Variable_Name,Informations Classif_MMHC,"Multitask Multimodal Hierarchical Classification (MMHC) classification used in the paper. Hierarchical classification based both on language task-induced asymmetries and on resting-state organization within the SENT_CORE network (described in Labache et al. 2019). The agglomerative hierarchical procedure resulted in the identification of 3 clusters. We will refer to these clusters as groups varying in their «language organization»: TYP_STRONG, TYP_MILD and ATYP." mainPrincipalComponents_cognitiveAbilities,Qualitative variable indicating the principal component of cognitive ability considered. estimated_loadings,Least square mean of the principal component of cognitive ability. lowerBound_95percent_confidence_intervals,Upper bound of the 95% confidence interval of the least square mean principal component upperBound_95percent_confidence_intervals,Lower bound of the 95% confidence interval of the least square mean principal component 95percent_confidence_intervals,95% confidence interval of the least square mean principal component