis* proline dehydrogenase activity mitochondrion | YLR143W 0.502953893 0.530374295 2.579274448 x 0.220222539 2.095592189 2.888901798 x 0.662413 -0.593218365 -0.276034842 0.761882399 x YLR142W 0.449555735 0.628585633 0.496456978 0.613583273 0.391382015 0.394869377 1.167238006 0.82205044 2.922381931 3.323451162 0.759775118 -0.37265721 -0.626029883 1.170222623 0.850071327 0.453051326 0.427039135 -0.487452381 -1.011039406 0.559491896 0.082540833 0.443382153 0.023397748 -0.057871541 0.687541199 -0.942936809 -0.683189008 0.348021843 0.030567151 0.482567103 2.147274848 0.604742339 0.360589055 0.354024939 0.592084753 0.571081462 -0.545303811 YLR149C YLR149C iESR cluster YLR149C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YLR149C-A -1.053153088 -0.706778075 3.908958604 x 0.823546992 2.236339925 2.267539261 x 3.579037333 -0.090139786 1.138352957 1.855199619 x YLR149C -0.820444265 -0.361414367 -0.593543022 -0.476416727 0.121382015 -0.025130623 0.847238006 0.93205044 2.352381931 2.143451162 1.029775118 0.33734279 -0.366029883 0.910222623 1.120071327 0.143051326 0.227039135 -0.737452381 -0.371039406 0.009491896 -0.247459167 0.453382153 0.023397748 0.752128459 1.017541199 -0.242936809 0.216810992 1.078021843 0.960567151 -0.157432897 1.087274848 0.804742339 0.590589055 0.484024939 1.082084753 -2.278918538 0.044696189 YLR151C YLR151C ... PCD1 biological process unknown pyrophosphatase activity peroxisome | YLR152C 1.380419904 1.719822059 1.180720925 x 0.090883893 1.427771897 1.413999168 x 1.861276 0.745480195 1.019895769 2.052904327 x YLR151C -0.182944265 -0.183914367 -0.246043022 -0.058916727 0.158882015 -0.317630623 0.654738006 0.75955044 1.689881931 0.790951162 0.037275118 0.41484279 -0.288529883 0.787722623 0.627571327 0.600551326 0.564539135 -0.339952381 -0.293539406 0.146991896 -0.009959167 -0.329117847 -0.089102252 0.619628459 0.395041199 0.054563191 0.194310992 1.305521843 1.138067151 0.320067103 0.044774848 0.672242339 0.428089055 0.101524939 0.109584753 0.168581462 0.382196189 YLR174W YLR174W ... IDP2 glutamate biosynthesis* isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP+) accytosol | YLR175W 1.234819128 -0.557144226 0.953278606 x 0.018994242 1.160673436 0.751395567 x 2.057731333 0.348763922 1.681212713 1.718123007 x YLR174W -0.405444265 -0.556414367 0.111456978 0.028583273 -0.083617985 -0.180130623 1.212238006 0.52705044 1.717381931 1.818451162 -0.045224882 -0.05765721 -0.221029883 0.165222623 0.075071327 0.048051326 0.012039135 0.067547619 0.293960594 1.164491896 0.357540833 0.098382153 0.148397748 0.037128459 0.462541199 -0.087936809 0.191810992 1.383021843 1.475567151 -0.122432897 -0.127725152 0.269742339 0.385589055 0.389024939 0.497084753 0.556081462 0.339696189 YLR177W YLR177W ... YLR177W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YLR178C 0.419478567 -0.209289688 0.752012205 x 0.258395817 -0.20319273 0.285749309 x 1.658613 -0.03726836 -0.509562658 0.350043415 x YLR177W -0.355444265 -0.196414367 -0.338543022 -0.191416727 0.206382015 0.059869377 0.522238006 0.44705044 0.407381931 0.648451162 -0.045224882 0.71234279 0.258970117 0.335222623 0.455071327 0.488051326 0.292039135 -0.132452381 -0.096039406 -0.205508104 -0.112459167 0.668382153 0.088397748 0.027128459 0.372541199 -0.157936809 -0.048189008 1.133021843 1.225567151 0.247567103 1.022274848 0.439742339 0.345589055 0.319024939 0.757084753 0.426081462 -0.000303811 YLR178C YLR178C iESR cluster TFS1 regulation of proteolysis and lipid binding* soluble fraction | YLR179C 0.292539544 -0.257246 2.381991055 x 0.163113031 0.125800663 1.032825652 x 2.169356667 -0.044353906 1.189939501 1.789229491 x YLR178C -0.310444265 -0.191414367 -0.253543022 -0.076416727 0.041382015 0.204869377 1.647238006 1.45205044 2.692381931 2.523451162 0.539775118 0.68734279 -0.376029883 0.510222623 0.540071327 0.753051326 0.327039135 -0.027452381 0.168960594 0.529491896 -0.037459167 0.913382153 0.103397748 0.002128459 0.837541199 -0.142936809 0.046810992 0.348021843 0.260567151 0.322567103 1.177274848 0.884742339 0.810589055 0.354024939 0.372084753 0.731081462 -0.005303811 YLR190W YLR190W ... MMR1 mitochondrion inheritance molecular function unknown mitochondrion* | YLR191W 0.538759493 -1.018256186 -0.799824775 x -0.028051118 -0.457682618 -0.307015652 x -0.502659333 -0.267702182 -0.44985815 -0.230383868 x YLR190W -0.237944265 -0.008914367 0.058956978 0.086083273 0.053882015 0.197369377 0.269738006 0.22455044 -0.245118069 -0.444048838 -0.757724882 0.31984279 0.186470117 0.102722623 -0.397428673 0.135551326 -0.140460865 0.005047619 -0.118539406 -0.168008104 -0.034959167 0.085882153 -0.144102252 -0.475371541 -0.599958801 -0.460436809 -0.060689008 0.430521843 0.323067151 -0.694932897 -0.850225152 0.167242339 -0.286910945 -0.513475061 -0.475415247 -0.106418538 -0.192803811 YLR193C "YLR193C Ö UPS1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Mitochondrial intermembrane space protein that regulates mitochondrial cardiolipin levels, null has defects in Mgm1p processing, integrity of mitochondrial inner membrane complexes, and mitochondrial morphology; ortholog of human PRELIYLR194C" 0.26770136 -0.990727209 -0.531557509 x -0.381056736 -0.278743546 -0.546298248 x 1.275605667 -0.164128595 -1.088951887 0.03635396 x YLR193C -0.262944265 -0.273914367 0.013956978 -0.178916727 -0.241117985 -0.017630623 0.294738006 0.05955044 -0.690118069 -0.239048838 -0.082724882 -0.07515721 -0.158529883 -0.292277377 -0.012428673 -0.259448674 -0.165460865 -0.409952381 -0.293539406 -0.293008104 -0.259959167 0.110882153 -0.219102252 -0.530371541 -0.234958801 -0.355436809 -0.495689008 0.495521843 0.588067151 0.250067103 0.364774848 0.012242339 0.118089055 -0.148475061 0.129584753 0.058581462 -0.107803811 YLR194C YLR194C ... YLR194C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cell wall (sensu Fungi) | YLR195C 1.248016849 -0.714454404 1.537719767 x 0.317059726 0.671464333 1.069777286 x 1.048819667 -0.048714582 1.509174924 1.568088996 x YLR194C 0.259555735 0.358585633 0.356456978 0.123583273 0.651382015 0.784869377 0.707238006 0.71205044 2.492381931 1.843451162 0.439775118 0.25734279 0.233970117 0.720222623 0.390071327 0.733051326 0.577039135 -0.037452381 0.078960594 0.249491896 -0.067459167 0.793382153 0.333397748 1.242128459 1.267541199 1.257063191 1.566810992 1.748021843 1.530567151 -0.327432897 0.407274848 0.354742339 0.250589055 0.464024939 0.532084753 1.341081462 1.004696189 YLR196W YLR196W PAC cluster PWP1 rRNA processing molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YLR197W 1.239034424 -0.639641902 -0.661206656 x 0.13597942 0.068461279 0.057451693 x -0.459106667 0.207619313 -0.267842069 -0.11850269 x YLR196W 0.127055735 -0.023914367 0.073956978 -0.008916727 0.208882015 0.322369377 -0.315261994 -0.41044956 -1.150118069 -1.119048838 -0.862724882 -0.31515721 0.021470117 -0.062277377 -0.052428673 -0.259448674 -0.145460865 0.030047619 -0.043539406 -0.223008104 4.08E-05 -0.509117847 -0.219102252 -0.020371541 -0.484958801 0.194563191 -0.005689008 1.015521843 1.068067151 -0.119932897 -0.825225152 -0.327757661 -0.271910945 -0.408475061 -0.730415247 -0.491418538 -0.197803811 YLR197W YLR197W Ö PAC cluster NOP56 (SIK1) RNA catabolism exoribonuclease II activity mitochondrion* | Essential evolutionarily-conserved nucleolar protein component of the box C/D snoRNP complexes that direct 2'-O-methylation of pre-rRNA during its maturation; overexpression causes spindle orientation defectsYLR198C 0.886832683 -0.433377228 -0.537018798 x 0.074075809 -0.128068651 -0.101600844 x -0.542994333 0.041841745 -0.603899545 -0.453617396 x YLR197W 0.167055735 -0.093914367 0.313956978 0.231083273 0.308882015 0.212369377 0.004738006 -0.09044956 -1.140118069 -1.369048838 -0.372724882 -0.06515721 -0.028529883 -0.022277377 -0.102428673 -0.039448674 0.024539135 -0.009952381 -0.173539406 -0.023008104 0.150040833 -0.649117847 -0.099102252 -0.110371541 -0.554958801 0.204563191 0.174310992 0.905521843 0.928067151 -0.129932897 -1.215225152 -0.407757661 -0.251910945 -0.448475061 -0.810415247 -0.661418538 -0.127803811 YLR218C YLR218C ... YLR218C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YLR219W -0.27668217 0.136035362 0.492617349 x -0.254094037 1.371175535 1.395273065 x 0.551826667 -0.547001056 -1.319753517 0.071493631 x YLR218C 0.404555735 -0.006414367 0.071456978 -0.021416727 0.866382015 0.439869377 0.492238006 0.29705044 -0.772618069 -0.911548838 0.214775118 0.20234279 -0.521029883 -0.364777377 -0.184928673 0.618051326 0.582039135 0.007547619 -0.096039406 0.014491896 -0.102459167 0.258382153 0.508397748 1.007128459 1.032541199 0.722063191 0.641810992 0.743021843 0.765567151 0.677567103 0.532274848 -0.260257661 -0.104410945 0.749024939 0.557084753 -0.053918538 0.179696189 YLR225C YLR225C ... YLR225C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YLR226W 0.447698057 -0.932282872 0.445625597 x 0.181613488 0.689184492 0.990236594 x 1.802899667 -0.267674756 0.017343228 0.501105756 x YLR225C 0.549555735 0.318585633 0.236456978 0.293583273 0.721382015 0.664869377 0.767238006 0.74205044 1.192381931 0.613451162 0.749775118 0.00734279 0.073970117 0.790222623 0.660071327 0.283051326 0.347039135 0.472547619 0.258960594 0.349491896 0.582540833 -0.036617847 0.343397748 1.212128459 0.567541199 0.727063191 0.646810992 2.158021843 1.850567151 0.322567103 0.077274848 0.274742339 0.470589055 0.234024939 0.202084753 0.151081462 0.264696189 YLR237W YLR237W ... THI7 thiamin transport thiamin transporter activity plasma membrane | YLR238W 1.140569421 -0.320035948 -0.650925575 x -0.688027564 0.27400615 -0.134113712 x 0.91325 -0.129413842 0.389298307 -0.116425835 x YLR237W -0.005444265 0.343585633 0.021456978 0.088583273 -0.363617985 -0.230130623 -0.217761994 -0.17294956 2.237381931 2.928451162 0.064775118 -0.19765721 -0.331029883 0.955222623 1.315071327 -0.361948674 -0.417960865 0.877547619 0.993960594 0.654491896 0.547540833 0.448382153 0.028397748 0.027128459 -0.007458801 0.042063191 0.031810992 1.093021843 1.135567151 -0.742432897 -0.057725152 0.129742339 0.065589055 -0.020975061 -0.022915247 0.016081462 -0.140303811 YLR251W YLR251W iESR cluster SYM1 ethanol metabolism molecular function unknown mitochondrial inner membrane | YLR252W 0.658910398 -0.416191698 2.095900853 x 0.604722963 1.327343466 0.645943646 x 2.695217 -0.386037008 0.688301935 1.07935602 x YLR251W -0.157944265 -0.068914367 -0.061043022 -0.403916727 0.003882015 -0.052630623 0.269738006 0.51455044 1.294881931 1.705951162 -0.037724882 0.78984279 0.016470117 -0.327277377 0.182571327 0.155551326 0.199539135 -0.184952381 -0.088539406 -0.288008104 -0.584959167 0.085882153 -0.494102252 0.344628459 1.250041199 0.029563191 0.349310992 0.460521843 0.403067151 0.415067103 1.679774848 0.127242339 0.173089055 0.686524939 0.964584753 0.813581462 0.467196189 YLR252W YLR252W iESR cluster | YLR253W #N/A #N/A #N/A x -0.1886283 0.726880268 0.889460658 x #N/A -0.222596564 0.506720105 1.178967436 x YLR252W -0.045444265 -0.116414367 -0.188543022 -0.011416727 -0.163617985 -0.050130623 0.872238006 0.59705044 1.427381931 1.718451162 -0.115224882 0.53234279 -0.351029883 -0.254777377 0.195071327 0.048051326 0.142039135 -0.072452381 -0.176039406 0.034491896 -0.152459167 0.078382153 -0.251602252 0.327128459 0.972541199 0.032063191 0.201810992 0.373021843 0.465567151 0.227567103 1.652274848 0.019742339 0.175589055 0.729024939 0.937084753 0.746081462 0.339696189 YLR257W YLR257W ... YLR257W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YLR258W 0.326932324 -0.667313428 0.52341362 x 0.669432294 0.790192913 0.785344629 x 0.915113 0.080973956 0.009519117 0.221081961 x YLR257W 0.254555735 -0.146414367 0.101456978 0.148583273 0.176382015 -0.020130623 0.662238006 0.45705044 1.237381931 0.768451162 0.714775118 0.26234279 -0.151029883 0.905222623 0.555071327 0.478051326 0.312039135 0.387547619 0.183960594 0.364491896 0.297540833 -0.261617847 -0.131602252 0.177128459 0.052541199 -0.367936809 -0.038189008 1.183021843 1.015567151 0.307567103 -0.207725152 0.209742339 0.375589055 0.029024939 -0.422915247 -0.533918538 -0.490303811 YLR258W YLR258W iESR cluster GSY2 glycogen metabolism glycogen (starch) synthase activitycytoplasm | YLR259C 0.283044173 0.865243841 2.435054935 x 0.556391311 2.007565223 1.810781125 x 1.602167667 -0.243715303 -0.278369169 1.460855372 x YLR258W -0.140444265 -0.091414367 -0.413543022 -0.406416727 -0.288617985 -0.565130623 0.427238006 0.35205044 2.182381931 2.083451162 -0.160224882 0.30734279 -0.326029883 -0.489777377 -0.009928673 0.043051326 0.127039135 -0.307452381 -0.031039406 -0.340508104 -0.597459167 0.513382153 -0.186602252 0.162128459 0.767541199 -0.752936809 -0.553189008 1.128021843 1.080567151 1.442567103 2.077274848 0.334742339 0.010589055 0.804024939 0.842084753 0.401081462 -0.155303811 YLR260W YLR260W ... LCB5 response to heat* D-erythro-sphingosine kinase activimembrane fraction* | YLR261C 0.570348235 -0.376008298 0.332963751 x 0.198699276 0.415096513 0.662161667 x 0.723279667 -0.032724226 0.425339352 0.756674525 x YLR260W -0.155444265 0.053585633 -0.008543022 -0.061416727 0.396382015 0.299869377 0.522238006 0.53705044 1.667381931 1.228451162 0.134775118 0.30234279 0.238970117 0.475222623 0.295071327 0.208051326 -0.047960865 0.117547619 0.053960594 0.154491896 0.027540833 0.148382153 -0.211602252 -0.052871541 0.172541199 0.112063191 0.151810992 1.143021843 0.935567151 -0.172432897 0.172274848 0.359742339 0.105589055 0.159024939 0.327084753 0.456081462 0.249696189 YLR267W YLR267W iESR cluster BOP2 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YLR268W -0.302263632 -0.329277202 1.374315477 x 0.685715214 0.683866286 1.340672976 x 3.325362667 0.04386358 0.52193008 1.439953568 x YLR267W -0.392944265 -0.233914367 -0.086043022 -0.268916727 0.868882015 0.842369377 0.904738006 0.72955044 2.769881931 2.200951162 1.747275118 1.14484279 0.661470117 1.787722623 1.657571327 -0.469448674 -0.415460865 -0.929952381 -0.273539406 -0.173008104 -0.249959167 -0.229117847 -0.689102252 0.299628459 0.685041199 -0.125436809 0.064310992 1.635521843 1.408067151 -0.659932897 -0.065225152 1.812242339 1.528089055 0.161524939 0.669584753 0.298581462 -0.547803811 YLR270W "YLR270W iESR cluster DCS1 deadenylylation-dependent deca ""hydrolase activity, acting on acid""cytoplasm* | YLR271W" 0.462820582 -0.74384736 0.618001468 x 0.206320317 0.567762779 0.833541601 x 2.129662667 -0.096302324 0.289326274 0.727892224 x YLR270W -0.067944265 -0.218914367 -0.631043022 -0.413916727 0.173882015 0.067369377 0.539738006 0.35455044 2.054881931 1.615951162 -0.117724882 0.55984279 0.436470117 0.672722623 0.442571327 0.035551326 -0.170460865 0.565047619 0.351460594 -0.148008104 -0.184959167 0.205882153 -0.194102252 0.194628459 0.450041199 -0.010436809 0.089310992 0.910521843 0.833067151 0.285067103 0.679774848 0.757242339 0.673089055 0.086524939 0.344584753 0.373581462 0.047196189 YLR271W YLR271W ... YLR271W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YLR272C 0.694123378 -0.169919765 0.946860234 x 0.19351344 0.848557216 0.952380315 x 1.130714 -0.010958246 -0.757469381 0.601008364 x YLR271W 0.389555735 0.188585633 0.496456978 0.393583273 0.491382015 0.324869377 0.637238006 0.48205044 0.872381931 -0.206548838 0.339775118 0.05734279 -0.556029883 0.350222623 0.400071327 0.473051326 0.337039135 0.162547619 0.158960594 0.489491896 0.472540833 -0.626617847 -0.126602252 0.322128459 -0.272458801 0.507063191 0.356810992 1.498021843 1.370567151 0.432567103 -0.042725152 0.104742339 0.200589055 0.064024939 -0.257915247 -0.348918538 0.064696189 YLR286C "YLR286C ... CTS1 cytokinesis, completion of sep endochitinase activity endoplasmic reticulum* | YLR287C" 2.625263533 0.420331598 -0.539664654 x 0.257273122 -0.142883787 -0.826701683 x -0.504181333 -0.753486955 -0.163738587 0.292385465 x YLR286C 0.234555735 0.353585633 0.101456978 0.058583273 -0.203617985 -0.110130623 -0.507761994 -0.42294956 -0.122618069 0.628451162 0.254775118 -0.43765721 -0.541029883 -0.954777377 -0.814928673 0.588051326 0.472039135 -0.022452381 0.143960594 0.094491896 0.017540833 0.408382153 -0.041602252 0.687128459 0.742541199 0.772063191 0.621810992 0.643021843 0.775567151 1.077567103 1.312274848 -0.470257661 -0.544410945 0.829024939 0.727084753 0.816081462 0.719696189 YLR299W YLR299W iESR cluster ECM38 glutathione catabolism protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltraintracellular | YLR300W 1.254826794 0.680301887 1.130472863 x 0.499736709 1.011371717 0.780966846 x 0.784529667 0.08665615 0.325241464 0.634330968 x YLR299W -0.130444265 -0.111414367 -0.203543022 -0.206416727 0.171382015 -0.005130623 0.337238006 0.27205044 1.072381931 0.983451162 0.199775118 0.03734279 -0.066029883 0.210222623 0.150071327 0.043051326 -0.142960865 0.392547619 0.498960594 -0.510508104 -0.147459167 0.543382153 -0.076602252 -0.337871541 0.107541199 -0.402936809 -0.333189008 0.838021843 0.950567151 0.082567103 0.847274848 0.554742339 0.130589055 -0.005975061 0.412084753 0.201081462 -0.125303811 YLR300W "YLR300W ... EXG1 cell wall organization and bio ""glucan 1,3-beta-glucosidase activit""cell wall (sensu Fungi) | YLR301W" 0.320365237 0.904950522 1.024609741 x 0.225821824 1.095007379 0.548094109 x -0.026641333 0.039514861 0.636990427 0.962452329 x YLR300W -0.027944265 0.081085633 -0.151043022 -0.073916727 -0.056117985 -0.102630623 0.019738006 -0.01544956 1.294881931 1.215951162 0.472275118 0.12984279 -0.263529883 0.062722623 0.012571327 0.365551326 0.099539135 0.125047619 0.201460594 0.291991896 0.165040833 0.515882153 0.045897748 0.534628459 0.580041199 0.129563191 0.249310992 1.310521843 1.243067151 0.155067103 0.649774848 0.057242339 -0.126910945 0.436524939 0.404584753 0.643581462 0.317196189 YLR303W YLR303W ... MET17 methionine metabolism* cysteine synthase activity* cytoplasm | YLR304C 0.068713662 1.343325937 1.626591873 x -0.338108919 -0.045455379 0.148631724 x -0.191197667 -0.236889315 -0.016759339 -0.410210988 x YLR303W 0.077055735 0.326085633 0.343956978 -0.218916727 -0.561117985 -0.487630623 0.184738006 0.17955044 -1.570118069 -1.179048838 1.187275118 1.17484279 0.311470117 0.907722623 0.767571327 0.460551326 0.134539135 0.420047619 0.516460594 -0.083008104 -0.199959167 0.510882153 -0.259102252 0.199628459 1.055041199 -0.775436809 -0.255689008 0.385521843 0.358067151 1.000067103 1.944774848 1.272242339 0.978089055 0.161524939 -0.150415247 -0.501418538 -0.217803811 YLR312C YLR312C iESR cluster YLR312C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YLR312W-A #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.79174047 2.08367671 1.619908653 x 3.336887667 -0.135770148 1.297028621 2.286022616 x YLR312C -0.221922107 0.237107791 0.284979136 0.132105431 0.469904173 0.463391535 0.935760164 1.370572598 2.300904089 2.49197332 2.008297276 0.595864948 -0.077507725 1.778744781 1.618593485 1.041573484 0.875561293 0.611069777 0.807482752 0.908014054 0.451062991 0.991904311 0.901919906 2.180650617 2.526063357 0.535585349 1.37533315 1.016544001 1.099089309 1.141089261 1.385797006 2.203264497 1.729111213 2.052547097 2.200606911 1.44960362 0.543218347 YLR326W YLR326W ... YLR326W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YLR327C 0.252980815 -0.133671264 0.606320983 x -0.2721739 -0.023332 1.017729091 x 1.353356 -0.041783267 0.050451526 0.732021733 x YLR326W 0.422055735 0.301085633 -0.051043022 0.396083273 0.443882015 0.197369377 0.759738006 0.52455044 0.044881931 -0.384048838 0.242275118 0.30984279 -0.113529883 0.102722623 -0.157428673 0.315551326 0.379539135 0.355047619 0.041460594 0.381991896 0.595040833 -0.074117847 0.065897748 0.294628459 0.350041199 0.079563191 0.519310992 1.270521843 1.083067151 0.245067103 0.339774848 -0.022757661 0.153089055 0.546524939 0.514584753 0.643581462 0.617196189 YLR327C YLR327C Ö iESR cluster TMA10 (RBF9) biological process unknown molecular function unknown nucleus | Protein of unknown function that associates with ribosomesYLR328W 0.734179153 0.524475368 4.771639728 x 0.370729002 2.790028418 3.502784768 x 3.731294 -0.815087411 1.666006345 2.412342594 x YLR327C 0.189555735 0.818585633 0.166456978 0.143583273 0.121382015 -0.255130623 1.807238006 2.13205044 2.902381931 2.453451162 2.089775118 0.48734279 -0.906029883 3.160222623 3.590071327 0.313051326 0.777039135 0.142547619 0.628960594 1.009491896 1.272540833 -0.006617847 0.263397748 2.922128459 2.397541199 -0.912936809 0.676810992 0.568021843 0.130567151 2.712567103 3.207274848 2.094742339 3.250589055 1.804024939 1.852084753 1.051081462 -0.785303811 YLR343W "YLR343W ... GAS2 biological process unknown ""1,3-beta-glucanosyltransferase acti""cytoplasm | YLR344W" 1.532517678 0.836464133 1.008756742 x 0.30431381 1.736040513 0.788637115 x 0.652599333 -0.011806392 0.615813375 1.063392699 x YLR343W -0.520444265 -0.201414367 -0.203543022 -0.246416727 0.131382015 0.254869377 0.247238006 0.49205044 0.662381931 0.993451162 -0.690224882 -0.35265721 -0.306029883 0.360222623 0.470071327 -0.116948674 -0.262960865 -0.847452381 -0.881039406 0.509491896 0.202540833 0.113382153 -0.436602252 -1.067871541 -0.812458801 -0.192936809 -0.303189008 0.788021843 0.960567151 -0.747432897 -0.072725152 -0.125257661 -0.179410945 -0.625975061 -0.357915247 0.401081462 0.144696189 YLR345W YLR345W iESR cluster YLR345W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YLR346C 0.019080149 -0.817312962 1.253670374 x 0.087508039 1.45980609 1.434227369 x 1.876623 -0.457957036 -0.149653012 0.688826998 x YLR345W -0.080444265 -0.101414367 -0.013543022 -0.036416727 0.211382015 0.034869377 0.707238006 0.68205044 1.872381931 1.253451162 0.589775118 0.57734279 -0.076029883 0.610222623 0.430071327 0.453051326 0.397039135 0.002547619 0.088960594 0.099491896 -0.017459167 0.103382153 0.063397748 0.652128459 0.717541199 0.227063191 0.546810992 1.308021843 0.970567151 0.462567103 0.657274848 0.504742339 0.610589055 0.554024939 0.652084753 0.661081462 0.414696189 YLR346C YLR346C ... YLR346C biological process unknown molecular function unknown mitochondrion | YLR347C #N/A #N/A #N/A x 1.520521653 1.670061113 1.783446899 x 3.53848 0.924418584 1.021004682 0.612674616 x YLR346C #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.141687531 -0.304561236 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.236094069 0.404237422 -0.504693347 0.081630609 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.742078114 0.431926818 #VALUE! 0.128894626 -0.30559689 #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.745603676 #VALUE! -0.024746761 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.048918682 -0.171333517 #VALUE! 0.082422642 #VALUE! 0.019130339 #VALUE! 0.442444546 #VALUE! -0.626059756 #VALUE! #VALUE! YLR349W YLR349W ... | YLR350W #N/A #N/A #N/A x -0.006108877 1.563765624 -0.10500558 x -0.082890333 -0.011806393 3.224566998 0.836404104 x YLR349W 1.013989261 1.203019159 0.930890504 0.358016799 0.685815541 0.949302903 -0.358328468 0.386483966 1.546815457 2.127884688 #VALUE! 2.071776316 1.318403643 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.477484852 1.241472661 0.616981145 1.79339412 1.083925422 0.386974359 2.047815679 #VALUE! #VALUE! 2.261974725 2.341496717 1.591244518 1.682455369 2.005000677 2.037000629 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.058458465 1.436518279 1.695514988 #VALUE! YLR383W YLR383W ... SMC6 DNA repair* molecular function unknown nucleus* | YLR384C 0.918895938 0.01864899 0.184164528 x 0.082766239 0.577676144 0.769127282 x 0.679397 -0.18044108 -0.199223603 0.185005316 x YLR383W 0.272055735 0.101085633 0.078956978 0.176083273 0.313882015 0.267369377 0.099738006 -0.23544956 0.204881931 -0.294048838 -0.057724882 -0.29015721 -0.263529883 -0.227277377 -0.407428673 -0.164448674 -0.080460865 -0.074952381 -0.198539406 -0.158008104 -0.194959167 -0.704117847 -0.374102252 -0.045371541 -0.359958801 0.149563191 0.039310992 0.870521843 0.803067151 -0.164932897 -0.410225152 -0.552757661 -0.316910945 -0.423475061 -0.565415247 -0.376418538 -0.142803811 YLR392C YLR392C ... YLR392C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YLR393W 0.573617369 -0.598481289 0.531391076 x -0.150571293 0.16368497 0.681383072 x 1.138588667 -0.138439545 -0.399218635 0.181441195 x YLR392C 0.064555735 -0.016414367 0.131456978 -0.011416727 0.056382015 0.009869377 0.152238006 -0.31294956 -0.042618069 -0.171548838 0.254775118 0.00234279 0.088970117 0.535222623 0.395071327 -0.021948674 0.112039135 0.097547619 0.163960594 0.064491896 0.237540833 -0.251617847 0.018397748 0.057128459 0.122541199 0.092063191 0.211810992 0.813021843 0.755567151 0.237567103 -0.287725152 0.279742339 0.485589055 0.109024939 -0.102915247 -0.023918538 -0.000303811 YLR397C YLR397C PAC cluster AFG2 response to drug ATPase activity intracellular | YLR398C 1.180871915 -0.510849142 -0.618561695 x 0.025058024 -0.220596033 -0.152647448 x 0.336040333 -0.08706274 -0.223888461 -0.19507581 x YLR397C -0.205444265 0.033585633 -0.008543022 -0.291416727 -0.073617985 0.139869377 -0.497761994 -0.51294956 -0.752618069 -0.401548838 -0.695224882 -0.37765721 0.248970117 -0.414777377 -0.254928673 -0.391948674 -0.277960865 -0.192452381 -0.106039406 -0.455508104 -0.402459167 0.108382153 -0.231602252 -0.602871541 -0.477458801 -0.167936809 -0.518189008 0.373021843 0.445567151 -0.462432897 -0.267725152 0.189742339 -0.314410945 -0.270975061 -0.022915247 -0.053918538 -0.280303811 YLR401C YLR401C PAC cluster DUS3 tRNA modification tRNA dihydrouridine synthase activicytoplasm* | YLR402W 0.71584057 -0.877389782 -0.774020918 x -0.118055768 -0.169726154 0.063049412 x -0.533343 0.032026743 -0.430372078 -0.310644806 x YLR401C 0.117055735 0.116085633 0.013956978 -0.068916727 0.228882015 0.252369377 -0.235261994 -0.57044956 -0.880118069 -0.719048838 -0.912724882 -0.50515721 0.021470117 -0.152277377 -0.412428673 0.010551326 -0.165460865 -0.109952381 -0.103539406 -0.343008104 -0.399959167 -0.009117847 -0.379102252 -0.580371541 -0.734958801 -0.015436809 -0.375689008 0.495521843 0.568067151 -0.099932897 -0.515225152 0.242242339 -0.411910945 -0.368475061 -0.460415247 -0.471418538 -0.407803811 YLR405W YLR405W PAC cluster DUS4 tRNA modification tRNA dihydrouridine synthase activicellular component unknown | YLR406C 0.958551478 -0.780962855 -0.484599618 x -0.017283194 -0.020026481 -0.358866795 x 0.419813 -0.232781891 -1.130675859 -0.322984948 x YLR405W -0.060444265 -0.191414367 -0.073543022 -0.086416727 -0.038617985 0.164869377 -0.512761994 -0.61794956 -0.877618069 -0.436548838 -0.820224882 -0.45265721 -0.226029883 -0.729777377 -0.499928673 -0.356948674 -0.182960865 -0.277452381 -0.321039406 -0.370508104 -0.277459167 -0.276617847 -0.196602252 -0.697871541 -0.542458801 -0.292936809 -0.403189008 0.458021843 0.610567151 -0.197432897 -0.292725152 -0.465257661 -0.319410945 -0.355975061 -0.247915247 -0.158918538 -0.285303811 YLR409C YLR409C PAC cluster UTP21 35S primary transcript process snoRNA binding nucleus* | YLR410W 0.987944574 -0.363435928 -0.538254123 x 0.024273717 -0.135139546 -0.117169855 x 0.050819333 -0.056217448 -0.317346366 -0.407706988 x YLR409C 0.197055735 0.226085633 0.073956978 0.011083273 0.238882015 0.392369377 -0.215261994 -0.34044956 -0.820118069 -0.659048838 -0.752724882 -0.34515721 0.111470117 -0.312277377 -0.332428673 -0.309448674 -0.155460865 0.120047619 0.106460594 -0.223008104 -0.019959167 -0.399117847 0.020897748 -0.220371541 -0.484958801 0.224563191 0.004310992 0.785521843 0.748067151 0.060067103 -0.525225152 -0.347757661 -0.371910945 -0.268475061 -0.480415247 -0.331418538 -0.227803811 YML018C YML018C PAC cluster YML018C biological process unknown molecular function unknown vacuolar membrane (sensu Fungi) | YML019W 0.151202851 -0.157446024 -0.413430016 x 0.001206743 -0.161298187 -0.617996702 x -0.917847333 -0.094529148 -0.124607551 -0.406897379 x YML018C -0.110444265 0.128585633 -0.023543022 -0.236416727 -0.288617985 0.134869377 -0.492761994 -0.39794956 -1.207618069 -0.636548838 -0.430224882 -0.18265721 -0.106029883 -0.549777377 -0.349928673 -0.166948674 -0.262960865 0.072547619 0.188960594 -0.110508104 -0.057459167 0.293382153 -0.106602252 -0.667871541 -0.402458801 -0.232936809 -0.553189008 -0.081978157 0.140567151 0.612567103 0.747274848 -0.225257661 -0.699410945 -0.255975061 -0.287915247 -0.478918538 -0.275303811 YML042W YML042W iESR cluster CAT2 carnitine metabolism carnitine O-acetyltransferase activmitochondrion* | YML043C 0.558043124 0.170722756 1.71132008 x 0.940873672 1.338854959 1.000725887 x 3.328382333 0.704673313 1.474195491 1.691758131 x YML042W -0.465444265 -0.046414367 -0.518543022 -0.491416727 0.576382015 0.509869377 0.562238006 1.17705044 1.547381931 1.498451162 0.594775118 0.66234279 0.868970117 0.755222623 0.835071327 0.178051326 -0.137960865 0.147547619 0.303960594 0.024491896 -0.242459167 0.178382153 -0.221602252 0.997128459 0.812541199 0.372063191 0.621810992 0.903021843 0.585567151 1.077567103 0.952274848 1.009742339 0.645589055 0.509024939 0.867084753 0.336081462 0.439696189 YML054C YML054C ... CYB2 electron transport L-lactate dehydrogenase (cytochromemitochondrial intermembrane space | YML054C-A -3.216629525 -0.84490639 2.776022436 x -1.370418196 0.766095032 0.828720701 x 2.55505 -0.594710839 0.281876936 1.200501797 x YML054C 0.097055735 0.056085633 -0.516043022 -0.248916727 0.508882015 0.162369377 1.024738006 1.46955044 2.799881931 2.830951162 0.447275118 0.36484279 -0.698529883 0.247722623 0.237571327 0.340551326 0.594539135 -0.829952381 -0.633539406 -0.963008104 -1.149959167 0.530882153 0.870897748 1.219628459 1.655041199 0.944563191 1.094310992 -1.284478157 -1.201932849 2.120067103 2.844774848 -0.017757661 0.458089055 1.621524939 1.829584753 1.228581462 0.432196189 YML057W YML057W ... CMP2 cell ion homeostasis* calcium-dependent protein serine/thcytoplasm* | YML058W -0.171948006 -0.096586556 0.482129162 x -0.036358521 0.675599942 0.652503986 x 1.123422333 -0.216852654 0.077044662 0.55355787 x YML057W -0.247944265 0.071085633 -0.101043022 -0.153916727 -0.126117985 -0.352630623 0.169738006 0.07455044 0.154881931 0.195951162 0.052275118 0.18984279 0.106470117 -0.237277377 -0.037428673 0.155551326 0.039539135 -0.174952381 -0.148539406 -0.048008104 -0.214959167 0.565882153 -0.184102252 -0.115371541 0.240041199 -0.050436809 0.139310992 0.350521843 0.233067151 0.385067103 1.239774848 0.547242339 -0.106910945 0.216524939 0.584584753 0.793581462 0.407196189 YML058W-A YML058W-A ... HUG1 response to DNA damage stimulu molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YML059C #N/A #N/A #N/A x -0.874926196 1.040582371 2.674106821 x 1.45198 0.544922634 1.802472779 0.164426904 x YML058W-A #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! YML070W YML070W ... DAK1 response to stress* glycerone kinase activity cytoplasm | YML071C -0.291344118 -0.005338967 0.354154551 x -0.003204244 0.330149236 0.496259624 x 0.756194667 -0.174445493 0.090342217 0.025036464 x YML070W 0.052055735 0.211085633 -0.471043022 -0.263916727 0.073882015 -0.172630623 -0.190261994 -0.28544956 0.644881931 0.575951162 -0.537724882 0.17984279 0.356470117 0.182722623 0.102571327 -0.054448674 -0.130460865 0.275047619 0.351460594 0.101991896 -0.074959167 0.035882153 -0.204102252 -0.265371541 -0.099958801 -0.170436809 -0.190689008 0.090521843 -0.016932849 1.015067103 1.329774848 0.587242339 0.363089055 -0.033475061 0.054584753 0.243581462 0.077196189 YML073C YML073C RP cluster RPL6A protein biosynthesis* structural constituent of ribosome*cytosolic large ribosomal subunit ( | YML074C -0.456620813 -0.724960729 -0.492687841 x -0.19916115 -0.213850983 -0.124407272 x -0.633338 -0.239897209 -0.734832574 -0.633553025 x YML073C 0.089555735 0.048585633 0.176456978 0.223583273 -0.008617985 0.034869377 -0.002761994 -0.08794956 -0.807618069 -0.886548838 -0.340224882 -0.05265721 0.153970117 0.180222623 0.060071327 0.073051326 0.137039135 0.122547619 0.038960594 0.169491896 0.192540833 -0.006617847 0.243397748 0.002128459 -0.052458801 0.007063191 -0.113189008 0.008021843 0.030567151 0.722567103 0.357274848 -0.135257661 0.060589055 -0.065975061 -0.047915247 -0.338918538 -0.195303811 YML081W YML081W ... YML081W biological process unknown molecular function unknown nucleus | YML082W 0.021436235 -0.390816208 -0.454236788 x 0.006246821 -0.204563274 -0.034887626 x 0.67206 -0.08009457 -0.490440696 -0.141919298 x YML081W -0.035444265 0.203585633 -0.038543022 -0.111416727 0.006382015 0.089869377 -0.217761994 -0.22294956 -0.502618069 -0.141548838 -0.135224882 -0.19765721 0.348970117 -0.314777377 -0.224928673 -0.231948674 -0.007960865 -0.092452381 -0.086039406 -0.295508104 -0.292459167 -0.091617847 -0.131602252 -0.412871541 -0.327458801 -0.067936809 -0.278189008 -0.206978157 -0.204432849 0.837567103 1.112274848 -0.060257661 -0.074410945 0.019024939 0.167084753 0.096081462 -0.080303811 YML082W YML082W PAC cluster YML082W sulfur metabolism carbon-sulfur lyase activity cytoplasm* | YML083C 0.26653532 -0.574538189 -0.818044157 x -0.132605323 -0.286726427 -0.098747272 x 0.503729667 -0.088255841 -0.454472735 -0.184481291 x YML082W -0.190444265 0.208585633 -0.143543022 -0.366416727 -0.158617985 -0.105130623 -0.592761994 -0.64794956 -1.127618069 -0.646548838 -0.770224882 -0.35265721 0.143970117 -0.449777377 -0.469928673 -0.326948674 -0.272960865 -0.217452381 -0.081039406 -0.460508104 -0.357459167 0.023382153 -0.066602252 -0.517871541 -0.472458801 -0.292936809 -0.473189008 -0.301978157 -0.259432849 0.702567103 0.707274848 -0.105257661 -0.259410945 -0.265975061 -0.127915247 -0.108918538 -0.225303811 YML083C YML083C ... YML083C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YML084W #N/A #N/A #N/A x -1.065168851 0.094059566 2.330103356 x #DIV/0! -0.772285994 1.184458347 -0.243207721 x YML083C #VALUE! #VALUE! -2.393675189 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! -1.058081727 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YML100W "YML100W iESR cluster TSL1 response to stress* enzyme regulator activity ""alpha,alpha-trehalose-phosphate syn"" | YML100W-A" -2.201824947 0.670349102 3.725204961 x 0.53767165 2.167021689 2.284102589 x 2.410226667 -0.221596938 0.456169458 1.425611162 x YML100W -0.402944265 -0.323914367 -0.476043022 -0.478916727 0.218882015 0.022369377 1.104738006 0.91955044 2.119881931 2.060951162 -0.112724882 0.69484279 -0.358529883 -0.082277377 0.467571327 0.330551326 0.194539135 -0.299952381 -0.043539406 -0.533008104 -0.649959167 0.640882153 -0.449102252 0.019628459 0.915041199 -0.745436809 -0.325689008 -0.114478157 0.108067151 1.560067103 2.564774848 0.272242339 0.068089055 0.821524939 1.059584753 0.588581462 -0.207803811 YML116W YML116W ... ATR1 multidrug transport multidrug efflux pump activity plasma membrane | YML117W 0.063677777 -0.807695222 -0.319288546 x -0.663994182 -0.925525286 -0.416232734 x 1.560174 -0.194843949 -0.64880026 -1.327304119 x YML116W -0.390444265 -0.131414367 -0.203543022 -0.326416727 -0.398617985 -0.385130623 -1.292761994 -1.25794956 -0.837618069 -0.066548838 0.919775118 -0.14265721 0.063970117 0.670222623 0.710071327 0.213051326 0.017039135 0.282547619 0.398960594 0.169491896 0.152540833 0.443382153 -0.046602252 -1.037871541 -0.842458801 -0.542936809 -0.663189008 -0.141978157 0.080567151 0.172567103 0.377274848 1.254742339 0.840589055 -0.975975061 -0.717915247 -0.548918538 -0.445303811 YML116W-A YML116W-A Ö Dubious Putative protein of unknown functionYML133W-A -0.589804194 -0.67735662 1.022006935 x -0.179963231 1.43203934 1.157487255 x 1.494077 -0.970243734 -0.511211255 0.30695726 x YML116W-A 0.127055735 0.176085633 0.113956978 0.161083273 0.188882015 0.042369377 0.204738006 0.16955044 1.419881931 0.860951162 -0.022724882 0.06484279 -0.098529883 -0.082277377 -0.182428673 0.390551326 0.374539135 0.120047619 0.056460594 0.226991896 0.200040833 0.050882153 -0.039102252 0.829628459 0.675041199 0.544563191 0.664310992 0.585521843 0.378067151 0.910067103 1.034774848 -0.057757661 -0.151910945 0.431524939 0.309584753 0.408581462 0.252196189 YML117W YML117W ... NAB6 biological process unknown RNA binding cytoplasm | YML118W -0.083403901 -0.223493481 0.214604881 x -0.083391514 0.702983308 0.926078113 x 1.385858333 -0.258098116 -0.008915839 0.799947934 x YML117W 0.104555735 0.063585633 0.101456978 0.168583273 -0.013617985 -0.050130623 0.152238006 0.08705044 1.317381931 0.908451162 -0.155224882 0.02234279 -0.181029883 -0.194777377 -0.324928673 0.158051326 0.082039135 0.037547619 -0.026039406 0.144491896 0.137540833 -0.061617847 -0.071602252 0.527128459 0.512541199 0.372063191 0.471810992 0.463021843 0.315567151 0.787567103 1.042274848 -0.310257661 -0.364410945 0.339024939 0.287084753 0.426081462 0.219696189 YML118W YML118W ... NGL3 biological process unknown endonuclease activity cellular component unknown | YML119W 0.473080749 0.134301702 2.642246419 x 0.60587572 0.577087616 1.066947445 x 2.090544 0.436592292 -0.116826326 0.792672684 x YML118W 0.324555735 #VALUE! -0.068543022 -0.401416727 0.306382015 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.34705044 1.877381931 1.248451162 0.594775118 0.10234279 0.038970117 1.105222623 0.375071327 0.048051326 0.412039135 -0.192452381 -0.096039406 #VALUE! -0.382459167 0.278382153 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.402541199 1.562063191 0.831810992 0.213021843 0.115567151 1.207567103 0.962274848 0.339742339 -0.214410945 0.489024939 0.267084753 0.456081462 0.179696189 YML120C "YML120C ... NDI1 mitochondrial electron transpo ""oxidoreductase activity, acting on""mitochondrial inner membrane | YML121W" -1.404380002 0.261352987 0.826417983 x -0.441334641 0.355732657 0.385391758 x 1.016592 -0.539178573 -0.574197206 0.418897644 x YML120C -0.215444265 0.133585633 -0.018543022 0.128583273 -0.073617985 -0.110130623 0.692238006 0.80705044 0.867381931 1.328451162 0.444775118 0.26234279 -0.201029883 0.165222623 0.195071327 0.368051326 0.302039135 -0.182452381 0.053960594 0.004491896 -0.292459167 1.278382153 0.498397748 0.707128459 1.042541199 0.132063191 0.111810992 -0.776978157 -0.894432849 1.277567103 2.192274848 0.799742339 0.245589055 0.859024939 1.237084753 0.566081462 -0.050303811 YML128C YML128C iESR cluster MSC1 meiotic recombination molecular function unknown mitochondrion* | YML129C -0.710371206 -0.317961337 3.183515299 x 0.172963786 0.807783215 1.871240568 x 2.366835333 -0.418230119 1.625187747 1.878799519 x YML128C 0.509555735 0.438585633 -0.383543022 0.193583273 1.051382015 0.814869377 1.897238006 1.66205044 3.772381931 3.583451162 0.389775118 0.23734279 -0.236029883 0.390222623 0.600071327 0.563051326 0.427039135 0.112547619 0.188960594 -0.120508104 -0.237459167 0.403382153 -0.056602252 0.772128459 1.147541199 0.017063191 0.246810992 0.098021843 -0.049432849 2.852567103 2.927274848 0.624742339 0.560589055 0.974024939 0.782084753 0.751081462 0.104696189 YML130C YML130C ... ERO1 protein folding* electron carrier activity endoplasmic reticulum | YML131W -0.03039841 -0.570717682 0.789079479 x 0.36882174 0.370136696 0.848587294 x 0.217207667 0.316393187 1.336926682 0.587776291 x YML130C -0.227944265 -0.358914367 -0.201043022 0.406083273 -0.276117985 -0.472630623 -0.080261994 -0.42544956 0.094881931 0.035951162 -0.347724882 0.72984279 0.536470117 0.812722623 0.682571327 0.185551326 -0.020460865 -0.084952381 -0.178539406 0.721991896 0.335040833 0.375882153 0.525897748 0.684628459 0.460041199 0.079563191 0.519310992 0.340521843 0.223067151 1.735067103 0.729774848 0.267242339 0.133089055 -0.673475061 -0.645415247 -0.096418538 -0.142803811 YML131W YML131W iESR cluster YML131W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YML132W 0.700595112 -0.049530236 0.604701829 x 0.329660809 0.877508916 1.393349318 x 1.516163667 -0.006076383 0.35025045 0.041525262 x YML131W -0.272944265 0.056085633 -0.646043022 -0.448916727 -0.051117985 -0.187630623 0.334738006 0.32955044 2.929881931 2.620951162 -0.222724882 0.31484279 0.381470117 1.437722623 1.637571327 0.250551326 0.324539135 0.210047619 0.356460594 0.406991896 0.240040833 0.570882153 0.140897748 0.129628459 0.255041199 0.654563191 0.704310992 0.615521843 0.588067151 1.750067103 2.464774848 1.222242339 1.148089055 -0.208475061 -0.040415247 0.988581462 0.932196189 YMR006C YMR006C ... PLB2 glycerophospholipid metabolism lysophospholipase activity cell wall (sensu Fungi)* | YMR007W -0.064091706 -0.11692994 -0.584817764 x 0.154844826 -0.535734571 -0.641860049 x -1.998897 -0.278795678 -1.877889733 -0.020271509 x YMR006C -0.320444265 0.098585633 0.036456978 0.023583273 -0.838617985 -0.695130623 -0.902761994 -1.23794956 -1.767618069 -1.156548838 -0.570224882 -0.51265721 -0.436029883 -0.479777377 -0.149928673 -0.206948674 -0.342960865 -0.457452381 -0.421039406 -0.150508104 0.162540833 0.273382153 -0.096602252 -0.517871541 -0.602458801 -0.872936809 -1.093189008 -0.611978157 -0.379432849 0.462567103 0.657274848 -0.445257661 -0.599410945 -0.235975061 -0.127915247 -0.658918538 -0.565303811 YMR008C YMR008C ... PLB1 glycerophospholipid metabolism lysophospholipase activity cell wall (sensu Fungi) | YMR009W -0.103860915 0.377148366 1.111487417 x 0.483941475 0.84446901 0.822449474 x 0.431613333 0.204504181 1.546095239 1.14494282 x YMR008C -0.177944265 0.041085633 0.188956978 0.266083273 -0.076117985 0.127369377 0.459738006 0.38455044 0.584881931 0.705951162 0.902275118 0.20984279 -0.093529883 0.332722623 0.332571327 0.105551326 -0.140460865 -0.134952381 0.051460594 0.401991896 0.155040833 0.595882153 0.065897748 0.724628459 0.820041199 0.319563191 0.609310992 0.720521843 0.653067151 0.925067103 1.339774848 0.287242339 0.143089055 0.536524939 0.554584753 0.813581462 0.707196189 YMR020W YMR020W ... FMS1 pantothenate biosynthesis* amine oxidase activity cytoplasm | YMR021C 0.492997183 -0.188886588 0.705051466 x 0.137684495 0.428445205 0.759844203 x 0.926232333 -0.040471957 0.694372908 0.5660477 x YMR020W 0.007055735 0.226085633 -0.026043022 0.091083273 0.018882015 0.092369377 0.274738006 0.26955044 0.769881931 0.660951162 0.597275118 -0.00515721 0.211470117 0.587722623 0.517571327 0.170551326 0.104539135 -0.089952381 -0.133539406 0.126991896 0.050040833 0.070882153 -0.099102252 0.289628459 0.225041199 0.044563191 0.124310992 0.335521843 0.218067151 0.880067103 0.924774848 0.602242339 0.558089055 0.351524939 0.419584753 0.248581462 0.082196189 YMR040W YMR040W ... YET2 biological process unknown molecular function unknown integral to membrane | YMR041C -0.022969326 -0.083262776 1.948462723 x 0.755390155 1.078362862 1.415798402 x 1.300715333 1.15811861 2.315708885 1.26952841 x YMR040W -0.125444265 -0.096414367 -0.138543022 0.248583273 0.146382015 -0.220130623 -0.247761994 -0.04294956 -0.612618069 -0.461548838 0.204775118 0.90234279 -0.151029883 0.865222623 0.725071327 0.518051326 0.162039135 0.227547619 -0.126039406 0.744491896 0.247540833 0.588382153 0.388397748 1.077128459 0.812541199 -0.027936809 0.951810992 0.613021843 0.645567151 1.257567103 0.822274848 0.039742339 0.345589055 0.189024939 -0.002915247 0.276081462 -0.340303811 YMR049C YMR049C PAC cluster ERB1 rRNA processing molecular function unknown nucleus* | YMR052C-A 0.073336003 -0.848170805 -0.764943627 x 0.029710586 -0.417956819 -0.012472226 x -0.942035333 0.139660712 -0.53893787 -0.331589086 x YMR049C 0.232055735 0.201085633 0.158956978 0.086083273 0.033882015 0.147369377 -0.510261994 -0.45544956 -0.845118069 -0.754048838 -0.457724882 -0.39015721 0.066470117 -0.127277377 -0.117428673 -0.234448674 -0.170460865 -0.024952381 -0.028539406 -0.228008104 -0.054959167 -0.304117847 0.025897748 -0.205371541 -0.559958801 0.229563191 -0.120689008 0.210521843 0.273067151 1.005067103 0.279774848 -0.132757661 -0.346910945 -0.253475061 -0.585415247 -0.536418538 -0.272803811 YMR053C YMR053C iESR cluster STB2 histone deacetylation transcriptional repressor activity nucleus* | YMR054W -0.375972172 -0.66164854 0.978616015 x 0.052193709 0.990561023 1.43612395 x 1.647669333 -0.261374938 1.002668141 1.032278877 x YMR053C -0.490444265 -0.101414367 0.106456978 -0.176416727 0.121382015 -0.195130623 -0.052761994 0.64205044 1.272381931 0.973451162 0.079775118 0.33734279 0.023970117 0.090222623 0.360071327 0.153051326 0.127039135 -0.247452381 -0.431039406 0.059491896 -0.227459167 0.043382153 0.043397748 0.292128459 0.097541199 -0.212936809 0.306810992 0.128021843 0.260567151 0.502567103 1.177274848 0.234742339 0.160589055 -0.085975061 0.312084753 0.691081462 0.204696189 YMR084W YMR084W ... YMR084W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YMR085W 0.217400604 0.178339534 0.688367904 x 0.868013366 1.225576769 1.777115662 x 1.799706333 0.174922806 0.979291256 1.086367303 x YMR084W #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! YMR085W YMR085W ... YMR085W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YMR086C-A 0.053562624 0.380155701 1.083579502 x 0.790729117 0.83821391 0.942179098 x 1.930276667 -0.342305588 1.043548627 0.846177407 x YMR085W 0.249555735 0.468585633 0.676456978 0.363583273 0.031382015 -0.135130623 0.407238006 0.39205044 1.932381931 1.893451162 0.699775118 0.06734279 0.423970117 0.850222623 0.560071327 0.193051326 0.047039135 -0.267452381 -0.181039406 0.159491896 0.002540833 0.203382153 -0.196602252 0.402128459 0.087541199 -0.212936809 0.426810992 0.308021843 0.130567151 0.892567103 0.827274848 0.484742339 0.560589055 0.094024939 0.252084753 0.641081462 0.124696189 YMR090W YMR090W iESR cluster YMR090W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YMR091C -0.549377771 0.198878838 1.521723841 x 0.420274243 1.309522799 1.269617117 x 0.836327667 0.092953057 0.73215134 0.655932612 x YMR090W 0.469555735 0.468585633 0.076456978 0.503583273 0.581382015 0.584869377 0.817238006 0.93205044 2.242381931 2.293451162 0.229775118 0.31734279 0.023970117 0.870222623 0.840071327 0.513051326 0.487039135 0.022547619 -0.001039406 -0.020508104 -0.057459167 0.263382153 0.313397748 0.142128459 0.447541199 0.277063191 0.366810992 -0.161978157 0.050567151 1.962567103 2.127274848 0.544742339 0.770589055 0.254024939 0.182084753 0.381081462 0.054696189 YMR093W YMR093W PAC cluster UTP15 processing of 20S pre-rRNA snoRNA binding small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein c | YMR094W 0.126978903 -0.529161197 -0.546881475 x -0.019401196 -0.281960114 -0.0536999 x -0.250851667 -0.139745774 -0.459909119 -0.222800404 x YMR093W 0.027055735 0.216085633 0.023956978 -0.158916727 0.148882015 -0.027630623 -0.495261994 -0.51044956 -1.310118069 -0.979048838 -0.782724882 -0.32515721 0.371470117 -0.442277377 -0.362428673 -0.469448674 -0.175460865 4.76E-05 -0.093539406 -0.323008104 -0.199959167 -0.559117847 -0.059102252 -0.270371541 -0.414958801 0.104563191 -0.125689008 0.035521843 0.058067151 0.900067103 0.504774848 -0.367757661 -0.221910945 -0.208475061 -0.230415247 -0.011418538 0.032196189 YMR095C YMR095C ... SNO1 pyridoxine metabolism* molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YMR096W #N/A #N/A #N/A x -2.534019503 -0.74205873 3.264079361 x 2.616194333 1.980870221 3.650634584 2.288390661 x YMR095C -0.697944265 -0.128914367 -0.421043022 -0.673916727 -0.886117985 -0.542630623 0.659738006 0.47455044 2.304881931 1.635951162 2.352275118 0.60984279 0.896470117 2.822722623 3.132571327 0.265551326 0.029539135 -0.074952381 0.111460594 -0.218008104 0.215040833 1.905882153 1.395897748 1.374628459 1.660041199 1.509563191 1.569310992 1.750521843 1.793067151 -0.424932897 0.249774848 3.187242339 3.143089055 -1.083475061 -0.525415247 0.363581462 0.187196189 YMR096W YMR096W ... SNZ1 pyridoxine metabolism* protein binding cellular component unknown | YMR097C -0.036883079 -0.260537337 0.056767605 x -1.171950019 -0.062545663 2.123740403 x 2.747423 1.082725462 2.419002452 1.623776331 x YMR096W 0.117055735 0.486085633 0.113956978 0.041083273 -0.271117985 -0.247630623 1.324738006 1.15955044 2.819881931 1.780951162 2.837275118 0.19484279 0.601470117 3.077722623 3.047571327 0.370551326 0.104539135 0.590047619 0.436460594 0.246991896 0.550040833 1.090882153 0.760897748 1.399628459 1.465041199 1.234563191 1.384310992 1.505521843 1.438067151 0.060067103 0.434774848 3.752242339 3.468089055 -0.708475061 -0.140415247 0.378581462 0.222196189 YMR103C YMR103C ... | YMR104C -0.029877298 -0.303786666 1.116720576 x -0.18210151 0.879848405 1.25783443 x 2.013162667 0.00569132 0.478730987 2.058665073 x YMR103C -0.215444265 0.423585633 -0.058543022 -0.241416727 0.096382015 0.259869377 0.652238006 0.67705044 2.697381931 2.558451162 0.364775118 0.61234279 0.038970117 0.655222623 0.415071327 1.048051326 0.762039135 0.277547619 0.343960594 0.184491896 -0.002459167 0.978382153 0.378397748 1.937128459 1.872541199 0.962063191 0.921810992 1.223021843 0.975567151 1.267567103 2.122274848 0.739742339 0.515589055 1.309024939 1.467084753 1.476081462 1.149696189 YMR104C YMR104C ... YPK2 protein amino acid phosphoryla protein kinase activity cytoplasm* | YMR105C -0.698115658 -0.418954601 1.274883476 x 0.07946488 1.235311215 1.028796549 x 2.233626667 -0.239928063 0.27985002 2.033150273 x YMR104C 0.164555735 0.333585633 0.331456978 0.078583273 0.206382015 0.329869377 1.222238006 0.65705044 2.347381931 2.248451162 0.464775118 0.50234279 -0.001029883 0.935222623 0.655071327 1.268051326 0.902039135 0.277547619 0.463960594 0.564491896 0.327540833 0.888382153 0.548397748 1.937128459 1.622541199 0.872063191 0.911810992 1.153021843 0.985567151 1.277567103 2.102274848 0.989742339 0.765589055 1.349024939 1.447084753 1.556081462 1.049696189 YMR105C YMR105C iESR cluster PGM2 glucose 1-phosphate utilizatio phosphoglucomutase activity cytosol | YMR105W-A -0.505330315 0.084139958 2.492411431 x 0.37150402 1.008329504 1.329159378 x 1.886947667 -0.384923787 0.428826129 1.176992215 x YMR105C 0.089555735 0.048585633 -0.623543022 -0.356416727 0.481382015 -0.165130623 0.847238006 0.58205044 2.062381931 2.003451162 -0.480224882 0.65734279 -0.416029883 -0.979777377 -0.459928673 0.093051326 0.247039135 -0.597452381 -0.231039406 -1.050508104 -1.207459167 0.363382153 -0.266602252 0.732128459 1.177541199 -0.342936809 -0.343189008 -0.411978157 -0.459432849 2.572567103 3.507274848 -0.315257661 -0.409410945 1.024024939 1.262084753 0.651081462 -0.085303811 YMR107W YMR107W ... SPG4 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YMR108W #N/A #N/A #N/A x #DIV/0! -0.021196876 #DIV/0! x #DIV/0! -0.379968572 3.193152636 3.096877108 x YMR107W #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YMR110C "YMR110C Ö iESR cluster HFD1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Putative fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase, located in the mitochondrial outer membrane and also in lipid particles; has similarity to human fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase (FALDH) which is implicated in Sjogren-Larsson syndromeYMR111C" -0.186889862 -0.391908569 0.494630154 x -0.085357936 0.324950623 0.557300849 x 1.070947667 -0.418397126 0.178278686 0.29330664 x YMR110C -0.197944265 -0.048914367 -0.321043022 -0.213916727 0.123882015 -0.042630623 0.379738006 0.25455044 1.224881931 1.065951162 0.052275118 0.18984279 0.126470117 -0.037277377 -0.057428673 -0.014448674 -0.000460865 -0.104952381 -0.048539406 -0.198008104 -0.304959167 0.225882153 -0.294102252 -0.085371541 0.410041199 -0.110436809 -0.100689008 0.180521843 0.043067151 0.815067103 1.529774848 0.057242339 -0.066910945 0.296524939 0.644584753 0.403581462 0.127196189 YMR114C YMR114C ... YMR114C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YMR115W -0.758419275 -0.8050971 0.828928509 x -0.097703305 0.277833465 1.003721717 x 0.87023 0.417817799 -0.366101637 0.961069534 x YMR114C -0.087944265 -0.138914367 0.218956978 0.356083273 0.163882015 0.127369377 0.659738006 0.88455044 1.184881931 0.475951162 0.312275118 0.15984279 -0.573529883 0.142722623 0.212571327 0.215551326 0.169539135 0.225047619 0.181460594 0.661991896 0.345040833 -0.274117847 -0.114102252 0.184628459 0.420041199 0.339563191 0.589310992 -0.109478157 -0.026932849 1.285067103 1.129774848 -0.292757661 -0.156910945 0.136524939 -0.035415247 -0.066418538 -0.242803811 YMR118C YMR118C ... YMR118C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YMR119W #N/A #N/A #N/A x -0.381792086 1.786158045 2.704204509 x 2.688965333 -0.254519806 3.256681004 1.741715422 x YMR118C 0.285815498 1.244845396 2.032716741 0.759843036 -0.242358222 1.27112914 2.353497769 1.968310203 4.298641694 4.199710925 1.786034881 0.473602553 -0.62977012 1.796482386 #VALUE! 1.919311089 2.183298898 0.768807382 1.755220357 0.965751659 0.178800596 2.189641916 #VALUE! 2.708388222 2.843800962 0.993322954 1.863070755 1.734281606 2.036826914 0.378826866 2.483534611 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.110284702 1.798344516 1.667341225 0.770955952 YMR122W-A YMR122W-A ... YMR122W-A biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YMR123W -0.780689321 0.42578877 1.283846166 x 0.601966586 1.344498795 1.018398972 x -0.339098333 0.159180232 1.158995407 1.12062006 x YMR122W-A -0.190444265 -0.061414367 -0.003543022 -0.106416727 0.011382015 0.164869377 0.167238006 0.12205044 0.812381931 0.643451162 -0.280224882 0.28734279 -0.016029883 -0.239777377 0.020071327 0.123051326 0.057039135 0.192547619 0.228960594 0.129491896 0.022540833 0.163382153 0.003397748 0.442128459 0.377541199 -0.032936809 0.026810992 0.268021843 0.340567151 0.392567103 0.707274848 -0.315257661 -0.309410945 0.314024939 0.202084753 0.461081462 0.274696189 YMR129W YMR129W ... POM152 mRNA-nucleus export* structural molecule activity mitochondrion* | YMR130W -0.142401822 -0.548783715 -0.490137222 x -0.165207461 -0.344114984 -0.173595304 x -0.152951667 -0.133892499 -0.165062419 -0.372007661 x YMR129W -0.055444265 0.133585633 -0.018543022 -0.001416727 -0.113617985 0.009869377 -0.407761994 -0.35294956 -0.922618069 -0.621548838 -0.195224882 -0.29765721 0.038970117 -0.274777377 -0.294928673 -0.211948674 -0.147960865 -0.092452381 -0.036039406 -0.245508104 -0.142459167 -0.161617847 -0.141602252 -0.592871541 -0.507458801 -0.117936809 -0.288189008 -0.336978157 -0.334432849 0.617567103 0.632274848 0.079742339 -0.114410945 -0.280975061 -0.152915247 -0.083918538 -0.120303811 YMR135C YMR135C ... GID8 negative regulation of glucone molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YMR135W-A -0.794723977 -0.442771388 0.66770693 x 0.562571857 1.064050787 0.903145621 x 0.953748 -0.344588911 -0.483266857 0.268075544 x YMR135C 0.019555735 0.088585633 0.066456978 0.213583273 -0.048617985 0.044869377 0.377238006 0.60205044 1.042381931 0.913451162 0.669775118 0.12734279 -0.026029883 0.280222623 0.370071327 0.043051326 0.167039135 -0.177452381 -0.141039406 0.109491896 0.042540833 0.063382153 0.113397748 0.422128459 0.297541199 0.237063191 0.156810992 0.168021843 0.170567151 1.302567103 1.307274848 0.144742339 0.240589055 0.144024939 0.242084753 0.491081462 0.124696189 YMR136W YMR136W iESR cluster GAT2 transcription transcription factor activity nucleus | YMR137C -1.705303652 -0.26713116 0.658058262 x 0.243652692 0.846072829 0.583649888 x 0.574781667 -0.343425748 0.392362772 0.946279077 x YMR136W -0.090444265 0.288585633 -0.223543022 -0.136416727 -0.288617985 -0.535130623 -0.232761994 0.20205044 0.732381931 0.843451162 -0.620224882 0.18734279 0.303970117 -0.649777377 -0.129928673 -0.786948674 -0.222960865 -0.247452381 -0.141039406 -0.290508104 -0.277459167 -0.046617847 -0.066602252 0.252128459 0.217541199 0.527063191 -0.143189008 -0.091978157 0.050567151 0.702567103 1.387274848 -0.585257661 -0.449410945 0.404024939 0.722084753 0.821081462 0.184696189 YMR139W YMR139W iESR cluster RIM11 protein amino acid phosphoryla protein serine/threonine kinase actcytoplasm | YMR140W -0.737297076 -0.700212358 0.71732259 x -0.092052956 0.804194605 0.783415326 x 0.782772667 -0.360263577 -0.295491579 0.287592469 x YMR139W -0.580444265 -0.561414367 -0.253543022 -0.396416727 -0.518617985 -0.655130623 0.037238006 -0.49794956 -0.227618069 -0.136548838 -0.360224882 -0.00265721 -0.036029883 -0.159777377 7.13E-05 -0.306948674 -0.342960865 -0.627452381 -0.641039406 -0.440508104 -0.407459167 -0.276617847 -0.356602252 -0.687871541 -0.422458801 -0.762936809 -0.473189008 -0.381978157 -0.309432849 0.412567103 0.737274848 0.054742339 -0.279410945 -0.415975061 -0.117915247 0.081081462 -0.125303811 YMR140W YMR140W ... SIP5 cellular response to glucose s molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YMR141C -0.446183757 -0.707505754 0.473612293 x -0.084610363 0.285890232 0.599456534 x 0.967699667 -0.25618438 0.102031168 0.176733588 x YMR140W -0.715444265 -0.766414367 0.191456978 0.478583273 -0.673617985 -0.800130623 1.552238006 #VALUE! -0.572618069 -0.511548838 -0.915224882 -0.53765721 -0.821029883 -0.634777377 -0.864928673 -0.801948674 -0.927960865 -0.932452381 -0.966039406 0.424491896 0.307540833 -0.431617847 -0.891602252 -0.682871541 -0.227458801 -0.767936809 -0.598189008 -0.816978157 -0.734432849 0.107567103 0.562274848 -0.360257661 -0.914410945 -0.550975061 -0.272915247 -0.233918538 -0.640303811 YMR144W YMR144W ... YMR144W biological process unknown molecular function unknown nucleus | YMR145C -0.72841406 -0.338293712 0.1103993 x -0.099700266 0.680825045 0.736653163 x -0.101982667 -0.042814118 0.225111332 0.774864635 x YMR144W 0.062055735 0.011085633 0.088956978 0.146083273 -0.046117985 -0.032630623 0.189738006 -0.05544956 0.314881931 -0.164048838 -0.017724882 0.12984279 -0.143529883 0.162722623 -0.187428673 0.175551326 -0.090460865 -0.004952381 -0.138539406 -0.068008104 0.045040833 -0.484117847 -0.304102252 -0.115371541 -0.359958801 -0.130436809 0.279310992 -0.169478157 0.043067151 0.745067103 0.639774848 -0.402757661 -0.196910945 -0.113475061 -0.345415247 0.193581462 0.287196189 YMR150C YMR150C ... IMP1 mitochondrial protein processi peptidase activity* mitochondrial inner membrane peptid | YMR151W -0.525738805 -0.454750806 0.574732814 x -0.191201979 0.432264062 0.592285897 x -0.095894 -0.317881648 0.236577843 0.244627369 x YMR150C -0.122944265 -0.073914367 -0.206043022 -0.168916727 -0.011117985 0.092369377 0.094738006 -0.03044956 0.639881931 0.230951162 -0.202724882 0.22484279 0.071470117 0.087722623 0.077571327 0.090551326 0.094539135 0.030047619 0.156460594 0.206991896 0.040040833 0.120882153 0.330897748 0.249628459 0.265041199 0.324563191 0.354310992 0.365521843 0.308067151 1.060067103 0.934774848 -0.007757661 0.118089055 0.241524939 0.179584753 0.068581462 0.172196189 YMR163C YMR163C Ö INP2 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Peroxisome-specific receptor important for peroxisome inheritance; co-fractionates with peroxisome membranes and co-localizes with peroxisomes in vivo; physically interacts with the myosin V motor Myo2p; INP2 is not an essential geneYMR164C -0.499720011 -0.783265116 0.58927013 x 0.242665577 0.495936417 0.565837123 x 0.218591667 -0.138829203 0.203393437 0.369198276 x YMR163C -0.217944265 -0.038914367 0.018956978 0.146083273 -0.106117985 -0.062630623 0.109738006 -0.00544956 0.494881931 0.415951162 -0.337724882 0.03984279 -0.003529883 -0.077277377 -0.097428673 -0.354448674 -0.190460865 -0.324952381 -0.318539406 0.071991896 0.015040833 0.055882153 -0.044102252 -0.165371541 -0.139958801 -0.110436809 0.079310992 -0.119478157 -0.106932849 0.525067103 0.749774848 -0.052757661 -0.026910945 -0.363475061 -0.285415247 0.183581462 0.067196189 YMR169C YMR169C iESR cluster ALD3 response to stress* aldehyde dehydrogenase activity cytoplasm | YMR170C -0.581698777 0.170722654 4.661486429 x 0.327634663 0.633888284 1.052493914 x 1.384159333 -0.153337122 2.23072726 1.310708492 x YMR169C -0.205444265 0.293585633 0.021456978 0.088583273 0.176382015 0.119869377 1.522238006 1.20705044 3.137381931 3.248451162 0.104775118 0.42234279 -0.241029883 0.715222623 0.955071327 0.578051326 0.492039135 0.067547619 0.263960594 0.264491896 0.107540833 0.878382153 0.138397748 0.207128459 0.382541199 -0.147936809 -0.018189008 -0.086978157 0.175567151 0.697567103 1.502274848 0.819742339 0.585589055 -0.000975061 0.317084753 0.486081462 -0.050303811 YMR170C YMR170C iESR cluster ALD2 aldehyde metabolism* aldehyde dehydrogenase activity cytoplasm | YMR171C 0.169994157 -0.03533193 1.763901185 x 0.431720435 0.933120226 0.844678407 x 1.120696667 0.14587863 -1.073864894 1.055815981 x YMR170C -0.085444265 0.163585633 -0.268543022 -0.021416727 -0.093617985 -0.130130623 0.472238006 0.35705044 2.377381931 2.298451162 0.074775118 0.38234279 -0.041029883 0.175222623 0.275071327 0.408051326 0.262039135 0.007547619 0.243960594 0.484491896 0.087540833 0.538382153 0.048397748 -0.012871541 0.212541199 -0.597936809 -0.538189008 0.303021843 0.215567151 0.847567103 1.672274848 0.279742339 0.105589055 0.099024939 0.247084753 -0.003918538 -0.480303811 YMR173W YMR173W iESR cluster DDR48 DNA repair ATPase activity* cytoplasm | YMR173W-A -2.370920455 -1.526967282 2.164311397 x 2.296876411 2.33677298 3.121044596 x 0.559382 0.063063629 1.047682434 -0.761103888 x YMR173W 0.442055735 0.371085633 0.318956978 0.546083273 0.033882015 -0.032630623 0.979738006 0.87455044 2.284881931 1.505951162 0.922275118 0.90984279 0.156470117 1.052722623 1.012571327 0.375551326 0.169539135 -1.234952381 -1.098539406 -0.448008104 -0.724959167 -0.494117847 -0.734102252 -1.015371541 -0.699958801 -0.450436809 -0.050689008 0.390521843 0.173067151 2.555067103 2.329774848 0.847242339 0.883089055 -1.023475061 -1.235415247 0.603581462 0.247196189 YMR173W-A YMR173W-A iESR cluster | YMR174C #N/A #N/A #N/A x 3.049879634 #DIV/0! 2.984165447 x #DIV/0! 0.135921551 0.346409157 -0.238647676 x YMR173W-A 0.329555735 0.398585633 0.256456978 0.543583273 -0.138617985 -0.055130623 0.957238006 0.79205044 2.152381931 1.513451162 0.819775118 0.80734279 0.143970117 0.940222623 1.040071327 0.233051326 0.097039135 -1.307452381 -1.101039406 -0.490508104 -0.667459167 -0.656617847 -0.786602252 -1.047871541 -0.762458801 -0.512936809 -0.203189008 0.358021843 0.110567151 2.582567103 2.377274848 0.794742339 0.890589055 -1.145975061 -1.227915247 0.611081462 0.174696189 YMR174C YMR174C iESR cluster PAI3 vacuolar protein catabolism endopeptidase inhibitor activity cytoplasm | YMR175W #N/A #N/A #N/A x -0.241438087 1.014844885 0.90163595 x 1.165465 0.16215526 1.433989982 1.54556042 x YMR174C 0.054555735 -0.066414367 -0.018543022 1.018583273 0.516382015 0.389869377 2.692238006 1.39705044 1.587381931 1.128451162 0.144775118 0.06234279 -0.501029883 -0.024777377 0.215071327 -0.021948674 0.152039135 0.267547619 0.343960594 1.504491896 0.567540833 -0.061617847 0.398397748 1.237128459 0.902541199 0.732063191 0.421810992 0.283021843 0.375567151 1.007567103 1.002274848 -0.310257661 0.125589055 0.389024939 0.307084753 -0.043918538 -0.000303811 YMR175W YMR175W ... SIP18 response to osmotic stress* phospholipid binding soluble fraction | YMR175W-A #N/A #N/A #N/A x -1.862750905 -1.173266305 0.09662345 x 0.4073785 0.119710811 4.938152414 2.112674616 x YMR175W #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YMR181C YMR181C iESR cluster YMR181C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YMR182C -0.599295857 0.565204903 1.345114947 x -0.009761807 0.076406132 0.572654668 x 1.266761 0.133058245 0.450890859 1.752283093 x YMR181C -0.082944265 -0.043914367 0.053956978 -0.168916727 0.198882015 0.252369377 0.484738006 0.28955044 1.719881931 1.890951162 0.247275118 0.07484279 0.031470117 -0.102277377 0.347571327 0.100551326 0.044539135 -0.009952381 0.166460594 0.226991896 0.190040833 0.600882153 0.120897748 1.239628459 1.515041199 0.574563191 0.264310992 0.585521843 0.668067151 1.110067103 1.954774848 -0.027757661 -0.141910945 0.981524939 1.099584753 0.818581462 0.642196189 YMR184W YMR184W Ö ADD37 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Protein of unknown function involved in ER-associated protein degradation; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the cytoplasm and is induced in response to the DNA-damaging agent MMS; YMR184W is not an essential geneYMR185W -0.391251767 -0.490886663 1.354722033 x 0.609660781 0.704578267 0.83276539 x -0.076183667 0.320973503 1.160564795 0.933693149 x YMR184W -0.077944265 -0.368914367 0.038956978 0.876083273 0.063882015 -0.132630623 0.629738006 0.21455044 0.644881931 0.705951162 0.182275118 0.86984279 0.446470117 0.212722623 0.392571327 0.275551326 0.099539135 0.165047619 0.101460594 0.901991896 0.625040833 0.655882153 0.895897748 0.804628459 0.770041199 0.379563191 0.909310992 0.450521843 0.333067151 1.335067103 1.119774848 -0.272757661 -0.036910945 0.046524939 0.014584753 0.283581462 0.237196189 YMR191W YMR191W ... SPG5 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YMR192W -0.307223763 0.123988916 1.12661949 x 0.026774352 0.072675994 0.025949399 x 0.521697 0.085446414 1.131721584 0.93624881 x YMR191W -0.465444265 -0.256414367 -0.048543022 0.158583273 -0.323617985 -0.040130623 0.632238006 0.60705044 1.637381931 1.908451162 0.804775118 0.44234279 -0.211029883 0.855222623 1.065071327 0.368051326 0.062039135 -0.042452381 0.083960594 0.434491896 0.157540833 0.888382153 0.068397748 1.227128459 1.382541199 -0.187936809 0.561810992 0.523021843 0.505567151 1.087567103 1.552274848 0.799742339 0.485589055 0.649024939 0.607084753 0.446081462 0.059696189 YMR196W YMR196W iESR cluster YMR196W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YMR197C 0.35800455 0.331820314 1.174226569 x 0.211938446 1.297753014 2.171429529 x 1.880771333 0.24688982 1.141966704 2.32976688 x YMR196W 0.219555735 0.378585633 -0.143543022 -0.016416727 0.451382015 0.254869377 0.957238006 0.81205044 3.052381931 2.543451162 -0.080224882 0.39734279 -0.126029883 0.600222623 0.750071327 -0.046948674 0.037039135 -0.237452381 0.018960594 -0.070508104 -0.327459167 0.133382153 -0.296602252 0.782128459 1.137541199 0.217063191 0.236810992 0.158021843 0.090567151 2.102567103 2.687274848 0.664742339 0.530589055 0.994024939 1.002084753 0.681081462 0.094696189 YMR197C YMR197C iESR cluster VTI1 vesicle fusion* v-SNARE activity integral to Golgi membrane | YMR198W -0.632318485 -1.004319981 0.333506168 x 0.058167943 0.695895606 1.028293422 x 0.169979 -0.086714135 0.178386294 0.782230228 x YMR197C 0.022055735 -0.168914367 0.278956978 0.376083273 0.123882015 0.097369377 0.739738006 0.33455044 0.644881931 -0.014048838 0.832275118 0.09984279 -0.563529883 0.492722623 0.362571327 0.225551326 0.289539135 0.035047619 -0.158539406 0.411991896 0.275040833 -0.594117847 -0.054102252 0.364628459 0.050041199 0.179563191 0.239310992 0.280521843 0.133067151 1.145067103 0.879774848 0.087242339 0.353089055 0.206524939 -0.025415247 -0.186418538 0.037196189 YMR199W YMR199W ... CLN1 regulation of cyclin dependent cyclin-dependent protein kinase regcytoplasm* | YMR200W -1.08582064 -0.2741154 0.648460443 x 0.065697795 0.386934313 0.810597183 x -0.044447667 -0.376966067 -0.498466744 -0.205875131 x YMR199W -0.240444265 0.048585633 0.166456978 0.103583273 -0.228617985 -0.195130623 -0.252761994 -0.07794956 -0.867618069 -0.786548838 -0.130224882 -0.06265721 -0.026029883 0.180222623 0.340071327 -0.006948674 0.187039135 -0.017452381 0.018960594 0.269491896 0.392540833 -0.116617847 -0.126602252 -1.157871541 -0.672458801 -0.902936809 -0.583189008 -0.551978157 -0.149432849 0.032567103 0.537274848 0.114742339 0.240589055 -0.555975061 -0.237915247 0.071081462 -0.285303811 YMR206W YMR206W ... YMR206W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YMR207C #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.993891119 #DIV/0! 1.203932812 x 0.9636065 0.195712357 2.558422298 2.155119065 x YMR206W #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YMR220W YMR220W ... ERG8 ergosterol biosynthesis* phosphomevalonate kinase activity cytosol | YMR221C 0.214104226 -0.611606876 -0.455414344 x -0.137347038 -0.339559598 -0.197855629 x 0.416103333 -0.248152398 -0.725791269 -0.25511361 x YMR220W 0.052055735 -0.118914367 -0.081043022 -0.073916727 -0.036117985 -0.082630623 -0.230261994 -0.27544956 -0.365118069 -0.474048838 -0.257724882 0.01984279 0.036470117 -0.187277377 -0.297428673 -0.044448674 -0.040460865 -0.004952381 -0.118539406 -0.208008104 -0.244959167 -0.674117847 -0.294102252 -0.335371541 -0.399958801 -0.120436809 -0.050689008 -0.109478157 -0.226932849 0.445067103 0.369774848 -0.052757661 0.033089055 -0.103475061 -0.135415247 0.043581462 0.027196189 YMR226C "YMR226C ... YMR226C metabolism ""oxidoreductase activity, acting on""cytoplasm* | YMR227C" -0.312708896 -0.254049341 0.213046488 x 0.256687991 0.770582041 0.781312434 x -0.237468667 -0.152406481 0.03029764 0.0825406 x YMR226C 0.267055735 0.066085633 0.083956978 0.231083273 0.198882015 0.052369377 0.254738006 0.12955044 1.349881931 0.630951162 0.387275118 0.14484279 0.131470117 0.207722623 0.167571327 0.160551326 0.264539135 0.100047619 -0.053539406 0.076991896 -0.059959167 -0.189117847 0.230897748 0.369628459 0.245041199 0.324563191 0.394310992 0.305521843 0.098067151 1.470067103 1.264774848 0.032242339 0.278089055 0.171524939 -0.040415247 -0.001418538 -0.027803811 YMR238W YMR238W ... DFG5 pseudohyphal growth* molecular function unknown anchored to plasma membrane | YMR239C -0.33385619 0.24145531 0.839039396 x -0.026010139 1.125728301 0.897337863 x 0.339004333 -0.190467504 0.326856294 0.781090196 x YMR238W -0.037944265 0.211085633 -0.021043022 -0.033916727 0.073882015 -0.002630623 -0.000261994 -0.02544956 0.724881931 0.415951162 0.062275118 -0.14015721 -0.063529883 -0.197277377 -0.167428673 0.165551326 0.139539135 -0.064952381 -0.038539406 0.071991896 -0.084959167 0.135882153 0.135897748 0.184628459 0.220041199 0.169563191 0.269310992 0.270521843 0.163067151 0.845067103 1.209774848 0.027242339 -0.046910945 0.166524939 0.234584753 0.463581462 0.267196189 YMR250W YMR250W iESR cluster GAD1 response to oxidative stress* glutamate decarboxylase activity cytoplasm | YMR251W -0.56030928 0.124389446 2.025992335 x 0.373024464 2.1572907 2.409411279 x 1.58529 0.189388774 0.938689331 2.259038908 x YMR250W 0.534555735 0.533585633 -0.418543022 0.068583273 1.066382015 0.599869377 1.542238006 1.23705044 4.487381931 4.188451162 -0.375224882 0.76234279 -0.021029883 0.245222623 0.645071327 -0.661948674 -0.497960865 -0.312452381 0.213960594 -0.685508104 -0.832459167 -0.181617847 -0.171602252 1.087128459 1.532541199 0.032063191 0.011810992 -0.156978157 -0.154432849 2.657567103 3.392274848 0.339742339 0.665589055 1.649024939 1.757084753 0.756081462 -0.160303811 YMR251W YMR251W iESR cluster GTO3 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YMR251W-A #N/A #N/A #N/A x 1.118207915 2.56376563 2.459111063 x 1.545820667 -0.061574228 0.99378079 -0.617041194 x YMR251W #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YMR251W-A YMR251W-A iESR cluster HOR7 response to stress molecular function unknown endoplasmic reticulum* | YMR252C -1.475779145 -0.54308305 1.479972214 x 0.577253132 0.934503587 1.006462623 x 0.394885333 0.133599864 1.168389792 0.66460066 x YMR251W-A 0.257055735 0.376085633 0.183956978 0.271083273 0.848882015 0.822369377 1.234738006 1.14955044 0.729881931 0.610951162 0.517275118 0.44484279 0.231470117 0.127722623 0.387571327 -0.429448674 -0.245460865 -0.379952381 -0.263539406 -0.493008104 -0.649959167 -0.779117847 -0.689102252 -0.410371541 -0.204958801 0.124563191 0.364310992 -0.304478157 -0.451932849 2.470067103 2.374774848 -0.347757661 0.068089055 0.501524939 0.349584753 0.748581462 0.622196189 YMR261C "YMR261C ... TPS3 response to stress* ""alpha,alpha-trehalose-phosphate syn""""alpha,alpha-trehalose-phosphate syn"" | YMR262W" -0.354909485 0.241039818 0.40060483 x 0.194971849 0.723638736 0.659252812 x -0.000911667 0.001728245 0.067221108 0.445875317 x YMR261C -0.007944265 0.171085633 -0.191043022 -0.133916727 0.053882015 -0.142630623 0.359738006 0.30455044 0.884881931 0.955951162 -0.067724882 0.23984279 0.146470117 -0.097277377 0.042571327 -0.004448674 -0.120460865 -0.284952381 -0.068539406 -0.148008104 -0.354959167 0.375882153 -0.274102252 -0.415371541 -0.039958801 -0.360436809 -0.270689008 -0.239478157 -0.226932849 1.015067103 1.789774848 0.297242339 -0.116910945 0.096524939 0.394584753 0.433581462 0.147196189 YMR262W YMR262W ... YMR262W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YMR263W -0.529225784 -0.996268705 0.546856366 x 0.488770425 0.891944061 0.600017251 x 0.936318 -0.136157449 0.228652486 0.463627881 x YMR262W -0.345444265 -0.156414367 -0.148543022 -0.011416727 -0.163617985 -0.290130623 0.322238006 0.22705044 0.767381931 0.928451162 0.214775118 0.19234279 0.078970117 0.165222623 0.155071327 0.318051326 0.202039135 -0.182452381 -0.206039406 -0.005508104 -0.152459167 0.318382153 -0.051602252 -0.102871541 0.232541199 -0.227936809 0.021810992 0.033021843 -0.034432849 0.907567103 1.662274848 0.249742339 0.245589055 0.329024939 0.597084753 0.556081462 0.179696189 YMR271C YMR271C iESR cluster URA10 pyrimidine base biosynthesis orotate phosphoribosyltransferase acytoplasm | YMR272C -0.547322897 -0.909759346 1.89063979 x -0.011790061 0.357812189 0.787523279 x 1.684255333 0.113869909 0.933127642 0.859305949 x YMR271C -0.432944265 -0.283914367 -0.026043022 0.171083273 -0.611117985 -0.477630623 0.794738006 0.28955044 2.589881931 2.020951162 2.237275118 -0.43515721 -0.598529883 -0.512277377 0.357571327 -0.149448674 -0.055460865 -0.519952381 -0.513539406 0.456991896 -0.239959167 -0.099117847 -0.319102252 0.339628459 0.265041199 -0.315436809 -0.125689008 0.545521843 0.498067151 1.530067103 1.224774848 0.282242339 0.348089055 -0.038475061 0.099584753 -0.151418538 -0.227803811 YMR277W YMR277W PAC cluster FCP1 transcription* phosphoprotein phosphatase activitynucleus | YMR278W 0.004500665 -0.588413492 -0.515853608 x -0.122460286 -0.266533845 -0.011240479 x -0.563892 -0.131323182 -0.503159247 -0.258140175 x YMR277W -0.130444265 -0.031414367 -0.043543022 -0.096416727 -0.218617985 -0.195130623 -0.492761994 -0.51794956 -0.967618069 -0.686548838 -0.650224882 -0.03265721 0.043970117 -0.359777377 -0.429928673 -0.316948674 -0.272960865 -0.137452381 -0.131039406 -0.320508104 -0.247459167 -0.046617847 -0.376602252 -0.687871541 -0.382458801 -0.192936809 -0.303189008 -0.311978157 -0.149432849 0.502567103 0.487274848 -0.225257661 -0.409410945 -0.475975061 -0.397915247 -0.058918538 -0.135303811 YMR278W "YMR278W Ö PGM3 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Phosphoglucomutase, catalyzes interconversion of glucose-1-phosphate and glucose-6-phospate; transcription induced in response to stress; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the cytoplasm and nucleus; non-essentialYMR279C" -0.065264438 -0.3528697 0.622316681 x 0.097523185 0.560538791 0.702990713 x 0.669069 -0.300000275 0.04462286 0.211606715 x YMR278W -0.275444265 -0.196414367 -0.148543022 -0.161416727 -0.413617985 -0.260130623 -0.097761994 -0.39294956 0.527381931 0.468451162 -0.165224882 -0.55765721 -0.181029883 -0.244777377 -0.334928673 -0.391948674 -0.327960865 -0.262452381 -0.216039406 -0.145508104 -0.182459167 -0.291617847 -0.261602252 0.027128459 0.162541199 -0.137936809 -0.358189008 0.283021843 0.245567151 0.297567103 0.382274848 0.019742339 -0.184410945 -0.020975061 -0.052915247 0.026081462 -0.160303811 YMR280C YMR280C ... CAT8 positive regulation of transcr specific RNA polymerase II transcrinucleus | YMR281W -1.506303836 -0.474554813 2.720515184 x 0.710091615 1.440145617 1.240328332 x 0.562071333 -0.066463173 0.2627882 1.180746894 x YMR280C 0.069555735 0.308585633 -0.063543022 -0.386416727 0.111382015 -0.045130623 0.277238006 0.53205044 1.592381931 1.423451162 0.769775118 0.75734279 0.003970117 1.510222623 1.020071327 0.763051326 0.447039135 -0.417452381 -0.011039406 -0.270508104 -0.827459167 0.853382153 0.493397748 1.292128459 1.377541199 0.557063191 0.866810992 -0.381978157 -0.599432849 1.772567103 1.897274848 0.954742339 0.700589055 1.044024939 1.112084753 0.631081462 0.014696189 YMR284W YMR284W ... YKU70 chromatin assembly or disassem RNA binding* nuclear membrane* | YMR285C -0.398985118 -0.748304963 0.44945619 x -0.054956081 0.612640302 0.792285007 x 0.648008333 -0.172028998 -0.354512906 0.232881876 x YMR284W -0.280444265 -0.391414367 -0.283543022 -0.126416727 0.031382015 -0.265130623 0.177238006 -0.14794956 0.222381931 -0.606548838 -0.080224882 0.06734279 -0.276029883 -0.119777377 -0.139928673 -0.186948674 -0.232960865 -0.037452381 -0.111039406 0.249491896 0.372540833 -0.696617847 -0.246602252 -0.087871541 -0.292458801 -0.192936809 -0.063189008 0.088021843 0.060567151 0.362567103 0.067274848 -0.205257661 -0.069410945 -0.475975061 -0.567915247 -0.258918538 -0.055303811 YMR290C YMR290C PAC cluster HAS1 rRNA processing RNA binding* nucleolus* | YMR290W-A 0.044176165 -0.860979821 -0.758525274 x 0.098168751 -0.219529721 0.012152898 x -0.734733333 -0.025805637 -0.742263498 -0.407830521 x YMR290C 0.017055735 0.126085633 0.203956978 0.071083273 -0.091117985 0.022369377 -0.455261994 -0.54044956 -1.040118069 -0.799048838 -0.592724882 -0.36515721 0.331470117 0.267722623 0.027571327 0.000551326 -0.125460865 0.090047619 -0.033539406 -0.023008104 0.240040833 -0.039117847 0.100897748 -0.280371541 -0.574958801 0.084563191 -0.175689008 -0.034478157 0.028067151 0.840067103 0.064774848 0.192242339 0.058089055 -0.328475061 -0.560415247 -0.441418538 -0.227803811 YMR291W YMR291W iESR cluster YMR291W biological process unknown protein kinase activity cytoplasm* | YMR292W 0.262262368 0.168827531 1.535466633 x -0.117529822 0.820018317 1.279609137 x 1.39563 -0.183837012 0.471998123 0.812527539 x YMR291W -0.272944265 0.586085633 -0.386043022 -0.108916727 -0.291117985 -0.197630623 -0.495261994 -0.53044956 0.139881931 0.500951162 0.247275118 0.03484279 0.101470117 -0.282277377 -0.062428673 -0.049448674 -0.055460865 -0.359952381 0.106460594 -0.023008104 0.140040833 0.580882153 0.120897748 0.429628459 -0.054958801 -0.375436809 -0.325689008 0.145521843 0.118067151 1.770067103 1.914774848 -0.157757661 -0.431910945 0.271524939 0.489584753 0.468581462 -0.037803811 YMR304W YMR304W iESR cluster UBP15 protein deubiquitination ubiquitin-specific protease activitcytoplasm | YMR305C -0.317123869 -0.504896407 0.387205504 x 0.212043293 0.650345478 0.890019877 x 0.711535667 -0.145840388 0.123192514 0.315205507 x YMR304W -0.075444265 0.113585633 -0.218543022 -0.131416727 0.206382015 -0.140130623 0.112238006 -0.03294956 1.087381931 0.798451162 -0.475224882 0.11234279 0.148970117 0.035222623 -0.054928673 -0.091948674 -0.127960865 -0.132452381 -0.076039406 0.034491896 -0.082459167 -0.121617847 -0.161602252 -0.082871541 -0.077458801 -0.007936809 -0.028189008 0.073021843 -0.104432849 0.907567103 1.282274848 0.209742339 0.015589055 -0.090975061 0.137084753 0.336081462 0.119696189 YMR310C YMR310C PAC cluster YMR310C biological process unknown molecular function unknown nucleus | YMR311C -0.126436307 -0.586335153 -0.581911037 x -0.134681485 -0.323328839 -0.105061198 x 0.16897 -0.052007492 -0.251855243 -0.273298345 x YMR310C -0.020444265 0.308585633 0.036456978 -0.046416727 -0.048617985 -0.085130623 -0.382761994 -0.38794956 -0.927618069 -0.186548838 -0.570224882 -0.30265721 0.343970117 -0.599777377 -0.299928673 -0.426948674 -0.202960865 -0.237452381 -0.131039406 -0.360508104 -0.257459167 0.073382153 0.053397748 -0.367871541 -0.262458801 -0.152936809 -0.303189008 -0.131978157 -0.139432849 0.772567103 0.917274848 -0.295257661 -0.459410945 -0.035975061 0.012084753 -0.208918538 -0.115303811 YMR311C YMR311C ... GLC8 glycogen biosynthesis enzyme activator activity cytoplasm* | YMR312W -0.457974901 -0.674834539 0.21177131 x -0.102779865 0.355526682 0.847678366 x 0.145454333 -0.07333559 -0.379969622 0.451111886 x YMR311C 0.217055735 0.156085633 0.203956978 0.211083273 0.348882015 -0.067630623 0.264738006 0.23955044 0.659881931 -0.159048838 0.507275118 0.15484279 -0.358529883 0.577722623 0.197571327 0.450551326 0.414539135 0.460047619 0.376460594 0.496991896 0.430040833 -0.539117847 -0.039102252 0.259628459 -0.214958801 0.254563191 0.434310992 0.275521843 0.228067151 1.430067103 0.714774848 0.402242339 0.388089055 0.211524939 -0.100415247 -0.181418538 0.142196189 YMR315W YMR315W iESR cluster YMR315W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YMR315W-A -0.645053094 0.50329 1.699931303 x -0.860146748 0.89224602 1.286758632 x 0.148802 -0.313051244 0.491930551 0.65194152 x YMR315W 0.009555735 0.328585633 -0.193543022 -0.096416727 0.141382015 -0.155130623 -0.102761994 -0.05794956 0.632381931 0.473451162 -0.280224882 0.39734279 0.243970117 -0.009777377 -0.069928673 0.183051326 -0.102960865 -0.327452381 -0.151039406 -0.150508104 -0.317459167 0.673382153 0.143397748 0.562128459 0.667541199 -0.022936809 0.076810992 0.818021843 0.610567151 0.752567103 1.287274848 0.404742339 -0.009410945 0.604024939 0.752084753 0.581081462 0.224696189 YMR316W YMR316W ... DIA1 pseudohyphal growth* molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YMR317W 0.842069285 -0.533070828 1.206400599 x 0.245960206 0.288225371 0.775413309 x 1.224188667 -0.102065479 -0.008229469 0.322977967 x YMR316W 0.619555735 0.438585633 0.866456978 0.743583273 -0.298617985 -0.375130623 0.017238006 -0.30794956 -0.037618069 -0.116548838 1.059775118 0.39734279 0.213970117 0.950222623 0.660071327 0.543051326 0.417039135 -0.527452381 -0.671039406 0.149491896 -0.277459167 -0.276617847 -0.336602252 0.372128459 -0.042458801 0.677063191 1.226810992 0.478021843 0.340567151 0.202567103 0.127274848 0.204742339 0.360589055 0.004024939 -0.107915247 0.771081462 0.704696189 YNL012W YNL012W ... SPO1 meiosis phospholipase activity nucleus | YNL013C 0.265561874 0.541765842 1.52069481 x 0.628247118 1.171446344 1.387652746 x 1.676448 0.454875012 0.873447494 0.795173024 x YNL012W -0.440444265 -0.081414367 -0.123543022 -0.136416727 -0.088617985 -0.005130623 0.257238006 0.04205044 1.542381931 1.193451162 0.569775118 0.33734279 0.563970117 1.450222623 1.590071327 -0.016948674 0.227039135 -0.927452381 -0.691039406 -0.630508104 -0.797459167 0.063382153 -0.046602252 0.822128459 0.707541199 0.407063191 0.326810992 1.148021843 0.770567151 0.242567103 0.597274848 0.954742339 0.960589055 0.394024939 0.572084753 0.751081462 0.564696189 YNL014W YNL014W ... HEF3 translational elongation ATPase activity* cytosolic ribosome (sensu Eukaryota | YNL015W 0.217400748 -0.395035847 1.581561104 x 1.212735569 1.235962602 0.937023605 x 0.984714667 0.270213772 1.139341814 0.763406612 x YNL014W 0.509555735 0.428585633 0.026456978 -0.026416727 0.341382015 0.364869377 0.127238006 0.26205044 1.322381931 1.033451162 0.549775118 0.52734279 0.203970117 1.450222623 1.380071327 0.193051326 0.107039135 0.372547619 0.648960594 0.009491896 0.072540833 -0.056617847 -0.066602252 0.022128459 -0.012458801 0.277063191 0.236810992 0.478021843 0.520567151 0.102567103 0.077274848 1.304742339 1.320589055 0.054024939 0.122084753 0.201081462 0.164696189 YNL015W "YNL015W iESR cluster PBI2 vacuole fusion, non-autophagic endopeptidase inhibitor activity cytoplasm* | YNL016W" -2.121678349 -0.633685625 2.04727813 x 0.429597358 1.001202971 1.739653826 x -0.531122667 0.088749135 -0.037816123 0.926016386 x YNL015W -0.050444265 -0.121414367 -0.113543022 0.093583273 0.021382015 -0.075130623 0.837238006 0.72205044 1.562381931 1.313451162 -0.110224882 0.58734279 0.013970117 1.510222623 1.860071327 0.313051326 0.217039135 0.012547619 0.128960594 0.429491896 0.282540833 0.803382153 0.633397748 1.512128459 0.637541199 -0.002936809 0.406810992 -0.331978157 -0.169432849 1.452567103 1.327274848 0.994742339 1.400589055 1.014024939 0.742084753 -0.158918538 -0.355303811 YNL028W YNL028W ... | YNL029C #N/A #N/A #N/A x #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! x #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! x YNL028W #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YNL029C YNL029C ... KTR5 cell wall organization and bio mannosyltransferase activity Golgi apparatus | YNL030W 0.156137521 -0.725624507 -0.409709874 x 0.111779541 -0.458402558 -0.211143136 x -0.191143333 0.000998364 -0.132836132 -0.034632746 x YNL029C -0.422944265 -0.233914367 -0.256043022 -0.268916727 -0.131117985 -0.017630623 0.124738006 -0.05044956 -0.610118069 -0.509048838 -0.542724882 -0.24515721 -0.058529883 1.177722623 1.127571327 -0.109448674 -0.005460865 -0.059952381 -0.173539406 -0.253008104 -0.129959167 -0.059117847 0.070897748 -0.250371541 -0.374958801 0.134563191 0.064310992 -0.184478157 0.118067151 -0.529932897 -0.615225152 1.172242339 1.178089055 -0.088475061 -0.010415247 0.198581462 0.302196189 YNL036W YNL036W ... NCE103 response to oxidative stress carbonate dehydratase activity cytoplasm* | YNL037C -0.432782179 -0.460591005 0.593350687 x -0.079533423 0.323407378 1.246536066 x 2.075123667 -0.604616045 1.108541885 0.225734617 x YNL036W -0.152944265 0.106085633 -0.256043022 -0.788916727 0.088882015 0.212369377 -0.005261994 -0.01044956 1.439881931 0.890951162 1.847275118 0.56484279 0.511470117 1.847722623 1.627571327 0.550551326 0.464539135 0.330047619 0.066460594 -0.293008104 0.060040833 0.400882153 0.270897748 -0.030371541 0.745041199 0.204563191 0.234310992 0.845521843 0.648067151 6.71E-05 1.274774848 1.892242339 1.798089055 0.071524939 0.739584753 0.608581462 0.562196189 YNL055C YNL055C iESR cluster POR1 aerobic respiration* voltage-gated ion-selective channelmitochondrial outer membrane | YNL056W -1.602267009 0.746923677 1.066645247 x -0.183534913 0.891206458 0.311525623 x -1.409579667 -0.214893516 -0.345031628 0.437832495 x YNL055C 0.177055735 0.366085633 0.233956978 0.311083273 -0.091117985 -0.107630623 0.974738006 0.87955044 2.269881931 2.220951162 1.437275118 0.13484279 -0.438529883 1.217722623 1.587571327 0.340551326 0.174539135 -0.109952381 -0.023539406 0.126991896 -0.069959167 0.870882153 0.810897748 1.959628459 2.295041199 0.194563191 0.454310992 0.675521843 0.478067151 1.070067103 1.604774848 1.652242339 1.468089055 1.831524939 1.649584753 -0.011418538 -0.237803811 YNL058C YNL058C ... YNL058C biological process unknown molecular function unknown vacuole (sensu Fungi) | YNL059C -0.160802842 -0.421947032 0.399040892 x 0.121773099 1.470888582 1.200961704 x 0.080856 -0.063773254 0.294718794 1.536480556 x YNL058C -0.255444265 0.123585633 0.231456978 0.228583273 -0.123617985 -0.310130623 0.522238006 0.50705044 0.947381931 0.528451162 -0.045224882 0.38234279 0.508970117 1.335222623 1.135071327 0.188051326 0.222039135 0.177547619 0.183960594 0.624491896 0.467540833 0.428382153 0.308397748 0.927128459 0.842541199 -0.057936809 0.191810992 1.293021843 1.165567151 -0.562432897 0.222274848 1.229742339 0.935589055 0.589024939 0.637084753 0.406081462 0.069696189 YNL066W YNL066W PAC cluster SUN4 mitochondrion organization and glucosidase activity cell wall (sensu Fungi)* | YNL067W 0.458963776 0.070036788 -0.460086553 x -0.04611138 -0.353976563 -0.954157203 x -1.223933667 -0.283225093 -0.456003948 -0.50987738 x YNL066W -0.002944265 0.216085633 0.043956978 -0.058916727 -0.381117985 -0.167630623 -0.805261994 -0.64044956 -1.240118069 -0.459048838 -0.172724882 -0.30515721 -0.388529883 0.297722623 0.317571327 0.220551326 -0.025460865 -0.419952381 -0.173539406 -0.513008104 -0.569959167 0.050882153 -0.469102252 -1.020371541 -0.904958801 -0.385436809 -0.535689008 -0.534478157 -0.281932849 0.120067103 0.064774848 0.792242339 0.478089055 -0.488475061 -0.500415247 0.118581462 0.132196189 YNL087W YNL087W ... TCB2 biological process unknown molecular function unknown bud | YNL088W 0.292968776 -0.490417838 -0.568235343 x 0.10179894 -0.102216798 -0.073511983 x -0.906714667 -0.204390027 -0.468388281 -1.160657076 x YNL087W 0.012055735 0.091085633 0.118956978 0.096083273 -0.196117985 -0.242630623 -0.550261994 -0.55544956 -1.625118069 -1.394048838 -0.467724882 -0.16015721 -0.063529883 0.522722623 0.282571327 -0.104448674 -0.220460865 -0.364952381 -0.368539406 -0.268008104 -0.274959167 -0.574117847 -0.744102252 -1.495371541 -1.489958801 -0.410436809 -0.420689008 -0.499478157 -0.476932849 -0.514932897 -0.970225152 0.767242339 0.473089055 -1.223475061 -1.245415247 -0.096418538 -0.112803811 YNL092W YNL092W ... YNL092W biological process unknown S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methcellular component unknown | YNL093W 0.1885313 -0.916794538 1.246844401 x 0.393100401 0.949072356 1.342278648 x 1.833889 0.154905475 1.753991914 0.804448222 x YNL092W #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.134979136 #VALUE! 0.139904173 #VALUE! 0.845760164 0.590572598 0.820904089 #VALUE! -0.641702724 0.715864948 0.402492275 1.548744781 1.018593485 0.551573484 0.285561293 -0.028930223 #VALUE! 0.408014054 0.281062991 0.261904311 0.171919906 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.40533315 0.026544001 0.409089309 #VALUE! 0.315797006 1.583264497 1.379111213 0.302547097 0.680606911 0.67960362 -0.116781653 YNL093W YNL093W ... YPT53 endocytosis* GTPase activity late endosome | YNL094W #N/A #N/A #N/A x 1.095795199 2.386540817 2.256227433 x #DIV/0! 1.526280789 3.990101745 3.933089441 x YNL093W #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! YNL111C YNL111C ... CYB5 sterol biosynthesis electron transporter activity endoplasmic reticulum membrane* | YNL112W 0.281282642 -0.760398421 -0.389265219 x -0.316147563 -0.150590913 -0.235483769 x 0.684130333 -0.38698684 -0.540353095 -0.59860544 x YNL111C -0.187944265 -0.228914367 -0.201043022 -0.003916727 0.183882015 0.207369377 0.049738006 0.20455044 -0.195118069 -0.104048838 -0.267724882 -0.36015721 -0.113529883 -0.037277377 0.302571327 -0.124448674 -0.150460865 0.025047619 -0.108539406 -0.458008104 -0.724959167 0.335882153 0.105897748 -0.615371541 -0.469958801 0.169563191 -0.180689008 0.190521843 0.213067151 -0.674932897 -0.450225152 0.567242339 0.213089055 -0.323475061 -0.205415247 -0.206418538 -0.202803811 YNL112W "YNL112W ... DBP2 mRNA catabolism, nonsense-medi RNA helicase activity cytoplasm* | YNL113W" 0.343417645 -0.427340021 -0.43139077 x 0.016315822 -0.254502296 -0.348797115 x -0.498284 -0.041768835 -0.468912571 -0.226203137 x YNL112W 0.164555735 0.023585633 0.131456978 -0.021416727 -0.193617985 -0.130130623 -0.887761994 -0.97294956 -1.922618069 -1.101548838 -0.925224882 -0.83765721 -0.161029883 -0.094777377 0.125071327 -0.321948674 -0.107960865 0.197547619 0.083960594 -0.275508104 0.017540833 -0.271617847 0.078397748 0.087128459 -0.477458801 0.072063191 -0.228189008 -0.016978157 0.155567151 -0.112432897 -1.027725152 0.039742339 0.165589055 -0.040975061 -0.372915247 -0.763918538 -0.520303811 YNL115C YNL115C iESR cluster YNL115C biological process unknown molecular function unknown vacuole (sensu Fungi) | YNL116W -0.407098251 -0.418914534 0.825659825 x 0.002234078 1.160143036 1.096831193 x 0.367265 -0.245701648 0.642293752 0.888481311 x YNL115C -0.262944265 -0.233914367 -0.236043022 -0.338916727 -0.111117985 -0.227630623 0.364738006 0.23955044 0.999881931 0.620951162 0.037275118 0.17484279 -0.058529883 0.967722623 1.017571327 -0.329448674 -0.285460865 0.090047619 0.186460594 0.116991896 -0.169959167 -0.149117847 -0.319102252 0.229628459 0.705041199 0.014563191 0.284310992 -0.184478157 -0.251932849 0.130067103 0.634774848 1.112242339 1.078089055 0.531524939 0.739584753 0.798581462 0.372196189 YNL119W YNL119W RP cluster NCS2 pseudohyphal growth* molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YNL120C -0.084079694 -0.595232473 -0.631997675 x -0.054635534 0.04014852 -0.168581433 x -0.102412 -0.321766499 -1.048842854 -0.25590441 x YNL119W 0.152055735 -0.158914367 0.138956978 0.026083273 -0.056117985 -0.002630623 -0.630261994 -0.72544956 -0.765118069 -0.684048838 -0.317724882 -0.52015721 -0.083529883 0.502722623 0.602571327 -0.334448674 -0.160460865 0.085047619 -0.098539406 -0.268008104 -0.024959167 -0.594117847 -0.044102252 0.034628459 -0.249958801 0.029563191 -0.130689008 -0.209478157 -0.106932849 0.245067103 -0.540225152 0.337242339 0.633089055 -0.043475061 -0.395415247 -0.726418538 -0.292803811 YNL124W YNL124W PAC cluster NAF1 transport* RNA binding* nucleoplasm | YNL125C 0.197851695 -0.701284994 -0.703382388 x 0.069710237 -0.420004794 -0.238197024 x -0.318892333 -0.016780931 -0.672242408 -0.200220387 x YNL124W -0.082944265 0.056085633 0.093956978 -0.058916727 -0.131117985 -0.137630623 -0.485261994 -0.96044956 -1.090118069 -0.499048838 -0.842724882 -0.31515721 0.111470117 0.257722623 0.457571327 -0.459448674 -0.705460865 -0.039952381 0.026460594 0.026991896 0.110040833 0.050882153 0.110897748 -0.540371541 -0.314958801 -0.195436809 -0.435689008 -0.214478157 -0.031932849 -0.069932897 -0.285225152 0.652242339 0.458089055 -0.228475061 -0.180415247 -0.351418538 -0.437803811 YNL132W YNL132W PAC cluster KRE33 biological process unknown molecular function unknown nucleolus | YNL133C 0.181528319 -0.583131272 -0.638667499 x 0.096163593 -0.320357291 -0.101041592 x -0.808492667 0.050732977 -0.800240978 -0.600471073 x YNL132W -0.140444265 0.018585633 0.086456978 -0.106416727 -0.038617985 -0.255130623 -0.492761994 -0.48794956 -1.287618069 -1.046548838 -1.040224882 -0.29265721 0.133970117 0.790222623 0.850071327 -0.456948674 -0.222960865 -0.247452381 -0.241039406 -0.320508104 -0.157459167 -0.526617847 -0.186602252 -0.557871541 -0.982458801 -0.222936809 -0.433189008 -0.321978157 -0.209432849 -0.467432897 -0.822725152 0.954742339 0.840589055 -0.765975061 -0.867915247 -0.518918538 -0.405303811 YNL134C YNL134C iESR cluster YNL134C biological process unknown alcohol dehydrogenase (NADP+) activcytoplasm* | YNL135C -1.070161602 0.446099142 2.035848533 x 0.276191072 1.414298184 1.94782927 x -1.221431 0.153853054 0.133850096 -0.082301997 x YNL134C -0.190444265 -0.031414367 -0.513543022 -0.256416727 1.101382015 0.304869377 1.597238006 1.47205044 3.142381931 2.693451162 -0.570224882 0.49734279 0.453970117 2.160222623 2.360071327 -0.136948674 0.207039135 0.012547619 0.138960594 -0.030508104 -0.257459167 0.243382153 0.433397748 0.342128459 0.957541199 0.287063191 0.346810992 -0.661978157 -0.809432849 1.072567103 1.547274848 1.974742339 1.820589055 -0.025975061 -0.087915247 0.021081462 -0.195303811 YNL141W YNL141W PAC cluster AAH1 adenine catabolism adenine deaminase activity cytoplasm* | YNL142W 0.28740652 -0.279498764 -0.694952606 x 0.037692702 -0.630446658 -0.627151492 x -1.481881333 0.02785398 -0.103049757 -0.972855217 x YNL141W 0.179555735 0.258585633 -0.003543022 -0.096416727 -0.108617985 0.034869377 -1.032761994 -1.12794956 -1.727618069 -0.886548838 -1.440224882 -0.83265721 0.153970117 0.170222623 0.210071327 -0.516948674 -0.322960865 0.292547619 0.298960594 -0.300508104 0.032540833 -0.316617847 0.003397748 -0.037871541 -0.562458801 -0.042936809 -0.473189008 -0.451978157 -0.209432849 -0.837432897 -1.762725152 0.144742339 0.110589055 -0.115975061 -0.497915247 -0.878918538 -0.535303811 YNL160W YNL160W iESR cluster YGP1 response to stress* molecular function unknown cell wall (sensu Fungi) | YNL161W -2.564660738 -0.126119994 3.000407843 x 0.504241645 2.440473153 1.805411961 x 0.976507 -0.076594115 1.085919061 0.28478823 x YNL160W -0.102944265 0.626085633 -0.056043022 0.011083273 0.018882015 0.602369377 1.524738006 1.32955044 -0.690118069 0.270951162 -0.592724882 0.24484279 -0.998529883 0.267722623 0.187571327 -0.389448674 -0.525460865 -0.219952381 0.286460594 -0.683008104 -0.569959167 -1.289117847 -2.099102252 -2.090371541 -1.114958801 -0.495436809 -0.555689008 -1.834478157 -1.551932849 2.200067103 2.884774848 0.042242339 0.008089055 0.531524939 0.869584753 2.008581462 1.652196189 YNL194C YNL194C iESR cluster YNL194C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YNL195C #N/A #N/A #N/A x 1.023848341 1.060213601 1.164829357 x 2.080712 -0.40061018 2.6433848 0.816083113 x YNL194C #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.778607658 1.175733953 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.039388686 2.34420112 #VALUE! #VALUE! -1.248074203 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.582222007 #VALUE! 0.449189815 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.704691513 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.052739735 0.456175619 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YNL195C YNL195C iESR cluster YNL195C biological process unknown molecular function unknown mitochondrion | YNL196C -0.012537982 1.049366048 1.35182406 x 1.009213205 1.255201101 0.550672935 x 1.696777 0.627905291 0.902663143 0.391837677 x YNL195C -0.665444265 -0.236414367 -0.228543022 -0.191416727 0.206382015 0.269869377 1.112238006 0.69705044 1.117381931 1.238451162 0.574775118 0.54234279 0.568970117 1.505222623 1.825071327 0.008051326 0.182039135 0.447547619 0.573960594 0.724491896 0.457540833 0.908382153 0.458397748 0.417128459 0.732541199 0.462063191 0.001810992 1.153021843 1.305567151 -0.412432897 0.312274848 0.799742339 0.685589055 0.499024939 0.337084753 -0.383918538 -0.120303811 YNL200C YNL200C iESR cluster YNL200C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YNL201C -0.985015643 -0.16148102 1.877204036 x 0.563398915 1.627915254 1.81552341 x 1.219448 -0.283726401 -0.237679222 1.051048159 x YNL200C -0.415444265 -0.256414367 -0.378543022 -0.151416727 0.206382015 0.029869377 1.042238006 0.94705044 2.197381931 2.238451162 0.594775118 0.30234279 -0.211029883 0.805222623 1.465071327 0.038051326 0.112039135 -0.322452381 0.153960594 -0.005508104 -0.342459167 0.688382153 -0.111602252 0.357128459 1.052541199 0.112063191 0.221810992 0.053021843 0.235567151 0.557567103 1.562274848 1.509742339 1.385589055 0.809024939 1.087084753 0.906081462 0.509696189 YNL202W "YNL202W ... SPS19 sporulation (sensu Fungi)* ""2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase (NADPH) a""peroxisomal matrix | YNL203C" #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.519793652 1.018058021 2.407744387 x 1.258842 0.675391366 1.712483446 1.365850949 x YNL202W -0.740444265 -0.171414367 0.076456978 0.333583273 -0.738617985 -0.375130623 2.767238006 2.74205044 3.272381931 3.433451162 0.269775118 0.28734279 0.313970117 2.270222623 3.000071327 -0.116948674 -0.012960865 -0.957452381 -0.151039406 0.079491896 -0.137459167 1.013382153 0.893397748 1.622128459 1.897541199 0.807063191 0.946810992 0.468021843 0.420567151 -0.167432897 0.617274848 2.444742339 2.480589055 0.634024939 0.882084753 0.561081462 0.034696189 YNL208W YNL208W iESR cluster YNL208W biological process unknown molecular function unknown mitochondrion | YNL209W -0.482162722 -0.932300438 0.984260702 x 0.418655117 0.489252825 0.768713665 x 0.183397 -0.126382634 0.688153473 0.365118201 x YNL208W -0.162944265 0.036085633 -0.046043022 -0.078916727 -0.101117985 -0.087630623 0.344738006 0.29955044 1.889881931 1.370951162 0.347275118 0.24484279 -0.048529883 1.457722623 1.607571327 0.150551326 0.004539135 -0.559952381 -0.473539406 -0.103008104 -0.279959167 0.660882153 0.130897748 0.129628459 0.675041199 0.234563191 0.544310992 0.595521843 0.708067151 -0.509932897 0.194774848 1.362242339 1.178089055 0.361524939 0.339584753 0.938581462 0.512196189 YNL216W YNL216W ... RAP1 chromatin silencing at telomer DNA binding* nucleus* | YNL217W -0.15414636 -0.539152803 -0.614413316 x -0.133184129 0.059025984 -0.017738555 x -0.631134333 -0.302964901 -0.601583054 -0.306418933 x YNL216W -0.005444265 0.293585633 0.121456978 0.048583273 -0.173617985 -0.100130623 -0.447761994 -0.47294956 -0.822618069 -0.451548838 -0.345224882 -0.30765721 -0.091029883 -0.104777377 -0.094928673 -0.111948674 -0.137960865 -0.162452381 -0.116039406 -0.255508104 -0.212459167 0.128382153 -0.131602252 -0.532871541 -0.557458801 0.052063191 -0.158189008 -0.546978157 -0.614432849 -0.222432897 -0.057725152 0.329742339 -0.064410945 -0.140975061 -0.002915247 0.216081462 -0.000303811 YNL220W YNL220W ... ADE12 purine nucleotide biosynthesis adenylosuccinate synthase activity cytoplasm | YNL221C -0.372145694 -0.387373609 -0.485045589 x -0.56290999 -0.85609147 -0.273869972 x -1.254928667 -0.166359417 -0.805880221 -0.206706014 x YNL220W 0.037055735 0.056085633 -0.106043022 -0.058916727 -0.251117985 -0.347630623 -0.295261994 -0.25044956 -1.500118069 -1.229048838 0.047275118 -0.20515721 -0.008529883 0.977722623 0.997571327 -0.049448674 -0.035460865 0.080047619 0.076460594 0.036991896 0.090040833 -0.329117847 -0.249102252 -0.450371541 -0.794958801 -0.695436809 -0.975689008 0.185521843 0.208067151 -0.549932897 -0.705225152 1.412242339 1.328089055 -0.168475061 -0.100415247 -0.541418538 -0.517803811 YNL223W YNL223W ... ATG4 protein-vacuolar targeting* microtubule binding* microtubule associated complex | YNL224C 0.084042597 0.668667523 0.483596831 x 0.361976339 0.83884076 0.750746358 x 0.735793 -0.163587498 0.332691845 0.909151258 x YNL223W -0.090444265 0.188585633 0.306456978 0.283583273 -0.048617985 -0.275130623 0.237238006 0.19205044 0.882381931 0.673451162 0.159775118 0.07734279 -0.286029883 0.790222623 1.030071327 -0.076948674 -0.042960865 -0.327452381 -0.221039406 0.039491896 0.072540833 0.083382153 0.123397748 0.502128459 0.377541199 -0.082936809 -0.033189008 -0.141978157 -0.129432849 0.042567103 0.337274848 1.094742339 1.170589055 0.404024939 0.502084753 0.111081462 -0.275303811 YNL242W YNL242W ... ATG2 protein-vacuolar targeting* molecular function unknown extrinsic to membrane | YNL243W -0.695574673 -0.451847157 0.520234524 x -0.00016461 0.198735042 0.519206392 x 0.497567333 -0.169037944 -0.224911967 0.342146895 x YNL242W -0.175444265 -0.036414367 -0.128543022 -0.191416727 0.026382015 -0.050130623 0.022238006 -0.03294956 0.577381931 0.538451162 -0.125224882 0.32234279 0.128970117 1.265222623 1.195071327 0.168051326 0.002039135 -0.252452381 -0.166039406 -0.105508104 -0.412459167 0.628382153 0.298397748 -0.182871541 0.162541199 0.182063191 0.161810992 0.363021843 0.355567151 -0.292432897 0.332274848 1.569742339 1.335589055 -0.160975061 0.267084753 0.406081462 0.109696189 YNL248C YNL248C PAC cluster RPA49 transcription from RNA polymer DNA-directed RNA polymerase activitDNA-directed RNA polymerase I compl | YNL249C 0.285184533 -0.59847982 -0.693845168 x 0.12610635 -0.111560927 0.045523683 x -0.706341 0.053535043 -0.727261378 -0.331549976 x YNL248C 0.087055735 0.006085633 0.163956978 0.031083273 -0.021117985 -0.047630623 -0.325261994 -0.35044956 -1.220118069 -0.799048838 -0.402724882 -0.39515721 0.101470117 0.867722623 1.047571327 -0.279448674 -0.055460865 0.010047619 -0.123539406 -0.153008104 0.100040833 -0.449117847 0.030897748 -0.140371541 -0.364958801 0.014563191 -0.225689008 0.125521843 0.178067151 0.150067103 -0.595225152 0.682242339 0.978089055 -0.248475061 -0.590415247 -0.681418538 -0.317803811 YNL256W YNL256W PAC cluster FOL1 folic acid and derivative bios 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyldicytoplasm* | YNL257C 0.167800611 -0.296695409 -0.502958681 x 0.076855002 -0.108836416 -0.08970701 x -1.015644 -0.05138291 -0.560783113 -0.216426892 x YNL256W -0.077944265 0.121085633 0.038956978 0.146083273 -0.206117985 -0.212630623 -0.510261994 -0.44544956 -0.675118069 -0.354048838 -0.687724882 -0.55015721 0.086470117 0.272722623 0.612571327 -0.314448674 -0.100460865 -0.304952381 -0.278539406 -0.138008104 -0.134959167 0.075882153 -0.024102252 0.074628459 -0.079958801 -0.300436809 -0.510689008 -0.329478157 -0.236932849 -0.004932897 -0.390225152 0.597242339 0.503089055 0.056524939 0.104584753 -0.376418538 -0.482803811 YNL265C YNL265C ... IST1 protein biosynthesis translation initiation factor activendosome | YNL266W -0.28712926 -0.613122681 0.141106438 x 0.074685425 1.16065669 1.147062856 x 0.158222667 -0.06764794 0.178593208 0.840182781 x YNL265C 0.007055735 -0.203914367 0.433956978 0.161083273 -0.131117985 -0.297630623 0.264738006 0.08955044 1.189881931 0.620951162 0.257275118 -0.23515721 -0.558529883 1.147722623 1.247571327 0.270551326 0.324539135 -0.029952381 -0.133539406 0.246991896 0.200040833 -0.219117847 -0.159102252 0.529628459 0.195041199 0.034563191 -0.095689008 -0.044478157 -0.101932849 0.320067103 -0.125225152 1.042242339 1.028089055 0.381524939 0.159584753 -0.421418538 -0.337803811 YNL274C "YNL274C Ö iESR cluster GOR1 metabolism ""oxidoreductase activity, acti | Glyoxylate reductase; null mutation results in increased biomass after diauxic shift; the authentic, non-tagged protein is detected in highly purified mitochondria in high-throughput studiesYNL275W" -0.099829812 -0.249377932 1.457695112 x 0.101786429 1.292784067 1.686816195 x 0.866251667 -0.386037008 -0.181467834 1.177121913 x YNL274C 0.174555735 -0.046414367 -0.408543022 -0.381416727 0.396382015 0.059869377 0.752238006 0.69705044 3.827381931 3.248451162 0.364775118 0.44234279 -0.111029883 1.395222623 1.515071327 0.098051326 0.152039135 -0.272452381 -0.286039406 -0.785508104 -0.802459167 0.328382153 0.348397748 1.017128459 1.752541199 0.692063191 0.631810992 0.203021843 0.065567151 1.257567103 1.902274848 1.499742339 1.655589055 1.319024939 1.177084753 0.836081462 0.389696189 YNL289W YNL289W ... PCL1 cell cycle cyclin-dependent protein kinase regcyclin-dependent protein kinase hol | YNL290W -0.430668414 -0.148782968 0.631728272 x 0.261089785 0.684349151 0.783306953 x 0.636727 -0.27706375 -0.027439934 0.72620103 x YNL289W 0.222055735 0.131085633 0.428956978 0.486083273 0.273882015 0.247369377 0.319738006 0.38455044 0.374881931 0.245951162 0.642275118 -0.08015721 -0.243529883 1.812722623 1.832571327 0.415551326 0.419539135 0.155047619 0.221460594 0.621991896 0.505040833 0.205882153 0.255897748 -0.365371541 0.060041199 -0.370436809 0.099310992 -0.099478157 0.253067151 -0.424932897 -0.050225152 1.297242339 1.623089055 -0.163475061 -0.025415247 0.313581462 -0.082803811 YNL293W YNL293W ... MSB3 actin filament organization* Rab GTPase activator activity bud tip* | YNL294C -0.333703284 -0.286086633 0.664682909 x 0.102976399 0.933365787 0.873904049 x 1.139935667 0.104883807 -0.182117121 1.009766358 x YNL293W -0.345444265 -0.136414367 0.181456978 0.078583273 -0.053617985 -0.220130623 0.492238006 0.08705044 0.917381931 0.298451162 0.254775118 0.20234279 -0.051029883 0.915222623 0.915071327 -0.101948674 0.022039135 0.017547619 -0.016039406 0.434491896 0.377540833 -0.381617847 0.038397748 0.497128459 0.242541199 -0.007936809 0.341810992 0.763021843 0.625567151 -0.422432897 -0.177725152 0.729742339 0.795589055 0.059024939 0.017084753 0.226081462 0.189696189 YNL294C YNL294C ... RIM21 sporulation (sensu Fungi)* molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YNL295W -0.13250354 -0.079871164 0.615436649 x 0.129290706 0.634930943 0.500486213 x 0.793311 -0.09829433 0.418934324 0.72516897 x YNL294C -0.162944265 -0.073914367 -0.046043022 0.061083273 -0.041117985 0.062369377 0.164738006 0.02955044 0.469881931 0.280951162 0.197275118 0.17484279 -0.208529883 0.767722623 0.807571327 0.060551326 -0.125460865 0.030047619 0.076460594 0.226991896 0.130040833 0.140882153 -0.049102252 0.509628459 0.685041199 0.194563191 0.514310992 0.605521843 0.518067151 -0.049932897 0.264774848 0.822242339 0.838089055 0.121524939 0.099584753 0.298581462 0.252196189 YNL298W YNL298W ... CLA4 protein amino acid phosphoryla protein serine/threonine kinase actactin cap | YNL299W 0.146958916 -0.557569664 -0.418147002 x 0.178823837 0.021394384 -0.091035706 x 0.582715 -0.209850662 -0.273649304 0.18426976 x YNL298W -0.057944265 0.171085633 0.048956978 0.056083273 0.013882015 0.047369377 -0.180261994 -0.19544956 0.214881931 0.065951162 -0.367724882 -0.13015721 0.066470117 0.272722623 0.272571327 -0.414448674 -0.280460865 -0.194952381 -0.138539406 -0.108008104 -0.184959167 -0.224117847 -0.134102252 -0.435371541 -0.379958801 -0.040436809 -0.200689008 0.180521843 0.233067151 -0.114932897 -0.040225152 0.457242339 0.443089055 -0.333475061 -0.105415247 0.293581462 0.057196189 YNL300W "YNL300W Ö TOS6 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-dependent cell wall protein, expression is periodic and decreases in respone to ergosterol perturbation or upon entry into stationary phase; depletion increases resistance to lactic acidYNL301C" -0.161455028 0.811877719 0.672206073 x 0.274697993 0.91369183 0.370708312 x -0.326661667 -0.089876576 0.16853063 0.674358924 x YNL300W -0.022944265 0.216085633 0.153956978 0.361083273 0.038882015 0.312369377 0.334738006 0.43955044 0.029881931 0.580951162 -0.402724882 0.16484279 -0.158529883 0.887722623 1.337571327 0.440551326 0.364539135 0.180047619 0.416460594 0.676991896 0.410040833 0.800882153 0.460897748 -0.070371541 0.165041199 -0.165436809 -0.135689008 0.065521843 0.368067151 -0.409932897 0.534774848 0.832242339 0.838089055 0.111524939 0.349584753 0.268581462 0.142196189 YNL301C YNL301C RP cluster RPL18B protein biosynthesis structural constituent of ribosome cytosolic large ribosomal subunit ( | YNL302C -0.172617045 -0.18078382 -0.574308794 x -0.081685799 -0.031257693 -0.298586364 x -1.583221333 -0.160343723 -0.425808411 -1.939810013 x YNL301C -0.392944265 -0.263914367 -0.046043022 -0.158916727 -0.311117985 -0.187630623 -0.545261994 -0.18044956 -1.720118069 -1.069048838 -0.942724882 -0.03515721 0.361470117 0.637722623 0.677571327 -0.099448674 -0.075460865 -0.039952381 0.076460594 0.036991896 0.120040833 0.350882153 0.330897748 -1.320371541 -1.174958801 -0.385436809 -0.625689008 -0.144478157 0.138067151 -0.289932897 -0.255225152 0.442242339 0.608089055 -2.228475061 -1.950415247 -0.571418538 -0.297803811 YNL313C YNL313C PAC cluster YNL313C karyogamy molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YNL314W 0.241051048 -0.432090934 -0.55106442 x -0.0827952 -0.087615993 -0.114987034 x -0.52584 -0.122867531 -0.67445797 -0.284452219 x YNL313C 0.139555735 0.358585633 0.076456978 -0.056416727 0.251382015 0.124869377 -0.422761994 -0.30794956 -0.527618069 -0.366548838 -0.750224882 -0.13265721 0.333970117 0.630222623 0.830071327 -0.236948674 -0.182960865 -0.027452381 0.028960594 -0.410508104 -0.277459167 -0.136617847 0.113397748 -0.207871541 -0.372458801 0.147063191 -0.053189008 -0.001978157 0.060567151 -0.087432897 -0.242725152 0.994742339 1.030589055 -0.205975061 -0.217915247 -0.018918538 -0.035303811 YNL327W YNL327W ... EGT2 cytokinesis cellulase activity cell wall (sensu Fungi) | YNL328C 0.013627949 -0.239008334 -0.71278805 x -0.076055379 -0.129772856 -0.414465236 x -1.377879667 -0.30322353 -0.524148966 -0.201559667 x YNL327W 0.039555735 0.248585633 -0.003543022 -0.016416727 -0.118617985 -0.155130623 -0.312761994 -0.21794956 -0.517618069 0.063451162 -0.450224882 -0.06265721 -0.166029883 0.190222623 0.400071327 -0.186948674 -0.092960865 -0.047452381 0.208960594 -0.080508104 -0.317459167 -0.026617847 -0.176602252 -0.377871541 -0.322458801 0.087063191 -0.033189008 -0.441978157 -0.319432849 0.022567103 0.357274848 0.694742339 0.760589055 -0.085975061 -0.017915247 0.551081462 0.394696189 YNR001C YNR001C iESR cluster CIT1 tricarboxylic acid cycle* citrate (Si)-synthase activity mitochondrion* | YNR001W-A -1.598291431 -0.053250124 0.752595016 x -0.09946541 1.454644581 1.116171045 x 1.021737667 -0.093823976 -0.107168054 0.771175579 x YNR001C 0.072055735 0.341085633 -0.051043022 -0.093916727 1.103882015 0.917369377 1.369738006 1.44455044 1.964881931 1.535951162 0.562275118 0.81984279 0.366470117 1.372722623 1.092571327 0.595551326 0.409539135 0.355047619 0.491460594 0.021991896 0.055040833 0.525882153 0.175897748 0.864628459 1.540041199 -0.080436809 0.089310992 0.490521843 -0.016932849 0.145067103 1.039774848 1.397242339 1.063089055 1.386524939 1.634584753 0.603581462 0.207196189 YNR002C "YNR002C Ö iESR cluster ATO2 transport* transporter activity mitochondrion* | Putative transmembrane protein involved in export of ammonia, a starvation signal that promotes cell death in aging colonies; phosphorylated in mitochondria; member of the TC 9.B.33 YaaH family; homolog of Ady2p and Y. lipolytica Gpr1pYNR003C" #N/A #N/A #N/A x -0.370068472 -0.274423232 1.770746055 x 0.53411 0.856676406 1.447226088 2.13221722 x YNR002C #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.555715904 -0.588589609 #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.314934876 -0.100122442 1.70020905 1.461278281 0.507602237 1.005169909 #VALUE! 1.068049742 1.257898446 0.450878445 0.274866254 0.030374738 #VALUE! -0.392680986 -0.459632049 0.861209272 0.211224867 #VALUE! 1.435368318 #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.154151039 #VALUE! 0.230394222 1.055101967 1.092569458 0.958416174 0.961852058 1.309911872 1.278908581 #VALUE! YNR007C YNR007C ... ATG3 protein-vacuolar targeting* molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YNR008W -0.954542578 -0.963219798 1.146988574 x 0.011394831 0.685075116 1.058753785 x 0.773532 0.010652182 0.254757142 0.858929079 x YNR007C 0.082055735 -0.098914367 -0.041043022 0.026083273 0.033882015 -0.272630623 0.239738006 0.38455044 1.274881931 0.885951162 0.452275118 0.19984279 -0.103529883 1.112722623 1.252571327 0.115551326 0.079539135 0.185047619 0.151460594 0.331991896 0.185040833 0.055882153 0.295897748 0.424628459 0.350041199 0.169563191 0.269310992 0.070521843 0.013067151 0.165067103 0.099774848 1.227242339 1.193089055 0.266524939 0.314584753 0.113581462 -0.022803811 YNR012W YNR012W ... URK1 pyrimidine salvage uridine kinase activity cytoplasm* | YNR013C 0.212126331 -0.810831742 -0.753075711 x 0.215024237 -0.234314259 -0.166940175 x 0.087532667 -0.013511253 -0.646432068 -0.356320183 x YNR012W -0.065444265 -0.076414367 -0.088543022 -0.141416727 -0.153617985 -0.170130623 -0.587761994 -0.49294956 -1.222618069 -0.751548838 -0.615224882 -0.41765721 0.208970117 0.365222623 0.675071327 -0.401948674 -0.207960865 -0.062452381 -0.126039406 -0.305508104 -0.132459167 -0.141617847 0.048397748 -0.412871541 -0.227458801 -0.177936809 -0.408189008 -0.506978157 -0.314432849 -0.242432897 -0.407725152 0.659742339 0.475589055 -0.240975061 -0.312915247 -0.593918538 -0.400303811 YNR014W YNR014W ... YNR014W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YNR015W -1.005198531 0.575599903 1.723840984 x -0.134128722 -0.32378743 0.532664215 x 1.179529 1.027194865 1.412031424 2.421790554 x YNR014W -0.545444265 -0.196414367 -0.018543022 -0.191416727 -0.493617985 0.019869377 0.962238006 1.28705044 -0.012618069 0.768451162 -0.095224882 0.68234279 0.038970117 1.315222623 1.435071327 0.288051326 -0.077960865 0.107547619 0.123960594 0.184491896 0.597540833 0.758382153 0.148397748 0.527128459 0.552541199 -0.307936809 -0.218189008 -0.266978157 -0.074432849 0.507567103 1.632274848 0.809742339 0.645589055 0.529024939 0.937084753 0.536081462 -0.080303811 YNR015W YNR015W ... SMM1 tRNA modification* tRNA dihydrouridine synthase activicytoplasm* | YNR016C -0.276007308 -0.690515063 -0.40295503 x 0.041690632 -0.451972904 -0.262774267 x -0.376412333 0.240880229 -0.034304247 0.156751262 x YNR015W -0.137944265 -0.208914367 0.128956978 0.216083273 -0.236117985 -0.232630623 0.069738006 -0.43544956 -0.745118069 -0.514048838 -0.157724882 -0.02015721 0.166470117 1.232722623 1.272571327 -0.154448674 -0.120460865 -0.154952381 -0.038539406 0.051991896 0.115040833 0.065882153 0.075897748 -0.285371541 -0.119958801 -0.190436809 -0.250689008 -0.409478157 -0.266932849 -0.474932897 -0.350225152 1.107242339 1.033089055 0.086524939 0.024584753 -0.236418538 -0.332803811 YNR028W YNR028W ... CPR8 biological process unknown peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerasevacuole (sensu Fungi) | YNR029C -0.521977912 -1.060052619 -0.349554597 x 0.371618518 -0.022602381 -0.219409001 x -0.263817 -0.263702396 -0.871669007 -0.439132479 x YNR028W -0.222944265 -0.313914367 0.183956978 -0.088916727 -0.501117985 -0.387630623 -0.255261994 -0.40044956 -0.950118069 -0.899048838 -0.032724882 -0.08515721 -0.048529883 0.797722623 0.907571327 -0.209448674 -0.145460865 -0.309952381 -0.403539406 -0.363008104 -0.069959167 -0.619117847 -0.269102252 -0.890371541 -0.794958801 -0.405436809 -0.495689008 -0.394478157 -0.241932849 -0.279932897 -0.215225152 0.782242339 0.878089055 -0.648475061 -0.470415247 -0.111418538 -0.097803811 YNR034W-A YNR034W-A ... YNR034W-A biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YNR035C #N/A #N/A #N/A x 1.460733679 2.575796628 2.381082313 x #DIV/0! -0.740859503 1.400671386 2.073157507 x YNR034W-A 0.252055735 0.221085633 0.008956978 0.246083273 0.563882015 0.497369377 1.689738006 1.48455044 2.454881931 2.505951162 0.112275118 0.05984279 -0.173529883 0.372722623 1.312571327 0.225551326 0.449539135 -0.184952381 0.171460594 0.311991896 0.155040833 0.435882153 0.445897748 1.074628459 1.250041199 0.149563191 0.199310992 0.230521843 0.263067151 1.555067103 1.499774848 0.657242339 1.313089055 1.266524939 0.874584753 0.353581462 0.087196189 YNR038W YNR038W ... DBP6 35S primary transcript process ATP-dependent RNA helicase activitynucleolus* | YNR039C 0.04059148 -0.834909095 -0.739669886 x 0.005840839 -0.195336364 -0.011047515 x 0.061858 -0.123467457 -0.606690128 -0.356860304 x YNR038W -0.210444265 -0.001414367 -0.113543022 -0.206416727 -0.078617985 -0.055130623 -0.412761994 -0.38794956 -0.817618069 -0.426548838 -0.740224882 -0.41265721 0.223970117 0.330222623 0.680071327 -0.666948674 -0.292960865 -0.187452381 -0.191039406 -0.280508104 -0.237459167 -0.256617847 -0.206602252 -0.467871541 -0.402458801 -0.332936809 -0.633189008 -0.421978157 -0.459432849 -0.357432897 -0.282725152 0.734742339 0.650589055 -0.305975061 -0.277915247 -0.398918538 -0.455303811 YNR050C "YNR050C ... LYS9 lysine biosynthesis, aminoadip ""saccharopine dehydrogenase (NADP+,""cytoplasm | YNR051C" -0.788712935 -1.160943719 -0.503678349 x -0.837258755 -1.449724765 -0.838538382 x -0.254968667 0.182902178 -0.789109802 -0.230928654 x YNR050C 1.007055735 1.046085633 1.123956978 1.171083273 -0.041117985 -0.277630623 0.054738006 0.07955044 1.349881931 1.410951162 1.027275118 1.70484279 1.881470117 1.917722623 1.867571327 1.410551326 0.964539135 0.760047619 0.666460594 0.926991896 0.950040833 1.330882153 1.060897748 0.569628459 0.315041199 0.244563191 0.244310992 0.945521843 0.738067151 0.510067103 0.634774848 2.482242339 2.138089055 1.151524939 1.369584753 0.978581462 0.742196189 YNR051C YNR051C ... BRE5 protein deubiquitination molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YNR052C -0.188220013 -0.821282115 -0.461775569 x 0.026247481 -0.22601302 -0.189273782 x -0.538066 -0.032548687 -0.895444303 -0.458579365 x YNR051C 0.137055735 0.016085633 -0.066043022 -0.118916727 0.148882015 -0.107630623 -0.605261994 -0.49044956 -1.050118069 -1.009048838 -0.522724882 0.19484279 0.071470117 0.737722623 0.627571327 -0.259448674 -0.305460865 0.050047619 0.006460594 -0.133008104 -0.129959167 -0.149117847 -0.089102252 -0.350371541 -0.324958801 0.214563191 0.274310992 0.025521843 0.118067151 -0.329932897 -0.845225152 0.522242339 0.548089055 -0.608475061 -0.660415247 -0.021418538 0.132196189 YNR058W YNR058W ... BIO3 biotin biosynthesis adenosylmethionine-8-amino-7-oxononcytoplasm | YNR059W 0.193185219 -0.836458672 1.334027658 x -0.00675443 0.261045644 0.78204619 x 1.910601333 0.042576608 -0.033585577 1.719915519 x YNR058W -0.215444265 0.163585633 -0.228543022 0.538583273 -0.083617985 -0.140130623 0.612238006 0.57705044 1.807381931 1.398451162 1.464775118 -0.20765721 -0.221029883 1.135222623 1.515071327 -0.201948674 0.032039135 0.007547619 0.093960594 0.324491896 -0.392459167 0.308382153 0.078397748 0.707128459 0.832541199 0.142063191 0.251810992 0.753021843 0.705567151 -0.322432897 0.272274848 1.439742339 1.555589055 0.639024939 0.707084753 0.626081462 0.249696189 YNR064C YNR064C ... YNR064C response to toxin epoxide hydrolase activity soluble fraction | YNR065C #N/A #N/A #N/A x 1.118207914 4.087152775 3.742255997 x 1.525357667 0.314231956 1.618845939 1.931473216 x YNR064C #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YNR065C YNR065C ... YSN1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YNR066C 0.160961586 -0.177477741 0.783209657 x -0.029661624 1.426363421 1.570765714 x 1.124097667 0.193224374 1.87249616 2.199051295 x YNR065C -0.260444265 -0.021414367 -0.023543022 0.043583273 0.371382015 0.104869377 0.717238006 0.77205044 3.432381931 2.683451162 -0.720224882 -0.07265721 -0.156029883 0.630222623 0.660071327 -0.116948674 0.067039135 0.162547619 0.298960594 0.579491896 0.292540833 0.613382153 0.223397748 1.832128459 1.717541199 0.867063191 1.236810992 1.908021843 1.720567151 -0.387432897 0.657274848 0.384742339 0.330589055 0.614024939 0.672084753 1.191081462 0.624696189 YNR066C YNR066C ... YNR066C biological process unknown molecular function unknown membrane fraction | YNR067C 0.137775031 0.124644613 0.825905254 x -0.188399323 1.860827506 2.085540672 x 1.116469333 -0.14132207 1.358470339 2.03127165 x YNR066C -0.085444265 0.483585633 -0.288543022 -0.111416727 0.436382015 0.039869377 0.092238006 0.08705044 2.147381931 1.738451162 -0.745224882 -0.15765721 0.038970117 -0.874777377 0.075071327 -0.471948674 -0.317960865 0.057547619 0.063960594 -0.005508104 0.087540833 -0.201617847 -0.241602252 1.157128459 0.972541199 0.702063191 0.611810992 1.233021843 1.035567151 -0.302432897 0.142274848 -0.590257661 -0.434410945 0.179024939 0.147084753 0.356081462 0.119696189 YNR067C "YNR067C ... DSE4 cytokinesis, completion of sep ""glucan 1,3-beta-glucosidase activit""cell wall (sensu Fungi)* | YNR068C" 0.229725264 -0.088178554 -1.092828239 x -0.120430175 -0.381786726 -1.032457565 x -1.230915 -0.346337376 -0.439042515 -0.364685312 x YNR067C -0.045444265 -0.026414367 -0.198543022 -0.271416727 -0.013617985 -0.220130623 -0.447761994 -0.33294956 -1.492618069 -0.801548838 -0.685224882 -0.00765721 -0.281029883 -0.074777377 0.205071327 -0.691948674 -0.457960865 -0.262452381 -0.126039406 -0.395508104 -0.552459167 -0.251617847 -0.281602252 -0.832871541 -0.607458801 0.162063191 -0.078189008 -0.376978157 -0.204432849 0.067567103 0.262274848 0.409742339 0.665589055 -0.130975061 -0.162915247 0.616081462 0.459696189 YNR075W YNR075W ... COS10 endocytosis molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YNR076W 1.900727903 -0.016392573 0.677105955 x 0.954634351 0.789797555 0.892254716 x 0.401926333 0.565542515 1.170552138 0.620546766 x YNR075W -0.338588774 -0.289558876 0.358312469 0.635438764 -0.756762494 -0.403275132 1.839093497 -0.886094069 -1.335762578 -1.034693347 -0.118369391 0.629198281 0.165825608 0.922078114 0.741926818 0.094906817 -0.261105374 0.09440311 -0.099183915 0.821347387 0.654396324 0.115237644 -0.334746761 -0.27601605 -0.35060331 -0.821081318 -0.021333517 0.069877334 0.222422642 -0.295577406 -0.210869661 0.59659783 -0.157555454 -0.11411957 0.053940244 0.562936953 0.03655168 YOL007C YOL007C Ö CSI2 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Protein of unknown function; green fluorescent protein (GFP)- fusion protein localizes to the mother side of the bud neck and the vacuole; YOL007C is not an essential geneYOL008W -0.081761775 0.118649745 0.576636995 x 0.12479622 0.284088407 0.874775658 x 1.173616333 0.035711454 0.211963102 1.687962045 x YOL007C 0.009555735 0.028585633 0.146456978 0.083583273 -0.158617985 -0.185130623 -0.362761994 -0.34794956 -0.037618069 0.073451162 -0.200224882 -0.11265721 0.223970117 0.200222623 0.180071327 0.103051326 0.167039135 0.222547619 0.218960594 0.499491896 0.292540833 0.373382153 0.013397748 -0.057871541 0.427541199 -0.402936809 -0.193189008 0.378021843 0.590567151 -0.627432897 -0.002725152 0.294742339 0.150589055 0.824024939 1.132084753 0.131081462 -0.125303811 YOL013C YOL013C ... HRD1 ER-associated protein cataboli ubiquitin-protein ligase activity endoplasmic reticulum membrane | YOL013W-A -0.438970743 -0.20821709 0.701826468 x 0.209737571 0.195435837 0.241391458 x 0.151530333 -0.057328867 0.646555579 0.922713421 x YOL013C -0.340444265 -0.291414367 -0.103543022 -0.046416727 -0.278617985 -0.335130623 -0.282761994 -0.39794956 -0.947618069 -0.606548838 -0.750224882 0.60734279 0.443970117 0.260222623 -0.029928673 0.273051326 -0.212960865 0.042547619 0.018960594 0.379491896 0.122540833 0.653382153 0.123397748 0.292128459 0.347541199 -0.422936809 -0.023189008 -0.021978157 -0.039432849 -0.197432897 -0.112725152 0.434742339 -0.259410945 0.504024939 0.802084753 0.341081462 0.074696189 YOL016C YOL016C ... CMK2 protein amino acid phosphoryla calcium- and calmodulin-dependent pcytoplasm | YOL017W 0.450901575 -0.374763539 0.83554652 x 0.328869511 0.644123348 1.102266655 x 1.678484333 0.061305313 0.06734254 1.490929244 x YOL016C 0.484555735 0.263585633 0.601456978 0.468583273 -0.313617985 -0.250130623 0.232238006 0.02705044 0.197381931 0.068451162 0.694775118 0.59234279 0.348970117 1.265222623 0.895071327 0.458051326 0.222039135 -0.552452381 -0.626039406 0.054491896 -0.212459167 -0.171617847 -0.401602252 1.007128459 0.592541199 0.172063191 0.681810992 0.233021843 0.155567151 -0.382432897 -0.267725152 0.649742339 0.525589055 0.849024939 0.797084753 0.606081462 0.589696189 YOL021C YOL021C ... DIS3 35S primary transcript process 3'-5'-exoribonuclease activity mitochondrion* | YOL022C 0.077301118 -0.510802025 -0.529708567 x 0.018719321 -0.265085163 -0.159822546 x -0.286655 -0.034671233 -0.446438992 0.633609672 x YOL021C 0.077055735 0.136085633 0.103956978 -0.028916727 0.058882015 0.102369377 -0.315261994 -0.30044956 -0.800118069 -0.629048838 -0.442724882 -0.16515721 0.201470117 -0.262277377 -0.102428673 -0.169448674 -0.115460865 -0.009952381 0.036460594 -0.133008104 -0.069959167 -0.259117847 -0.069102252 0.409628459 0.155041199 -0.065436809 -0.255689008 -0.184478157 -0.101932849 -0.249932897 -0.465225152 0.022242339 -0.201910945 0.801524939 0.729584753 -0.091418538 -0.167803811 YOL031C YOL031C ... SIL1 SRP-dependent cotranslational molecular function unknown endoplasmic reticulum | YOL032W -0.076050372 -0.254011265 1.245637692 x 0.286355592 0.28597565 0.746487767 x -0.424514333 0.16730918 0.930036127 0.941441083 x YOL031C -0.217944265 -0.458914367 -0.021043022 0.716083273 -0.486117985 -0.562630623 -0.170261994 -0.42544956 0.104881931 0.165951162 -0.437724882 0.53984279 0.186470117 0.242722623 0.402571327 0.105551326 -0.080460865 -0.114952381 -0.148539406 0.781991896 0.205040833 0.495882153 0.645897748 1.014628459 0.810041199 -0.160436809 0.409310992 0.370521843 0.483067151 0.235067103 -0.390225152 -0.062757661 -0.016910945 0.036524939 -0.105415247 -0.436418538 -0.412803811 YOL048C YOL048C Ö iESR cluster RRT8 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Putative protein of unknown function; identified in a screen for mutants with increased levels of rDNA transcription; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to lipid particlesYOL049W -0.063931782 -0.797308415 0.829758732 x 0.528868503 1.322788972 0.662429243 x 0.768488 -0.342530565 0.037313951 1.690700934 x YOL048C -0.092944265 -0.073914367 0.003956978 0.191083273 0.048882015 -0.027630623 0.704738006 0.44955044 -0.040118069 0.210951162 0.427275118 0.46484279 -0.028529883 0.037722623 0.377571327 0.120551326 0.154539135 -0.219952381 -0.083539406 0.176991896 -0.049959167 0.590882153 0.300897748 1.589628459 1.925041199 0.154563191 0.444310992 0.225521843 0.298067151 0.400067103 1.184774848 0.262242339 0.268089055 1.771524939 2.079584753 0.638581462 0.582196189 YOL052C-A YOL052C-A ... DDR2 response to stress molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YOL053W #N/A #N/A #N/A x #DIV/0! 1.786158046 2.72227393 x 0.882125 -0.580558154 2.635760912 3.825886212 x YOL052C-A -0.035444265 0.293585633 0.351456978 0.048583273 0.706382015 0.909869377 2.042238006 1.25705044 3.517381931 3.298451162 0.084775118 0.09234279 0.118970117 0.125222623 0.495071327 -0.171948674 -0.207960865 -0.152452381 0.033960594 0.104491896 0.057540833 0.018382153 -0.091602252 1.297128459 1.912541199 0.182063191 0.041810992 -0.276978157 -0.144432849 0.167567103 1.252274848 0.039742339 -0.094410945 0.739024939 1.197084753 0.406081462 0.319696189 YOL055C YOL055C ... THI20 thiamin biosynthesis phosphomethylpyrimidine kinase acticellular component unknown | YOL056W 0.375165112 0.001711866 1.118763272 x -0.460219098 0.905920213 0.991662007 x 1.045508333 0.222412205 1.323284997 1.292022138 x YOL055C -0.122944265 -0.003914367 -0.126043022 0.241083273 0.068882015 0.072369377 0.764738006 0.23955044 3.549881931 3.410951162 -0.522724882 0.16484279 0.191470117 0.337722623 0.337571327 -0.089448674 -0.085460865 0.120047619 0.226460594 0.676991896 0.220040833 -0.079117847 0.130897748 1.029628459 0.795041199 -0.035436809 0.174310992 0.825521843 0.578067151 -0.449932897 -0.525225152 -0.187757661 0.058089055 0.441524939 0.409584753 0.098581462 -0.167803811 YOL071W YOL071W ... EMI5 sporulation (sensu Fungi) molecular function unknown mitochondrion | YOL072W -1.174617424 -1.006545976 0.509633163 x -0.428830639 0.640504411 0.944862986 x 0.550403333 -0.595009078 -0.293258952 1.405145188 x YOL071W 0.134555735 -0.386414367 0.041456978 -0.151416727 0.636382015 0.429869377 0.322238006 0.34705044 0.997381931 0.828451162 0.034775118 0.34234279 -0.061029883 -0.134777377 0.255071327 0.088051326 0.192039135 -0.052452381 0.033960594 -0.035508104 -0.222459167 0.378382153 0.398397748 1.537128459 1.912541199 0.442063191 0.391810992 -0.376978157 -0.344432849 0.897567103 0.872274848 -0.090257661 0.325589055 1.519024939 1.507084753 0.176081462 0.269696189 YOL082W YOL082W iESR cluster ATG19 protein-vacuolar targeting protein binding cytoplasm* | YOL083W -1.036502876 -0.40467422 1.627942072 x 0.180590938 0.830536561 1.400301516 x -0.099882333 -0.077985757 -0.161567197 1.331771612 x YOL082W 0.084555735 -0.126414367 -0.048543022 -0.011416727 0.346382015 0.139869377 0.942238006 1.20705044 1.097381931 0.658451162 0.464775118 0.51234279 -0.021029883 0.195222623 0.315071327 0.378051326 0.282039135 -0.182452381 -0.276039406 0.394491896 0.087540833 -0.051617847 -0.151602252 0.417128459 0.582541199 -0.397936809 0.041810992 0.153021843 -0.114432849 -0.032432897 0.092274848 0.319742339 0.155589055 0.819024939 0.807084753 0.236081462 -0.080303811 YOL083W YOL083W iESR cluster YOL083W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YOL084W #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.977122454 2.235188841 1.463894178 x 1.310206 -0.434551417 -0.238553344 1.735498113 x YOL083W 0.027055735 -0.153914367 0.053956978 0.401083273 0.128882015 0.072369377 1.424738006 1.22955044 1.379881931 1.040951162 0.377275118 0.06484279 0.121470117 0.117722623 0.577571327 0.400551326 0.564539135 -0.169952381 -0.133539406 0.616991896 0.170040833 0.100882153 0.190897748 2.019628459 2.035041199 0.604563191 0.554310992 0.275521843 0.068067151 0.660067103 0.734774848 0.072242339 0.298089055 1.671524939 1.549584753 0.568581462 0.612196189 YOL084W YOL084W iESR cluster PHM7 biological process unknown molecular function unknown vacuole (sensu Fungi) | YOL085C -0.380678833 0.931994728 3.208051473 x 1.836976899 1.763055086 1.142511927 x 1.359935667 0.595419473 3.080685661 3.276418172 x YOL084W -0.461922107 -0.222892209 0.444979136 1.102105431 -0.170095827 -0.146608465 1.375760164 0.860572598 2.810904089 3.22197332 0.328297276 1.475864948 0.222492275 1.008744781 1.368593485 0.501573484 0.065561293 -0.108930223 0.227482752 0.968014054 0.461062991 1.611904311 0.581919906 1.990650617 2.236063357 0.505585349 0.90533315 0.486544001 0.659089309 1.281089261 3.525797006 0.613264497 0.429111213 1.762547097 2.060606911 1.10960362 0.623218347 YOL108C YOL108C ... INO4 positive regulation of transcr DNA binding* nucleus | YOL109W -1.148161025 -0.945465611 0.716703147 x -0.33443007 0.33667401 1.034312974 x -0.520691 -0.458001905 -0.035969716 1.360487746 x YOL108C 0.052055735 -0.238914367 0.128956978 0.266083273 -0.046117985 -0.242630623 -0.230261994 0.26455044 0.054881931 -0.404048838 0.312275118 -0.41015721 -0.633529883 -0.477277377 -0.367428673 -0.014448674 0.199539135 -0.164952381 -0.268539406 0.011991896 0.025040833 -0.504117847 -0.034102252 1.184628459 0.880041199 0.259563191 0.209310992 -0.089478157 -0.026932849 0.605067103 -0.120225152 -0.562757661 -0.286910945 1.056524939 0.824584753 -0.316418538 -0.122803811 YOL111C YOL111C Ö MDY2 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Protein required for efficient mating; involved in shmoo formation and nuclear migration in the pre-zygote; associates with ribosomes and interacts with YOR164C; contains a ubiquitin-like (UBL) domainYOL112W -0.659515187 -0.999389108 -0.488732898 x 0.05867783 0.228299198 -0.101916785 x -0.239472333 -0.426073408 -0.603052523 0.847829841 x YOL111C -0.340444265 -0.401414367 -0.053543022 -0.046416727 -0.598617985 -0.475130623 -0.182761994 -0.08794956 -0.227618069 -0.226548838 -0.510224882 0.01734279 0.113970117 0.180222623 -0.039928673 0.233051326 -0.072960865 -0.167452381 -0.181039406 0.139491896 0.042540833 0.343382153 -0.136602252 0.002128459 0.337541199 -0.522936809 -0.623189008 -0.581978157 -0.369432849 -0.377432897 -0.172725152 0.174742339 -0.199410945 0.624024939 0.842084753 -0.058918538 -0.195303811 YOL112W YOL112W ... MSB4 actin filament organization Rab GTPase activator activity bud tip* | YOL113W -0.408968566 -0.052849987 0.891597364 x -0.102632667 1.158380899 1.398053175 x 0.306810667 0.108990015 0.369586975 1.647255628 x YOL112W 0.092055735 0.021085633 0.188956978 0.346083273 0.023882015 0.097369377 0.229738006 0.20455044 0.044881931 -0.204048838 -0.087724882 0.11984279 -0.153529883 0.152722623 -0.107428673 0.235551326 -0.020460865 0.225047619 0.171460594 0.441991896 0.235040833 -0.064117847 -0.004102252 1.034628459 0.930041199 0.199563191 0.469310992 0.490521843 0.403067151 -0.004932897 -0.010225152 -0.012757661 -0.006910945 0.946524939 0.804584753 0.113581462 0.227196189 YOL113W YOL113W ... SKM1 protein amino acid phosphoryla protein serine/threonine kinase actcellular component unknown | YOL114C 0.254562184 -0.751241131 0.447435936 x 0.190424939 0.976690643 1.233162132 x 1.595133 -0.039995458 0.097510128 2.553244855 x YOL113W -0.052944265 -0.133914367 0.003956978 0.261083273 0.308882015 0.092369377 0.554738006 0.15955044 1.439881931 1.000951162 0.167275118 0.28484279 0.131470117 0.557722623 0.517571327 0.270551326 0.334539135 0.250047619 0.106460594 0.406991896 0.310040833 0.160882153 0.280897748 1.669628459 1.285041199 0.374563191 0.364310992 0.955521843 0.778067151 -0.189932897 0.124774848 0.222242339 0.428089055 1.221524939 1.159584753 0.238581462 0.352196189 YOL117W YOL117W ... RRI2 adaptation to pheromone during molecular function unknown signalosome complex | YOL118C 0.279382583 -0.710794448 0.242502851 x 0.19623615 0.656761346 0.824929356 x 0.867461667 -0.28555029 0.115743581 1.48762637 x YOL117W 0.364555735 0.053585633 0.271456978 0.908583273 0.156382015 0.039869377 0.982238006 0.10705044 0.657381931 0.098451162 -0.445224882 0.07234279 -0.121029883 0.275222623 -0.034928673 -0.111948674 -0.207960865 -0.512452381 -0.526039406 0.714491896 0.487540833 -0.551617847 -0.111602252 1.517128459 1.182541199 0.022063191 0.041810992 0.323021843 0.035567151 0.067567103 0.072274848 0.149742339 0.075589055 1.219024939 1.057084753 -0.253918538 -0.280303811 YOL122C "YOL122C ... SMF1 manganese ion transport ""di-, tri-valent inorganic cation tr""plasma membrane* | YOL123W" -1.477082719 -0.346115613 1.123252047 x -0.094287929 0.333854532 0.229072157 x 0.059871667 -0.106957308 1.119398703 1.929524543 x YOL122C -0.265444265 -0.216414367 -0.298543022 -0.241416727 -0.023617985 -0.040130623 0.182238006 0.03705044 -0.282618069 0.078451162 -0.715224882 0.25234279 -0.101029883 -0.634777377 -0.584928673 -0.011948674 -0.367960865 0.337547619 0.533960594 0.124491896 0.107540833 0.648382153 -0.071602252 1.377128459 1.562541199 0.132063191 0.281810992 0.173021843 0.215567151 -0.652432897 0.272274848 -0.300257661 -0.684410945 1.189024939 1.247084753 0.726081462 0.519696189 YOL126C YOL126C ... MDH2 gluconeogenesis* L-malate dehydrogenase activity cytoplasm* | YOL127W -0.625677168 -0.069472522 0.99545409 x 0.294453983 1.026618861 0.996092754 x 1.369150667 0.183763224 1.320305679 2.411488087 x YOL126C -0.535444265 -0.356414367 0.101456978 0.008583273 -1.193617985 -1.190130623 0.162238006 0.11705044 0.617381931 0.678451162 0.124775118 -0.64765721 0.028970117 0.095222623 0.205071327 -0.091948674 -0.597960865 -2.302452381 -2.166039406 -2.255508104 -2.572459167 -0.031617847 -0.981602252 0.227128459 0.112541199 -0.857936809 -0.968189008 1.513021843 1.475567151 0.047567103 0.462274848 1.009742339 0.165589055 -0.330975061 0.047084753 0.656081462 0.849696189 YOL141W YOL141W ... PPM2 biological process unknown C-terminal protein carboxyl methyltcytoplasm* | YOL142W 0.138721625 -0.713182977 -0.606177693 x -0.066616758 -0.788627055 -0.18477297 x -0.194904 0.026785479 -0.94151236 0.595175768 x YOL141W #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YOL142W YOL142W ... RRP40 35S primary transcript process 3'-5'-exoribonuclease activity nuclear exosome (RNase complex)* | YOL143C 0.108743387 -0.25609426 -0.554941855 x -0.012669487 -0.335591262 -0.11763155 x -0.309251 0.111400476 0.004328708 1.02146881 x YOL142W -0.020444265 -0.021414367 0.046456978 0.013583273 -0.148617985 -0.075130623 -0.152761994 -0.29794956 -0.787618069 -0.326548838 0.059775118 -0.25265721 0.003970117 -0.229777377 0.080071327 -0.216948674 -0.062960865 -0.227452381 -0.141039406 -0.200508104 -0.167459167 -0.066617847 -0.046602252 0.622128459 0.497541199 -0.092936809 -0.273189008 0.028021843 0.120567151 -0.037432897 -0.082725152 -0.085257661 0.030589055 0.994024939 0.982084753 -0.158918538 -0.035303811 YOL151W YOL151W iESR cluster GRE2 response to stress oxidoreductase activity* cytoplasm* | YOL152W -1.211102408 -0.301648835 0.969888409 x 0.733642543 1.227878152 0.80174235 x 0.270653 -0.11250724 -0.203318878 -0.018001588 x YOL151W -0.200444265 -0.081414367 -0.333543022 -0.086416727 0.271382015 0.334869377 0.637238006 0.45205044 2.042381931 1.883451162 -0.480224882 0.47734279 0.343970117 -0.179777377 -0.119928673 0.823051326 0.887039135 -0.237452381 -0.141039406 -0.220508104 -0.487459167 0.283382153 0.173397748 -0.237871541 0.217541199 0.227063191 0.226810992 -0.391978157 -0.469432849 1.482567103 1.967274848 -0.335257661 -0.159410945 -0.065975061 0.132084753 0.841081462 0.664696189 YOL153C YOL153C -1.555000044 0.296474197 1.519500724 x -0.27917708 2.09609894 2.405543595 x 1.343975667 -0.658197267 -0.028646328 2.251384096 x YOL153C 0.169555735 -0.091414367 -0.223543022 0.303583273 0.031382015 0.084869377 1.177238006 1.04205044 0.852381931 0.983451162 0.379775118 -0.09265721 -1.106029883 -0.029777377 #VALUE! 0.803051326 0.817039135 -0.767452381 -0.821039406 -0.040508104 -0.377459167 1.143382153 0.503397748 1.782128459 2.187541199 -0.312936809 0.266810992 -0.371978157 -0.309432849 0.362567103 1.257274848 0.134742339 0.120589055 1.944024939 2.422084753 0.981081462 0.344696189 YOR001W YOR001W PAC cluster RRP6 35S primary transcript process 3'-5'-exoribonuclease activity nuclear exosome (RNase complex) | YOR002W 0.051333136 -0.868525569 -0.625034039 x -0.029379074 -0.146002303 0.01456435 x -0.540262 -0.214403693 -0.307181117 0.422264891 x YOR001W 0.099555735 -0.071414367 0.126456978 0.113583273 0.011382015 -0.005130623 -0.262761994 -0.40794956 -0.697618069 -0.606548838 -0.230224882 -0.45265721 -0.086029883 -0.159777377 -0.109928673 -0.276948674 -0.122960865 -0.037452381 -0.161039406 -0.190508104 -0.197459167 -0.426617847 -0.036602252 0.512128459 0.277541199 0.067063191 -0.073189008 -0.261978157 -0.219432849 0.042567103 -0.492725152 0.114742339 0.170589055 0.704024939 0.432084753 -0.338918538 -0.205303811 YOR003W YOR003W ... YSP3 protein catabolism peptidase activity cellular component unknown | YOR004W -0.3001969 -0.407621841 1.392868593 x 0.087928454 0.492870127 1.201552125 x 1.227799 0.123042677 1.128422067 2.082449383 x YOR003W -0.175444265 0.013585633 -0.138543022 -0.111416727 0.036382015 0.069869377 0.152238006 0.40705044 1.407381931 1.018451162 0.544775118 0.41234279 0.328970117 -0.104777377 0.135071327 -0.011948674 0.032039135 0.357547619 0.433960594 0.254491896 0.097540833 0.508382153 0.248397748 1.977128459 1.932541199 0.212063191 0.411810992 0.903021843 0.885567151 -0.362432897 0.302274848 -0.040257661 -0.074410945 1.599024939 1.737084753 0.526081462 0.239696189 YOR028C YOR028C ... CIN5 regulation of transcription fr DNA binding* nucleus | YOR029W -1.862412887 -0.644367212 1.617017474 x 0.320061303 1.576359142 3.14370867 x 1.0146 0.016251207 -0.267429728 1.377363458 x YOR028C -0.402944265 -0.403914367 -0.036043022 0.631083273 -0.231117985 -0.237630623 0.354738006 0.67955044 0.249881931 -0.089048838 -0.522724882 -0.23515721 -0.218529883 0.307722623 0.437571327 -0.059448674 0.004539135 0.020047619 -0.173539406 0.636991896 0.730040833 -0.269117847 -0.129102252 0.779628459 0.595041199 -0.405436809 -0.095689008 0.185521843 0.418067151 0.020067103 0.104774848 0.012242339 0.068089055 1.031524939 0.869584753 -0.201418538 -0.327803811 YOR035C YOR035C ... SHE4 actin cytoskeleton organizatio myosin binding cytoplasm | YOR036W -0.051300144 -0.242180595 0.374007702 x 0.012277176 0.472276559 0.676980572 x 1.048600667 -0.098974325 0.128398003 1.679473714 x YOR035C 0.034555735 -0.166414367 0.101456978 0.098583273 0.116382015 -0.050130623 -0.057761994 0.33705044 0.137381931 0.158451162 0.144775118 0.13234279 0.168970117 0.205222623 0.035071327 0.048051326 -0.147960865 -0.202452381 -0.206039406 -0.145508104 -0.172459167 0.028382153 -0.271602252 0.957128459 0.812541199 -0.127936809 0.121810992 0.273021843 0.025567151 -0.162432897 -0.147725152 0.169742339 -0.084410945 0.879024939 1.147084753 0.206081462 -0.000303811 YOR036W YOR036W ... PEP12 Golgi to vacuole transport t-SNARE activity Golgi apparatus* | YOR037W 0.016648295 0.190309069 0.861916735 x 0.262638324 1.4424111 1.222693731 x 0.700922667 0.073035574 0.458586126 1.876071118 x YOR036W 0.457055735 0.226085633 0.503956978 0.511083273 0.478882015 0.332369377 0.954738006 0.91955044 1.399881931 0.600951162 1.587275118 0.37484279 -0.518529883 0.907722623 0.797571327 0.650551326 0.554539135 -0.059952381 -0.143539406 0.256991896 0.240040833 -0.069117847 -0.059102252 1.679628459 1.515041199 0.454563191 0.784310992 0.405521843 0.328067151 0.660067103 0.514774848 0.612242339 0.658089055 1.741524939 1.539584753 0.178581462 0.222196189 YOR052C YOR052C iESR cluster YOR052C biological process unknown molecular function unknown nucleus | YOR053W 0.144250269 -0.974923897 0.510471487 x 0.462104787 0.773959846 0.943552499 x 1.050215667 0.159207636 0.590653136 2.05219898 x YOR052C 0.202055735 -0.198914367 -0.241043022 -0.443916727 0.933882015 0.697369377 0.819738006 0.53455044 1.204881931 1.025951162 0.302275118 0.65984279 0.236470117 1.012722623 0.832571327 0.435551326 0.409539135 0.345047619 0.081460594 0.151991896 0.205040833 0.485882153 0.455897748 2.094628459 1.830041199 0.669563191 0.549310992 0.990521843 0.773067151 0.535067103 0.779774848 0.277242339 0.323089055 1.656524939 1.624584753 0.263581462 0.257196189 YOR054C YOR054C ... VHS3 G1/S transition of mitotic cel phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarbocellular component unknown | YOR055W -0.274437226 -0.524368233 0.528410256 x 0.095723856 0.226917013 0.710352483 x 0.443402 -0.38014196 0.445899674 1.26549445 x YOR054C 0.004555735 -0.266414367 -0.338543022 -0.321416727 -0.273617985 -0.440130623 -0.697761994 -0.98294956 0.497381931 0.288451162 -0.405224882 0.29234279 -0.231029883 -0.004777377 -0.284928673 0.158051326 -0.017960865 0.017547619 0.043960594 -0.175508104 -0.242459167 0.108382153 -0.121602252 0.477128459 0.682541199 -0.007936809 0.291810992 -0.066978157 -0.024432849 -0.112432897 -0.117725152 0.029742339 -0.104410945 0.679024939 0.677084753 0.226081462 0.179696189 YOR062C YOR062C ... YOR062C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YOR063W -0.149084816 -0.801755051 0.611577674 x -0.132924971 1.026518226 1.654547372 x 2.196643333 -0.289387254 0.251394592 1.764084252 x YOR062C 0.118077893 0.147107791 #VALUE! 0.172105431 0.389904173 0.453391535 0.535760164 1.340572598 1.180904089 1.25197332 0.458297276 0.255864948 -0.007507725 0.288744781 0.448593485 0.481573484 0.415561293 0.321069777 0.227482752 0.528014054 0.781062991 0.151904311 0.531919906 2.300650617 1.386063357 0.685585349 0.16533315 0.096544001 0.139089309 1.341089261 1.085797006 -0.076735503 0.229111213 1.542547097 1.510606911 0.29960362 -0.116781653 YOR071C YOR071C Ö NRT1 transport transporter activity | High-affinity nicotinamide riboside transporter; also transports thiamine with low affinity; shares sequence similarity with Thi7p and Thi72p; proposed to be involved in 5-fluorocytosine sensitivityYOR072W -0.679540422 -0.892402979 -0.794334906 x 0.086979671 -0.810622105 -0.463524067 x -0.730777 0.221506466 0.430355982 -0.195192809 x YOR071C -0.752944265 -0.403914367 -0.656043022 -0.428916727 -1.221117985 -1.147630623 -1.185261994 -1.19044956 -2.160118069 -1.349048838 -0.542724882 0.11484279 0.211470117 -0.652277377 -0.192428673 -0.249448674 -0.395460865 -0.439952381 -0.193539406 0.136991896 -0.109959167 0.170882153 -0.409102252 -0.780371541 -0.434958801 -0.285436809 -0.535689008 -0.804478157 -0.571932849 -1.049932897 -0.685225152 -0.297757661 -0.711910945 -0.438475061 -0.220415247 -0.121418538 0.012196189 YOR095C YOR095C PAC cluster RKI1 pentose-phosphate shunt ribose-5-phosphate isomerase activicytoplasm* | YOR096W -0.318554761 -0.605117395 -0.451557544 x -0.070879203 -0.080868475 -0.115362583 x -1.278071667 -0.313848206 -1.576857554 0.3019851 x YOR095C 0.244555735 -0.016414367 0.251456978 0.258583273 -0.093617985 -0.080130623 -0.277761994 -0.41294956 -1.982618069 -1.431548838 -0.845224882 -0.52765721 0.008970117 -0.484777377 -0.374928673 -0.111948674 0.092039135 -0.112452381 -0.146039406 -0.135508104 -0.022459167 -0.451617847 0.328397748 1.037128459 0.582541199 -0.017936809 -0.358189008 -0.336978157 -0.254432849 -0.052432897 -0.687725152 -0.850257661 -0.314410945 1.049024939 0.747084753 -0.943918538 -0.440303811 YOR101W YOR101W ... RAS1 Ras protein signal transductio GTPase activity plasma membrane | YOR102W -0.265113372 -0.744091042 -0.684703633 x -0.125608357 0.151715961 -0.152899987 x -1.523055 -0.319463559 -1.140047192 0.626999884 x YOR101W 0.052055735 -0.128914367 0.158956978 0.016083273 -0.446117985 -0.402630623 -0.780261994 -0.79544956 -0.665118069 -0.384048838 -0.707724882 -0.63015721 -0.113529883 -0.607277377 -0.397428673 -0.224448674 -0.100460865 -0.034952381 -0.148539406 -0.058008104 0.185040833 -0.064117847 0.085897748 0.944628459 0.650041199 -0.130436809 -0.350689008 -0.589478157 -0.486932849 0.245067103 -0.840225152 -0.552757661 -0.356910945 0.976524939 0.704584753 -0.886418538 -0.592803811 YOR104W YOR104W ... PIN2 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YOR105W -0.108653683 -0.512615955 0.532103455 x -0.023501533 -0.022313317 0.979054401 x 0.28557 0.159299532 0.33169924 1.967135098 x YOR104W 0.082055735 -0.048914367 0.348956978 0.356083273 0.003882015 0.127369377 0.349738006 0.23455044 0.864881931 0.245951162 0.492275118 0.14984279 -0.043529883 0.042722623 0.242571327 -0.064448674 0.179539135 0.225047619 0.121460594 0.361991896 0.275040833 -0.294117847 0.205897748 1.394628459 1.370041199 0.239563191 0.499310992 0.290521843 0.293067151 -0.254932897 -0.110225152 -0.272757661 0.183089055 1.286524939 1.224584753 0.183581462 0.257196189 YOR120W YOR120W ... GCY1 response to salt stress* aldo-keto reductase activity cytoplasm* | YOR121C 0.172197369 0.232730096 1.805807954 x 0.012800912 1.012732179 1.852810579 x 1.394410667 -0.010151005 0.724744559 2.852452957 x YOR120W -0.282944265 0.016085633 -0.316043022 -0.148916727 0.418882015 0.142369377 1.654738006 1.30955044 2.279881931 1.840951162 0.087275118 0.13484279 -0.158529883 0.757722623 0.827571327 -0.209448674 -0.195460865 -0.189952381 -0.043539406 -0.163008104 -0.229959167 0.090882153 0.090897748 1.179628459 1.885041199 -0.325436809 -0.085689008 -0.084478157 0.018067151 0.540067103 1.014774848 0.902242339 0.918089055 1.431524939 1.569584753 0.148581462 -0.037803811 YOR127W YOR127W ... RGA1 actin filament organization* signal transducer activity* intracellular | YOR128C 0.265636686 -0.240026687 0.143220068 x 0.212922334 0.643496962 0.964145703 x 0.489609667 -0.001314236 0.033925582 1.423416809 x YOR127W 0.012055735 -0.028914367 0.068956978 0.056083273 0.123882015 0.077369377 0.089738006 -0.14544956 0.904881931 0.355951162 0.052275118 0.01984279 0.076470117 0.172722623 -0.097428673 -0.084448674 -0.020460865 0.135047619 0.051460594 -0.018008104 0.015040833 -0.354117847 -0.094102252 1.394628459 0.970041199 0.219563191 0.239310992 0.880521843 0.593067151 -0.314932897 -0.380225152 0.047242339 0.023089055 1.026524939 0.904584753 0.083581462 0.087196189 YOR134W YOR134W ... BAG7 small GTPase mediated signal t signal transducer activity* intracellular | YOR135C 0.005900124 0.67569528 3.302130331 x 0.899049838 4.835127973 4.560251938 x 3.860740667 0.514427318 2.774477805 4.871108268 x YOR134W #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! YOR136W YOR136W ... IDH2 tricarboxylic acid cycle* isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD+) actmitochondrion* | YOR137C -1.433211888 0.392687037 0.636472261 x 0.348406397 0.710739473 0.409222969 x 0.688310667 0.156742101 0.208660794 1.391351702 x YOR136W -0.100444265 -0.111414367 -0.333543022 -0.296416727 0.641382015 0.434869377 0.527238006 0.57205044 0.062381931 0.063451162 -0.400224882 0.54734279 0.523970117 -0.359777377 -0.299928673 -0.196948674 -0.352960865 0.122547619 0.188960594 -0.140508104 -0.037459167 0.003382153 -0.336602252 0.482128459 0.837541199 -0.162936809 -0.203189008 -0.151978157 -0.349432849 -0.457432897 0.177274848 -0.475257661 -0.919410945 1.174024939 1.192084753 0.191081462 0.264696189 YOR137C YOR137C ... SIA1 proton transport molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YOR138C -0.097331817 0.244359102 1.328928524 x 0.02559389 0.508629991 0.880959826 x 1.384112667 0.081428795 -0.180180863 1.870316324 x YOR137C -0.297944265 -0.108914367 -0.131043022 -0.023916727 -0.276117985 -0.492630623 0.159738006 0.03455044 1.024881931 0.885951162 0.112275118 0.30984279 0.136470117 -0.537277377 -0.137428673 0.095551326 0.249539135 -0.474952381 -0.368539406 0.051991896 -0.074959167 0.215882153 -0.134102252 1.014628459 1.020041199 -0.430436809 -0.160689008 0.330521843 0.153067151 -0.234932897 0.289774848 -0.282757661 -0.386910945 1.026524939 1.234584753 0.123581462 -0.222803811 YOR152C YOR152C iESR cluster YOR152C biological process unknown molecular function unknown membrane fraction | YOR153W -1.056580525 -0.0476601 1.636221349 x 0.628642549 0.773747002 0.585243807 x 1.760467667 0.23180255 0.735933934 1.462291089 x YOR152C -0.70525544 -0.596225542 -0.978354197 -0.301227902 -0.27342916 -0.329941798 -0.447573169 0.157239265 0.217570756 0.668639987 -0.075036057 0.402531615 0.289158942 0.275411448 0.055260152 -0.291759849 -0.50777204 -0.252263556 0.224149419 0.094680721 -0.272270342 0.088570978 -0.031413427 1.047317284 1.342730024 0.092252016 0.571999817 -0.266789332 -0.184244024 0.147755928 0.702463673 0.089931164 -0.21422212 1.329213764 1.367273578 0.696270287 0.279885014 YOR154W YOR154W Ö SLP1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Integral membrane protein of unknown function; member of the SUN-like family of proteinsYOR155C 0.384944706 -0.794934081 -0.467717568 x 0.059075687 -0.563231355 -0.320458147 x 0.021298333 -0.026403961 -0.781446383 0.698011646 x YOR154W 0.119555735 -0.131414367 0.006456978 0.003583273 -0.088617985 -0.005130623 -0.432761994 -0.60794956 -1.027618069 -0.596548838 -0.150224882 -0.35265721 -0.086029883 -0.269777377 -0.289928673 -0.246948674 -0.152960865 0.112547619 -0.021039406 -0.180508104 -0.057459167 -0.236617847 0.003397748 0.402128459 0.327541199 0.037063191 -0.053189008 0.088021843 0.100567151 -0.167432897 -0.532725152 -0.375257661 -0.219410945 0.644024939 0.422084753 -0.418918538 -0.095303811 YOR161C YOR161C iESR cluster PNS1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown* integral to plasma membrane | YOR161C-C -2.233238152 0.692583175 1.103082418 x -0.105521383 0.926167879 0.575242798 x -0.310185667 -0.425254748 0.714327078 1.643524402 x YOR161C 0.254555735 0.363585633 0.101456978 0.238583273 -0.423617985 -0.340130623 -0.367761994 -0.30294956 0.707381931 0.928451162 -0.265224882 0.12234279 -0.311029883 -1.714777377 -1.864928673 0.068051326 -0.087960865 0.037547619 0.183960594 -0.175508104 -0.272459167 -0.151617847 -1.021602252 -1.142871541 -0.577458801 -0.917936809 -1.108189008 -0.616978157 -0.394432849 1.277567103 2.392274848 -1.990257661 -1.944410945 0.529024939 0.817084753 0.406081462 0.149696189 YOR173W YOR173W iESR cluster DCS2 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YOR174W -0.575687202 -0.444686798 1.835186022 x 0.383384952 0.229364645 0.563807784 x 1.957214333 -0.248593302 1.581151799 2.481157414 x YOR173W -0.210444265 0.258585633 0.066456978 0.033583273 0.451382015 0.304869377 1.127238006 1.13205044 3.132381931 3.133451162 0.429775118 0.52734279 -0.146029883 0.530222623 0.710071327 0.653051326 0.757039135 -0.097452381 0.258960594 -0.430508104 -0.717459167 0.523382153 0.093397748 1.712128459 2.337541199 0.187063191 0.416810992 -0.251978157 0.130567151 1.602567103 2.107274848 0.574742339 0.920589055 2.074024939 2.102084753 0.961081462 0.144696189 YOR176W YOR176W ... HEM15 heme biosynthesis ferrochelatase activity mitochondrial inner membrane | YOR177C -0.446393408 -0.114502087 0.967838087 x 0.045727726 0.365686869 0.424373791 x -0.586658 -0.134169596 -0.001760737 0.996358625 x YOR176W 0.052055735 0.081085633 0.038956978 0.186083273 -0.446117985 -0.522630623 -0.290261994 -0.25544956 0.104881931 0.135951162 -0.377724882 0.01984279 -0.023529883 -0.447277377 -0.267428673 -0.014448674 -0.120460865 -0.124952381 -0.068539406 0.031991896 -0.094959167 0.035882153 -0.274102252 0.734628459 0.770041199 -0.550436809 -0.280689008 -0.149478157 -0.076932849 0.075067103 0.339774848 -0.082757661 -0.236910945 1.086524939 1.244584753 0.013581462 -0.182803811 YOR177C YOR177C ... MPC54 spore wall assembly (sensu Fun structural molecule activity spindle pole body | YOR178C #N/A #N/A #N/A x -0.050282468 2.810539268 3.063444892 x 2.152323667 0.035933763 0.439592709 1.874905639 x YOR177C #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.124306299 #VALUE! 0.929231336 #VALUE! 3.335087327 2.259899761 2.700231252 1.221300483 0.507624439 0.495192111 0.151819438 1.228071944 1.107920648 0.490900647 0.444888456 0.54039694 #VALUE! 3.717341217 1.560390154 #VALUE! 0.061247069 2.31997778 2.13539052 0.884912512 1.494660313 1.525871164 1.508416472 0.790416424 #VALUE! 0.30259166 0.838438376 1.73187426 1.239934074 0.778930783 0.75254551 YOR178C YOR178C ... GAC1 meiosis* protein phosphatase type 1 activityprotein phosphatase type 1 complex | YOR179C #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.24987231 2.362510467 3.608705855 x 2.508194667 -0.259074103 1.421552648 4.914022574 x YOR178C #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! YOR185C YOR185C iESR cluster GSP2 nuclear organization and bioge GTPase activity nucleus | YOR186W -1.338987136 -0.440968441 1.624206486 x 0.307886012 2.689388691 3.041478979 x 0.970699667 0.152464527 0.682018947 2.67062002 x YOR185C -0.015444265 -0.046414367 -0.108543022 0.048583273 0.406382015 0.229869377 0.932238006 0.74705044 1.437381931 1.148451162 -0.575224882 0.22234279 0.278970117 -0.214777377 0.155071327 -0.231948674 -0.167960865 -0.252452381 -0.206039406 0.004491896 -0.052459167 0.188382153 -0.061602252 0.987128459 1.452541199 0.012063191 0.011810992 0.513021843 0.735567151 0.697567103 0.522274848 -0.310257661 -0.204410945 1.289024939 1.337084753 0.236081462 0.069696189 YOR189W YOR189W ... IES4 biological process unknown molecular function unknown nucleus | YOR190W -0.699905344 -1.00611685 0.78698297 x 0.031361677 0.224713917 0.692966613 x -0.615584667 -0.084709806 -0.959147228 0.96411654 x YOR189W 0.257055735 -0.163914367 0.343956978 0.311083273 0.388882015 0.222369377 0.604738006 0.13955044 -0.350118069 -0.969048838 0.507275118 0.06484279 -0.488529883 0.287722623 0.307571327 0.250551326 0.284539135 0.180047619 0.136460594 0.296991896 0.300040833 -0.549117847 0.290897748 0.929628459 0.565041199 0.044563191 0.074310992 0.045521843 0.058067151 0.290067103 -0.175225152 -0.067757661 0.318089055 0.991524939 0.629584753 -0.751418538 -0.267803811 YOR200W YOR200W ... | YOR201C #N/A #N/A #N/A x -0.148370807 0.450188602 0.559154219 x -0.469485 -0.058681711 -0.097361093 -0.154373396 x YOR200W 0.891396425 1.080426323 -0.961702332 -0.364576037 0.783222705 #VALUE! -1.410921304 -1.58610887 -1.205777379 -0.834708148 -0.098384192 #VALUE! 0.395810807 0.012063313 -0.218087983 0.584892016 0.298879825 0.484388309 #VALUE! -0.998667414 -0.485618477 -0.014777157 0.165238438 #VALUE! 0.279381889 0.558903881 0.288651682 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.804407793 0.399115538 0.026583029 -0.087570255 1.145865629 1.143925443 #VALUE! #VALUE! YOR208W YOR208W ... PTP2 protein amino acid dephosphory protein tyrosine phosphatase activinucleus | YOR209C -0.208490347 -0.065907724 1.306001238 x -0.077770831 0.97061325 1.334661622 x 1.762219 -0.015218342 0.846337371 2.524899235 x YOR208W -0.110444265 0.098585633 0.326456978 0.193583273 0.201382015 0.064869377 0.527238006 0.60205044 1.432381931 0.993451162 0.169775118 0.39734279 0.483970117 0.010222623 0.310071327 0.013051326 0.097039135 0.122547619 0.178960594 0.679491896 0.262540833 0.233382153 0.223397748 1.932128459 1.857541199 0.187063191 0.566810992 1.308021843 0.990567151 -0.137432897 0.637274848 0.104742339 -0.039410945 1.484024939 1.682084753 0.611081462 0.214696189 YOR215C YOR215C Ö AIM41 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Putative protein of unknown function; the authentic protein is detected in highly purified mitochondria in high-throughput studies; null mutant displays reduced frequency of mitochondrial genome lossYOR216C -1.007225079 -0.701452734 0.913230148 x 0.015855805 1.052065862 1.220946542 x 0.315412667 -0.221158574 -0.316847411 1.69291829 x YOR215C 0.394555735 -0.096414367 0.201456978 0.328583273 0.596382015 0.299869377 1.152238006 0.87705044 1.347381931 0.608451162 0.584775118 0.13234279 -0.431029883 0.425222623 0.445071327 0.308051326 0.362039135 0.137547619 -0.076039406 0.194491896 0.047540833 -0.141617847 0.348397748 1.867128459 1.492541199 0.532063191 0.541810992 0.123021843 0.005567151 1.007567103 0.412274848 0.099742339 0.395589055 1.699024939 1.237084753 -0.303918538 0.019696189 YOR220W YOR220W Ö iESR cluster RCN2 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Protein of unknown function; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the cytoplasm and is induced in response to the DNA-damaging agent MMS; phosphorylated in response to alpha factorYOR221C 0.181839069 -0.480966792 0.78251208 x 0.148129843 0.558120831 1.019710257 x 1.481071 -0.126178329 0.68562113 1.642108658 x YOR220W 0.149555735 -0.121414367 0.636456978 0.363583273 -0.028617985 -0.205130623 0.787238006 0.51205044 1.012381931 0.813451162 0.759775118 0.54734279 0.353970117 1.130222623 0.770071327 0.303051326 0.147039135 -0.347452381 -0.331039406 0.359491896 0.052540833 0.463382153 0.123397748 1.482128459 1.387541199 0.297063191 0.796810992 0.118021843 0.000567151 -0.217432897 0.277274848 0.644742339 0.490589055 1.274024939 1.392084753 0.761081462 0.304696189 YOR224C YOR224C PAC cluster RPB8 transcription from RNA polymer DNA-directed RNA polymerase activitDNA-directed RNA polymerase III com | YOR225W -0.378331746 -0.418536825 -0.393516001 x 0.002983391 -0.026252469 -0.179585022 x -1.094457333 0.032958681 -0.384967057 0.580620644 x YOR224C -0.210444265 -0.111414367 0.006456978 -0.066416727 -0.078617985 0.014869377 -0.262761994 -0.16794956 -0.967618069 -0.646548838 -0.280224882 -0.12265721 0.043970117 -0.239777377 -0.139928673 -0.156948674 -0.012960865 -0.227452381 -0.191039406 -0.140508104 -0.087459167 -0.096617847 0.123397748 0.722128459 0.527541199 0.007063191 -0.153189008 -0.301978157 -0.099432849 -0.097432897 -0.112725152 -0.535257661 -0.379410945 0.864024939 0.842084753 -0.088918538 0.024696189 YOR237W YOR237W ... HES1 steroid biosynthesis oxysterol binding cellular component unknown | YOR238W #N/A #N/A #N/A x 1.126324516 1.385973576 2.517884238 x 0.043500667 1.037961446 0.750635812 2.883763433 x YOR237W #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.247677689 -0.825196016 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.243271151 1.783602642 1.404671873 0.280995829 0.028563501 #VALUE! 0.701443334 1.281292038 -0.155727963 -0.791740154 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.226238456 #VALUE! -0.125381541 #VALUE! 1.02876191 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.191787862 #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.36403695 -0.258190234 0.32524565 0.673305464 #VALUE! #VALUE! YOR250C YOR250C ... CLP1 mRNA polyadenylylation* RNA binding mRNA cleavage factor complex | YOR251C -0.190123243 -0.025132152 0.429063605 x 0.14393774 0.436971741 0.499568462 x 0.407628333 -0.173354913 0.189067367 1.183729 x YOR250C -0.167944265 -0.058914367 -0.191043022 0.026083273 -0.166117985 -0.182630623 -0.200261994 -0.38544956 -0.025118069 0.045951162 -0.407724882 0.04984279 0.186470117 -0.117277377 -0.017428673 -0.024448674 -0.040460865 -0.034952381 0.011460594 0.141991896 -0.124959167 0.185882153 0.005897748 0.544628459 0.660041199 -0.260436809 -0.080689008 -0.179478157 -0.156932849 -0.124932897 -0.110225152 0.097242339 -0.126910945 0.876524939 0.974584753 0.023581462 -0.222803811 YOR271C "YOR271C Ö PAC cluster FSF1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Putative protein, predicted to be an alpha-isopropylmalate carrier; belongs to the sideroblastic-associated protein family; non-tagged protein is detected in purified mitochondria; likely to play a role in iron homeostasisYOR272W" 0.235022065 -0.350467 -0.465788486 x 0.12395383 -0.308875486 -0.211558921 x -0.849913333 0.217068183 -0.012555916 0.292363656 x YOR271C -0.227944265 -0.048914367 -0.071043022 -0.093916727 -0.016117985 -0.202630623 -0.010261994 0.01455044 -1.495118069 -1.034048838 0.102275118 0.17984279 0.126470117 0.092722623 -0.037428673 -0.204448674 -0.340460865 -0.184952381 -0.048539406 0.121991896 0.045040833 0.305882153 0.065897748 0.004628459 0.100041199 -0.230436809 -0.360689008 0.200521843 0.373067151 -0.674932897 -0.430225152 0.147242339 -0.366910945 0.396524939 0.584584753 -0.226418538 -0.162803811 YOR272W YOR272W PAC cluster YTM1 ribosomal large subunit biogen molecular function unknown nucleus* | YOR273C 0.221509296 -0.620945349 -0.778201386 x 0.084837875 -0.014382413 0.005841676 x -0.676485333 0.058205832 -0.041675484 0.624354597 x YOR272W 0.084555735 0.003585633 -0.028543022 -0.101416727 -0.203617985 -0.190130623 -0.587761994 -0.64294956 -1.202618069 -0.731548838 -0.665224882 -0.43765721 0.068970117 -0.034777377 -0.014928673 -0.251948674 -0.177960865 0.027547619 -0.136039406 -0.285508104 -0.132459167 -0.431617847 -0.061602252 0.437128459 0.082541199 0.002063191 -0.248189008 -0.266978157 -0.144432849 0.097567103 -0.697725152 -0.280257661 -0.114410945 0.619024939 0.307084753 -0.483918538 -0.270303811 YOR288C YOR288C ... MPD1 protein folding protein disulfide isomerase activitvacuole (sensu Fungi) | YOR289W -0.327376174 -0.378257472 0.745493526 x 0.283750379 -0.518146975 0.434995112 x -0.248298333 0.021480699 0.445160963 1.038063174 x YOR288C -0.272944265 -0.403914367 -0.006043022 0.381083273 -0.651117985 -0.857630623 -0.435261994 -0.91044956 -0.530118069 -0.269048838 -0.742724882 0.50484279 0.411470117 -0.022277377 0.157571327 0.090551326 -0.335460865 -0.279952381 -0.303539406 0.466991896 0.060040833 0.840882153 0.620897748 0.859628459 1.025041199 -0.335436809 0.184310992 -0.114478157 -0.131932849 0.190067103 -0.005225152 0.072242339 -0.361910945 0.401524939 0.619584753 -0.171418538 -0.437803811 YOR289W YOR289W iESR cluster YOR289W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YOR290C -0.701259733 -0.424112106 2.364852869 x 0.310736114 1.048572736 0.887776249 x 1.629782333 -0.685768044 1.464199754 2.118589041 x YOR289W 0.142055735 0.141085633 0.148956978 0.446083273 -0.236117985 -0.472630623 0.009738006 -0.40544956 2.074881931 1.955951162 0.792275118 0.40984279 -0.363529883 -0.147277377 0.062571327 0.485551326 0.419539135 -0.824952381 -0.458539406 -0.078008104 -0.444959167 -0.244117847 -0.344102252 1.174628459 1.580041199 -0.200436809 0.409310992 -0.919478157 -1.086932849 1.605067103 1.499774848 -0.432757661 -0.136910945 1.666524939 1.714584753 0.583581462 0.257196189 YOR315W "YOR315W Ö SFG1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Nuclear protein, putative transcription factor required for growth of superficial pseudohyphae (which do not invade the agar substrate) but not for invasive pseudohyphal growth; may act together with Phd1p; potential Cdc28p substrateYOR316C" -1.06660543 -1.155533417 -0.660594133 x 0.087188258 -0.609225038 -0.054027115 x -1.488984667 -0.914604345 -1.791971883 0.032131558 x YOR315W 0.307055735 0.166085633 0.253956978 0.341083273 -0.151117985 -0.247630623 -0.575261994 -0.25044956 -1.140118069 -0.939048838 -0.942724882 -0.77515721 -0.418529883 -1.382277377 -1.592428673 -0.339448674 -0.495460865 -0.279952381 -0.373539406 -0.343008104 -0.149959167 -0.009117847 -0.079102252 0.049628459 -0.054958801 -0.855436809 -0.955689008 -1.234478157 -1.331932849 -1.229932897 -1.445225152 -1.557757661 -1.421910945 0.721524939 0.809584753 -1.171418538 -1.087803811 YOR316C "YOR316C ... COT1 zinc ion homeostasis* ""di-, tri-valent inorganic cation tr""mitochondrion* | YOR316C-A" 0.659864667 0.269375195 0.097345606 x 0.568885162 1.24036045 0.884834233 x -0.177997667 -0.107225348 -0.213434417 0.6565223 x YOR316C -0.205444265 -0.176414367 -0.028543022 -0.021416727 -0.343617985 -0.300130623 0.362238006 0.32705044 -0.192618069 0.048451162 0.854775118 0.05234279 -0.071029883 0.495222623 0.505071327 0.168051326 0.162039135 0.027547619 0.093960594 0.234491896 0.097540833 0.438382153 0.148397748 0.857128459 0.862541199 -0.027936809 0.011810992 0.033021843 0.015567151 -0.172432897 0.312274848 0.989742339 0.915589055 1.059024939 1.247084753 0.476081462 0.349696189 YOR317W YOR317W iESR cluster FAA1 lipid metabolism* long-chain-fatty-acid-CoA ligase acmitochondrion* | YOR318C 0.058904441 0.196222285 0.647463375 x -0.536740528 1.437176361 1.736251948 x 0.967994333 -0.396619898 -0.058905487 1.337651985 x YOR317W -0.015444265 -0.126414367 -0.248543022 -0.101416727 -0.083617985 -0.440130623 -0.037761994 -0.09294956 1.097381931 0.878451162 0.194775118 -0.00765721 -0.031029883 -0.424777377 -0.354928673 -0.021948674 -0.067960865 0.037547619 0.103960594 -0.195508104 -0.292459167 0.118382153 -0.241602252 0.557128459 0.642541199 0.032063191 -0.088189008 0.153021843 0.055567151 0.237567103 0.632274848 0.069742339 -0.264410945 1.079024939 1.297084753 0.416081462 0.029696189 YOR321W YOR321W ... PMT3 O-linked glycosylation dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein endoplasmic reticulum | YOR322C 0.00633195 0.372439228 1.041331728 x 0.61931361 0.322223468 0.353420208 x -0.819855 0.193242093 0.740534048 1.314616201 x YOR321W -0.305444265 -0.216414367 -0.358543022 -0.021416727 -0.633617985 -0.530130623 -0.437761994 -0.41294956 -0.172618069 0.338451162 -0.595224882 0.39234279 0.068970117 0.185222623 0.345071327 -0.071948674 -0.417960865 -0.002452381 0.163960594 0.484491896 0.027540833 0.768382153 0.018397748 0.677128459 0.942541199 -0.457936809 -0.148189008 -0.316978157 -0.144432849 -0.522432897 -0.067725152 0.269742339 -0.244410945 0.759024939 0.977084753 -0.063918538 -0.220303811 YOR328W "YOR328W ... PDR10 multidrug transport ""ATPase activity, coupled to transme""plasma membrane | YOR329C" -0.126156964 -0.151268018 0.723309816 x 0.276851454 0.195436466 0.603290932 x 0.537532 0.513459943 0.711012496 2.0024066 x YOR328W 0.037055735 0.216085633 -0.216043022 -0.188916727 -0.021117985 0.162369377 -0.045261994 -0.03044956 0.869881931 1.000951162 0.527275118 0.46484279 0.141470117 0.577722623 0.827571327 -0.309448674 -0.235460865 0.120047619 0.176460594 -0.063008104 -0.129959167 0.320882153 -0.159102252 1.179628459 1.495041199 0.064563191 0.094310992 0.385521843 0.488067151 -0.459932897 0.084774848 0.332242339 0.348089055 1.361524939 1.529584753 -0.081418538 -0.097803811 YOR338W YOR338W ... YOR338W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YOR339C -0.740030225 -0.323019877 1.586386437 x 0.867082915 0.97569318 0.659843577 x 0.714863333 0.518288565 1.104397837 1.578819951 x YOR338W 0.729555735 0.128585633 -0.593543022 -1.096416727 1.101382015 1.114869377 -0.112761994 0.27205044 0.472381931 0.823451162 1.359775118 0.08734279 0.713970117 1.080222623 1.080071327 -0.086948674 0.397039135 0.192547619 -0.121039406 -0.850508104 -0.537459167 -0.766617847 -0.406602252 0.642128459 -0.242458801 1.237063191 0.376810992 0.688021843 0.440567151 2.052567103 0.937274848 0.494742339 0.840589055 0.944024939 0.232084753 0.961081462 0.654696189 YOR341W YOR341W ... RPA190 transcription from RNA polymer DNA-directed RNA polymerase activitDNA-directed RNA polymerase I compl | YOR342C 0.254391056 -0.467028056 -0.59295946 x 0.055487839 -0.157979193 -0.114900346 x -0.568243 0.044870018 -0.333337788 0.27653822 x YOR341W 0.024555735 0.063585633 0.171456978 -0.001416727 -0.013617985 0.019869377 -0.337761994 -0.42294956 -1.162618069 -0.801548838 -0.565224882 -0.20765721 0.128970117 -0.004777377 -0.124928673 -0.121948674 -0.057960865 0.017547619 0.003960594 -0.065508104 0.057540833 -0.281617847 -0.081602252 0.237128459 -0.057458801 0.112063191 -0.028189008 0.173021843 0.195567151 -0.242432897 -0.727725152 0.009742339 -0.014410945 0.539024939 0.377084753 -0.293918538 -0.150303811 YOR342C YOR342C ... YOR342C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YOR343C 0.112460427 -0.38221634 -0.421580555 x 0.011172611 -0.093818158 -0.245862727 x -0.431239333 -0.225378147 -0.450944877 0.762895157 x YOR342C -0.000444265 -0.171414367 0.176456978 -0.106416727 -0.278617985 -0.335130623 -0.742761994 -0.81794956 -1.807618069 -0.896548838 -0.590224882 -0.21265721 -0.036029883 -0.389777377 -0.129928673 -0.396948674 -0.042960865 0.032547619 0.058960594 -0.210508104 0.142540833 -0.316617847 -0.096602252 0.572128459 0.577541199 0.017063191 -0.233189008 0.078021843 0.250567151 -0.007432897 -0.512725152 -0.655257661 -0.299410945 0.904024939 0.792084753 -0.258918538 -0.155303811 YOR347C YOR347C ... PYK2 glycolysis* pyruvate kinase activity cytosol | YOR348C -0.824548113 0.751743478 1.511811307 x 0.202437115 1.444918167 1.561623406 x 0.860545667 0.0106376 0.117041712 1.86822358 x YOR347C 0.502055735 0.631085633 0.578956978 0.586083273 -0.136117985 -0.102630623 0.039738006 -0.02544956 0.684881931 0.305951162 -0.277724882 -0.05015721 -0.123529883 -0.457277377 -0.197428673 0.095551326 -0.110460865 -0.504952381 -0.308539406 -0.148008104 -0.374959167 0.285882153 -0.174102252 -0.285371541 0.210041199 -0.420436809 -0.600689008 -0.039478157 -0.046932849 -0.024932897 0.499774848 -0.322757661 -0.576910945 0.486524939 0.564584753 -0.076418538 -0.102803811 YOR352W YOR352W ... YOR352W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YOR353C -1.579795523 -0.239129716 0.999280789 x 0.048534435 0.709459123 0.755069432 x 0.499052 -0.087527749 -0.496200334 1.424783701 x YOR352W -0.000444265 -0.131414367 0.066456978 -0.146416727 -0.058617985 -0.305130623 -0.062761994 -0.33794956 -0.337618069 -0.476548838 -0.080224882 0.18734279 0.173970117 0.140222623 0.030071327 0.043051326 0.037039135 -0.007452381 -0.171039406 -0.080508104 -0.187459167 -0.126617847 -0.086602252 0.652128459 0.587541199 -0.182936809 -0.273189008 -0.241978157 -0.269432849 0.362567103 0.227274848 0.214742339 0.160589055 0.934024939 0.992084753 0.021081462 0.074696189 YOR356W "YOR356W ... YOR356W NAD catabolism ""oxidoreductase activity, acting on""mitochondrion | YOR357C" -0.154165543 -1.009834946 -0.665518903 x -0.294836747 -0.37655397 -0.430312213 x 0.361200667 -0.371363065 -0.108844798 1.252128568 x YOR356W -0.060444265 -0.031414367 -0.093543022 -0.176416727 0.201382015 0.124869377 0.107238006 0.16205044 -0.057618069 -0.026548838 -0.030224882 -0.08265721 -0.096029883 0.040222623 -0.069928673 0.153051326 0.097039135 0.182547619 0.228960594 -0.470508104 -0.527459167 0.603382153 0.343397748 1.212128459 1.217541199 0.607063191 0.586810992 -0.121978157 -0.329432849 0.272567103 0.277274848 0.484742339 0.100589055 1.454024939 1.412084753 0.671081462 0.444696189 YOR374W YOR374W iESR cluster ALD4 ethanol metabolism aldehyde dehydrogenase (NAD) activimitochondrion* | YOR375C -1.837641852 1.192133496 1.823423302 x 0.641209369 2.390261759 2.232922604 x 1.771283333 -0.322954156 -0.383899846 2.663231506 x YOR374W 0.592055735 0.461085633 -0.191043022 -0.083916727 0.423882015 0.047369377 0.499738006 0.38455044 4.004881931 3.735951162 0.982275118 0.85984279 0.056470117 0.832722623 1.122571327 0.185551326 0.269539135 0.255047619 0.541460594 -0.398008104 -0.384959167 0.595882153 0.035897748 3.144628459 3.630041199 -0.390436809 -0.130689008 0.450521843 0.073067151 2.365067103 3.219774848 0.947242339 1.083089055 3.336524939 3.134584753 0.223581462 -0.382803811 YOR378W YOR378W ... YOR378W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YOR379C 0.376523847 0.598346124 -0.3644824 x 0.468237853 -0.669971844 -0.549630674 x -0.616513 0.951385038 0.49378079 0.314207045 x YOR378W -0.777944265 -0.708914367 -0.601043022 -0.803916727 -0.636117985 -0.642630623 -1.430261994 -1.98544956 -0.995118069 -0.244048838 -0.577724882 0.76984279 0.706470117 -0.107277377 -0.067428673 -0.774448674 -0.880460865 0.065047619 0.261460594 -0.098008104 -0.274959167 0.385882153 -0.134102252 -0.535371541 -0.319958801 -0.140436809 -0.590689008 -0.099478157 0.173067151 -1.394932897 -0.720225152 -0.872757661 -0.756910945 -0.373475061 -0.155415247 -0.286418538 0.117196189 YOR385W YOR385W ... YOR385W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YOR386W 0.1814188 -0.68881989 0.837455279 x 0.20623223 0.356826376 1.194893533 x 0.76898 0.394532956 -0.077619511 1.206360103 x YOR385W 0.484555735 0.123585633 0.471456978 0.428583273 0.126382015 -0.100130623 0.092238006 -0.08294956 0.637381931 0.588451162 1.034775118 0.18234279 0.298970117 1.025222623 0.945071327 0.078051326 0.252039135 -0.292452381 -0.426039406 -0.095508104 -0.112459167 -0.071617847 -0.061602252 1.907128459 1.392541199 0.572063191 0.501810992 0.393021843 0.235567151 -0.442432897 -0.537725152 0.119742339 0.455589055 1.109024939 1.147084753 0.296081462 0.159696189 YOR386W YOR386W ... PHR1 photoreactive repair deoxyribodipyrimidine photo-lyase anucleus* | YOR387C -0.262946894 0.444000106 1.410138358 x 0.107496886 1.084970772 1.544043531 x 1.459800667 -0.196259024 -0.009072559 1.714259705 x YOR386W 0.167055735 0.126085633 -0.266043022 0.011083273 0.418882015 -0.017630623 -0.105261994 1.17955044 0.909881931 0.830951162 0.077275118 -0.09515721 -0.018529883 0.377722623 0.087571327 -0.099448674 -0.005460865 -0.509952381 -0.603539406 -0.603008104 -0.899959167 -0.379117847 -0.039102252 1.579628459 1.085041199 0.314563191 -0.075689008 0.025521843 -0.351932849 0.500067103 0.514774848 -0.057757661 0.098089055 1.401524939 1.289584753 0.068581462 0.112196189 YOR389W YOR389W ... YOR389W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YOR390W 1.045888342 -0.805097205 0.647707217 x 0.551031442 0.631581813 1.354877378 x 0.879022 0.469900299 0.029595628 1.505508116 x YOR389W -0.322944265 -0.313914367 -0.476043022 -0.558916727 -0.071117985 -0.177630623 -0.055261994 -0.74044956 0.889881931 0.850951162 -0.032724882 0.14484279 0.071470117 0.717722623 0.477571327 0.220551326 0.234539135 -0.119952381 -0.133539406 -0.163008104 -0.359959167 0.540882153 0.390897748 0.679628459 0.755041199 0.834563191 0.884310992 0.575521843 0.578067151 -0.409932897 -0.255225152 0.482242339 0.458089055 0.831524939 1.109584753 1.278581462 0.802196189 YPL006W YPL006W ... NCR1 sphingolipid metabolism sphingolipid transporter activity vacuolar membrane (sensu Fungi) | YPL007C -0.167896951 0.490147994 0.709820404 x 0.07003959 0.315840391 0.352921281 x 0.281357667 -0.053470584 1.128630388 0.284293916 x YPL006W -0.232944265 -0.093914367 -0.326043022 -0.208916727 -0.081117985 -0.027630623 0.144738006 0.05955044 0.629881931 0.870951162 0.397275118 0.04484279 -0.288529883 -0.012277377 0.117571327 -0.089448674 -0.255460865 -0.239952381 0.036460594 -0.103008104 -0.209959167 0.510882153 -0.129102252 0.109628459 0.365041199 0.834563191 0.944310992 0.315521843 0.318067151 -0.099932897 0.554774848 0.372242339 0.068089055 0.011524939 0.149584753 1.118581462 1.032196189 YPL016W YPL016W ... SWI1 chromatin remodeling general RNA polymerase II transcripSWI/SNF complex* | YPL017C -0.476263679 -0.950876232 -0.540602827 x -0.119139553 -0.223314498 -0.147018227 x 0.520080333 -0.155218105 0.523768577 0.115541358 x YPL016W -0.130444265 0.148585633 0.066456978 0.063583273 -0.118617985 -0.005130623 -0.282761994 -0.19794956 -0.267618069 -0.206548838 -0.430224882 0.19734279 0.373970117 -0.309777377 -0.399928673 0.023051326 -0.012960865 -0.367452381 -0.221039406 -0.280508104 -0.237459167 0.323382153 -0.186602252 -0.507871541 -0.242458801 0.817063191 0.776810992 -0.451978157 -0.419432849 -0.457432897 -0.042725152 -0.295257661 -0.579410945 -0.175975061 0.112084753 1.361081462 1.134696189 YPL017C "YPL017C Ö IRC15 biological process unknown S-adenosylmethionine-dependent | Microtubule associated protein; regulates microtubule dynamics; required for accurate meiotic chromosome segregation; null mutant displays large budded cells due to delayed mitotic progression, increased levels of spontaneous Rad52 fociYPL018W" -0.907937959 0.837366923 1.999543662 x 0.068432137 1.324729974 1.733920542 x 2.332435333 -0.021532573 2.55195277 1.355471669 x YPL017C 0.021411226 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.615438764 #VALUE! 0.006724868 #VALUE! 0.283905931 0.724237422 1.375306653 #VALUE! 0.079198281 #VALUE! 0.292078114 0.211926818 #VALUE! -0.051105374 -0.11559689 0.640816085 #VALUE! 0.534396324 -0.154762356 0.635253239 #VALUE! 1.37939669 #VALUE! 0.408666483 -0.300122666 0.072422642 0.614422594 0.839130339 #VALUE! 0.312444546 0.62588043 0.953940244 1.052936953 #VALUE! YPL030W YPL030W Ö TRM44 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | tRNA(Ser) Um(44) 2'-O-methyltransferase; involved in maintaining levels of the tRNA-Ser species tS(CGA) and tS(UGA); conserved among metazoans and fungi but there does not appear to be a homolog in plants; TRM44 is a non-essential geneYPL031C 0.099386703 -0.963410195 -0.759765465 x -0.040354685 -0.181281505 -0.156431395 x -0.237310333 0.109142524 0.593864531 -0.330007628 x YPL030W -0.150444265 -0.151414367 -0.083543022 -0.296416727 -0.328617985 -0.305130623 -0.782761994 -0.87794956 -1.207618069 -0.706548838 -0.840224882 -0.27265721 0.043970117 -0.789777377 -0.609928673 -0.486948674 -0.412960865 -0.237452381 -0.211039406 -0.340508104 -0.397459167 -0.086617847 -0.386602252 -1.007871541 -0.772458801 0.517063191 0.466810992 -0.491978157 -0.439432849 -0.497432897 -0.572725152 -0.335257661 -0.719410945 -0.675975061 -0.567915247 0.791081462 0.774696189 YPL054W YPL054W iESR cluster LEE1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YPL055C #N/A #N/A #N/A x #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! x #DIV/0! 0.110749857 2.603078623 2.060430383 x YPL054W #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! YPL067C YPL067C ... YPL067C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YPL068C -1.091500439 -0.13001493 1.046171474 x -0.753959571 0.433407472 0.719304399 x 0.129596667 -0.399698813 1.513420691 0.997983929 x YPL067C -0.337944265 -0.018914367 -0.241043022 -0.103916727 -0.436117985 -0.342630623 -0.220261994 -0.24544956 -0.135118069 0.175951162 -0.197724882 0.18984279 -0.113529883 -0.477277377 -0.547428673 0.075551326 -0.060460865 0.085047619 0.261460594 0.201991896 0.015040833 0.205882153 -0.324102252 0.754628459 0.920041199 0.939563191 1.159310992 0.220521843 0.323067151 -0.664932897 0.719774848 -0.362757661 -0.526910945 0.746524939 0.784584753 1.663581462 1.327196189 YPL070W YPL070W ... MUK1 regulation of transcription molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YPL071C 0.058789463 -0.049347937 0.463986537 x 0.054150859 0.951052533 1.18439744 x 1.051766333 0.161132489 1.032961615 1.173389802 x YPL070W 0.259555735 0.158585633 -0.073543022 -0.156416727 0.491382015 0.164869377 0.147238006 1.29205044 1.392381931 0.793451162 0.479775118 0.37734279 0.523970117 0.630222623 0.360071327 0.283051326 0.017039135 0.332547619 0.438960594 0.099491896 -0.117459167 0.113382153 0.263397748 0.812128459 0.657541199 1.427063191 1.356810992 1.018021843 0.810567151 0.192567103 0.237274848 0.154742339 0.270589055 0.254024939 0.122084753 1.011081462 1.274696189 YPL077C YPL077C ... YPL077C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YPL078C 0.058752388 0.126932319 0.274356504 x 0.720528538 1.609313655 1.82374849 x 0.203997667 0.102031154 0.628334694 0.159115043 x YPL077C 0.399555735 0.128585633 0.456456978 0.573583273 0.521382015 0.354869377 0.357238006 0.10205044 -0.307618069 -0.586548838 0.499775118 0.22734279 -0.036029883 0.520222623 0.200071327 0.513051326 0.337039135 0.622547619 0.308960594 0.299491896 0.182540833 -0.286617847 0.053397748 0.092128459 -0.062458801 1.487063191 1.296810992 0.178021843 -0.019432849 0.292567103 -0.322725152 0.264742339 0.280589055 0.154024939 -0.227915247 0.671081462 1.044696189 YPL086C YPL086C PAC cluster ELP3 regulation of transcription fr RNA polymerase II transcription elotranscription elongation factor com | YPL087W 0.026450944 -0.624870866 -0.637697605 x -0.029946797 -0.000300989 -0.013235646 x -0.570880667 -0.1728754 0.228173153 -0.622251688 x YPL086C 0.082055735 0.001085633 0.078956978 0.066083273 -0.096117985 -0.062630623 -0.480261994 -0.58544956 -1.025118069 -0.904048838 -0.487724882 -0.51015721 0.086470117 -0.087277377 -0.267428673 -0.174448674 -0.150460865 0.225047619 0.121460594 -0.038008104 0.155040833 -0.484117847 -0.024102252 -0.175371541 -0.559958801 1.089563191 0.829310992 -0.109478157 -0.146932849 0.025067103 -0.500225152 -0.282757661 -0.086910945 -0.243475061 -0.465415247 0.513581462 0.677196189 YPL087W YPL087W iESR cluster YDC1 response to heat* ceramidase activity endoplasmic reticulum | YPL088W -0.45594234 0.307410117 0.728554395 x -0.120391362 0.096762318 0.503040328 x 0.976549667 -0.327353641 1.430196505 0.571190234 x YPL087W -0.075444265 -0.096414367 -0.408543022 -0.221416727 0.046382015 0.029869377 -0.007761994 -0.06294956 0.567381931 0.838451162 0.674775118 0.31234279 -0.241029883 -0.184777377 0.025071327 0.128051326 -0.037960865 -0.022452381 0.203960594 -0.015508104 -0.352459167 0.498382153 -0.001602252 0.297128459 0.772541199 1.322063191 1.311810992 -0.176978157 -0.104432849 0.397567103 0.992274848 -0.000257661 -0.084410945 0.389024939 0.567084753 1.666081462 1.619696189 YPL088W YPL088W ... YPL088W aldehyde metabolism aryl-alcohol dehydrogenase activitycellular component unknown | YPL089C -0.108731538 0.362759407 1.43170065 x 0.398100187 1.076558554 1.051634416 x 0.29494 0.214449711 1.892281118 1.099825622 x YPL088W -0.150444265 -0.151414367 0.166456978 0.703583273 -0.368617985 -0.505130623 1.337238006 0.56205044 1.062381931 0.453451162 0.089775118 -0.11265721 -0.096029883 0.250222623 0.130071327 0.463051326 0.477039135 -0.517452381 -0.501039406 0.669491896 0.092540833 -0.266617847 0.143397748 0.252128459 0.057541199 0.677063191 0.806810992 0.748021843 0.620567151 -0.167432897 0.007274848 -0.665257661 -0.399410945 -0.125975061 -0.437915247 0.331081462 0.394696189 YPL089C YPL089C ... RLM1 cell wall organization and bio DNA binding* nucleus | YPL090C -0.349964959 -0.203571292 0.566757689 x -0.01606024 0.569352658 0.582143281 x 0.634196333 -0.098373615 0.989138651 0.873542969 x YPL089C -0.057944265 0.071085633 0.328956978 0.266083273 -0.006117985 -0.162630623 0.049738006 -0.12544956 0.634881931 0.385951162 -0.317724882 -0.07015721 0.336470117 -0.257277377 -0.357428673 -0.264448674 -0.240460865 0.055047619 0.101460594 0.451991896 0.205040833 0.175882153 -0.194102252 0.214628459 0.490041199 1.059563191 1.049310992 0.620521843 0.613067151 -0.104932897 0.199774848 -0.322757661 -0.456910945 0.026524939 0.104584753 1.103581462 1.067196189 YPL092W YPL092W ... SSU1 sulfite transport sulfite transporter activity plasma membrane | YPL093W -1.135541385 0.074352223 0.294520663 x -0.939480002 0.558499359 1.262146865 x 0.396582667 0.507468963 1.465218807 0.713631449 x YPL092W -0.187944265 -0.138914367 -0.191043022 -0.083916727 -0.456117985 -0.382630623 -0.570261994 -0.43544956 1.464881931 1.645951162 2.622275118 -0.45015721 -0.563529883 -0.097277377 0.672571327 -0.404448674 -0.150460865 0.485047619 0.551460594 0.391991896 0.175040833 0.205882153 0.185897748 0.024628459 0.060041199 0.409563191 0.249310992 -0.039478157 0.353067151 -0.614932897 -0.530225152 0.247242339 0.623089055 -0.463475061 -0.385415247 0.303581462 0.187196189 YPL110C "YPL110C Ö GDE1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Glycerophosphocholine (GroPCho) phosphodiesterase; hydrolyzes GroPCho to choline and glycerolphosphate, for use as a phosphate source and as a precursor for phosphocholine synthesis; may interact with ribosomesYPL111W" 0.279048069 -0.199326127 1.021669462 x 0.382233328 1.870917695 1.666444628 x 0.093650333 0.287215935 1.75737317 1.245080201 x YPL110C 0.124555735 0.143585633 0.141456978 0.228583273 0.296382015 0.149869377 0.722238006 0.46705044 2.067381931 1.118451162 0.344775118 0.07234279 0.068970117 0.155222623 0.195071327 0.128051326 0.202039135 -0.232452381 -0.276039406 0.184491896 -0.122459167 0.108382153 0.168397748 0.987128459 0.772541199 1.502063191 1.641810992 1.273021843 0.805567151 -0.392432897 0.532274848 -0.400257661 -0.314410945 -0.000975061 -0.182915247 1.036081462 0.839696189 YPL123C YPL123C ... RNY1 cellular morphogenesis endoribonuclease activity extracellular region | YPL124W -0.497094616 -0.803932816 0.9058368 x -0.403484687 0.322825424 1.734467224 x 1.547969 -0.272356037 1.112300388 0.890107021 x YPL123C -0.282944265 -0.423914367 -0.156043022 -0.248916727 0.078882015 -0.117630623 0.854738006 0.80955044 1.679881931 1.090951162 0.317275118 0.34484279 -0.088529883 0.157722623 0.207571327 0.080551326 0.194539135 -0.049952381 -0.253539406 0.146991896 0.020040833 -0.129117847 -0.299102252 0.239628459 0.615041199 0.984563191 1.084310992 0.485521843 0.248067151 -0.019932897 0.674774848 0.232242339 0.308089055 0.201524939 0.329584753 1.438581462 1.212196189 YPL136W YPL136W ... | YPL137C #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.266666693 0.302425413 1.593907816 x 0.685078 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! x YPL136W -0.192944265 -0.023914367 -0.366043022 0.011083273 -0.141117985 -0.267630623 0.144738006 -0.31044956 2.109881931 1.530951162 -0.042724882 -0.19515721 0.271470117 0.217722623 0.247571327 0.020551326 -0.045460865 0.050047619 -0.053539406 0.316991896 -0.249959167 -0.089117847 -0.219102252 -0.110371541 -0.144958801 0.094563191 0.144310992 0.315521843 0.338067151 -0.009932897 0.194774848 -0.577757661 -0.691910945 -0.328475061 -0.210415247 0.748581462 0.742196189 YPL139C YPL139C ... UME1 regulation of meiosis transcription corepressor activity nucleus | YPL140C -0.108604427 -0.523187964 -0.588576086 x -0.042532975 -0.128010298 -0.119378115 x -0.146701333 -0.390780698 0.001869989 -0.213787585 x YPL139C -0.017944265 -0.028914367 -0.001043022 -0.113916727 -0.226117985 -0.222630623 -0.530261994 -0.33544956 -0.365118069 -0.124048838 -0.177724882 -0.20015721 0.106470117 -0.187277377 -0.007428673 -0.134448674 -0.080460865 -0.104952381 -0.098539406 -0.258008104 -0.144959167 -0.184117847 0.025897748 -0.185371541 -0.279958801 0.779563191 0.529310992 -0.409478157 -0.276932849 0.045067103 0.019774848 0.017242339 0.113089055 -0.033475061 0.084584753 0.873581462 0.797196189 YPL154C YPL154C iESR cluster PEP4 sporulation* endopeptidase activity* mitochondrion* | YPL155C -0.483077824 0.388433466 1.034000371 x 0.344759309 0.965374547 0.840416983 x 0.192317667 -0.098133609 1.653759341 0.756467277 x YPL154C 0.107055735 0.066085633 -0.196043022 -0.058916727 0.568882015 0.532369377 0.984738006 0.84955044 1.699881931 1.700951162 0.667275118 0.32484279 -0.308529883 0.397722623 0.637571327 0.360551326 0.074539135 0.040047619 0.166460594 0.246991896 -0.009959167 0.570882153 -0.009102252 0.709628459 1.045041199 1.324563191 1.614310992 0.045521843 0.098067151 0.870067103 1.384774848 0.592242339 0.468089055 0.741524939 0.639584753 1.858581462 1.552196189 YPL158C YPL158C Ö AIM44 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Protein of unknown function; GFP-fusion protein localizes to the bud neck; transcription is regulated by Swi5p; null mutant displays elevated frequency of mitochondrial genome lossYPL159C -0.036124123 -0.990320212 -1.21904822 x 0.144394322 0.10931944 -0.206898659 x -1.005192667 -0.162537502 0.297697262 -0.344299258 x YPL158C 0.424555735 0.293585633 0.171456978 0.178583273 0.556382015 0.229869377 0.082238006 0.21705044 0.517381931 0.098451162 0.214775118 0.31234279 0.098970117 0.095222623 -0.184928673 0.158051326 0.382039135 0.437547619 0.543960594 0.224491896 0.197540833 -1.031617847 0.088397748 -0.302871541 -0.647458801 1.432063191 1.351810992 0.063021843 0.045567151 0.277567103 -0.287725152 -0.300257661 0.175589055 -0.270975061 -0.562915247 0.696081462 1.089696189 YPL163C YPL163C ... SVS1 response to chemical substance molecular function unknown cell wall (sensu Fungi)* | YPL164C -0.846232025 -0.35181727 1.057507601 x 0.319099216 0.858238696 1.250440804 x 0.525245667 0.252642045 1.757857513 1.178511743 x YPL163C -0.045444265 0.233585633 0.211456978 0.198583273 -0.193617985 -0.260130623 -0.197761994 -0.12294956 1.037381931 0.868451162 0.034775118 0.01234279 0.128970117 0.575222623 0.435071327 0.298051326 0.342039135 0.197547619 0.343960594 0.614491896 0.487540833 0.558382153 -0.031602252 -0.102871541 0.082541199 0.372063191 0.591810992 0.123021843 0.285567151 -0.482432897 0.472274848 0.729742339 0.385589055 0.389024939 0.597084753 1.466081462 0.899696189 YPL164C YPL164C ... MLH3 meiotic recombination* molecular function unknown nucleus | YPL165C -0.160102513 -0.677356452 0.828928479 x -0.121417012 0.439874032 0.628331595 x 0.373792 0.027708828 0.88194161 0.627570227 x YPL164C 0.20474456 -0.016225542 -0.358354197 0.368772098 0.56657084 0.290058202 0.002426831 0.197239265 0.547570756 -0.121360013 0.044963943 0.262531615 0.549158942 0.595411448 0.235260152 0.238240151 0.12222796 0.237736444 0.274149419 0.184680721 0.207729658 0.168570978 0.128586573 0.157317284 0.122730024 1.142252016 1.251999817 -0.016789332 0.035755976 0.587755928 0.192463673 0.419931164 0.32577788 -0.010786236 -0.312726422 0.786270287 1.159885014 YPL165C YPL165C iESR cluster SET6 biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YPL166W 1.815480104 -0.427915096 -1.546820503 x 0.28934259 -0.946571186 -0.861766652 x -1.069671 0.329105628 0.154744837 -1.748558397 x YPL165C 0.539423568 #VALUE! -0.103675189 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.628081727 #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.540357049 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.062415452 -0.571171573 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 1.256931024 -0.003321175 0.147889676 #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.342857319 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.708047414 -0.209050705 0.384564022 YPL166W YPL166W Ö iESR cluster ATG29 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Autophagy-specific protein that is required for recruitment of other ATG proteins to the pre-autophagosomal structure (PAS); interacts with Atg17p and localizas to the PAS in a manner interdependent with Atg17p and Cis1p; not conservedYPL167C 0.036784098 0.604964279 1.182687986 x 0.367099563 0.997202326 1.027292436 x 1.366258667 -0.376008182 1.061360581 0.318043297 x YPL166W -0.285966335 #VALUE! -0.019065092 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.058284064 2.16652837 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.174253048 #VALUE! -0.461551953 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.031517065 -0.342974451 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.387018763 #VALUE! -0.162124322 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.131288922 -0.207500227 -0.534954919 #VALUE! -0.308247222 0.029220269 #VALUE! -0.301497131 -0.293437317 0.775559392 0.759174119 YPL171C YPL171C ... OYE3 biological process unknown NADPH dehydrogenase activity cellular component unknown | YPL172C #N/A #N/A #N/A x -0.305790541 2.646626445 2.585281606 x 0.459804 0.985935868 2.51597785 1.758451839 x YPL171C -0.307944265 -0.198914367 -0.281043022 0.116083273 -0.336117985 -0.642630623 0.509738006 0.31455044 2.874881931 2.695951162 0.102275118 1.04984279 0.986470117 2.372722623 2.702571327 0.165551326 0.139539135 0.465047619 0.501460594 1.121991896 0.745040833 0.705882153 0.805897748 1.214628459 1.320041199 1.409563191 1.629310992 0.910521843 0.863067151 -0.074932897 0.509774848 1.457242339 2.053089055 0.546524939 0.674584753 1.373581462 1.277196189 YPL183C YPL183C Ö PAC cluster RTT10 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Cytoplasmic protein with a role in regulation of Ty1 transpositionYPL183W-A 0.121474616 -0.26217834 -0.438076691 x -0.046522698 -0.165103804 -0.093327827 x -0.223226 -0.040268152 0.447253371 -0.436110358 x YPL183C 0.092055735 0.071085633 0.118956978 0.086083273 -0.066117985 -0.002630623 -0.420261994 -0.46544956 -1.465118069 -1.004048838 -0.667724882 -0.35015721 0.206470117 -0.777277377 -0.537428673 -0.514448674 -0.230460865 -0.084952381 -0.038539406 -0.218008104 -0.144959167 -0.584117847 -0.114102252 -0.225371541 -0.509958801 1.099563191 0.859310992 -0.029478157 -0.056932849 -0.084932897 -0.450225152 -0.672757661 -0.406910945 -0.243475061 -0.345415247 0.663581462 0.817196189 YPL189W YPL189W ... GUP2 glycerol transport O-acyltransferase activity membrane | YPL190C 0.407103465 0.077342719 -0.505608077 x 0.285067165 -0.517616614 -0.687057825 x 0.807561667 0.736943439 2.384163857 0.0727166 x YPL189W -0.46525544 -0.456225542 -0.268354197 #VALUE! -0.57342916 -0.689941798 0.792426831 #VALUE! -0.462429244 -0.191360013 -0.555036057 0.252531615 0.389158942 0.385411448 0.465260152 -0.441759849 -0.44777204 -0.022263556 0.254149419 1.074680721 1.487729658 0.018570978 -0.471413427 -0.582682716 -0.917269976 1.862252016 1.231999817 0.583210668 0.885755976 -1.372244072 -0.887536327 -0.070068836 -0.20422212 -0.480786236 -0.442726422 2.046270287 1.969885014 YPL191C YPL191C ... YPL191C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YPL192C -0.050431028 0.161230874 0.565621312 x 0.055454049 0.607772934 0.86011446 x 0.57411 -0.411697766 0.51823559 0.292010571 x YPL191C -0.032944265 -0.353914367 -0.296043022 -0.158916727 0.008882015 -0.127630623 0.104738006 0.04955044 0.319881931 0.230951162 0.457275118 0.10484279 -0.238529883 0.117722623 0.307571327 0.240551326 0.194539135 0.020047619 -0.003539406 0.296991896 -0.019959167 -0.089117847 0.040897748 0.189628459 0.275041199 1.014563191 0.814310992 -0.094478157 -0.021932849 -0.069932897 0.074774848 0.252242339 0.408089055 0.071524939 0.499584753 1.068581462 0.972196189 YPL196W YPL196W iESR cluster OXR1 response to oxidative stress molecular function unknown mitochondrion | YPL197C -1.079779002 -0.648894617 0.808252644 x -0.049769945 0.719811377 0.806740412 x 0.491291333 -0.495820197 0.76254795 0.584850273 x YPL196W 0.027055735 -0.183914367 -0.176043022 -0.068916727 -0.021117985 -0.057630623 0.024738006 1.24955044 0.849881931 0.620951162 0.507275118 0.19484279 -0.038529883 0.177722623 0.237571327 0.090551326 0.214539135 0.150047619 0.236460594 0.116991896 0.150040833 0.120882153 0.080897748 0.369628459 0.525041199 1.174563191 1.114310992 -0.054478157 -0.031932849 0.250067103 0.244774848 0.142242339 0.418089055 0.341524939 0.479584753 1.128581462 1.132196189 YPL203W YPL203W iESR cluster TPK2 protein amino acid phosphoryla protein serine/threonine kinase actcytoplasm* | YPL204W -0.496266941 -0.443979678 0.377451533 x -0.040008989 0.662300325 0.959281031 x 0.239896 -0.330264299 1.154065777 0.166718166 x YPL203W -0.260444265 -0.231414367 -0.163543022 -0.146416727 0.121382015 -0.255130623 0.267238006 -0.16794956 0.202381931 0.133451162 -0.410224882 0.22734279 0.243970117 -0.019777377 -0.279928673 0.213051326 -0.012960865 -0.237452381 -0.171039406 -0.240508104 -0.237459167 0.013382153 -0.166602252 -0.367871541 0.017541199 0.807063191 0.866810992 -0.051978157 -0.149432849 -0.047432897 0.567274848 0.004742339 -0.289410945 -0.075975061 0.272084753 1.381081462 1.294696189 YPL207W "YPL207W Ö PAC cluster TYW1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Protein required for the synthesis of wybutosine, a modified guanosine found at the 3'-position adjacent to the anticodon of phenylalanine tRNA which supports reading frame maintenance by stabilizing codon-anticodon interactionsYPL208W" -0.165568809 -0.621746256 -0.631349753 x -0.102821893 -0.106301317 0.007472032 x -0.337716667 0.033613989 0.64633686 -0.268942814 x YPL207W -0.095444265 -0.036414367 0.061456978 -0.061416727 -0.243617985 -0.160130623 -0.367761994 -0.41294956 -1.372618069 -1.031548838 -0.545224882 -0.51765721 -0.321029883 -0.114777377 -0.314928673 -0.041948674 -0.267960865 0.147547619 0.073960594 -0.025508104 0.147540833 -0.241617847 -0.021602252 -0.502871541 -0.527458801 0.762063191 0.771810992 -0.536978157 -0.304432849 -0.082432897 -0.537725152 0.019742339 -0.104410945 -0.290975061 -0.362915247 0.456081462 0.659696189 YPL211W YPL211W PAC cluster NIP7 rRNA processing* molecular function unknown nucleolus* | YPL212C -0.211840733 -0.735357014 -0.597902116 x 0.06981233 -0.169604047 -0.110810366 x -1.089070667 -0.074931965 0.108721075 -0.455364827 x YPL211W -0.007944265 -0.118914367 0.288956978 0.086083273 -0.026117985 0.057369377 -0.180261994 -0.26544956 -1.085118069 -0.844048838 -0.017724882 -0.34015721 0.046470117 0.052722623 0.282571327 0.005551326 0.179539135 -0.114952381 -0.208539406 -0.188008104 0.015040833 -0.294117847 0.295897748 0.094628459 -0.249958801 1.049563191 0.859310992 -0.249478157 -0.106932849 0.275067103 -0.420225152 -0.142757661 0.063089055 0.016524939 -0.155415247 0.323581462 0.667196189 YPL214C YPL214C ... THI6 thiamin biosynthesis hydroxyethylthiazole kinase activitcytoplasm | YPL215W -0.364838027 -0.586745133 0.418495285 x -0.252980955 0.510477905 0.503524883 x 0.759138667 -0.019764901 0.281326053 0.053009929 x YPL214C 0.002055735 0.071085633 -0.051043022 0.006083273 0.083882015 -0.042630623 0.199738006 0.23455044 1.844881931 1.775951162 0.082275118 0.06984279 0.216470117 0.152722623 0.132571327 0.045551326 0.009539135 0.165047619 0.231460594 0.251991896 0.135040833 0.075882153 0.095897748 -0.155371541 0.040041199 1.099563191 1.089310992 0.110521843 -0.036932849 -0.514932897 -0.120225152 0.237242339 0.043089055 -0.113475061 -0.015415247 1.273581462 1.057196189 YPL219W YPL219W ... PCL8 regulation of glycogen biosynt cyclin-dependent protein kinase regcyclin-dependent protein kinase hol | YPL220W -0.780842333 -0.466830867 0.635391378 x -0.254447926 -0.024239481 0.465254656 x 0.919591333 -0.297735445 0.791984625 0.358522279 x YPL219W -0.215444265 -0.106414367 -0.118543022 -0.071416727 -0.163617985 -0.310130623 -0.167761994 -0.33294956 -0.132618069 0.268451162 0.104775118 0.06234279 -0.041029883 -0.404777377 0.025071327 -0.231948674 -0.107960865 -0.232452381 -0.356039406 0.054491896 -0.082459167 -0.041617847 -0.071602252 0.017128459 0.172541199 0.742063191 0.651810992 -0.446978157 -0.334432849 -0.082432897 0.512274848 -0.150257661 -0.064410945 0.049024939 0.407084753 1.166081462 0.889696189 YPL221W YPL221W Ö FLC1 (BOP1) DNA replication initiation* chromatin binding* cytoplasm* | Putative FAD transporter; required for uptake of FAD into endoplasmic reticulum; involved in cell wall maintenanceYPL222W -0.372386603 0.157014887 0.861803446 x -0.006424654 0.401515043 0.396438297 x 0.683809 0.031669909 1.981819866 0.845800383 x YPL221W -0.252944265 0.166085633 0.133956978 -0.018916727 -0.001117985 0.112369377 0.294738006 0.21955044 -0.010118069 0.180951162 0.237275118 0.52484279 0.161470117 0.227722623 0.177571327 0.150551326 0.144539135 -0.009952381 0.126460594 0.366991896 0.350040833 0.240882153 -0.239102252 -0.000371541 0.285041199 1.094563191 1.424310992 0.355521843 0.448067151 -0.159932897 0.494774848 0.212242339 0.088089055 0.421524939 0.539584753 2.148581462 1.802196189 YPL222W YPL222W ... FMP40 biological process unknown molecular function unknown mitochondrion | YPL223C -1.155562502 -0.518727019 1.769431242 x 0.414325538 0.425323122 0.685237697 x 1.163104667 0.326519859 1.584139931 0.84518511 x YPL222W -0.362944265 -0.073914367 -0.386043022 -0.438916727 -0.021117985 -0.057630623 0.054738006 0.02955044 1.319881931 1.360951162 0.157275118 0.55484279 0.531470117 0.577722623 0.547571327 0.030551326 -0.025460865 -0.609952381 -0.293539406 -0.603008104 -0.979959167 0.560882153 -0.049102252 -0.030371541 0.535041199 0.994563191 1.134310992 0.525521843 0.388067151 0.280067103 1.054774848 1.052242339 0.448089055 0.321524939 0.649584753 1.848581462 1.412196189 YPL223C YPL223C ... GRE1 response to stress* molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YPL224C #N/A #N/A #N/A x 1.578853622 0.978803124 0.30910009 x 0.7976055 -0.011806392 4.410225797 2.424698471 x YPL223C -0.197944265 0.541085633 0.078956978 -0.253916727 0.393882015 0.817369377 2.689738006 2.10455044 2.664881931 2.905951162 0.592275118 0.22984279 -0.413529883 1.132722623 1.642571327 0.535551326 0.599539135 -0.074952381 0.461460594 -0.178008104 -0.574959167 0.785882153 0.675897748 0.584628459 0.850041199 0.859563191 1.109310992 0.060521843 0.123067151 -0.004932897 0.779774848 1.417242339 1.213089055 0.586524939 0.744584753 1.753581462 1.037196189 YPL224C YPL224C ... MMT2 iron ion homeostasis molecular function unknown mitochondrion* | YPL225W 0.374455345 0.314438792 0.28147579 x -0.08112164 0.45425439 0.685125952 x 0.451132 -0.196868311 0.98227437 0.196899772 x YPL224C -0.167944265 -0.048914367 -0.251043022 -0.143916727 -0.186117985 -0.302630623 -0.070261994 -0.29544956 -0.085118069 -0.024048838 -0.017724882 0.04984279 0.066470117 0.052722623 0.062571327 0.175551326 -0.000460865 -0.124952381 0.021460594 -0.078008104 -0.084959167 0.405882153 0.035897748 -0.245371541 -0.019958801 0.579563191 0.669310992 -0.019478157 -0.056932849 -0.394932897 -0.000225152 0.437242339 0.113089055 0.016524939 0.234584753 1.153581462 0.997196189 YPL230W "YPL230W Ö iESR cluster USV1 biological process unknown molecular function unknown | Putative transcription factor containing a C2H2 zinc finger; mutation affects transcriptional regulation of genes involved in growth on non-fermentable carbon sources, response to salt stress and cell wall biosynthesisYPL231W" #N/A #N/A #N/A x 1.515048803 3.24653603 2.297651231 x 2.384907667 0.607926576 2.207844539 2.768764675 x YPL230W -0.250444265 -0.101414367 -0.233543022 -0.266416727 0.211382015 -0.025130623 0.637238006 0.67205044 1.702381931 2.393451162 0.439775118 0.41734279 0.623970117 0.440222623 1.070071327 -0.246948674 0.327039135 0.022547619 0.268960594 -0.220508104 0.182540833 0.283382153 0.343397748 1.392128459 1.247541199 0.507063191 0.566810992 0.638021843 0.380567151 0.762567103 1.467274848 0.204742339 0.660589055 0.574024939 1.102084753 1.441081462 1.104696189 YPL245W YPL245W PAC cluster YPL245W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YPL246C 0.937976035 -0.52179444 -0.524894217 x 0.270308812 0.239638673 -0.020729 x 0.380231333 0.050061293 0.475929825 -0.050863269 x YPL245W -0.150444265 0.078585633 0.056456978 0.083583273 0.391382015 0.434869377 0.357238006 0.44205044 -0.407618069 -0.066548838 -0.740224882 -0.36265721 0.273970117 -0.279777377 -0.099928673 -0.036948674 0.197039135 0.422547619 0.358960594 0.169491896 0.302540833 0.193382153 0.483397748 0.152128459 0.067541199 0.837063191 0.726810992 0.178021843 0.270567151 -0.497432897 -0.362725152 -0.505257661 -0.279410945 -0.085975061 0.242084753 0.561081462 0.454696189 YPL247C YPL247C ... YPL247C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YPL248C -0.071021026 -0.032144928 0.736697673 x -0.197317115 0.587816237 0.61938518 x 0.709384667 -0.338043107 1.139683631 0.21295482 x YPL247C -0.247944265 -0.128914367 -0.041043022 0.006083273 -0.116117985 -0.272630623 0.619738006 0.50455044 0.764881931 0.965951162 -0.107724882 0.10984279 -0.083529883 0.112722623 0.082571327 0.105551326 -0.020460865 -0.364952381 -0.058539406 -0.068008104 -0.264959167 0.685882153 0.055897748 -0.125371541 0.270041199 0.639563191 0.799310992 -0.099478157 0.003067151 -0.204932897 0.599774848 0.137242339 -0.076910945 0.246524939 0.564584753 1.323581462 0.917196189 YPL248C "YPL248C ... GAL4 regulation of transcription, D transcriptional activator activity nucleus | YPL249C" -0.579989552 0.306671083 1.859984969 x 0.436172377 0.760523237 0.66319197 x 1.265241 0.230907022 1.353412586 1.306118971 x YPL248C #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! YPL258C YPL258C ... THI21 thiamin biosynthesis phosphomethylpyrimidine kinase acticellular component unknown | YPL259C -0.082084221 -0.340761316 1.026645372 x 0.137527313 0.865064744 0.426262573 x 1.411322667 -0.10368197 1.261086025 0.243726584 x YPL258C -0.085444265 -0.106414367 -0.058543022 0.028583273 -0.123617985 -0.200130623 -0.197761994 -0.47294956 1.477381931 1.418451162 -0.065224882 0.01234279 0.158970117 0.095222623 0.065071327 -0.011948674 0.012039135 -0.172452381 -0.196039406 -0.105508104 -0.062459167 -0.051617847 -0.121602252 0.357128459 0.412541199 0.902063191 1.081810992 0.103021843 0.025567151 -0.262432897 -0.067725152 0.179742339 0.155589055 -0.110975061 0.157084753 1.106081462 0.829696189 YPL272C YPL272C ... YPL272C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YPL273W -0.812885053 -1.172793675 1.770766888 x 0.675766036 2.375523166 2.90272766 x 1.235158 -0.078867179 0.563869619 0.492048892 x YPL272C -0.340444265 -0.051414367 -0.213543022 -0.016416727 0.071382015 -0.135130623 0.387238006 0.43205044 0.732381931 0.733451162 0.139775118 0.10734279 0.223970117 -0.259777377 -0.109928673 -0.146948674 0.177039135 0.082547619 -0.011039406 0.339491896 0.262540833 0.203382153 0.173397748 0.172128459 0.287541199 0.707063191 0.906810992 0.188021843 0.220567151 -0.317432897 -0.022725152 -0.305257661 -0.329410945 0.154024939 0.592084753 1.131081462 0.884696189 YPL277C YPL277C ... YPL277C biological process unknown molecular function unknown membrane fraction | YPL278C 0.619321124 0.121697535 1.838059955 x 0.706204425 1.500452012 1.401696861 x 1.120167667 -0.135025339 2.15771947 0.399169546 x YPL277C -0.267944265 -0.458914367 -0.381043022 -0.243916727 -0.076117985 -0.142630623 0.089738006 -0.33544956 0.914881931 0.755951162 -0.187724882 0.01984279 0.156470117 0.472722623 0.472571327 0.055551326 -0.030460865 -0.174952381 -0.188539406 -0.028008104 -0.344959167 0.505882153 0.235897748 0.474628459 0.550041199 0.919563191 1.019310992 0.560521843 0.583067151 -0.314932897 -0.180225152 0.527242339 0.293089055 0.836524939 0.814584753 1.333581462 0.967196189 YPR002W YPR002W ... PDH1 propionate metabolism molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YPR003C -1.324051721 -0.363292589 0.832468025 x 0.366415983 0.955046325 1.335442839 x 2.080707 0.646729162 2.143214046 1.242638027 x YPR002W -0.212944265 -0.073914367 -0.366043022 -0.638916727 2.168882015 2.112369377 2.024738006 2.40955044 3.079881931 2.070951162 1.467275118 1.14484279 0.661470117 1.757722623 1.247571327 0.530551326 0.264539135 0.170047619 0.266460594 -0.073008104 -0.049959167 0.240882153 0.260897748 1.139628459 1.095041199 0.644563191 0.894310992 1.225521843 0.618067151 0.210067103 0.274774848 0.922242339 0.718089055 0.871524939 0.909584753 0.968581462 1.102196189 YPR005C YPR005C ... HAL1 positive regulation of transcr molecular function unknown cytoplasm | YPR006C -0.698933227 -0.114394248 1.193902824 x 0.17622216 0.896638124 1.556314118 x 1.960299667 0.080709555 1.484226378 1.708313737 x YPR005C -0.211922107 0.107107791 0.544979136 0.062105431 -0.380095827 -0.356608465 0.495760164 0.500572598 2.740904089 2.16197332 -0.361702724 0.385864948 -0.047507725 -0.311255219 -0.181406515 0.251573484 0.185561293 -0.168930223 0.027482752 0.488014054 0.331062991 0.441904311 0.261919906 1.290650617 1.396063357 0.805585349 1.04533315 0.896544001 0.779089309 0.281089261 0.875797006 -0.156735503 -0.430888787 0.852547097 1.220606911 1.80960362 1.363218347 YPR006C YPR006C ... ICL2 propionate metabolism* methylisocitrate lyase activity mitochondrial matrix | YPR007C #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.03739567 1.697177777 2.521423358 x 0.543315 0.20452013 1.496462022 0.47728006 x YPR006C -0.082944265 -0.233914367 -0.156043022 0.001083273 0.198882015 0.172369377 0.744738006 0.46955044 0.289881931 0.370951162 0.487275118 0.55484279 0.381470117 0.667722623 0.687571327 0.210551326 0.104539135 -0.129952381 -0.163539406 0.206991896 0.160040833 0.170882153 0.290897748 -0.230371541 -0.184958801 1.094563191 1.184310992 0.385521843 0.388067151 -0.019932897 0.084774848 0.142242339 0.118089055 0.081524939 -0.070415247 1.138581462 1.172196189 YPR007C "YPR007C ... REC8 meiosis* binding ""condensed nuclear chromosome, peric"" | YPR008W" #N/A #N/A #N/A x 1.252014399 3.603020519 2.113167038 x 2.936383 3.310121706 4.278708595 3.513222584 x YPR007C #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! YPR015C YPR015C ... YPR015C biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YPR016C #N/A #N/A #N/A x -0.078578766 0.652749461 1.355029217 x 1.775252667 0.64470488 1.078743291 1.793539168 x YPR015C -0.478588774 -0.219558876 0.328312469 #VALUE! -0.226762494 -0.053275132 1.089093497 0.833905931 2.264237422 2.075306653 -0.168369391 0.379198281 0.095825608 0.602078114 1.261926818 0.144906817 0.448894626 -0.21559689 -0.269183915 #VALUE! 0.344396324 0.465237644 0.985253239 0.68398395 0.82939669 0.848918682 0.828666483 0.539877334 0.622422642 -0.825577406 0.089130339 0.23659783 0.032444546 0.22588043 0.703940244 1.152936953 0.73655168 YPR026W "YPR026W iESR cluster ATH1 response to stress* ""alpha,alpha-trehalase activity"" vacuole (sensu Fungi) | YPR027C" -0.169786021 -0.186590594 0.804551891 x 0.21162758 0.654807726 0.562405527 x 1.667274667 -0.064997835 1.786321364 1.128192884 x YPR026W -0.147944265 -0.378914367 -0.641043022 -0.513916727 0.043882015 -0.172630623 0.149738006 -0.18544956 1.084881931 0.645951162 0.262275118 0.62984279 0.146470117 0.322722623 0.222571327 -0.014448674 -0.040460865 0.005047619 0.131460594 -0.208008104 -0.114959167 0.225882153 0.105897748 0.164628459 0.620041199 0.669563191 0.979310992 0.210521843 0.073067151 0.245067103 0.619774848 0.407242339 0.443089055 0.226524939 0.514584753 1.413581462 1.147196189 YPR030W YPR030W ... CSR2 cell wall organization and bio molecular function unknown nucleus | YPR031W 0.219184798 0.325365473 2.246993462 x 0.799007395 1.022217556 0.86799298 x 3.472105333 0.070723232 2.777326702 2.176179696 x YPR030W -0.228588774 0.110441124 0.368312469 0.355438764 -0.026762494 -0.443275132 #VALUE! 1.513905931 2.344237422 1.695306653 0.231630609 0.569198281 0.415825608 1.292078114 1.081926818 0.054906817 0.438894626 -0.33559689 0.070816085 0.211347387 #VALUE! 0.425237644 0.055253239 1.03398395 0.66939669 0.638918682 0.848666483 0.199877334 -0.017577358 0.194422594 0.419130339 0.59659783 0.922444546 0.51588043 0.753940244 1.842936953 0.95655168 YPR041W YPR041W PAC cluster TIF5 regulation of translational in translation initiation factor activcytosolic small ribosomal subunit ( | YPR042C 0.024016408 -0.616727798 -0.453303608 x -0.048514428 -0.056938354 -0.079276502 x -0.435209667 -0.121514189 0.699206387 -0.341714588 x YPR041W -0.090444265 -0.001414367 -0.113543022 -0.206416727 -0.088617985 -0.015130623 -0.432761994 -0.47794956 -1.167618069 -0.746548838 -0.880224882 -0.26265721 0.153970117 0.010222623 -0.159928673 -0.076948674 -0.122960865 -0.167452381 -0.141039406 -0.310508104 -0.167459167 -0.076617847 -0.006602252 -0.387871541 -0.462458801 0.877063191 0.696810992 -0.031978157 0.090567151 -0.097432897 -0.382725152 -0.075257661 -0.059410945 -0.435975061 -0.377915247 0.881081462 0.894696189 YPR043W YPR043W RP cluster RPL43A protein biosynthesis structural constituent of ribosome cytosolic large ribosomal subunit ( | YPR044C -0.558190519 -0.590368218 -0.37887299 x -0.228297619 -0.274904902 -0.316244706 x -1.255917333 -0.160148186 0.536774562 -0.692962112 x YPR043W -0.007944265 -0.108914367 0.088956978 0.036083273 0.033882015 0.187369377 -0.000261994 0.03455044 -0.625118069 -0.634048838 -0.267724882 0.15984279 0.276470117 0.102722623 -0.057428673 0.055551326 0.009539135 0.165047619 0.171460594 0.121991896 0.215040833 0.005882153 0.165897748 -0.045371541 -0.019958801 1.199563191 1.169310992 -0.119478157 -0.026932849 0.015067103 -0.190225152 -0.342757661 -0.126910945 -0.183475061 -0.105415247 1.063581462 1.167196189 YPR065W YPR065W ... ROX1 negative regulation of transcr specific transcriptional repressor nuclear chromosome | YPR066W -0.325326405 -0.951849079 -0.584673268 x -0.114898645 -0.358399017 -0.142673358 x 0.409316 -0.158275467 0.331919623 -0.15194605 x YPR065W -0.032944265 -0.393914367 0.103956978 0.061083273 0.268882015 -0.007630623 0.004738006 -0.21044956 0.189881931 0.040951162 -0.352724882 -0.00515721 0.311470117 -0.702277377 -0.472428673 -0.009448674 -0.325460865 -0.219952381 -0.473539406 -0.023008104 -0.289959167 0.240882153 -0.399102252 -0.930371541 -0.344958801 0.994563191 0.274310992 -0.214478157 -0.451932849 -1.119932897 0.084774848 0.112242339 -0.481910945 -0.068475061 0.169584753 0.758581462 0.632196189 YPR078C YPR078C ... YPR078C meiosis* molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YPR079W #N/A #N/A #N/A x 0.875771177 -0.112612088 0.894994424 x 1.482567 #DIV/0! 0.90263891 1.845626604 x YPR078C #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.717677689 -0.925196016 #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.011541283 0.773271151 #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.049004171 #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.028556666 0.241292038 #VALUE! -0.151740154 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.084618459 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.118283902 #VALUE! 0.179242554 #VALUE! #VALUE! -0.151504441 #VALUE! 0.601809766 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! YPR079W YPR079W ... MRL1 vacuolar transport signal sequence binding cytoplasm* | YPR080W -0.575946821 -0.348912945 0.904321007 x -0.120408081 0.410204069 0.350796612 x 0.335378 0.034056149 1.872044021 0.289267006 x YPR079W -0.312944265 -0.333914367 -0.086043022 0.161083273 -0.511117985 -0.457630623 0.084738006 -0.22044956 0.009881931 -0.139048838 0.087275118 0.39484279 -0.148529883 0.417722623 0.337571327 0.280551326 -0.015460865 -0.169952381 -0.253539406 0.446991896 0.060040833 0.280882153 -0.009102252 0.119628459 0.095041199 0.804563191 1.174310992 0.215521843 0.138067151 -0.229932897 -0.075225152 0.602242339 0.218089055 -0.048475061 0.059584753 1.238581462 1.052196189 YPR110C YPR110C PAC cluster RPC40 transcription from RNA polymer DNA-directed RNA polymerase activitDNA-directed RNA polymerase III com | YPR111W -0.015265279 -0.684343108 -0.527118472 x 0.161045128 -0.16833145 -0.055074384 x -0.609269 -0.055608383 0.402558761 -0.344999396 x YPR110C 0.069555735 -0.051414367 0.216456978 0.043583273 0.061382015 0.144869377 -0.212761994 -0.26794956 -1.197618069 -0.996548838 -0.330224882 -0.18265721 0.283970117 0.040222623 -0.009928673 -0.156948674 0.007039135 0.022547619 -0.091039406 -0.070508104 0.082540833 -0.416617847 0.143397748 0.032128459 -0.412458801 1.107063191 0.856810992 0.018021843 0.060567151 0.042567103 -0.512725152 -0.475257661 0.040589055 -0.115975061 -0.237915247 0.481081462 0.744696189 YPR119W YPR119W ... CLB2 G2/M transition of mitotic cel cyclin-dependent protein kinase regcytoplasm* | YPR120C -0.459742252 -1.205446017 -0.7508501 x -0.088918406 -0.503310835 -0.534796035 x -0.800748 -0.369029333 -0.272574511 -0.407160678 x YPR119W -0.257944265 -0.098914367 -0.031043022 -0.243916727 -0.466117985 -0.412630623 -0.540261994 -0.38544956 -1.675118069 -1.424048838 -1.517724882 -0.19015721 -0.223529883 -0.627277377 -0.977428673 -0.454448674 -0.480460865 -0.304952381 -0.258539406 -0.598008104 -0.374959167 -0.514117847 -0.524102252 -0.605371541 -0.869958801 0.149563191 0.269310992 -0.459478157 -0.436932849 -0.744932897 -0.910225152 -0.532757661 -0.656910945 -0.573475061 -0.515415247 0.353581462 0.407196189 YPR127W YPR127W ... YPR127W biological process unknown molecular function unknown cytoplasm* | YPR128C -0.041351036 -0.413641589 0.972870926 x -0.035152985 -0.124362876 0.295024195 x 0.613317 -0.208183442 1.450297649 0.020267814 x YPR127W -0.365444265 0.023585633 -0.148543022 -0.241416727 -0.073617985 -0.020130623 0.272238006 0.31705044 0.717381931 0.788451162 -0.475224882 0.18234279 0.078970117 -0.564777377 -0.414928673 0.058051326 -0.067960865 -0.182452381 -0.116039406 0.034491896 -0.112459167 0.378382153 -0.031602252 -0.522871541 0.012541199 0.882063191 0.991810992 0.183021843 0.185567151 -0.182432897 0.262274848 -0.320257661 -0.604410945 -0.300975061 -0.132915247 1.476081462 1.269696189 YPR160W YPR160W ... GPH1 glycogen catabolism glycogen phosphorylase activity cytoplasm | YPR161C -1.232102273 0.849958661 4.70328064 x 0.849046947 4.21081345 4.471371069 x 2.596029667 -0.250777064 1.153243593 2.837443218 x YPR160W 0.439555735 0.358585633 -1.033543022 -0.536416727 0.481382015 -0.195130623 0.577238006 0.44205044 5.032381931 4.563451162 -0.640224882 -0.00265721 -0.896029883 -0.459777377 0.730071327 -0.946948674 -0.212960865 -1.117452381 -0.551039406 -1.040508104 -1.237459167 -0.326617847 -0.386602252 2.182128459 2.497541199 0.497063191 0.646810992 -0.291978157 -0.229432849 3.062567103 3.637274848 -0.215257661 0.320589055 2.324024939 2.252084753 1.581081462 0.594696189 YPR163C YPR163C PAC cluster TIF3 translational initiation translation initiation factor activribosome | YPR164W 0.058505616 -0.792762015 -0.802000672 x -0.04956812 -0.126034807 -0.038987093 x -0.966156333 -0.098956704 0.131960759 -0.371545726 x YPR163C 0.114555735 -0.026414367 0.071456978 -0.051416727 -0.073617985 -0.320130623 -0.577761994 -0.60294956 -0.502618069 -0.871548838 -0.195224882 -0.21765721 -0.121029883 0.065222623 -0.114928673 -0.041948674 0.152039135 0.027547619 -0.106039406 -0.145508104 -0.072459167 -0.531617847 -0.011602252 0.007128459 -0.417458801 1.182063191 1.121810992 -0.006978157 0.025567151 0.107567103 -0.697725152 -0.010257661 0.055589055 -0.290975061 -0.522915247 0.716081462 0.889696189 YPR167C YPR167C ... MET16 methionine metabolism* phosphoadenylyl-sulfate reductase (cytoplasm* | YPR168W -0.346302722 -0.312658431 1.30421798 x -1.177223061 0.390036711 1.246204402 x 0.872506 -0.506311 0.275473501 -0.632787468 x YPR167C 0.302055735 0.081085633 0.608956978 0.116083273 -0.306117985 -0.422630623 0.139738006 0.09455044 -0.795118069 -0.974048838 1.582275118 0.21984279 -0.303529883 0.492722623 0.622571327 0.745551326 0.839539135 -0.214952381 -0.338539406 0.151991896 -0.054959167 -0.024117847 0.175897748 0.194628459 0.180041199 0.479563191 0.589310992 0.850521843 0.813067151 1.125067103 1.399774848 0.777242339 0.833089055 0.046524939 -0.425415247 -0.036418538 0.137196189 YPR184W YPR184W iESR cluster GDB1 glycogen catabolism 4-alpha-glucanotransferase activitycytoplasm* | YPR185W 0.188859898 -0.116883254 1.45283459 x 0.621829717 1.021737137 1.101178676 x 1.157596 0.103663596 1.425334447 1.466133509 x YPR184W -0.107944265 0.281085633 -0.241043022 -0.363916727 0.363882015 0.427369377 0.749738006 1.55455044 2.324881931 2.475951162 0.172275118 0.46984279 0.146470117 0.522722623 0.482571327 0.235551326 0.129539135 -0.074952381 0.331460594 -0.408008104 -0.724959167 0.835882153 0.275897748 0.704628459 1.240041199 1.069563191 1.219310992 0.520521843 0.593067151 0.755067103 1.609774848 0.687242339 0.433089055 0.896524939 1.144584753 1.533581462 1.157196189 YPR185W YPR185W ... ATG13 protein-vacuolar targeting* protein binding extrinsic to membrane | YPR186C -0.462532181 -0.384508651 0.602148259 x -0.103243794 0.319262001 0.782737616 x 0.100984 -0.214340669 1.039511566 0.474323611 x YPR185W 0.057055735 -0.153914367 -0.166043022 -0.088916727 0.118882015 0.042369377 0.054738006 0.17955044 0.369881931 -0.219048838 0.107275118 0.16484279 0.011470117 0.257722623 0.127571327 -0.039448674 -0.015460865 -0.119952381 -0.103539406 -0.073008104 -0.149959167 -0.299117847 -0.149102252 0.059628459 -0.124958801 0.934563191 1.034310992 0.045521843 -0.011932849 -0.079932897 -0.125225152 0.242242339 0.358089055 -0.118475061 -0.120415247 0.998581462 0.942196189 YPR193C YPR193C ... HPA2 histone acetylation histone acetyltransferase activity cytoplasm | YPR194C 0.265561748 -0.714549799 0.813175936 x -0.775072769 1.377903855 1.742449755 x 1.932518667 0.668141581 1.78626204 2.289849402 x YPR193C 0.014555735 0.343585633 -0.748543022 -0.691416727 0.406382015 0.839869377 -0.027761994 2.24705044 2.327381931 2.028451162 1.234775118 0.35234279 0.558970117 0.455222623 0.595071327 0.548051326 0.732039135 0.237547619 0.363960594 -0.525508104 -0.792459167 0.348382153 0.378397748 1.467128459 1.172541199 0.622063191 0.991810992 0.413021843 0.315567151 0.807567103 0.392274848 0.369742339 0.175589055 1.009024939 0.767084753 0.786081462 1.069696189 Q0250 Q0250 ... COX2 aerobic respiration* cytochrome-c oxidase activity respiratory chain complex IV (sensu | Q0255 -1.216580205 0.137806371 0.569440661 x -0.315845257 0.524736984 0.646330421 x -10.32745833 -0.260493141 -0.173299548 0.440329033 x YBR056W-A YBR056W-A ... YBR056W-A biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YBR057C 0.967400633 -0.820875117 1.821662932 x 0.341400135 0.740136583 0.638841933 x 2.315352667 -0.260595768 0.749721578 1.623712771 x YBR191W-A YBR191W-A ... | YBR192W -0.614807703 -0.7622165 -0.969163488 x 0.005917401 -0.496764974 -0.889674031 x -0.980577 -0.148588929 -0.331826349 -1.409522444 x YFR052C-A "YFR052C-A Ö Dubious Dubious open reading frame unlikely to encode a functional protein, based on available experimental and comparative sequence dataYGL014C-A" #N/A #N/A #N/A x #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 3.110280025 x #N/A -0.431574056 -1.862895842 0.868674231 x YGL194C-A YGL194C-A YGL194C-A YKL023C-A -0.211160651 -0.878302132 0.548572014 x 0.102702405 0.921867768 1.239155294 x 0.150780333 -0.131448101 0.016773892 0.174465921 x YGR174W-A YGR174W-A ... YGR174W-A biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YGR175C #N/A #N/A #N/A x -1.124228822 0.433095518 2.37331443 x #N/A -0.011806392 0.224567 2.677316125 x YHR032W-A YHR032W-A | YHR033W 0.163982058 -0.363992629 -0.331408649 x 0.959648169 -0.701754875 -0.288179322 x -0.239008 0.935958975 0.895941221 0.781312645 x YHR137C-A YHR137C-A | YHR137W #N/A #N/A #N/A x 1.993891122 1.978803124 1.952733029 x 0.136939 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! x YIL066W-A YIL066W-A | YIL067C #N/A #N/A #N/A x #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! x #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! x YJR005C-A YJR005C-A ... YJR005C-A biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YJR005W #N/A #N/A #N/A x 2.021885375 4.168823504 3.86946721 x #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! x YMR315W-A YMR315W-A ... YMR315W-A biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YMR316C-A #N/A #N/A #N/A x -0.295937665 0.995998575 1.254600513 x 2.215382 -1.207965103 0.639604499 1.238443999 x YOR020W-A YOR020W-A ... YOR020W-A biological process unknown molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YOR021C -0.710674046 -1.119588231 0.266426399 x 0.008241388 0.41435507 0.995719169 x 0.558843 -2.22E-05 0.226319881 1.710634721 x YPR036W-A YPR036W-A ... YPR036W-A response to drug molecular function unknown cellular component unknown | YPR037C -0.075114583 0.107525921 0.569181444 x -0.498432323 0.125949775 0.588376465 x 1.840994333 -0.355402725 1.725373205 -0.567763275 x